Why bother with this latest scandal from the criminal Barack Administration?


Gold Member
Nov 20, 2012
So they ordered the Census Bureau to fake unemployment numbers one month before the 2012 presidential election to make Barack’s camp look better? So what? The mainstream media doesn’t care, they will do their routine look the other way pose. What has been done about the despicable IRS targeting conservative group scandal, the Justice Dept illegally probing journalist personal information scandal especially the Fox reporter, attorney general Holder perjuring himself, Fast and Furious, GSA sickening spending tax payer money on movies and parties, ignoring the Black Panther voter intimidation, ACORN criminal activities, and of course Benghazi --- how dare they let that one go?!!!

Party loyalty must be what makes some people tick. Stronger and more compassionate bonds than their loyalty to the Almighty it appears to me. Unbelievable what the mainstream media allows to go unreported, what congress allows to go unpunished, what the American people are willing to accept and pretend it’s all unimportant fluff. This administration is corrupt to the core.

Issa, Farenthold, Brady to Probe Census Fraud Allegations
Don't you ever get tired of being played for a UsefulIdiot by your right wing puppetmasters?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=937A1ELVyUs]Wolf Howls - YouTube[/ame]
Just adding to the list of high crimes and misdeameanors they've been tabulating. Yaneverno when a list of those might come in handy, say in 2014 after the GOP takes back the Senate and exercises the Nuclear Option for its impeachment vote removing Barack Obama from office. They do say "Payback is a bitch", yano.
When Harry Reid gets apoplectic on the Senate Floor about that turn of events then starts having multiple seizures followed by his swallowing of his tongue, they can wash his mouth out with a turd before trying to resucitate him.
Just adding to the list of high crimes and misdeameanors they've been tabulating. Yaneverno when a list of those might come in handy, say in 2014 after the GOP takes back the Senate and exercises the Nuclear Option for its impeachment vote removing Barack Obama from office. They do say "Payback is a bitch", yano.
When Harry Reid gets apoplectic on the Senate Floor about that turn of events then starts having multiple seizures followed by his swallowing of his tongue, they can wash his mouth out with a turd before trying to resucitate him.

To convict and remove a president takes a 2/3rds vote in the senate. Not a Senate rule. Spelled out in the Constitution.

Haha that's funny considering the RR Goddess Sarah.......and what was that dumb shits name......who wanted to essentially the same to her :eek:
So they ordered the Census Bureau to fake unemployment numbers one month before the 2012 presidential election to make Barack’s camp look better? So what? The mainstream media doesn’t care, they will do their routine look the other way pose. What has been done about the despicable IRS targeting conservative group scandal, the Justice Dept illegally probing journalist personal information scandal especially the Fox reporter, attorney general Holder perjuring himself, Fast and Furious, GSA sickening spending tax payer money on movies and parties, ignoring the Black Panther voter intimidation, ACORN criminal activities, and of course Benghazi --- how dare they let that one go?!!!

Party loyalty must be what makes some people tick. Stronger and more compassionate bonds than their loyalty to the Almighty it appears to me. Unbelievable what the mainstream media allows to go unreported, what congress allows to go unpunished, what the American people are willing to accept and pretend it’s all unimportant fluff. This administration is corrupt to the core.

Issa, Farenthold, Brady to l]

Where on earth are you getting the idea that Obama ordered it or even knew about it? The original article doesn't even imply that, but you're treating it as fact. At most it was stated that it "might have" had an effect on the data, though that hasn't been shown to be true. Curb-stoning happens...that's why there are penalties against it and proceedures to catch it. There's zero reason any president would be involved at such a low level.

And note I'm not a Democrat and I voted for McCain and Romney against Obama.

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