Why Can't Democratic Party Make Up It's Mind? Are Pro-Life Dems Welcome Or Not?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
DCCC reverses course: "No interest" in working with pro-life Dem group - Hot Air

"Pro-life Democrats must feel like they’ve sustained whiplash over the last few months. First, DNC chair Tom Perez declares that the party is off-limits to pro-life candidates. Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin grudgingly allows that they can think pro-life, but must vote pro-abortion. Perez later launches an effort to mollify pro-abortion Democrats, which encouraged Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chair Ben Ray Lujan to announce that abortion will not be a litmus test when recruiting House candidates in the 2018 midterms.

Get ready for yet another flip-flop.
The Atlantic reports that the DCCC is fully committed to abortion on demand, and don’t even want to talk with pro-lifers...

This is utterly bizarre, especially given the election results over the last four cycles for Democrats in the House. They’ve roped off large swaths of the country with their all-in for abortion on demand and other progressive-agenda priorities. Democrats desperately need to broaden their reach, but instead are telling the 23-25% of Democrats that are pro-life that they’re not welcome at all. How exactly will that help them in the vast number of districts outside of the college towns and coastal enclaves to which the DCCC and other party leadership are clearly pandering?"

Do they accept Pro-Life Democrats or do they not?
Do they want to won another election or do they not?

Snowflake leadership just can't seem to make up their minds...

They have no leadership, no message, no direction, and they are still focused on pushing 'Hate' / 'We hate Trump'...

Yeah, it is unfair of the Democrats not to allow pro-lifers into their party, especially since the Republicans just elected a pro-abortion New Yorker.
Ostensibly, both parties have some sort of clearly stated core principles that are sacrosanct. Truly, however, I have no idea of what they are for the Democratic or Republican party. Best as I can tell, each just wants to see win elected office individuals who agree to appending the Democrat or Republican label to their name.
DCCC reverses course: "No interest" in working with pro-life Dem group - Hot Air

"Pro-life Democrats must feel like they’ve sustained whiplash over the last few months. First, DNC chair Tom Perez declares that the party is off-limits to pro-life candidates. Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin grudgingly allows that they can think pro-life, but must vote pro-abortion. Perez later launches an effort to mollify pro-abortion Democrats, which encouraged Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chair Ben Ray Lujan to announce that abortion will not be a litmus test when recruiting House candidates in the 2018 midterms.

Get ready for yet another flip-flop.
The Atlantic reports that the DCCC is fully committed to abortion on demand, and don’t even want to talk with pro-lifers...

This is utterly bizarre, especially given the election results over the last four cycles for Democrats in the House. They’ve roped off large swaths of the country with their all-in for abortion on demand and other progressive-agenda priorities. Democrats desperately need to broaden their reach, but instead are telling the 23-25% of Democrats that are pro-life that they’re not welcome at all. How exactly will that help them in the vast number of districts outside of the college towns and coastal enclaves to which the DCCC and other party leadership are clearly pandering?"

Do they accept Pro-Life Democrats or do they not?
Do they want to won another election or do they not?

Snowflake leadership just can't seem to make up their minds...

They have no leadership, no message, no direction, and they are still focused on pushing 'Hate' / 'We hate Trump'...

Because all the're really about is corporatism, just like the "other" party.
Ostensibly, both parties have some sort of clearly stated core principles that are sacrosanct. Truly, however, I have no idea of what they are for the Democratic or Republican party.
Both Parties have been hijacked by entities within the Party. For example, the GOP is supposed to be the 'Conservative' Party, but there is nothing 'Conservative' in the way Self-serving, Status Quo Washington Establishment Putz McConnell has hijacked the Senate / Party and refuses to allow the Trump agenda, which Trump was put into office to institute, to go forward. On the other side, Constitutional tramplers and self-serving law violators like Barry and Hillary hijacked the democratic Party.
I can offer one piece of information...Membership in either major political party is by acclamation not application. Accordingly, "whom they admit into the party" isn't a germane question.
I can offer one piece of information...Membership in either major political party is by acclamation not application. Accordingly, "whom they admit into the party" isn't a germane question.
Sounds like they can still 'rig' / choose who they agree to acknowledge / work with, much like how all Democrats were allowed to vote in the 2016 primaries...but none of their votes were really going to matter because the Party had pre-ordained Hilary was going to win....

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