Why can't evolution be part of god's plan?

So a day in the bible isn't a day? :lol:

So anyways, how does evolution fit in if the bible says that man was made out of dust? Man just plopped down, then evolved?


as with all life, we all began from star dust. ;)

Thus spoke Moby:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qdb4NyHdFfE]YouTube - We Are All Made Of Stars[/ame]
If evolution is not a religion- then why do evolutionists always post in the religion and ethics forum, rather than the science forum? I find it amusing that certain die-hard gung-ho evolutionists (who are really probably just anti god people, seeking a justification for it or something) sit here screaming about how nobody here seems to understand anything they say, and look at all the science- its science, its science- and all this is taking place (by their own choice) in the RELIGION forum.

:lol: LMFAO!!
If religion is not science- then why do religious nuts always post in the scientific and logic forum, rather than the religion forum? I find it amusing that certain die hard gung-ho religious fanatics (who are really probably just anti-truth people, seeking a justification for it or something) sit here screaming about how nobody here seems to understand anything they say, and look at all the religion- its religion, its religion- and all this is taking place (by their own choice) in a SCIENCE forum.

Huh, completely switching the terms in that paragraph around, I have concluded that you have absolutely no point whatsoever.

The Bible offers up a great way to live your life. Why would you dispute that?
you mean with the slavery and the stonings and things? yeah. great.
If evolution is not a religion- then why do evolutionists always post in the religion and ethics forum, rather than the science forum?

Because the only people denying reality on the subject are doing it for religious reasons, and are thus found doing so... guess where?

It could as easily be said that the only people ignoring the first law of thermodynamics are denying IT for religious reasons.. and thus, posting their beliefs... guess where?
So a day in the bible isn't a day? :lol:

So anyways, how does evolution fit in if the bible says that man was made out of dust? Man just plopped down, then evolved?

Correct. It is a God day. You would do well to read. Read more than the first 2 chapters of Genesis, and about history.

A god day? LOL. That's part of history? Or HIStory, :lol:
The bible isn't a history book anyways, it's fiction, you can't prove shit in there.

Why did it take god 6 days to make the world?
The equipment was rented.

The story is anecdotal, not literal.
it's amazing that it's not REALLY that way, except for the parts you want it to be.

"one day? no that's not REALLY what happened. cuz I say so. but evolution? no that didn't happen cuz the bible's literal interpretation states otherwise."

how is it that some things are clearly literal for you, and others are anecdotal? did the original writers of the bible put footmarks somewhere that I missed which differentiate the two areas?
If evolution is not a religion- then why do evolutionists always post in the religion and ethics forum, rather than the science forum? I find it amusing that certain die-hard gung-ho evolutionists (who are really probably just anti god people, seeking a justification for it or something) sit here screaming about how nobody here seems to understand anything they say, and look at all the science- its science, its science- and all this is taking place (by their own choice) in the RELIGION forum.

:lol: LMFAO!!
If religion is not science- then why do religious nuts always post in the scientific and logic forum, rather than the religion forum? I find it amusing that certain die hard gung-ho religious fanatics (who are really probably just anti-truth people, seeking a justification for it or something) sit here screaming about how nobody here seems to understand anything they say, and look at all the religion- its religion, its religion- and all this is taking place (by their own choice) in a SCIENCE forum.

Huh, completely switching the terms in that paragraph around, I have concluded that you have absolutely no point whatsoever.

The Bible offers up a great way to live your life. Why would you dispute that?
you mean with the slavery and the stonings and things? yeah. great.

Show me where in the Bible it says it is a good thing the stone someone. Please. Slavery was common place in those days. Once again we are in a totally different world than they were in. So, that being said, I was speaking of the ways of life that Jesus, (real or mythical) lived. If we all strived to live how he did, we would be happy. But nowadays we are poisoned with material needs, overpowering goverments and the constant need for distracting entertainment. Whats dumb about being one with nature, or as some would call it "homeless". In America we are all "homeless", try not paying your taxes and find out if your "stuff" is really yours. THAT is the things Jesus warned about. Can you take anything from a man that has nothing? If all you have is your body mind and soul, you have all you could ever possibly truly posses. So when you actually find the part int he Bible where it says stoning is a great way to live your life, get back to me. I am not saying Christianity is the only way to live your life, I am saying that you cannot deny that it is a very peaceful loving lifestyle if practiced correctly.
Show me where in the Bible it says it is a good thing the stone someone. Please.

leviticus stoning - Google Search

Not only good- commanded by god

Slavery was common place in those days.

and god was cool with it
Once again we are in a totally different world than they were in. So, that being said, I was speaking of the ways of life that Jesus, (real or mythical) lived. If we all strived to live how he did, we would be happy.

yet you have a computer?
Show me where in the Bible it says it is a good thing the stone someone. Please.

leviticus stoning - Google Search

Not only good- commanded by god

Slavery was common place in those days.

and god was cool with it
Once again we are in a totally different world ***n they were in. So, ***t being said, I was speaking of the ways of life ***t Jesus, (real or mythical) lived. If we all strived to live how he did, we would be happy.

yet you have a computer?

why does it bother you ***t others do not believe what you believe?

Do you need approval from others for your own personal beliefs, to make you feel secure in your own position?

Do you have to insult or bash the beliefs of others in order to strengthen your own position?

I find ***t a little odd...I mean, I do not need another soul's support in my beliefs...I don't have the need to cut others down for not believing what I believe regarding God, so what is it....***t gives you this NEED to do such, and not give common courtesy to those who differ with you?

Do you think you hold the 'higher' ground by acting in such an immature fashion? Well, not ***t it matters to you but ya don't in my book!

why does it bother you ***t others do not believe what you believe


Why are you butthurt when people answer another poster's request for information about where a subject is addressed in the bible?
Show me where in the Bible it says it is a good thing the stone someone. Please.

leviticus stoning - Google Search

Not only good- commanded by god

Slavery was common place in those days.

and god was cool with it
Once again we are in a totally different world ***n they were in. So, ***t being said, I was speaking of the ways of life ***t Jesus, (real or mythical) lived. If we all strived to live how he did, we would be happy.

yet you have a computer?

Well maybe you are familiar with what Jesus said. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." The Old and New Testaments are two very different creatures. Jesus I am sure knew the original books inside and out. Yet he still had these ideas. Being ***t we are mainly speaking of Christianity, however, I'd say we should stick to his point of view on ***t topic. ***t was a good try though. Good looking ***t up. No sarcasm intended.

Has God ever stopped any human from doing anything? The holocaust happened. Fact.

I have never claimed to be a "Christian" much less a perfect one. All I ever said was, if...IF...IF we tried to live the way he did. It is very very very possible we would have happy lives. Would nations fight over oil if we didn't need it for our materialistic wants? Would there be divisions in rich and poor if it weren't for man made things? Yes I do have a computer. Good call. I also have a car and a job and a house. I also have felt envy over other people having nicer ones. If we didn't have these things, I would never have the opportunity to feel ***t way.
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If evolution is not a religion- then why do evolutionists always post in the religion and ethics forum, rather than the science forum?

Because the only people denying reality on the subject are doing it for religious reasons, and are thus found doing so... guess where?

It could as easily be said that the only people ignoring the first law of thermodynamics are denying IT for religious reasons.. and thus, posting their beliefs... guess where?

If that was happening, yes... you could just as easily say it was happening. I'm mystified as to why you think you had to point it out, but whatever.
The thing I don't like about these sort of discussions is that atheists always take the opinions of Southern Baptist preachers who represent what a few million people and try to act like their newly formed opinions on the matter speak for all the world's 1.5 billion Christians.
The thing I don't like about these sort of discussions is that atheists always take the opinions of Southern Baptist preachers who represent what a few million people and try to act like their newly formed opinions on the matter speak for all the world's 1.5 billion Christians.

What--who should we atheists listen to--the Catholic church?:doubt:

How about the Mormons?:eusa_eh:

Come on--who is the "Christian religious example" we atheists should use as an example. So many denominations, it is hard to read and dissect each religion to its norminal practices to criticize.

Thus, the usage of the most crazy and "really really out their zealous types trying to oppress us with their views" is what we use. Think about it--what Sense is there to criticize the Amish when they take off by themselves and leave everybody else alone?

Amish--OK, weird but OK
Southern Baptists--pain in the Ass, weird too!!
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why does it bother you ***t others do not believe what you believe?

Do you need approval from others for your own personal beliefs, to make you feel secure in your own position?

Do you have to insult or bash the beliefs of others in order to strengthen your own position?
No, we need to smother your position so that it doesn't wind up in our school systems, government, and medicine. If you or anyone else wants to go be ignorant or uneducated on your own, be my guest.

Show me where in the Bible it says it is a good thing the stone someone. Please.
Setarcos already pointed it out. This is particularly funny because it proves to me that behind all your preachings and hypotheticals about how we should live like they did in the bible, you don't actually know what happened in the bible. If two people taking an opposite stance as you on a topic know your side better than you, and you don't know their side (evolution) whatsoever, how do you even hope to make any kind of valid argument?

Slavery was common place in those days. Once again we are in a totally different world than they were in.
And yet, you are insisting we should live like them while concurrently stating our world is "totally different". hmmm.....

So, that being said, I was speaking of the ways of life that Jesus, (real or mythical) lived. If we all strived to live how he did, we would be happy.
You would be literally poor. He preached that his followers should sell all of their possessions or give them to the poor and live without them. Have you done that? Has any Christian you know done that? Didn't think so. So why is it if you don't know the bad things that happen in the bible that you claim we should follow the bible? Why is it that you don't follow Jesus's preachings while claiming everyone should?

And then you point to conflicts over oil as your justification? Need I point to the large number of wars started because of RELIGION (and your religion specifically)?
why does it bother you ***t others do not believe what you believe?

Do you need approval from others for your own personal beliefs, to make you feel secure in your own position?

Do you have to insult or bash the beliefs of others in order to strengthen your own position?
No, we need to smother your position so that it doesn't wind up in our school systems, government, and medicine. If you or anyone else wants to go be ignorant or uneducated on your own, be my guest.

Show me where in the Bible it says it is a good thing the stone someone. Please.
Setarcos already pointed it out. This is particularly funny because it proves to me that behind all your preachings and hypotheticals about how we should live like they did in the bible, you don't actually know what happened in the bible. If two people taking an opposite stance as you on a topic know your side better than you, and you don't know their side (evolution) whatsoever, how do you even hope to make any kind of valid argument?

Slavery was common place in those days. Once again we are in a totally different world than they were in.
And yet, you are insisting we should live like them while concurrently stating our world is "totally different". hmmm.....

So, that being said, I was speaking of the ways of life that Jesus, (real or mythical) lived. If we all strived to live how he did, we would be happy.
You would be literally poor. He preached that his followers should sell all of their possessions or give them to the poor and live without them. Have you done that? Has any Christian you know done that? Didn't think so. So why is it if you don't know the bad things that happen in the bible that you claim we should follow the bible? Why is it that you don't follow Jesus's preachings while claiming everyone should?

And then you point to conflicts over oil as your justification? Need I point to the large number of wars started because of RELIGION (and your religion specifically)?

First off, not once have I claimed to be a Christian, or believer in creationism. Why do you assume either? I have never said either one of those statements. I also have never said we should live like he Jewish people of that day. Jesus didn't have slaves. And you are only poor when you take in to account what qualifies you as poor in what society. The poor in America have it a lot better off than the poor in Ethiopia. So no I have not sold all my possessions, nor have I said I was a Christian or that I even know anyone who in my opinion is in fact a REAL Christian. Wars have been fought in the name of religion, show me once where Jesus said to wage war on nations in his name. Also show me once where I said you SHOULD live a Christian life. I think what I said was, I am not saying Chrisitanity and Jesus' way of life is the only way to be happy. But it is a good way to be happy. And what I meant about wars over oil was this; We wouldn't fight wars over oil if, like Jesus, we weren't obsessed with material things. Now when you want to actually read my post instead of jumping to conclusions about what I know and what I believe in, we can talk.
Your response is nothing less than misdirection, which I will be blatantly rubbing your nose in line by line.

First off, not once have I claimed to be a Christian, or believer in creationism. Why do you assume either?
And I have not once claimed you are a Christian. What you have claimed was that you seek to follow Jesus's teachings. That kinda makes you a Christian - see your nearest dictionary if you disagree. (see? now I'm saying it).

I also have never said we should live like he Jewish people of that day.
No, what you said was "The Bible offers up a great way to live your life. Why would you dispute that?". This is false, due to the stonings, slavery, etc that has already been pointed out. You're just trying to backpedal away from the bible now.

And you are only poor when you take in to account what qualifies you as poor in what society. The poor in America have it a lot better off than the poor in Ethiopia. So no I have not sold all my possessions, nor have I said I was a Christian or that I even know anyone who in my opinion is in fact a REAL Christian.
So you claim "If we all strived to live how [Jesus] did, we would be happy." and then when called out on the fact that Jesus preached to sell possessions and give everything to the poor, you claim you haven't done that. And instead of responding by saying how you can resolve that conflict between what you say and how you actually live, you instead try to minimize poverty in the US? That still leaves the incongruity. Doesn't address the problem at all. It's not like you should completely disregard the teachings of Jesus because the poor aren't as bad off nowadays. Heck, you even identified where you should be sending your money/possessions!

Wars have been fought in the name of religion, show me once where Jesus said to wage war on nations in his name.
No one claimed he did, so why are you asking me to show you that? What you said was "IF we tried to live the way he did. It is very very very possible we would have happy lives. Would nations fight over oil if we didn't need it for our materialistic wants?"
Insinuating that petty fighting would stop existing by people claiming to follow the teachings of jesus has been very clearly shown to be incorrect; not because the ideals themselves are bad, but because no one actually follows them. You yourself, while claiming everyone should follow them, don't follow them. So if the preacher is the hypocrite, why do you assume it will be any better for others?
Your response is nothing less than misdirection, which I will be blatantly rubbing your nose in line by line.

First off, not once have I claimed to be a Christian, or believer in creationism. Why do you assume either?
And I have not once claimed you are a Christian. What you have claimed was that you seek to follow Jesus's teachings. That kinda makes you a Christian - see your nearest dictionary if you disagree. (see? now I'm saying it).

I also have never said we should live like he Jewish people of that day.
No, what you said was "The Bible offers up a great way to live your life. Why would you dispute that?". This is false, due to the stonings, slavery, etc that has already been pointed out. You're just trying to backpedal away from the bible now.

And you are only poor when you take in to account what qualifies you as poor in what society. The poor in America have it a lot better off than the poor in Ethiopia. So no I have not sold all my possessions, nor have I said I was a Christian or that I even know anyone who in my opinion is in fact a REAL Christian.
So you claim "If we all strived to live how [Jesus] did, we would be happy." and then when called out on the fact that Jesus preached to sell possessions and give everything to the poor, you claim you haven't done that. And instead of responding by saying how you can resolve that conflict between what you say and how you actually live, you instead try to minimize poverty in the US? That still leaves the incongruity. Doesn't address the problem at all. It's not like you should completely disregard the teachings of Jesus because the poor aren't as bad off nowadays. Heck, you even identified where you should be sending your money/possessions!

Wars have been fought in the name of religion, show me once where Jesus said to wage war on nations in his name.
No one claimed he did, so why are you asking me to show you that? What you said was "IF we tried to live the way he did. It is very very very possible we would have happy lives. Would nations fight over oil if we didn't need it for our materialistic wants?"
Insinuating that petty fighting would stop existing by people claiming to follow the teachings of jesus has been very clearly shown to be incorrect; not because the ideals themselves are bad, but because no one actually follows them. You yourself, while claiming everyone should follow them, don't follow them. So if the preacher is the hypocrite, why do you assume it will be any better for others?

Do you get this upset about them teaching Plato or Socretes in school?

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