Why can't gays accept civil unions and just be done with it?

We will achieve full marriage equality. You're tilting at windmills. and getting angrier and angrier doing it. Marriage is no longer only between a man and a woman (9 states and 14 countries, bubba) and the sooner you wake up to that reality, the less bitter you will be in your dotage.

You're not making any fucking sense, you say under civil unions the same rights as far as taxes for example is not there, I'm saying ok, lets give gays those rights, no fucking problem but leave marriage to a man and woman, very fucking simple, when you have those rights you cannot argue about inequality.

Yes, we still can. Surely you've heard of separate but equal, yes? The same water came out of both fountains did it not? Where was the inequality? If interracial couples had been thrown the bone of civil unions instead of marriage, would that have felt equal to you?

No cannot make that argument or correlation with separate but equal because under separate but equal blacks did not have the same rights nor same quality of equality, I've already fucking explained how, white pool, black pool, white pool has deluxe accomodations, black pool was shitty-inequality, black part of the train was substandard, white part of train was deluxe.
your chart proves what some wise man or woman once said: If you are not liberal when you are young, you have no heart, If you are not conservative when you get older, you have no brain.

BTW, nice dodge on the butch/fem question. I conclude that you are the butch. short hair, never wear a dress, right?

It wasn't a dodge, it was laughing at your old stereotypes. I wear a dress when the occasion arises and have medium length hair.

Any other myths we can bust while we're here?

And if you think people will become more homophobic as they age, you're in for a rude awakening.

Redfish is into "Roles", isn't he? :rofl:

Roles??? one lesbian to another lesbian------let me be frank with you, No, you were frank last night. :cool:
Ah...isn't that totes adorbs? It's like you fell out of the 1950s. Butch and fem...:lol: How quaint.

I'm 5'8" 155 lbs (after giving birth to FIVE babies...a real "butch act" there eh?)

I don't have to dream Fishy, the reality is staring you right in the face.


five kids? so you must have had some experience with men, or were they all artificially inseminated by a donor? pretty sure your current partner had nothing to do with it, unless she held the syringe.

Artificial insemination for our two children and IVF for the three children I was a surrogate for. She did hold the syringe and is our children's parent just as much as I am, just ask them.

LOL and you somehow call that "normal" ?
No. I really don't give a shit what you think if me, just treat me and my marriage equally under the law.

Right, you're not shallow. You just need politicians to validate your relationship. Wanting the recognition of some individual person is beneath you, you don't care about that. But needing government in your bedroom reassuring your relationship with who you sleep with is as important as anyone else's, why that's just a basic necessity. No one could go on without government reassurance they're a real person, darn it all.

Actually, I think the gays are more interested in getting the same tax breaks, same legal rights and all the other goodies that go along with a man and a woman getting married.

Actually if you wanted to ask me a logical question based on my argument since you quoted me, rather than ignoring my point and pontificating, it would be, do I believe that heterosexual couples need to be validated by government?

And my answer would have been no. I do not believe government needs to be involved in the relationship between people. Nothing you listed should be denied any individual. Government should not discriminate between any citizens and every problem is easily solvable. Like eliminating the death tax for everyone.

The idea though that the issue for gays is they want money for who they have sex with I actually find a bit sick.
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No. I really don't give a shit what you think if me, just treat me and my marriage equally under the law.

Right, you're not shallow. You just need politicians to validate your relationship. Wanting the recognition of some individual person is beneath you, you don't care about that. But needing government in your bedroom reassuring your relationship with who you sleep with is as important as anyone else's, why that's just a basic necessity. No one could go on without government reassurance they're a real person, darn it all.

^^^legally married^^^

Is that why you got legally married, because you needed validation? Take your self loathing projection somewhere else.

^^^flagrant hypocrite^^^

Yes, you've informed me that you and your partner are respective of each other's needs, and your expectation is that I ignore my partner's needs. When you find a standard you're willing to apply to both of us then get back to me.
Right, you're not shallow. You just need politicians to validate your relationship. Wanting the recognition of some individual person is beneath you, you don't care about that. But needing government in your bedroom reassuring your relationship with who you sleep with is as important as anyone else's, why that's just a basic necessity. No one could go on without government reassurance they're a real person, darn it all.

Actually, I think the gays are more interested in getting the same tax breaks, same legal rights and all the other goodies that go along with a man and a woman getting married.

Me personally? I support it and believe that marriage should be open to any 2 consenting adults (regardless of gender) who want to get married.

Sex is only a small part of marriage. Living together, loving each other and taking care of one another is over 90 percent of what marriage is.

I've know various people who were gay since around 1983 when I went to my first duty station in the Navy, and from what I've seen, many are pretty stand up individuals.

Matter of fact, I lived with a lesbian couple for 2 years, and they had a 15 year old daughter who knew that Cindy (her mother) and Connie loved her very much and would do anything for her. Not only was she heterosexual (she DEFINITELY liked boys), but she was pretty well adjusted too.

And Cindy and Connie had been together for over 10 years. Nothing that I could see was ever at fault with their parenting.

If this was the case, why are the gays in this topic rejecting civil unions with all the full blown benefits? The answer? They want the government to recognize and validate homosexuality.

Truth. They should at least be honest, right flaylo?
Right, you're not shallow. You just need politicians to validate your relationship. Wanting the recognition of some individual person is beneath you, you don't care about that. But needing government in your bedroom reassuring your relationship with who you sleep with is as important as anyone else's, why that's just a basic necessity. No one could go on without government reassurance they're a real person, darn it all.

^^^legally married^^^

Is that why you got legally married, because you needed validation? Take your self loathing projection somewhere else.

^^^flagrant hypocrite^^^

Yes, you've informed me that you and your partner are respective of each other's needs, and your expectation is that I ignore my partner's needs. When you find a standard you're willing to apply to both of us then get back to me.

Yeah, you go with that deflection. Are you saying that its not you but your partner that requires validation since that is what you believe legal marriage to be?
Actually, I think the gays are more interested in getting the same tax breaks, same legal rights and all the other goodies that go along with a man and a woman getting married.

Me personally? I support it and believe that marriage should be open to any 2 consenting adults (regardless of gender) who want to get married.

Sex is only a small part of marriage. Living together, loving each other and taking care of one another is over 90 percent of what marriage is.

I've know various people who were gay since around 1983 when I went to my first duty station in the Navy, and from what I've seen, many are pretty stand up individuals.

Matter of fact, I lived with a lesbian couple for 2 years, and they had a 15 year old daughter who knew that Cindy (her mother) and Connie loved her very much and would do anything for her. Not only was she heterosexual (she DEFINITELY liked boys), but she was pretty well adjusted too.

And Cindy and Connie had been together for over 10 years. Nothing that I could see was ever at fault with their parenting.

If this was the case, why are the gays in this topic rejecting civil unions with all the full blown benefits? The answer? They want the government to recognize and validate homosexuality.
Because they don't give ALL the rights of marriage. A woman is fighting in Supreme Court because when her wife died she paid $300,000+ in taxes that a heterosexual wouldn't have paid.


OK, it was an obvious lie, but you had to give a shot at running it up the old flag pole, eh?

^^^legally married^^^

Is that why you got legally married, because you needed validation? Take your self loathing projection somewhere else.

^^^flagrant hypocrite^^^

Yes, you've informed me that you and your partner are respective of each other's needs, and your expectation is that I ignore my partner's needs. When you find a standard you're willing to apply to both of us then get back to me.

Yeah, you go with that deflection. Are you saying that its not you but your partner that requires validation since that is what you believe legal marriage to be?

Let me introduce you to Google. It's a great place to look up words that you don't know what they mean before you use then wrong and look stupid. Like "deflection."

When I point out your standard for me is not your standard because you don't apply it to yourself, that is clearly addressing your argument. Directly addressing your argument is in no way deflection.
^^^flagrant hypocrite^^^

Yes, you've informed me that you and your partner are respective of each other's needs, and your expectation is that I ignore my partner's needs. When you find a standard you're willing to apply to both of us then get back to me.

Yeah, you go with that deflection. Are you saying that its not you but your partner that requires validation since that is what you believe legal marriage to be?

Let me introduce you to Google. It's a great place to look up words that you don't know what they mean before you use then wrong and look stupid. Like "deflection."

When I point out your standard for me is not your standard because you don't apply it to yourself, that is clearly addressing your argument. Directly addressing your argument is in no way deflection.

Of course it's deflection. You're deflecting your hypocrisy by blaming your spouse for it.

Which of you needed the validation you claim marriage is about?
If this was the case, why are the gays in this topic rejecting civil unions with all the full blown benefits? The answer? They want the government to recognize and validate homosexuality.
Because they don't give ALL the rights of marriage. A woman is fighting in Supreme Court because when her wife died she paid $300,000+ in taxes that a heterosexual wouldn't have paid.


OK, it was an obvious lie, but you had to give a shot at running it up the old flag pole, eh?


Which part is the lie? The woman in the DOMA case is legally married in her state but had to pay a tax penalty heterosexual married couples don't have to pay, highlighting the inequality in our laws.
Yeah, you go with that deflection. Are you saying that its not you but your partner that requires validation since that is what you believe legal marriage to be?

Let me introduce you to Google. It's a great place to look up words that you don't know what they mean before you use then wrong and look stupid. Like "deflection."

When I point out your standard for me is not your standard because you don't apply it to yourself, that is clearly addressing your argument. Directly addressing your argument is in no way deflection.

Of course it's deflection. You're deflecting your hypocrisy by blaming your spouse for it.

Which of you needed the validation you claim marriage is about?

If you're typical of gay attitudes towards your partner's needs, then gay marriage is not like heterosexual marriage and you're not entitled to equality of marriage since according to you your marriage isn't actually equivalent to mine.
Because they don't give ALL the rights of marriage. A woman is fighting in Supreme Court because when her wife died she paid $300,000+ in taxes that a heterosexual wouldn't have paid.


OK, it was an obvious lie, but you had to give a shot at running it up the old flag pole, eh?


Which part is the lie? The woman in the DOMA case is legally married in her state but had to pay a tax penalty heterosexual married couples don't have to pay, highlighting the inequality in our laws.

Which part of the full faith and credit clause do you not understand? You are entitled to not like the Constitution. You are entitled to change it with 2/3, 2/3 and 3/4. You are not entitled to pick and choose or just "rewrite" it without legally changing it.
Let me introduce you to Google. It's a great place to look up words that you don't know what they mean before you use then wrong and look stupid. Like "deflection."

When I point out your standard for me is not your standard because you don't apply it to yourself, that is clearly addressing your argument. Directly addressing your argument is in no way deflection.

Of course it's deflection. You're deflecting your hypocrisy by blaming your spouse for it.

Which of you needed the validation you claim marriage is about?

If you're typical of gay attitudes towards your partner's needs, then gay marriage is not like heterosexual marriage and you're not entitled to equality of marriage since according to you your marriage isn't actually equivalent to mine.

And he deflects again! :lol: Dang you're good at that!

Which of you needed the validation you claim marriage is about? Did it work for whoever it was?

OK, it was an obvious lie, but you had to give a shot at running it up the old flag pole, eh?


Which part is the lie? The woman in the DOMA case is legally married in her state but had to pay a tax penalty heterosexual married couples don't have to pay, highlighting the inequality in our laws.

Which part of the full faith and credit clause do you not understand? You are entitled to not like the Constitution. You are entitled to change it with 2/3, 2/3 and 3/4. You are not entitled to pick and choose or just "rewrite" it without legally changing it.

What part of DOMA Section 3 is going to be struck down as result of this case don't you understand? :lol:

OK, it was an obvious lie, but you had to give a shot at running it up the old flag pole, eh?


Which part is the lie? The woman in the DOMA case is legally married in her state but had to pay a tax penalty heterosexual married couples don't have to pay, highlighting the inequality in our laws.

Which part of the full faith and credit clause do you not understand? You are entitled to not like the Constitution. You are entitled to change it with 2/3, 2/3 and 3/4. You are not entitled to pick and choose or just "rewrite" it without legally changing it.

Pardon me, what does FF&C have to do with it?

Windsor v. United States has nothing to do with FF&C (DOMA Section 2), it's about DOMA Section 3 and the Federal government not recognizing legal, Civil Marriages recognized under State law.

Pardon me, what does FF&C have to do with it?

"Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof."

Seriously, you don't see how that relates to DOMA?

Of course it's deflection. You're deflecting your hypocrisy by blaming your spouse for it.

Which of you needed the validation you claim marriage is about?

If you're typical of gay attitudes towards your partner's needs, then gay marriage is not like heterosexual marriage and you're not entitled to equality of marriage since according to you your marriage isn't actually equivalent to mine.

And he deflects again! :lol: Dang you're good at that!

Which of you needed the validation you claim marriage is about? Did it work for whoever it was?

I understand, you say gay marriage is not as committed as straight marriage. So why would you expect to get the same government perks since you're telling me the relationship is less of a partnership? The answer of course is convenience. You think gay marriage is convenience, so you want government conveniences as well.

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