Why can't Public Assistance increase?

What I believe is that we should significantly raise wages of all workers.

Okay... For the sake of argument, let's take your idea further.... Let's raise the mandatory federal minimum wage to $100 per hour. I think we can all agree that is a significant raise in wages... correct?

So tell me... Why is that a bad idea? :dunno: GO!

Raising the federal mandatory minimum to $17.00 would be fantastic, especially with the upcoming stock market downturn.

The better would be my $23.50/hr plan.

-Base Federal tax for corporations at 30% of revenue.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2016 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 600 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2015 price structure.

-Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.

My plan would reduce small business costs for employees and taxes to 30%. That's a 20%-30% drop.

My plan would put BILLIONS into the economy daily.

My plan would put the $100 trillion plus currently owned by corporate America back into the economy.

My plan would end all welfare.

My plan would significantly increase social security and pension payments.

My plan would hold prices for 10 years, thus eliminating inflation.

That's all wonderful-- now why don't you answer my question instead of demagoguing?

I did....
I still say the only fair way to do it is for everyone to get a raise.

Okay... So, let's give everyone a $100/hr raise! That should please everyone because who wouldn't favor a $100/hr raise? Right?

Now.... put on your thinking cap and have that noodle of yours explain to us WHY my plan is impossible or impractical?

Keep in mind, whatever objections you come up with, I am going to use those same objections for increasing the MW to $10 or $15, or whatever. The same principles will apply, it's just a matter of scale.

If you can comprehend why it would be crazy to raise the MW to $100/hr, you should understand why it's crazy to raise it at all. As a matter of empirical fact, it will not "help" anyone and it will effectively harm the unskilled worker the most. It will result in an elimination of their jobs.

One thing people don't know because it has been conveniently buried through history, is the initial rationale behind a federal MW law to begin with. Most people, because they were taught in school, believe it was FDR's attempt to force business to pay workers a fair living wage. It's curious that, after 82 years of this policy, we still have Democrats clamoring for a "living wage" which was supposed to be solved by implementing a MW.

The last time black unemployment was lower than white unemployment... do you know when? It was the year before implementation of the Federal Minimum Wage. The Dirty Little Secret the progressives don't want you to know is... the MW was created to improve employment for white people. It effectively made blacks and minorities less desirable... if you're going to have to pay this mandatory minimum, you may as well hire a white man.

So whenever we increase the MW, it pushes minorities and unskilled workers back and makes skilled non-minorities more desirable. It completely eliminates a lot of low-wage jobs and the "higher ups" simply take up the slack. And... their wages go up because, hey... the MW went up! So the managers and administrators take on more responsibilities and they get paid a little more... the ones who suffer most are the uneducated, unskilled, low-wage workers.
I still say the only fair way to do it is for everyone to get a raise.

Okay... So, let's give everyone a $100/hr raise! That should please everyone because who wouldn't favor a $100/hr raise? Right?


But you're missing the key point with my plan. If we avoid mandates, and simply declare every dollar to be ten times its normal value, everything is raised transparently. And the math is dead simple. People who want higher wages for the poor are satisfied and everyone is happy.
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I still say the only fair way to do it is for everyone to get a raise.

Okay... So, let's give everyone a $100/hr raise! That should please everyone because who wouldn't favor a $100/hr raise? Right?


But you're missing the key point with my plan. If we avoid mandates, and simply declare every dollar to be ten times its normal value, everything is raised transparently. And the math is dead simple. People who want higher wages for the poor are satisfied and everyone is happy.

I get what you're saying now, I have been arguing with idiots too long. Sorry for the blow up.

Yes, you are effectively right, we would accomplish the same thing by simply adding a zero onto all our currency and prices. Something tells me it won't satisfy the whiners. You see-- they live in a Utopian Universe with rainbow ponies and unicorns... where no one has to work and everything is free.
What I believe is that we should significantly raise wages of all workers.

Okay... For the sake of argument, let's take your idea further.... Let's raise the mandatory federal minimum wage to $100 per hour. I think we can all agree that is a significant raise in wages... correct?

So tell me... Why is that a bad idea? :dunno: GO!

Raising the federal mandatory minimum to $17.00 would be fantastic, especially with the upcoming stock market downturn.

The better would be my $23.50/hr plan.

-Base Federal tax for corporations at 30% of revenue.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2016 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 600 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2015 price structure.

-Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.

My plan would reduce small business costs for employees and taxes to 30%. That's a 20%-30% drop.

My plan would put BILLIONS into the economy daily.

My plan would put the $100 trillion plus currently owned by corporate America back into the economy.

My plan would end all welfare.

My plan would significantly increase social security and pension payments.

My plan would hold prices for 10 years, thus eliminating inflation.

You said you pay your employees $23.50 but I'm yet to see any proof of that. Where is it?
You said you pay your employees $23.50 but I'm yet to see any proof of that. Where is it?

He's not going to prove anything because he's full of shit. He doesn't employ anyone, he probably doesn't even work. Most of these ass clowns we argue with here are on disability for some bogus shit they got some quack doctor to sign off on. They sit there drawing their check, bored out of their minds, with nothing else to do but come here and drone on and on about big government and how capitalists are killing the little guy. It's the same mindless repetitive nonsense every day.

They don't seem to even have the common goat sense to understand, if not for capitalists creating wealth, they wouldn't have that government check. These Eurotrash shitholes they want to constantly uphold and compare us with, would let their little degenerate asses starve to death. The more 'totalitarian' ones would line them up in front of an open ditch and execute them.
You said you pay your employees $23.50 but I'm yet to see any proof of that. Where is it?

He's not going to prove anything because he's full of shit. He doesn't employ anyone, he probably doesn't even work. Most of these ass clowns we argue with here are on disability for some bogus shit they got some quack doctor to sign off on. They sit there drawing their check, bored out of their minds, with nothing else to do but come here and drone on and on about big government and how capitalists are killing the little guy. It's the same mindless repetitive nonsense every day.

They don't seem to even have the common goat sense to understand, if not for capitalists creating wealth, they wouldn't have that government check. These Eurotrash shitholes they want to constantly uphold and compare us with, would let their little degenerate asses starve to death. The more 'totalitarian' ones would line them up in front of an open ditch and execute them.

If he could, he would. Since he won't, he can't.
Wage earners.

Using today's rules, I also think it's stupid to tax investment income at a lower level than wage income.

Well the top 1% wage earners are far from the most wealthy in our country. The vast majority of people who report high wages on their tax returns are small businesses, who as matter of law, file tax as individuals. They can also be dual-income professional couples who happen to break the threshold of what you deem "wealthy" even though their lifestyle is nowhere near that of the truly wealthy.

We tax investment income less to encourage investment. If you tax it more you'll have less investment. That means banks have less money to lend. That means new start up businesses can't get the capital they need. That means industries can't expand and create new jobs. All of this means you stifle the economy. We know this because we've tried it before.

Investment comes from people who have wealth available for investment. Tax has already been paid on that wealth when it was earned. Before it is used for investment, it rests securely in stocks, bonds and municipals, some are tax-exempt. All investment involves risk... there is no guarantee of return on any investment. Therefore, the investor is taking a gamble with his wealth. Why should he gamble if there is no advantage to him? It is easier and smarter for him to take no risk and gain 2% than to risk his wealth to make 4% and pay 40% tax on it.

Re: Rules... I have no problem with evaluating certain "rules" or aka: "loopholes" which enable certain people *cough-hegefundmanagers-cough* to exploit Cap Gains and get rich. That's a problem I think we need to address. Problem is, Hillary Clinton isn't going to do this because that is what Chelsea's husband does. Not to mention, she is bought and paid for by Wall Street.

Well the top 1% wage earners are far from the most wealthy in our country. The vast majority of people who report high wages on their tax returns are small businesses, who as matter of law, file tax as individuals. They can also be dual-income professional couples who happen to break the threshold of what you deem "wealthy" even though their lifestyle is nowhere near that of the truly wealthy.

The top 1% wage earners average $380K vs the bottom 50% at $35K. Apples to apples they are wealthy.

Why would anyone in their right mind merge a business into personal tax returns?

We tax investment income less to encourage investment. If you tax it more you'll have less investment. That means banks have less money to lend. That means new start up businesses can't get the capital they need. That means industries can't expand and create new jobs. All of this means you stifle the economy. We know this because we've tried it before.

Right up there with 'the checks in the mail' and 'I won't cum in your mouth' is, 'We tax investment income less to encourage investment.'

Example: If I invest $1M at 25% return, do you really think I care about paying a couple more points in tax? In the big picture I'm still making hundreds of thousands in profit.

Investment comes from people who have wealth available for investment. Tax has already been paid on that wealth when it was earned. Before it is used for investment, it rests securely in stocks, bonds and municipals, some are tax-exempt. All investment involves risk... there is no guarantee of return on any investment. Therefore, the investor is taking a gamble with his wealth. Why should he gamble if there is no advantage to him? It is easier and smarter for him to take no risk and gain 2% than to risk his wealth to make 4% and pay 40% tax on it.

Investors are being taxed on what their investment earns in profit, NOT what is invested.

Investors are paid a higher return on risky investments, why should they receive a tax break?
I stated that I didn't pay any federal taxes because I didn't have any income. Well, $1.00.

Yes, and that was a lie. Even if your corporation / trust pays your bills directly, you have to declare it all as income. How many times do I have to explain that to you? How stupid are you?

I actually am what you claim to be. Your company cannot pay your personal expenses without you declaring it as income whether they pay you and you pay the bills or they pay them directly. How you take the money out of your company is immaterial.

What about that don't you understand? How stupid are you?

So you tell me, how do you pay your bills on $1? And you have no assets except your company/trust? No money in a checking account? You have no spending cash?

Your story is lame. MS-NBC needs smarter people than you to spread your stupid lie that CEOs can pay no taxes

Why would I pay taxes on money that's already been taxed?

I don't have any bills.

Why do I, or for that matter, anybody need a checking account?

Oh, and OnePercenter hits the canvas. He looks out, he's not moving at all...

- You just admitted YOU PAY TAXES. Even in your fantasy world where you're a one percenter. You just lost

- In the real world, you just admitted that corporate taxes are DOUBLE taxation. Because yes, the actual wealthy do pay taxes twice on the same money

- And again you provide you are lying because you didn't know that. Yep, corporations pay taxes, then you do have to pay taxes again when you take the money out.

So now that you're not going to be a Democrat anymore, are you going Libertarian or just to the Republican party?

eight, nine, ten, he's out, kaz is the winner by a KO

I didn't admit anything of the sort.

How are corporations taxed twice?

You already admitted you lost this debate, you did pay taxes even in your fantasy world that you're a wealthy CEO. Discussion over

I didn't, my corporation did.
-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.
Have you ever asked yourself why so much U.S. money is kept offshore?

So companies can 'legally' launder monies.

Lets take Apple. They take foreign made monies and buy products from China, they import those items using taxed based services, then deduct the cost of the product which was purchased by monies that were never taxed.
Raising the federal mandatory minimum to $17.00 would be fantastic, especially with the upcoming stock market downturn. The better would be my $23.50/hr plan.
Oh yeah....chronic unemployment sure is "fantastic". That is - if you are a Dumbocrat elite in Washington that wants and needs everyone living on the government plantation.

The data on this endless...you raise minimum wage....people lose their jobs. Period. Nobody is paying someone $23.50 per hour to flip a fucking burger. And a 16-year old kid sure as hell doesn't need $23.50 per hour to flip a fucking burger.

What Happened to Seattle's Job Market After Minimum Wage Hike

Proof That Raising The Minimum Wage Will Increase Unemployment

Ex-McDonald's CEO: A $15 minimum wage destroys critical career opportunities | Fox News

McDonald's Ex-CEO Is Right When He Says A $15 Minimum Wage Would Lead To Automation

California’s Unprecedented Minimum Wage Increase Will Hurt Vulnerable Workers

Facts About the Minimum Wage

Higher Fast-Food Wages: Higher Fast-Food Prices

Raising Minimum Starting Wages to $15 per Hour Would Eliminate Seven Million Jobs

Four consequences of a $15 minimum wage

Except my plan limits State and local taxes and all employee costs to 30% of revenue, which would move an additional 15% to 30% to the net.
-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.
Oh....so eliminate the free market and implement communism. Yeah...because centralized planning has been such a success around the world - Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia, U.S.S.R., Vietnam, etc. Idiot. :eusa_doh:

There is no free market. Never has been and there will never be.

Regulation is what defines business and the middle class. If we had a free market we'd have a two class system such as those countries you listed.
What I believe is that we should significantly raise wages of all workers.

Okay... For the sake of argument, let's take your idea further.... Let's raise the mandatory federal minimum wage to $100 per hour. I think we can all agree that is a significant raise in wages... correct?

So tell me... Why is that a bad idea? :dunno: GO!

Raising the federal mandatory minimum to $17.00 would be fantastic, especially with the upcoming stock market downturn.

The better would be my $23.50/hr plan.

-Base Federal tax for corporations at 30% of revenue.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2016 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 600 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2015 price structure.

-Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.

My plan would reduce small business costs for employees and taxes to 30%. That's a 20%-30% drop.

My plan would put BILLIONS into the economy daily.

My plan would put the $100 trillion plus currently owned by corporate America back into the economy.

My plan would end all welfare.

My plan would significantly increase social security and pension payments.

My plan would hold prices for 10 years, thus eliminating inflation.

You said you pay your employees $23.50 but I'm yet to see any proof of that. Where is it?

If you think I'm going to post the name of my business or my name on the internet, that's not going to happen.

What I can tell you is how I did it. I purchased my suppliers letting other customers pay my bills, then transfer the savings to payroll.

If you can somehow show that can't be done then good luck to you.
-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.
Oh....so eliminate the free market and implement communism. Yeah...because centralized planning has been such a success around the world - Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia, U.S.S.R., Vietnam, etc. Idiot. :eusa_doh:

There is no free market. Never has been and there will never be.

Regulation is what defines business and the middle class. If we had a free market we'd have a two class system such as those countries you listed.

All you're really saying is that much of our economy isn't free, and that's very true. Someone with your 'perspective' on economics could never succeed in a free market, and it's no surprise you are opposed it. But your little circle of delusion doesn't define reality.
Yes, and that was a lie. Even if your corporation / trust pays your bills directly, you have to declare it all as income. How many times do I have to explain that to you? How stupid are you?

I actually am what you claim to be. Your company cannot pay your personal expenses without you declaring it as income whether they pay you and you pay the bills or they pay them directly. How you take the money out of your company is immaterial.

What about that don't you understand? How stupid are you?

So you tell me, how do you pay your bills on $1? And you have no assets except your company/trust? No money in a checking account? You have no spending cash?

Your story is lame. MS-NBC needs smarter people than you to spread your stupid lie that CEOs can pay no taxes

Why would I pay taxes on money that's already been taxed?

I don't have any bills.

Why do I, or for that matter, anybody need a checking account?

Oh, and OnePercenter hits the canvas. He looks out, he's not moving at all...

- You just admitted YOU PAY TAXES. Even in your fantasy world where you're a one percenter. You just lost

- In the real world, you just admitted that corporate taxes are DOUBLE taxation. Because yes, the actual wealthy do pay taxes twice on the same money

- And again you provide you are lying because you didn't know that. Yep, corporations pay taxes, then you do have to pay taxes again when you take the money out.

So now that you're not going to be a Democrat anymore, are you going Libertarian or just to the Republican party?

eight, nine, ten, he's out, kaz is the winner by a KO

I didn't admit anything of the sort.

How are corporations taxed twice?

You already admitted you lost this debate, you did pay taxes even in your fantasy world that you're a wealthy CEO. Discussion over

I didn't, my corporation did.

I didn't pay taxes, my taco salad did. Sorry man, who's taco salad paid taxes?
-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.
Oh....so eliminate the free market and implement communism. Yeah...because centralized planning has been such a success around the world - Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia, U.S.S.R., Vietnam, etc. Idiot. :eusa_doh:

There is no free market. Never has been and there will never be.

Regulation is what defines business and the middle class. If we had a free market we'd have a two class system such as those countries you listed.

All you're really saying is that much of our economy isn't free, and that's very true. Someone with your 'perspective' on economics could never succeed in a free market, and it's no surprise you are opposed it. But your little circle of delusion doesn't define reality.

Business and the middle class are defined by regulation. If we had a free market, neither would exist.
Why would I pay taxes on money that's already been taxed?

I don't have any bills.

Why do I, or for that matter, anybody need a checking account?

Oh, and OnePercenter hits the canvas. He looks out, he's not moving at all...

- You just admitted YOU PAY TAXES. Even in your fantasy world where you're a one percenter. You just lost

- In the real world, you just admitted that corporate taxes are DOUBLE taxation. Because yes, the actual wealthy do pay taxes twice on the same money

- And again you provide you are lying because you didn't know that. Yep, corporations pay taxes, then you do have to pay taxes again when you take the money out.

So now that you're not going to be a Democrat anymore, are you going Libertarian or just to the Republican party?

eight, nine, ten, he's out, kaz is the winner by a KO

I didn't admit anything of the sort.

How are corporations taxed twice?

You already admitted you lost this debate, you did pay taxes even in your fantasy world that you're a wealthy CEO. Discussion over

I didn't, my corporation did.

I didn't pay taxes, my taco salad did. Sorry man, who's taco salad paid taxes?

If one had a corporation named 'taco salad.'
-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.
Oh....so eliminate the free market and implement communism. Yeah...because centralized planning has been such a success around the world - Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia, U.S.S.R., Vietnam, etc. Idiot. :eusa_doh:

There is no free market. Never has been and there will never be.

Regulation is what defines business and the middle class. If we had a free market we'd have a two class system such as those countries you listed.

All you're really saying is that much of our economy isn't free, and that's very true. Someone with your 'perspective' on economics could never succeed in a free market, and it's no surprise you are opposed it. But your little circle of delusion doesn't define reality.

Business and the middle class are defined by regulation. If we had a free market, neither would exist.
Idiots are defined by regulation (such as yourself). Man kind has thrived like no time in history under free markets. Sadly, regressive like yourself are trying to take us back to the stone age where everyone was ignorant (you libtards have destroyed public education), everyone was cold and hungry (you libtards are attempting to destroy energy), and everyone was under the control of a tyrant. Nice work idiot.
-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.
Oh....so eliminate the free market and implement communism. Yeah...because centralized planning has been such a success around the world - Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia, U.S.S.R., Vietnam, etc. Idiot. :eusa_doh:

There is no free market. Never has been and there will never be.

Regulation is what defines business and the middle class. If we had a free market we'd have a two class system such as those countries you listed.

All you're really saying is that much of our economy isn't free, and that's very true. Someone with your 'perspective' on economics could never succeed in a free market, and it's no surprise you are opposed it. But your little circle of delusion doesn't define reality.

Business and the middle class are defined by regulation. If we had a free market, neither would exist.


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