Why can't Public Assistance increase?

I did. What's your point?

My point was clear in the post that you quoted. You're lying that you pay your personal living expenses through your company and write them off as business expenses. Even if you tried that, your tax lawyer and accountant wouldn't do it. If they did, you'd go to jail for tax fraud. They would lose their licenses, which is why they wouldn't do it.

If you make 4 large, you pay taxes. You said you don't pay taxes. In fact, the actual one percenters earn 20% of the income and pay 40% of the taxes. You make shit up, stupid shit. You're just transparent. You are a liar, and a bad one. You just needed to run into the first real CEO who knew how shallow your lies are.

And that's just income taxes. If you were an actual CEO or in any management capacity, you'd know your company pays a boat load of other taxes too.

Nope, you're an MS-NBC trained seal repeating their lies that the people who pay most of the taxes don't pay them. Bark, bark!

It appears you know nothing about the tax code in the US and how it favors the rich. Are you a Canadian like BriPat?

You don't understand a trust being administered by a corporation where the corporation pays the taxes? Why do you think there are so many rich unemployed in this country? Why do you think so many wealthy (Bill Gates) and corporations are incorporated in Nevada?

FYI: I've been audited twice in the last 15 years. Both times the IRS cut me a check.

IF our income tax code favors the rich, why do nearly half of the workers pay no income tax?

Because the don't make enough money.

Your story the rich don't pay taxes is a lie, the top 1% pay 40% of taxes. What percent do you think they should pay?

Which has nothing to do regarding the question and answer.
Liar, when you pay your personal expenses, it's income. And you pay taxes on that. You're a pathetic lying piece of shit

And the corporation pays the taxes. It's in the bylaws. My accounting firm, Ernst & Young made it so.

btw: Have you done your research on Braeburn, on how Apple is 'burning' (get it, Braeburn 'burning') the US taxpayer? Republicans made it so.


So you admit you lied, you did pay taxes, your corporation took them out of your paycheck BEFORE they gave you the money!!!!

I can't make up the stupid that you are. Even in your fantasy, YOU PAID TAXES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fuck you, stupid bitch

I stated that I didn't pay any federal taxes because I didn't have any income. Well, $1.00.

Yes, and that was a lie. Even if your corporation / trust pays your bills directly, you have to declare it all as income. How many times do I have to explain that to you? How stupid are you?

I actually am what you claim to be. Your company cannot pay your personal expenses without you declaring it as income whether they pay you and you pay the bills or they pay them directly. How you take the money out of your company is immaterial.

What about that don't you understand? How stupid are you?

So you tell me, how do you pay your bills on $1? And you have no assets except your company/trust? No money in a checking account? You have no spending cash?

Your story is lame. MS-NBC needs smarter people than you to spread your stupid lie that CEOs can pay no taxes

Why would I pay taxes on money that's already been taxed?

I don't have any bills.

Why do I, or for that matter, anybody need a checking account?

Oh, and OnePercenter hits the canvas. He looks out, he's not moving at all...

- You just admitted YOU PAY TAXES. Even in your fantasy world where you're a one percenter. You just lost

- In the real world, you just admitted that corporate taxes are DOUBLE taxation. Because yes, the actual wealthy do pay taxes twice on the same money

- And again you provide you are lying because you didn't know that. Yep, corporations pay taxes, then you do have to pay taxes again when you take the money out.

So now that you're not going to be a Democrat anymore, are you going Libertarian or just to the Republican party?

eight, nine, ten, he's out, kaz is the winner by a KO
By 'public assistance' are you referring to 'social' (people) or corporate?

You're just tired at this point. Look up what a libertarian is. Corporate welfare is your gig, not mine. I believe in free markets. You want government to pick winners and losers. I never pick market winners

And while were at it, does the 'local level' have the monies to do this?

If we slashed the Federal government removing redistribution of wealth, then yes

You're just tired at this point. Look up what a libertarian is. Corporate welfare is your gig, not mine. I believe in free markets. You want government to pick winners and losers. I never pick market winners

Libertarianism makes you stupid.

The concept of 'free market' only works when everybody plays by the rules. That's never going to happen. Libertarians forget about the greed factor.

If we slashed the Federal government removing redistribution of wealth, then yes

The redistribution of wealth argument is bullshit. How can you have redistribution of wealth when all businesses, corporations, most super rich, and all wealthy only contribute 12% of what the IRS collects?

Please share with us all specifically who pays taxes paid by businesses and corporations. Would you do that, please?

Who do you consider the rich and super rich and show the link to your 12% figure. Thank you.

He's full of shit. The top 1% alone actually pay 40% of taxes. The top 5% pay 60%. The top 20% pay nearly all of them

That's because 1% of $1M is more than 1% of 50k.

The top 1% earn 20% of the income and pay 40% of the taxes. The bottom 50% pay zero. So that math is irrelevant
My point was clear in the post that you quoted. You're lying that you pay your personal living expenses through your company and write them off as business expenses. Even if you tried that, your tax lawyer and accountant wouldn't do it. If they did, you'd go to jail for tax fraud. They would lose their licenses, which is why they wouldn't do it.

If you make 4 large, you pay taxes. You said you don't pay taxes. In fact, the actual one percenters earn 20% of the income and pay 40% of the taxes. You make shit up, stupid shit. You're just transparent. You are a liar, and a bad one. You just needed to run into the first real CEO who knew how shallow your lies are.

And that's just income taxes. If you were an actual CEO or in any management capacity, you'd know your company pays a boat load of other taxes too.

Nope, you're an MS-NBC trained seal repeating their lies that the people who pay most of the taxes don't pay them. Bark, bark!

It appears you know nothing about the tax code in the US and how it favors the rich. Are you a Canadian like BriPat?

You don't understand a trust being administered by a corporation where the corporation pays the taxes? Why do you think there are so many rich unemployed in this country? Why do you think so many wealthy (Bill Gates) and corporations are incorporated in Nevada?

FYI: I've been audited twice in the last 15 years. Both times the IRS cut me a check.

IF our income tax code favors the rich, why do nearly half of the workers pay no income tax?

Because the don't make enough money.

Your story the rich don't pay taxes is a lie, the top 1% pay 40% of taxes. What percent do you think they should pay?

Which has nothing to do regarding the question and answer.

Of course it does. The top 1% pay 40 percent of the taxes, how much should they pay? Actually based on the argument you just lost, you admitted in addition to that they pay a bunch of corporate taxes too which isn't counted in that total. So how much should one in one hundred people pay for our government? 60%? How much would be enough?

Your lie you were a one percenter who didn't pay taxes didn't even make sense, did it?
The top 1% pay 40 percent of the taxes....

Look out kaz... the Alinsky bait and switch is about to happen...

"The Top 1%" means what? The wealthiest top or the top earners of incomes? You see... they want to switch back and forth... they want to argue as if these two distinctly different groups are the same group. The people who control the Top 1% of wealth likely pay little or no "earned income tax" because they no longer have to work for a living. You are 100% correct about the Top 1% of wage earners, they pay the highest tax rates and the most in actual taxes. But most of those people are not among the Top 1% of the wealthy.

The fact they conveniently fail to mention about the Top 1% of the wealthy is, they paid taxes when they earned the wealth. But the Marxists aren't really concerned with the taxes, it's the controlling of all that wealth. They fail to comprehend that wealth is created and want to believe there is only a limited amount and if it's all at the top it means none can be at the bottom. But here's the thing... in a free market, free enterprise capitalist republican system like we have in America, the condition of freedom to attain wealth is unlimited by the very definition of freedom, and in that condition, there will naturally be a high concentration of wealth among the Top 1%. We just can't help it.. we have a system where people can get rich and prosper. Helluva problem to have, huh?

What the Marxists would prefer... is a system where the "Top 1%" of wealth is controlled by the ruling class elite who also control all political power and freedom. The remaining 99% live in abject poverty but they all live in equal squalor. There has NEVER been a system devised by humans where everyone is equal in wealth.
  • Thanks
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And the corporation pays the taxes. It's in the bylaws. My accounting firm, Ernst & Young made it so.

btw: Have you done your research on Braeburn, on how Apple is 'burning' (get it, Braeburn 'burning') the US taxpayer? Republicans made it so.


So you admit you lied, you did pay taxes, your corporation took them out of your paycheck BEFORE they gave you the money!!!!

I can't make up the stupid that you are. Even in your fantasy, YOU PAID TAXES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fuck you, stupid bitch

I stated that I didn't pay any federal taxes because I didn't have any income. Well, $1.00.

Yes, and that was a lie. Even if your corporation / trust pays your bills directly, you have to declare it all as income. How many times do I have to explain that to you? How stupid are you?

I actually am what you claim to be. Your company cannot pay your personal expenses without you declaring it as income whether they pay you and you pay the bills or they pay them directly. How you take the money out of your company is immaterial.

What about that don't you understand? How stupid are you?

So you tell me, how do you pay your bills on $1? And you have no assets except your company/trust? No money in a checking account? You have no spending cash?

Your story is lame. MS-NBC needs smarter people than you to spread your stupid lie that CEOs can pay no taxes

Why would I pay taxes on money that's already been taxed?

I don't have any bills.

Why do I, or for that matter, anybody need a checking account?

Oh, and OnePercenter hits the canvas. He looks out, he's not moving at all...

- You just admitted YOU PAY TAXES. Even in your fantasy world where you're a one percenter. You just lost

- In the real world, you just admitted that corporate taxes are DOUBLE taxation. Because yes, the actual wealthy do pay taxes twice on the same money

- And again you provide you are lying because you didn't know that. Yep, corporations pay taxes, then you do have to pay taxes again when you take the money out.

So now that you're not going to be a Democrat anymore, are you going Libertarian or just to the Republican party?

eight, nine, ten, he's out, kaz is the winner by a KO

I didn't admit anything of the sort.

How are corporations taxed twice?
You're just tired at this point. Look up what a libertarian is. Corporate welfare is your gig, not mine. I believe in free markets. You want government to pick winners and losers. I never pick market winners

If we slashed the Federal government removing redistribution of wealth, then yes

You're just tired at this point. Look up what a libertarian is. Corporate welfare is your gig, not mine. I believe in free markets. You want government to pick winners and losers. I never pick market winners

Libertarianism makes you stupid.

The concept of 'free market' only works when everybody plays by the rules. That's never going to happen. Libertarians forget about the greed factor.

If we slashed the Federal government removing redistribution of wealth, then yes

The redistribution of wealth argument is bullshit. How can you have redistribution of wealth when all businesses, corporations, most super rich, and all wealthy only contribute 12% of what the IRS collects?

Please share with us all specifically who pays taxes paid by businesses and corporations. Would you do that, please?

Who do you consider the rich and super rich and show the link to your 12% figure. Thank you.

He's full of shit. The top 1% alone actually pay 40% of taxes. The top 5% pay 60%. The top 20% pay nearly all of them

That's because 1% of $1M is more than 1% of 50k.

The top 1% earn 20% of the income and pay 40% of the taxes. The bottom 50% pay zero. So that math is irrelevant

How many people is the top 1%?

How many dollars is 20% of income?

Why do you care, you'll never make enough for a higher taxation to effect you?
It appears you know nothing about the tax code in the US and how it favors the rich. Are you a Canadian like BriPat?

You don't understand a trust being administered by a corporation where the corporation pays the taxes? Why do you think there are so many rich unemployed in this country? Why do you think so many wealthy (Bill Gates) and corporations are incorporated in Nevada?

FYI: I've been audited twice in the last 15 years. Both times the IRS cut me a check.

IF our income tax code favors the rich, why do nearly half of the workers pay no income tax?

Because the don't make enough money.

Your story the rich don't pay taxes is a lie, the top 1% pay 40% of taxes. What percent do you think they should pay?

Which has nothing to do regarding the question and answer.

Of course it does. The top 1% pay 40 percent of the taxes, how much should they pay? Actually based on the argument you just lost, you admitted in addition to that they pay a bunch of corporate taxes too which isn't counted in that total. So how much should one in one hundred people pay for our government? 60%? How much would be enough?

Your lie you were a one percenter who didn't pay taxes didn't even make sense, did it?

What I believe is that we should significantly raise wages of all workers.
IF our income tax code favors the rich, why do nearly half of the workers pay no income tax?

Because the don't make enough money.

Your story the rich don't pay taxes is a lie, the top 1% pay 40% of taxes. What percent do you think they should pay?

Which has nothing to do regarding the question and answer.

Of course it does. The top 1% pay 40 percent of the taxes, how much should they pay? Actually based on the argument you just lost, you admitted in addition to that they pay a bunch of corporate taxes too which isn't counted in that total. So how much should one in one hundred people pay for our government? 60%? How much would be enough?

Your lie you were a one percenter who didn't pay taxes didn't even make sense, did it?

What I believe is that we should significantly raise wages of all workers.
We could just add a zero to the end of every bill in circulation! A one dollar bill becomes a ten, a ten turns into a hundred, etc... That'd be like a ten times raise for everyone!
What I believe is that we should significantly raise wages of all workers.

Okay... For the sake of argument, let's take your idea further.... Let's raise the mandatory federal minimum wage to $100 per hour. I think we can all agree that is a significant raise in wages... correct?

So tell me... Why is that a bad idea? :dunno: GO!
What I believe is that we should significantly raise wages of all workers.

Okay... For the sake of argument, let's take your idea further.... Let's raise the mandatory federal minimum wage to $100 per hour. I think we can all agree that is a significant raise in wages... correct?

So tell me... Why is that a bad idea? :dunno: GO!

Raising the federal mandatory minimum to $17.00 would be fantastic, especially with the upcoming stock market downturn.

The better would be my $23.50/hr plan.

-Base Federal tax for corporations at 30% of revenue.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2016 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 600 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2015 price structure.

-Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.

My plan would reduce small business costs for employees and taxes to 30%. That's a 20%-30% drop.

My plan would put BILLIONS into the economy daily.

My plan would put the $100 trillion plus currently owned by corporate America back into the economy.

My plan would end all welfare.

My plan would significantly increase social security and pension payments.

My plan would hold prices for 10 years, thus eliminating inflation.
What I believe is that we should significantly raise wages of all workers.

Okay... For the sake of argument, let's take your idea further.... Let's raise the mandatory federal minimum wage to $100 per hour. I think we can all agree that is a significant raise in wages... correct?

So tell me... Why is that a bad idea? :dunno: GO!

Raising the federal mandatory minimum to $17.00 would be fantastic, especially with the upcoming stock market downturn.

The better would be my $23.50/hr plan.

-Base Federal tax for corporations at 30% of revenue.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2016 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 600 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2015 price structure.

-Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.

My plan would reduce small business costs for employees and taxes to 30%. That's a 20%-30% drop.

My plan would put BILLIONS into the economy daily.

My plan would put the $100 trillion plus currently owned by corporate America back into the economy.

My plan would end all welfare.

My plan would significantly increase social security and pension payments.

My plan would hold prices for 10 years, thus eliminating inflation.

That's all wonderful-- now why don't you answer my question instead of demagoguing?
Wage earners.

Using today's rules, I also think it's stupid to tax investment income at a lower level than wage income.

Well the top 1% wage earners are far from the most wealthy in our country. The vast majority of people who report high wages on their tax returns are small businesses, who as matter of law, file tax as individuals. They can also be dual-income professional couples who happen to break the threshold of what you deem "wealthy" even though their lifestyle is nowhere near that of the truly wealthy.

We tax investment income less to encourage investment. If you tax it more you'll have less investment. That means banks have less money to lend. That means new start up businesses can't get the capital they need. That means industries can't expand and create new jobs. All of this means you stifle the economy. We know this because we've tried it before.

Investment comes from people who have wealth available for investment. Tax has already been paid on that wealth when it was earned. Before it is used for investment, it rests securely in stocks, bonds and municipals, some are tax-exempt. All investment involves risk... there is no guarantee of return on any investment. Therefore, the investor is taking a gamble with his wealth. Why should he gamble if there is no advantage to him? It is easier and smarter for him to take no risk and gain 2% than to risk his wealth to make 4% and pay 40% tax on it.

Re: Rules... I have no problem with evaluating certain "rules" or aka: "loopholes" which enable certain people *cough-hegefundmanagers-cough* to exploit Cap Gains and get rich. That's a problem I think we need to address. Problem is, Hillary Clinton isn't going to do this because that is what Chelsea's husband does. Not to mention, she is bought and paid for by Wall Street.

So you admit you lied, you did pay taxes, your corporation took them out of your paycheck BEFORE they gave you the money!!!!

I can't make up the stupid that you are. Even in your fantasy, YOU PAID TAXES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fuck you, stupid bitch

I stated that I didn't pay any federal taxes because I didn't have any income. Well, $1.00.

Yes, and that was a lie. Even if your corporation / trust pays your bills directly, you have to declare it all as income. How many times do I have to explain that to you? How stupid are you?

I actually am what you claim to be. Your company cannot pay your personal expenses without you declaring it as income whether they pay you and you pay the bills or they pay them directly. How you take the money out of your company is immaterial.

What about that don't you understand? How stupid are you?

So you tell me, how do you pay your bills on $1? And you have no assets except your company/trust? No money in a checking account? You have no spending cash?

Your story is lame. MS-NBC needs smarter people than you to spread your stupid lie that CEOs can pay no taxes

Why would I pay taxes on money that's already been taxed?

I don't have any bills.

Why do I, or for that matter, anybody need a checking account?

Oh, and OnePercenter hits the canvas. He looks out, he's not moving at all...

- You just admitted YOU PAY TAXES. Even in your fantasy world where you're a one percenter. You just lost

- In the real world, you just admitted that corporate taxes are DOUBLE taxation. Because yes, the actual wealthy do pay taxes twice on the same money

- And again you provide you are lying because you didn't know that. Yep, corporations pay taxes, then you do have to pay taxes again when you take the money out.

So now that you're not going to be a Democrat anymore, are you going Libertarian or just to the Republican party?

eight, nine, ten, he's out, kaz is the winner by a KO

I didn't admit anything of the sort.

How are corporations taxed twice?

You already admitted you lost this debate, you did pay taxes even in your fantasy world that you're a wealthy CEO. Discussion over
You said good things were obstructed. That's impossible. Obama put forth nothing that was good because anything where one group is forced to fund for another something the other should be funding for themselves is bad. Surely you bleeding hearts can understand that the government doesn't have to be involved if you, as a group, believe something should be done. Get together and do it yourselves with your own money. I know you won't because your mindset it that by having others forced to do it your way, it somehow means you have compassion. Doesn't work that way. If you don't think what you believe should be done is a good enough investment for you to do with you own money only, it damn sure isn't a good enough investment for me.
Tax incentives to train for 3-5 million tech jobs going begging, Immigration bill with good SS ID card, infrastructure jobs bank, raise of min wage- we could have led the world out of this mess...GOP allows NOTHING.

So amnesty called by another name, someone other than the kid or his/her parents funding their education, giving people a wage they didn't earn, etc.? That will only cause a bigger mess.
Total, idiotic, brainwashed pie in the sky functional stupidity. Your party invited them in with total refusal of good ID, an infrastructure bank is a cheap way to invest in YOUR greedy idiot party's ruin of a country (all to bloat the rich and giant corps), dupe, they earn the hell out of it- or would if they were paid enough to care. This country absolutely suqs after 35 years of your stupid bs.

No one received an invitation. I've addressed how to solve both the illegal problem and social welfare leech problem. Deport all illegals and offer those jobs to the welfare leeches. If the leeches say no, no more handouts. Two problem solves.
Just as good as an invitation. Illegals can easily get fake SS cards and ID. In 2007 Pew found that 94% of illegal males worked, 65% pay taxes and 35% owned homes. To turn around and deport them is racist idiocy for bigot dupes in the real world. Welcome to reality. Pass the gd bill with good ID, get 100% paying taxes- HUGE for economy AND END the gd problem forever.

In other words, reward them for having been criminals? No thanks. Unlike you, I don't support rewarding people that broke the law.
shifted their main corporations overseas where they pay ZERO US Taxes but collect oodles in sales in the US.

Challenge: Cite three examples of these corporations who pay zero US tax but collect sales in the US?

Okay moron... read your challenge CAREFULLY.... I asked you to show 3 corporations who 1) Paid zero US taxes AND 2) Collected sales in the US. You cited a list of propaganda links which show such nuggets as "General Electric, Boeing, Verizon and 23 other profitable Fortune 500 firms paid no federal income taxes from 2008 to 2012" BUT... what the propagandists FAIL to mention is their sales. You see, whenever your expenses are more than your profits, you show a loss and you don't pay taxes on a loss. Now, just so happens, between '08-'12, we went through a major recession and many businesses who didn't completely tank, didn't show a profit.

But propagandists rely on really stupid people who don't comprehend that "revenues collected" is not profits made. And so, you can manipulate statistics to show something seemingly outrageous or unethical. The only person being unethical is you... the propagandist.
"PROFITABLE". Also before and AFTER that period. Propagandists don't have facts, dupe. Like all you morons saying we have the highest corporate taxes in the world. LOL. Only on small business...Thanks GOP

The only dupe is the one that supports rewarding criminal activity of illegals. I don't. That makes you the dupe and accessory to a crime.
Libertarianism makes you stupid.

The concept of 'free market' only works when everybody plays by the rules. That's never going to happen. Libertarians forget about the greed factor.

The redistribution of wealth argument is bullshit. How can you have redistribution of wealth when all businesses, corporations, most super rich, and all wealthy only contribute 12% of what the IRS collects?

Please share with us all specifically who pays taxes paid by businesses and corporations. Would you do that, please?

Who do you consider the rich and super rich and show the link to your 12% figure. Thank you.

He's full of shit. The top 1% alone actually pay 40% of taxes. The top 5% pay 60%. The top 20% pay nearly all of them

That's because 1% of $1M is more than 1% of 50k.

The top 1% earn 20% of the income and pay 40% of the taxes. The bottom 50% pay zero. So that math is irrelevant

How many people is the top 1%?

How many dollars is 20% of income?

Why do you care, you'll never make enough for a higher taxation to effect you?

Ya know. I keep hearing from fake conservatives about how we spend too much on welfare. Welfare would cause taxes to raise. Poor people want to steal more of my money. Blah, blah, blah.

Some interesting statistics:

Finland spends 3.2% of its federal budget on public assistance.

Great Britain spends a little over 4.6%

Israel spends 2.4%

Norway spends a whopping 6.2%.

And the US? 0.7%. That's it.

So, why can't we just increase that to 2%? We can take that 2% away from our bloated military budget. It would still make us the Western nation that spends the least amount of money on their poor, but imagine the massive effect that would have on poverty in this country. And it wouldn't even cost the tax payers one. Red. Cent. more than they are paying, now. Because I'm not suggesting increasing the budget. I'm suggesting giving public assistance a slightly larger piece of the existing budget.

Why is that such an outrageous idea?

You want an answer? I'll give you an answer - though you'll never understand or accept it.....

The US Constitution make NO PROVISIONS for the expenditure of Federal funds on ANY form of welfare. Not for social or personal welfare.

Therefore the 0.7% the United States spends on these things is 0.7% too much.
Art. I, Sec 8, Cl. 1= to spend for the common defense and general welfare

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