Why can't Public Assistance increase?

I've explained it what, 10 times? You said you don't pay taxes, you charge your living on your credit and debit cards which your companies pay for. You can't do that with your personal expenses, it's tax fraud.

You also said you don't pay taxes, which again is impossible since again you have to remove money from your trust to live and if you remove money from your trust, bam, you have to pay taxes on it.

You're a terrible liar and you don't even understand corporations or trusts. Trusts can delay taxes, they can't avoid them. The rubber hits the road when you have to live. And according to you, you make $4.5 million and live on zero other than expenses you write off in your company.

Tax fraud, pure and simple. Republicans didn't OK that, no one did. You're either a liar or you're writing this from a jail cell. No tax attorney, CPA or trustee is going to sign off on your committing tax fraud. They'll end up in the next cell.

Of course you're not in jail, you made the whole thing up. You're a terrible liar. MS-NBC filled you with vague ideas without context or completeness of what CEOs do and you ran to the nearest messageboard and made up that is what you do.

No, it's not. No one does. Stop listening to leftist mouthpieces, they are lying to you

Which law am I breaking?

Read the post you responded to

I did. What's your point?

My point was clear in the post that you quoted. You're lying that you pay your personal living expenses through your company and write them off as business expenses. Even if you tried that, your tax lawyer and accountant wouldn't do it. If they did, you'd go to jail for tax fraud. They would lose their licenses, which is why they wouldn't do it.

If you make 4 large, you pay taxes. You said you don't pay taxes. In fact, the actual one percenters earn 20% of the income and pay 40% of the taxes. You make shit up, stupid shit. You're just transparent. You are a liar, and a bad one. You just needed to run into the first real CEO who knew how shallow your lies are.

And that's just income taxes. If you were an actual CEO or in any management capacity, you'd know your company pays a boat load of other taxes too.

Nope, you're an MS-NBC trained seal repeating their lies that the people who pay most of the taxes don't pay them. Bark, bark!

It appears you know nothing about the tax code in the US and how it favors the rich. Are you a Canadian like BriPat?

You don't understand a trust being administered by a corporation where the corporation pays the taxes? Why do you think there are so many rich unemployed in this country? Why do you think so many wealthy (Bill Gates) and corporations are incorporated in Nevada?

FYI: I've been audited twice in the last 15 years. Both times the IRS cut me a check.

IF our income tax code favors the rich, why do nearly half of the workers pay no income tax?
It appears you know nothing about the tax code in the US and how it favors the rich. Are you a Canadian like BriPat?

You don't understand a trust being administered by a corporation where the corporation pays the taxes? Why do you think there are so many rich unemployed in this country? Why do you think so many wealthy (Bill Gates) and corporations are incorporated in Nevada?

FYI: I've been audited twice in the last 15 years. Both times the IRS cut me a check.

There are so many rich unemployed because rich people no longer need to earn incomes. They are fucking rich. They spend most of their time now spending their wealth and enjoying the finer things in life.

Bill Gates lives in Medina, Washington and his company, Microsoft, is headquartered in Redmond, Washington. But if there are corporations who like to locate in Nevada, maybe Nevada has low state tax for corporations? None of this has a thing to do with personal income tax rates.

You just sit here and spew one Marxist piece of propaganda after another while lying about being a capitalist. Obviously, you're not smart enough to pull it off. Go back and tell your masters you've failed and that you need an easier assignment, like passing out pamphlets at the airport.

Bill Gates AND Microsoft are both Nevada corporations.

If you want to eliminate personal taxes for the rich, you create a trust and have a corporation administer.

The business of the corporation is to administer the trust, and as you know any and all expenses are tax deductible.

No personal income tax, and any monies spent on distribution are deductible.

No, one is an individual and one is a corporation and both are located in Washington state. I don't know why your retarded ass thinks they are Nevada corporations.

As you've been told, any monies you receive from trusts are reported on your 1040 and you pay taxes on that when you receive it. I don't know why your retarded ass thinks you don't pay tax on proceeds from trusts.

I've explained about rich people and taxes.... Most of them don't pay earned income taxes because they no longer earn incomes. They earn dividends from their investment of wealth sometimes and we tax them at a lower rate because we want to encourage them to invest their wealth rather than sit on it. But remember, rich people don't HAVE to do anything... they're rich. If you want to tax their investment of wealth, they'll stop doing that and just sit on it instead. And then, you can sit there and spin while capital investment projects go unfunded and nothing happens to grow your economy.

As you slowly choke capitalism to death, your Marxist masters will commend you for a job well done.

IF "rich people" don't pay income taxes, why do nearly half of workers pay no income taxes?

Curious, at what income level or maybe net worth do you consider someone "rich"?
Instead of giving people money, use the money to TRAIN them.
To ENABLE them to make their own money

This is not complicated people....

The majority do not either want to be trained or don't have the ability to be trained for the available jobs.
Well, no... most corporations aren't lavishing dividends on each other. That's more of your mindless jealous "class warfare" bullshit you've been programmed to accept as a truth. Conservative have not controlled the White House or either house of Congress for 30 of those 35 years you're squawking about. It has been liberals, progressives and neocons who have dismantled virtually every aspect Reagan tried to establish.

And no one claimed USA Today and CBS are Marxists. The Marxists, as I explained, do not use Marxists to promote their propaganda because they know it will be rejected.
Lavishing dividends on the rich duh....
You have to be disabled. And prove it.
I never said ANYTHING about sales. They have huge profits and pay no taxes. They have huge profits and pay no taxes.They have huge profits and pay no taxes.They have huge profits and pay no taxes. HELLOOO?!?!

Well no they don't and you never cited any example. You presented a Marxist propaganda piece naming a few corporations who had losses because of the recession and weren't subject to taxes as a result.
The hell I didn't duh.27 giant profitable companies paid no taxes - USA Today
USA Today
Mar 7, 2016 - There are 27 companies in the Standard & Poor's 500, including telecom firm Level 3 Communications (LVLT), airline United Continental (UAL) and automaker General Motors (GM), that reported paying no income tax expense in 2015 despite reporting pre-tax profits, according to a USA TODAY analysis of data from S&P Global ...
Both are unfair. The rich and giant corps are totally bloated, just buying ridiculous luxuries and giving dividends to each other lol. You are a total dupe of GOP propaganda.

Your a-holes are wrecking the nonrich and the country, for 35 years now. No one has any money to create demand anymore... And USA Today and CBS are not Marxists lol...Brainwashed functional moron.

You can actually say that after 7 1/2 years of failed economic and world leadership.

And mainly 7 1/2 years of mindless GOP obstruction and 35 years of pander to the rich, screw the nonrich tax rates, dupe.

What has the GOP blocked? As you know, Democrats controlled both the House and Senate during Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama's first two years in office.
Yup, only 200+ GOP filibusters those 2 years dupe. Great control. They blocked everything. Google what GOP has blocked, dumbass. EVERYTHING. Typical dupe. If you knew anything, you'd be a Dem.

Or not. See sig last line. And you people are the "interested" GOPers. I HATE the Fox/Rush/WHATEVER lies you parrot. Sorry. Snap out of it.
Which law am I breaking?

Read the post you responded to

I did. What's your point?

My point was clear in the post that you quoted. You're lying that you pay your personal living expenses through your company and write them off as business expenses. Even if you tried that, your tax lawyer and accountant wouldn't do it. If they did, you'd go to jail for tax fraud. They would lose their licenses, which is why they wouldn't do it.

If you make 4 large, you pay taxes. You said you don't pay taxes. In fact, the actual one percenters earn 20% of the income and pay 40% of the taxes. You make shit up, stupid shit. You're just transparent. You are a liar, and a bad one. You just needed to run into the first real CEO who knew how shallow your lies are.

And that's just income taxes. If you were an actual CEO or in any management capacity, you'd know your company pays a boat load of other taxes too.

Nope, you're an MS-NBC trained seal repeating their lies that the people who pay most of the taxes don't pay them. Bark, bark!

It appears you know nothing about the tax code in the US and how it favors the rich. Are you a Canadian like BriPat?

You don't understand a trust being administered by a corporation where the corporation pays the taxes? Why do you think there are so many rich unemployed in this country? Why do you think so many wealthy (Bill Gates) and corporations are incorporated in Nevada?

FYI: I've been audited twice in the last 15 years. Both times the IRS cut me a check.

IF our income tax code favors the rich, why do nearly half of the workers pay no income tax?
The one tax graph you really need to know
Instead of giving people money, use the money to TRAIN them.
To ENABLE them to make their own money

This is not complicated people....

The majority do not either want to be trained or don't have the ability to be trained for the available jobs.
BS. Let's TRY it. 3-6 million tech jobs going begging...Would make NAFTA etc WORK. Usual GOP non follow thru to save their greedy idiot megarich from paying their fair share.
There is no problem with public assistance if it's done correctly and in a fiscally responsible way
It's not, people abuse the system and it's allowed to happen.

Public assistance if done at all should be done at the local level and as a last resort. Your terms are not achievable, it is never fiscally responsible to do charity with other people's money. The people giving and taking other people's money will never do it in a "fiscally responsible" way

By 'public assistance' are you referring to 'social' (people) or corporate?

You're just tired at this point. Look up what a libertarian is. Corporate welfare is your gig, not mine. I believe in free markets. You want government to pick winners and losers. I never pick market winners

And while were at it, does the 'local level' have the monies to do this?

If we slashed the Federal government removing redistribution of wealth, then yes

You're just tired at this point. Look up what a libertarian is. Corporate welfare is your gig, not mine. I believe in free markets. You want government to pick winners and losers. I never pick market winners

Libertarianism makes you stupid.

The concept of 'free market' only works when everybody plays by the rules. That's never going to happen. Libertarians forget about the greed factor.

If we slashed the Federal government removing redistribution of wealth, then yes

The redistribution of wealth argument is bullshit. How can you have redistribution of wealth when all businesses, corporations, most super rich, and all wealthy only contribute 12% of what the IRS collects?

Please share with us all specifically who pays taxes paid by businesses and corporations. Would you do that, please?

Who do you consider the rich and super rich and show the link to your 12% figure. Thank you.
Read the post you responded to

I did. What's your point?

My point was clear in the post that you quoted. You're lying that you pay your personal living expenses through your company and write them off as business expenses. Even if you tried that, your tax lawyer and accountant wouldn't do it. If they did, you'd go to jail for tax fraud. They would lose their licenses, which is why they wouldn't do it.

If you make 4 large, you pay taxes. You said you don't pay taxes. In fact, the actual one percenters earn 20% of the income and pay 40% of the taxes. You make shit up, stupid shit. You're just transparent. You are a liar, and a bad one. You just needed to run into the first real CEO who knew how shallow your lies are.

And that's just income taxes. If you were an actual CEO or in any management capacity, you'd know your company pays a boat load of other taxes too.

Nope, you're an MS-NBC trained seal repeating their lies that the people who pay most of the taxes don't pay them. Bark, bark!

It appears you know nothing about the tax code in the US and how it favors the rich. Are you a Canadian like BriPat?

You don't understand a trust being administered by a corporation where the corporation pays the taxes? Why do you think there are so many rich unemployed in this country? Why do you think so many wealthy (Bill Gates) and corporations are incorporated in Nevada?

FYI: I've been audited twice in the last 15 years. Both times the IRS cut me a check.

IF our income tax code favors the rich, why do nearly half of the workers pay no income tax?
The one tax graph you really need to know

Please read my post again. My statement has to do with FEDERAL INCOME TAX. Thank you.
If they don't want training, don't give them assistance.

Some can't be trained for anything because they don't possess enough intelligence. And that goes right back to the theory the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

We have low intelligence people breeding at a much higher rate than working Americans. We can't solve poverty unless we lower the birth rate of stupid people. The only way that could be accomplished is by a law that states if you apply for public assistance, you have to be fixed first.

Years ago I worked for a company repairing medical equipment. They wanted me to go to electronics school, so I went part-time at nights.

The first night in class, the teacher drew two resistors of equal value connected to a 12 volt battery on the chalk board, and began to explain that because the resistors were equal, each one absorbed 6 volts of electricity because 6 and 6 equals 12. He asked if there were any questions, and we all laughed a little bit; well, all except one student.

He was a younger black guy and began asking the teacher all kinds of ridiculous questions. No matter how many times the teacher explained this simple theory, the guy just couldn't understand it. So I whispered to my new classmate next to me "I don't think this guy will even make it through the first semester!" He whispered back "I know he won't. This is his third time taking it!"

My classmate had to retake the semester several times as well; not because he couldn't add 6 plus 6, but because he had some major medical and family issues. During break, he told me that the black guy was on some sort of government program, and the school rigged his test scores to get him into the school.

Another racist diatribe?

Please show us all where race was mentioned.
You're saying that a person can't be incorporated? Show me any law that states that can't occur.

A company with a corporate office in another State can't be a Nevada corporation? Show me any law that states that can't occur.

Apple, Intel, Harley-Davidson, and for our resident truck driver, Swift Transportation are also Nevada corporations. As a matter of fact, Nevada which is a tax haven second only to the Cayman's, has more than 500,000 corporations and LLC's, which employ's more than 100,000 people. Not bad for a State with a population of 2.8M.

As you've been told, I don't receive ANY direct distributions from a trust, thus, I'm not liable for taxes.

Actually, no, Swift is headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona. H-D is headquartered in Milwaukee.

And we all know what you have claimed...which is why we all know it is bullshit!


Refer you to page 2.


Harley Davidson operations - Wisconsin

The real money

Harley-Davidson Customer Funding Corp - Nevada
Harley-Davidson Insurance Services, Inc. - Nevada
Harley-Davidson Credit Corp. - Nevada
Eaglemark Savings Bank - Nevada
Harley-Davidson Leasing, Inc. - Nevada
Harley-Davidson Warehouse Funding Corp. - Nevada

I love my Harley although I did pay cash.

What, about all you have written is illegal?
Which law am I breaking?

Read the post you responded to

I did. What's your point?

My point was clear in the post that you quoted. You're lying that you pay your personal living expenses through your company and write them off as business expenses. Even if you tried that, your tax lawyer and accountant wouldn't do it. If they did, you'd go to jail for tax fraud. They would lose their licenses, which is why they wouldn't do it.

If you make 4 large, you pay taxes. You said you don't pay taxes. In fact, the actual one percenters earn 20% of the income and pay 40% of the taxes. You make shit up, stupid shit. You're just transparent. You are a liar, and a bad one. You just needed to run into the first real CEO who knew how shallow your lies are.

And that's just income taxes. If you were an actual CEO or in any management capacity, you'd know your company pays a boat load of other taxes too.

Nope, you're an MS-NBC trained seal repeating their lies that the people who pay most of the taxes don't pay them. Bark, bark!

It appears you know nothing about the tax code in the US and how it favors the rich. Are you a Canadian like BriPat?

You don't understand a trust being administered by a corporation where the corporation pays the taxes? Why do you think there are so many rich unemployed in this country? Why do you think so many wealthy (Bill Gates) and corporations are incorporated in Nevada?

FYI: I've been audited twice in the last 15 years. Both times the IRS cut me a check.

IF our income tax code favors the rich, why do nearly half of the workers pay no income tax?

Because the don't make enough money.
There is no problem with public assistance if it's done correctly and in a fiscally responsible way
It's not, people abuse the system and it's allowed to happen.

Public assistance if done at all should be done at the local level and as a last resort. Your terms are not achievable, it is never fiscally responsible to do charity with other people's money. The people giving and taking other people's money will never do it in a "fiscally responsible" way

By 'public assistance' are you referring to 'social' (people) or corporate?

You're just tired at this point. Look up what a libertarian is. Corporate welfare is your gig, not mine. I believe in free markets. You want government to pick winners and losers. I never pick market winners

And while were at it, does the 'local level' have the monies to do this?

If we slashed the Federal government removing redistribution of wealth, then yes

You're just tired at this point. Look up what a libertarian is. Corporate welfare is your gig, not mine. I believe in free markets. You want government to pick winners and losers. I never pick market winners

Libertarianism makes you stupid.

The concept of 'free market' only works when everybody plays by the rules. That's never going to happen. Libertarians forget about the greed factor.

If we slashed the Federal government removing redistribution of wealth, then yes

The redistribution of wealth argument is bullshit. How can you have redistribution of wealth when all businesses, corporations, most super rich, and all wealthy only contribute 12% of what the IRS collects?

Please share with us all specifically who pays taxes paid by businesses and corporations. Would you do that, please?

Who do you consider the rich and super rich and show the link to your 12% figure. Thank you.

Whomever pays the taxpayer pays the tax.

Rich: $1M or more in income
Super Rich: $50M or more in income
Wealthy: $100M or more in income

You're saying that a person can't be incorporated? Show me any law that states that can't occur.

A company with a corporate office in another State can't be a Nevada corporation? Show me any law that states that can't occur.

Apple, Intel, Harley-Davidson, and for our resident truck driver, Swift Transportation are also Nevada corporations. As a matter of fact, Nevada which is a tax haven second only to the Cayman's, has more than 500,000 corporations and LLC's, which employ's more than 100,000 people. Not bad for a State with a population of 2.8M.

As you've been told, I don't receive ANY direct distributions from a trust, thus, I'm not liable for taxes.

Actually, no, Swift is headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona. H-D is headquartered in Milwaukee.

And we all know what you have claimed...which is why we all know it is bullshit!


Refer you to page 2.


Harley Davidson operations - Wisconsin

The real money

Harley-Davidson Customer Funding Corp - Nevada
Harley-Davidson Insurance Services, Inc. - Nevada
Harley-Davidson Credit Corp. - Nevada
Eaglemark Savings Bank - Nevada
Harley-Davidson Leasing, Inc. - Nevada
Harley-Davidson Warehouse Funding Corp. - Nevada

I love my Harley although I did pay cash.

What, about all you have written is illegal?

Nothing. Republicans made it legal.
Ya know. I keep hearing from fake conservatives about how we spend too much on welfare. Welfare would cause taxes to raise. Poor people want to steal more of my money. Blah, blah, blah.

Some interesting statistics:

Finland spends 3.2% of its federal budget on public assistance.

Great Britain spends a little over 4.6%

Israel spends 2.4%

Norway spends a whopping 6.2%.

And the US? 0.7%. That's it.

So, why can't we just increase that to 2%? We can take that 2% away from our bloated military budget. It would still make us the Western nation that spends the least amount of money on their poor, but imagine the massive effect that would have on poverty in this country. And it wouldn't even cost the tax payers one. Red. Cent. more than they are paying, now. Because I'm not suggesting increasing the budget. I'm suggesting giving public assistance a slightly larger piece of the existing budget.

Why is that such an outrageous idea?

Go ahead. You put out the funds to take it to 2%. I prefer to choose how I spend my hard earned money.

Do you realize how many scams there are for some to get money?? I do not mind helping anyone that truly needs it, but not someone that can very well help themselves.
IF "rich people" don't pay income taxes, why do nearly half of workers pay no income taxes?

Curious, at what income level or maybe net worth do you consider someone "rich"?

Okay... so, first of all, there is no generalization we can apply here. "Rich people" are like any other group of people, they vary from person to person. I suspect some "rich people" pay a great deal of income tax. And many of them pay income taxes but it's on dividend income and not earned income. My point is, *most* of the uber-wealthy no longer work for an earned income paycheck, therefore, have little or no earned income.

When we hear progressives say "raise the taxes on the rich who make over $2xxK per year..." that's not "the rich" but people who happen to earn a big paycheck. They may or may not be part of "the rich". They could be a small business owner who is simply reporting his small business income on his individual tax return, as all small businesses do. It could be a married professional couple who's combined income happens to be over that threshold but they are nowhere near the "Top 1%".

Again... no generalization, but *most* super wealthy people gain dividends from investing their wealth. They don't HAVE to do this, they can easily put their wealth in tax-free securities and municipal bonds. We intentionally make the tax rate lower for dividends to encourage them to use their wealth for investment because that stimulates growth in jobs and the economy. It does is no good for the rich person to hide their money in their mattress.

You hit on this yourself with your question: at what income level or maybe net worth do you consider someone "rich"? You see, we don't tax wealth in America. Your wealth is your property, you own it outright. We tax incomes and it's hard to say "what is rich" in terms of incomes. It varies greatly depending on circumstances. They could be rich or they could've just had a good weekend in Vegas... we don't know based on their income in a given year. They could live in Tarshack, Mississippi where their salary is far above the average and they live quite the luxurious lifestyle... or they could live in Los Angeles where their salary is relatively modest. Again, we don't know their circumstances.

I happen to know quite a few "rich people" but even they would laugh at being called "rich" because they know many who are much richer. None of them earn incomes, or at least not very much, and so they don't pay earned income taxes. They spend far more than they earn these days because... well, they're rich. They've already paid the taxes on their wealth when they earned it. Some of them (because they enjoy it) invest some of their wealth... they will pay a smaller tax rate on their returns. Still, even this is a very small amount relative to how much they spend. But if you crank up the dividend taxes to match earned income tax, they will simply stop investing and keep their wealth where it will be secure. They are not like the middle class who MUST earn incomes.
MS-NBC told you that you can deduct your personal expenses as business expenses. They are full of shit. Almost as much as you

I don't deduct anything. I don't pay federal taxes. Republicans made it so.

Liar, when you pay your personal expenses, it's income. And you pay taxes on that. You're a pathetic lying piece of shit

And the corporation pays the taxes. It's in the bylaws. My accounting firm, Ernst & Young made it so.

btw: Have you done your research on Braeburn, on how Apple is 'burning' (get it, Braeburn 'burning') the US taxpayer? Republicans made it so.


So you admit you lied, you did pay taxes, your corporation took them out of your paycheck BEFORE they gave you the money!!!!

I can't make up the stupid that you are. Even in your fantasy, YOU PAID TAXES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fuck you, stupid bitch

I stated that I didn't pay any federal taxes because I didn't have any income. Well, $1.00.

Yes, and that was a lie. Even if your corporation / trust pays your bills directly, you have to declare it all as income. How many times do I have to explain that to you? How stupid are you?

I actually am what you claim to be. Your company cannot pay your personal expenses without you declaring it as income whether they pay you and you pay the bills or they pay them directly. How you take the money out of your company is immaterial.

What about that don't you understand? How stupid are you?

So you tell me, how do you pay your bills on $1? And you have no assets except your company/trust? No money in a checking account? You have no spending cash?

Your story is lame. MS-NBC needs smarter people than you to spread your stupid lie that CEOs can pay no taxes
There is no problem with public assistance if it's done correctly and in a fiscally responsible way
It's not, people abuse the system and it's allowed to happen.

Public assistance if done at all should be done at the local level and as a last resort. Your terms are not achievable, it is never fiscally responsible to do charity with other people's money. The people giving and taking other people's money will never do it in a "fiscally responsible" way

By 'public assistance' are you referring to 'social' (people) or corporate?

You're just tired at this point. Look up what a libertarian is. Corporate welfare is your gig, not mine. I believe in free markets. You want government to pick winners and losers. I never pick market winners

And while were at it, does the 'local level' have the monies to do this?

If we slashed the Federal government removing redistribution of wealth, then yes

You're just tired at this point. Look up what a libertarian is. Corporate welfare is your gig, not mine. I believe in free markets. You want government to pick winners and losers. I never pick market winners

Libertarianism makes you stupid.

The concept of 'free market' only works when everybody plays by the rules. That's never going to happen. Libertarians forget about the greed factor.

If we slashed the Federal government removing redistribution of wealth, then yes

The redistribution of wealth argument is bullshit. How can you have redistribution of wealth when all businesses, corporations, most super rich, and all wealthy only contribute 12% of what the IRS collects?

Please share with us all specifically who pays taxes paid by businesses and corporations. Would you do that, please?

Who do you consider the rich and super rich and show the link to your 12% figure. Thank you.

He's full of shit. The top 1% alone actually pay 40% of taxes. The top 5% pay 60%. The top 20% pay nearly all of them
Read the post you responded to

I did. What's your point?

My point was clear in the post that you quoted. You're lying that you pay your personal living expenses through your company and write them off as business expenses. Even if you tried that, your tax lawyer and accountant wouldn't do it. If they did, you'd go to jail for tax fraud. They would lose their licenses, which is why they wouldn't do it.

If you make 4 large, you pay taxes. You said you don't pay taxes. In fact, the actual one percenters earn 20% of the income and pay 40% of the taxes. You make shit up, stupid shit. You're just transparent. You are a liar, and a bad one. You just needed to run into the first real CEO who knew how shallow your lies are.

And that's just income taxes. If you were an actual CEO or in any management capacity, you'd know your company pays a boat load of other taxes too.

Nope, you're an MS-NBC trained seal repeating their lies that the people who pay most of the taxes don't pay them. Bark, bark!

It appears you know nothing about the tax code in the US and how it favors the rich. Are you a Canadian like BriPat?

You don't understand a trust being administered by a corporation where the corporation pays the taxes? Why do you think there are so many rich unemployed in this country? Why do you think so many wealthy (Bill Gates) and corporations are incorporated in Nevada?

FYI: I've been audited twice in the last 15 years. Both times the IRS cut me a check.

IF our income tax code favors the rich, why do nearly half of the workers pay no income tax?

Because the don't make enough money.

Your story the rich don't pay taxes is a lie, the top 1% pay 40% of taxes. What percent do you think they should pay?
I don't deduct anything. I don't pay federal taxes. Republicans made it so.

Liar, when you pay your personal expenses, it's income. And you pay taxes on that. You're a pathetic lying piece of shit

And the corporation pays the taxes. It's in the bylaws. My accounting firm, Ernst & Young made it so.

btw: Have you done your research on Braeburn, on how Apple is 'burning' (get it, Braeburn 'burning') the US taxpayer? Republicans made it so.


So you admit you lied, you did pay taxes, your corporation took them out of your paycheck BEFORE they gave you the money!!!!

I can't make up the stupid that you are. Even in your fantasy, YOU PAID TAXES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fuck you, stupid bitch

I stated that I didn't pay any federal taxes because I didn't have any income. Well, $1.00.

Yes, and that was a lie. Even if your corporation / trust pays your bills directly, you have to declare it all as income. How many times do I have to explain that to you? How stupid are you?

I actually am what you claim to be. Your company cannot pay your personal expenses without you declaring it as income whether they pay you and you pay the bills or they pay them directly. How you take the money out of your company is immaterial.

What about that don't you understand? How stupid are you?

So you tell me, how do you pay your bills on $1? And you have no assets except your company/trust? No money in a checking account? You have no spending cash?

Your story is lame. MS-NBC needs smarter people than you to spread your stupid lie that CEOs can pay no taxes

Why would I pay taxes on money that's already been taxed?

I don't have any bills.

Why do I, or for that matter, anybody need a checking account?
Public assistance if done at all should be done at the local level and as a last resort. Your terms are not achievable, it is never fiscally responsible to do charity with other people's money. The people giving and taking other people's money will never do it in a "fiscally responsible" way

By 'public assistance' are you referring to 'social' (people) or corporate?

You're just tired at this point. Look up what a libertarian is. Corporate welfare is your gig, not mine. I believe in free markets. You want government to pick winners and losers. I never pick market winners

And while were at it, does the 'local level' have the monies to do this?

If we slashed the Federal government removing redistribution of wealth, then yes

You're just tired at this point. Look up what a libertarian is. Corporate welfare is your gig, not mine. I believe in free markets. You want government to pick winners and losers. I never pick market winners

Libertarianism makes you stupid.

The concept of 'free market' only works when everybody plays by the rules. That's never going to happen. Libertarians forget about the greed factor.

If we slashed the Federal government removing redistribution of wealth, then yes

The redistribution of wealth argument is bullshit. How can you have redistribution of wealth when all businesses, corporations, most super rich, and all wealthy only contribute 12% of what the IRS collects?

Please share with us all specifically who pays taxes paid by businesses and corporations. Would you do that, please?

Who do you consider the rich and super rich and show the link to your 12% figure. Thank you.

He's full of shit. The top 1% alone actually pay 40% of taxes. The top 5% pay 60%. The top 20% pay nearly all of them

That's because 1% of $1M is more than 1% of 50k.

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