Why can't Public Assistance increase?

There is no problem with public assistance if it's done correctly and in a fiscally responsible way
It's not, people abuse the system and it's allowed to happen.

Public assistance if done at all should be done at the local level and as a last resort. Your terms are not achievable, it is never fiscally responsible to do charity with other people's money. The people giving and taking other people's money will never do it in a "fiscally responsible" way

By 'public assistance' are you referring to 'social' (people) or corporate?

You're just tired at this point. Look up what a libertarian is. Corporate welfare is your gig, not mine. I believe in free markets. You want government to pick winners and losers. I never pick market winners

And while were at it, does the 'local level' have the monies to do this?

If we slashed the Federal government removing redistribution of wealth, then yes

You're just tired at this point. Look up what a libertarian is. Corporate welfare is your gig, not mine. I believe in free markets. You want government to pick winners and losers. I never pick market winners

Libertarianism makes you stupid.

The concept of 'free market' only works when everybody plays by the rules. That's never going to happen. Libertarians forget about the greed factor.

If we slashed the Federal government removing redistribution of wealth, then yes

The redistribution of wealth argument is bullshit. How can you have redistribution of wealth when all businesses, corporations, most super rich, and all wealthy only contribute 12% of what the IRS collects?

I'm not an anarchist, you stupid fuck
There is no problem with public assistance if it's done correctly and in a fiscally responsible way
It's not, people abuse the system and it's allowed to happen.

Public assistance if done at all should be done at the local level and as a last resort. Your terms are not achievable, it is never fiscally responsible to do charity with other people's money. The people giving and taking other people's money will never do it in a "fiscally responsible" way

By 'public assistance' are you referring to 'social' (people) or corporate?

You're just tired at this point. Look up what a libertarian is. Corporate welfare is your gig, not mine. I believe in free markets. You want government to pick winners and losers. I never pick market winners

And while were at it, does the 'local level' have the monies to do this?

If we slashed the Federal government removing redistribution of wealth, then yes

You're just tired at this point. Look up what a libertarian is. Corporate welfare is your gig, not mine. I believe in free markets. You want government to pick winners and losers. I never pick market winners

Libertarianism makes you stupid.

The concept of 'free market' only works when everybody plays by the rules. That's never going to happen. Libertarians forget about the greed factor.

If we slashed the Federal government removing redistribution of wealth, then yes

The redistribution of wealth argument is bullshit. How can you have redistribution of wealth when all businesses, corporations, most super rich, and all wealthy only contribute 12% of what the IRS collects?

I suspect your views will change when you're old enough to work at a job yourself.
If they don't want training, don't give them assistance.

Some can't be trained for anything because they don't possess enough intelligence. And that goes right back to the theory the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

We have low intelligence people breeding at a much higher rate than working Americans. We can't solve poverty unless we lower the birth rate of stupid people. The only way that could be accomplished is by a law that states if you apply for public assistance, you have to be fixed first.

Years ago I worked for a company repairing medical equipment. They wanted me to go to electronics school, so I went part-time at nights.

The first night in class, the teacher drew two resistors of equal value connected to a 12 volt battery on the chalk board, and began to explain that because the resistors were equal, each one absorbed 6 volts of electricity because 6 and 6 equals 12. He asked if there were any questions, and we all laughed a little bit; well, all except one student.

He was a younger black guy and began asking the teacher all kinds of ridiculous questions. No matter how many times the teacher explained this simple theory, the guy just couldn't understand it. So I whispered to my new classmate next to me "I don't think this guy will even make it through the first semester!" He whispered back "I know he won't. This is his third time taking it!"

My classmate had to retake the semester several times as well; not because he couldn't add 6 plus 6, but because he had some major medical and family issues. During break, he told me that the black guy was on some sort of government program, and the school rigged his test scores to get him into the school.

Another racist diatribe?
Show me one law in Nevada that states a corporation can't administrate a trust.

Why the hell do you think Bill Gates and about 90% of US billionaires are Nevada corporations?

Completely irrelevant.

Listen you stupid bitch, I've explained this to you repeatedly. You said you pay "NO" taxes. A trust can only shelter you UNTIL YOU TAKE THE MONEY OUT.

When I asked you about that, you said you put all your money on a credit card, that's how you pay no taxes.

It's irrelevant how you take the money out, stupid answer. You can use a trust to delay taxes. WHEN YOU TAKE THE MONEY OUT, YOU PAY TAXES ON IT.

Ask your CPA or your tax lawyer to explain it to you, dumb ass. Oh, I forgot, they are imaginary.

I don't receive distribution from a trust, my corporation does. The corporation is liable for taxes, not me. Distribution done by the corporation is fully deductible.

You don't know what you're talking about

Show me any law that precludes me from doing what I stated.

You can't deduct your personal expenses either in your company or in your trust. It's tax fraud. And you can't take money out of your company without paying taxes on it. How many times do I have to explain that to you?

If you pay your expenses from company/trust assets, that's fine. But you have to declare it as income. And then you pay taxes on it.

You know nothing about business, zero, nothing at all. And you can't follow simple sentences as I keep explaining that SIMPLE concept to you.

Also, it makes no sense that your company would own a trust, it's the other way around, a trust would own your company. That your trust sets up telecommunications structures and then the income flows to your company from the trust doesn't even make sense.

You also can't explain this to me so that it makes remote sense. And since my background is business and finance, I could understand even a basic explanation. But all you keep telling me is that you have no idea what you are talking about

I don't deduct anything. My yearly wage is $1.00. If you make no or little wages you pay no taxes.

The trust is owned by a corporation. That corporation owns owns numerous corporations, five properties throughout the US and one territory, a jet share, and an investment portfolio. As CEO, I use corporate credit and debit cards.

Explain to me how I own taxes.....
There is no problem with public assistance if it's done correctly and in a fiscally responsible way
It's not, people abuse the system and it's allowed to happen.

Public assistance if done at all should be done at the local level and as a last resort. Your terms are not achievable, it is never fiscally responsible to do charity with other people's money. The people giving and taking other people's money will never do it in a "fiscally responsible" way

By 'public assistance' are you referring to 'social' (people) or corporate?

You're just tired at this point. Look up what a libertarian is. Corporate welfare is your gig, not mine. I believe in free markets. You want government to pick winners and losers. I never pick market winners

And while were at it, does the 'local level' have the monies to do this?

If we slashed the Federal government removing redistribution of wealth, then yes

You're just tired at this point. Look up what a libertarian is. Corporate welfare is your gig, not mine. I believe in free markets. You want government to pick winners and losers. I never pick market winners

Libertarianism makes you stupid.

The concept of 'free market' only works when everybody plays by the rules. That's never going to happen. Libertarians forget about the greed factor.

If we slashed the Federal government removing redistribution of wealth, then yes

The redistribution of wealth argument is bullshit. How can you have redistribution of wealth when all businesses, corporations, most super rich, and all wealthy only contribute 12% of what the IRS collects?

I suspect your views will change when you're old enough to work at a job yourself.

More bloviating?
Instead of giving people money, use the money to TRAIN them.
To ENABLE them to make their own money

This is not complicated people....
You're saying that a person can't be incorporated? Show me any law that states that can't occur.

A company with a corporate office in another State can't be a Nevada corporation? Show me any law that states that can't occur.

Apple, Intel, Harley-Davidson, and for our resident truck driver, Swift Transportation are also Nevada corporations. As a matter of fact, Nevada which is a tax haven second only to the Cayman's, has more than 500,000 corporations and LLC's, which employ's more than 100,000 people. Not bad for a State with a population of 2.8M.

As you've been told, I don't receive ANY direct distributions from a trust, thus, I'm not liable for taxes.

Actually, no, Swift is headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona. H-D is headquartered in Milwaukee.

And we all know what you have claimed...which is why we all know it is bullshit!
There is no problem with public assistance if it's done correctly and in a fiscally responsible way
It's not, people abuse the system and it's allowed to happen.

Public assistance if done at all should be done at the local level and as a last resort. Your terms are not achievable, it is never fiscally responsible to do charity with other people's money. The people giving and taking other people's money will never do it in a "fiscally responsible" way

By 'public assistance' are you referring to 'social' (people) or corporate?

You're just tired at this point. Look up what a libertarian is. Corporate welfare is your gig, not mine. I believe in free markets. You want government to pick winners and losers. I never pick market winners

And while were at it, does the 'local level' have the monies to do this?

If we slashed the Federal government removing redistribution of wealth, then yes

You're just tired at this point. Look up what a libertarian is. Corporate welfare is your gig, not mine. I believe in free markets. You want government to pick winners and losers. I never pick market winners

Libertarianism makes you stupid.

The concept of 'free market' only works when everybody plays by the rules. That's never going to happen. Libertarians forget about the greed factor.

If we slashed the Federal government removing redistribution of wealth, then yes

The redistribution of wealth argument is bullshit. How can you have redistribution of wealth when all businesses, corporations, most super rich, and all wealthy only contribute 12% of what the IRS collects?

I suspect your views will change when you're old enough to work at a job yourself.
Naah...he's a trust-fund boy, born with a silver spoon up his ass.
Completely irrelevant.

Listen you stupid bitch, I've explained this to you repeatedly. You said you pay "NO" taxes. A trust can only shelter you UNTIL YOU TAKE THE MONEY OUT.

When I asked you about that, you said you put all your money on a credit card, that's how you pay no taxes.

It's irrelevant how you take the money out, stupid answer. You can use a trust to delay taxes. WHEN YOU TAKE THE MONEY OUT, YOU PAY TAXES ON IT.

Ask your CPA or your tax lawyer to explain it to you, dumb ass. Oh, I forgot, they are imaginary.

I don't receive distribution from a trust, my corporation does. The corporation is liable for taxes, not me. Distribution done by the corporation is fully deductible.

You don't know what you're talking about

Show me any law that precludes me from doing what I stated.

You can't deduct your personal expenses either in your company or in your trust. It's tax fraud. And you can't take money out of your company without paying taxes on it. How many times do I have to explain that to you?

If you pay your expenses from company/trust assets, that's fine. But you have to declare it as income. And then you pay taxes on it.

You know nothing about business, zero, nothing at all. And you can't follow simple sentences as I keep explaining that SIMPLE concept to you.

Also, it makes no sense that your company would own a trust, it's the other way around, a trust would own your company. That your trust sets up telecommunications structures and then the income flows to your company from the trust doesn't even make sense.

You also can't explain this to me so that it makes remote sense. And since my background is business and finance, I could understand even a basic explanation. But all you keep telling me is that you have no idea what you are talking about

I don't deduct anything. My yearly wage is $1.00. If you make no or little wages you pay no taxes.

The trust is owned by a corporation. That corporation owns owns numerous corporations, five properties throughout the US and one territory, a jet share, and an investment portfolio. As CEO, I use corporate credit and debit cards.

Explain to me how I own taxes.....

What, the first twenty times didn't take?

Whatever, guy. You're a terrible liar.

I keep explaining to you, when your corporation or trust pay your personal expenses, that IS paying you a salary. If you weren't fantasizing it, they would declare that to be income and you would pay income taxes on it.

You cannot pay your personal expenses from a corporation or a trust without taking it as some form of income. So if your fantasy were true, you'd be committing tax fraud by not declaring it as income. And no way you'd get away with that for millions of dollars a year. And any CEO would know that.

You're a fry cook at McDonalds who watches too much MS-NBC
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Public assistance if done at all should be done at the local level and as a last resort. Your terms are not achievable, it is never fiscally responsible to do charity with other people's money. The people giving and taking other people's money will never do it in a "fiscally responsible" way

By 'public assistance' are you referring to 'social' (people) or corporate?

You're just tired at this point. Look up what a libertarian is. Corporate welfare is your gig, not mine. I believe in free markets. You want government to pick winners and losers. I never pick market winners

And while were at it, does the 'local level' have the monies to do this?

If we slashed the Federal government removing redistribution of wealth, then yes

You're just tired at this point. Look up what a libertarian is. Corporate welfare is your gig, not mine. I believe in free markets. You want government to pick winners and losers. I never pick market winners

Libertarianism makes you stupid.

The concept of 'free market' only works when everybody plays by the rules. That's never going to happen. Libertarians forget about the greed factor.

If we slashed the Federal government removing redistribution of wealth, then yes

The redistribution of wealth argument is bullshit. How can you have redistribution of wealth when all businesses, corporations, most super rich, and all wealthy only contribute 12% of what the IRS collects?

I suspect your views will change when you're old enough to work at a job yourself.

More bloviating?

LOL, buy a dictionary and look up "bloviating." One sentence isn't it ...
You're saying that a person can't be incorporated? Show me any law that states that can't occur.

A company with a corporate office in another State can't be a Nevada corporation? Show me any law that states that can't occur.

Apple, Intel, Harley-Davidson, and for our resident truck driver, Swift Transportation are also Nevada corporations. As a matter of fact, Nevada which is a tax haven second only to the Cayman's, has more than 500,000 corporations and LLC's, which employ's more than 100,000 people. Not bad for a State with a population of 2.8M.

As you've been told, I don't receive ANY direct distributions from a trust, thus, I'm not liable for taxes.

Actually, no, Swift is headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona. H-D is headquartered in Milwaukee.

And we all know what you have claimed...which is why we all know it is bullshit!


Refer you to page 2.


Harley Davidson operations - Wisconsin

The real money

Harley-Davidson Customer Funding Corp - Nevada
Harley-Davidson Insurance Services, Inc. - Nevada
Harley-Davidson Credit Corp. - Nevada
Eaglemark Savings Bank - Nevada
Harley-Davidson Leasing, Inc. - Nevada
Harley-Davidson Warehouse Funding Corp. - Nevada
Train them for jobs that don't exist?

Right. Jobs that don't exist. That's why we're bringing in all these foreigners--to come here for jobs that don't exist.

The below minimum wage jobs?

You are a truly SPECIAL kind of stupid...

I've proven my case.

Judge orders Silicon Valley tech company to pay workers more than $160K in back minimum wage, overtime back pay and damages

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