Why can't Public Assistance increase?

The tariffs would eliminate the reason companies play inversion.

No, my plan of $23.50/hr which reduces ALL taxes and employee costs to 30% of revenue.

Eliminate the minimum wage. You sound like a old sociopath conservative.

The tariffs would eliminate the reason companies play inversion.
No it wouldn't. The reason they play inversion is because you've jacked up wages so high and employer mandates, they can get the job done cheaper overseas. Applying tariffs simply gets passed on to the consumer and they keep right on doing what they've been doing. Also, other countries enact their own tariffs on our exports which kills our sales abroad and eliminates jobs here... that's exactly what happened to Hoover and what brought on the Great Depression.

And unless you commit national genocide of all conservatives and republicans, you'll never see a $23.50 minimum wage. But hey.... just for the sake of argument... why can't we have a $100/hr minimum wage? Wouldn't that be BETTER? Why don't you try to explain why that wouldn't work?
The tariffs would eliminate the reason companies play inversion.

No, my plan of $23.50/hr which reduces ALL taxes and employee costs to 30% of revenue.

Eliminate the minimum wage. You sound like a old sociopath conservative.

The tariffs would eliminate the reason companies play inversion.
No it wouldn't. The reason they play inversion is because you've jacked up wages so high and employer mandates, they can get the job done cheaper overseas. Applying tariffs simply gets passed on to the consumer and they keep right on doing what they've been doing. Also, other countries enact their own tariffs on our exports which kills our sales abroad and eliminates jobs here... that's exactly what happened to Hoover and what brought on the Great Depression.

And unless you commit national genocide of all conservatives and republicans, you'll never see a $23.50 minimum wage. But hey.... just for the sake of argument... why can't we have a $100/hr minimum wage? Wouldn't that be BETTER? Why don't you try to explain why that wouldn't work?
Um....inversion is moving the corporate address somewhere else.....
No...just exposing you GOP'ers....
No you're defending a bunch of goofy liberal progressive Marxist Socialists. Read the damn thread, punk.

It's okay though... that's what your boy Trump does... bounce around... roll left, roll right... say and do whatever is popular in the moment... be an obnoxious jerk... self-aggrandize and expect people to bow at your feet... flip-flop back and forth depending on the conversation... never really stand for a thing.
No...just exposing you GOP'ers....
No you're defending a bunch of goofy liberal progressive Marxist Socialists. Read the damn thread, punk.

It's okay though... that's what your boy Trump does... bounce around... roll left, roll right... say and do whatever is popular in the moment... be an obnoxious jerk... self-aggrandize and expect people to bow at your feet... flip-flop back and forth depending on the conversation... never really stand for a thing.
No, I don't support the GOP or your Cruz....
Well, no... most corporations aren't lavishing dividends on each other. That's more of your mindless jealous "class warfare" bullshit you've been programmed to accept as a truth. Conservative have not controlled the White House or either house of Congress for 30 of those 35 years you're squawking about. It has been liberals, progressives and neocons who have dismantled virtually every aspect Reagan tried to establish.

And no one claimed USA Today and CBS are Marxists. The Marxists, as I explained, do not use Marxists to promote their propaganda because they know it will be rejected.
Lavishing dividends on the rich duh....
You have to be disabled. And prove it.
I never said ANYTHING about sales. They have huge profits and pay no taxes. They have huge profits and pay no taxes.They have huge profits and pay no taxes.They have huge profits and pay no taxes. HELLOOO?!?!

Well no they don't and you never cited any example. You presented a Marxist propaganda piece naming a few corporations who had losses because of the recession and weren't subject to taxes as a result.
The hell I didn't duh.27 giant profitable companies paid no taxes - USA Today
USA Today
Mar 7, 2016 - There are 27 companies in the Standard & Poor's 500, including telecom firm Level 3 Communications (LVLT), airline United Continental (UAL) and automaker General Motors (GM), that reported paying no income tax expense in 2015 despite reporting pre-tax profits, according to a USA TODAY analysis of data from S&P Global ...
Both are unfair. The rich and giant corps are totally bloated, just buying ridiculous luxuries and giving dividends to each other lol. You are a total dupe of GOP propaganda.

Your a-holes are wrecking the nonrich and the country, for 35 years now. No one has any money to create demand anymore... And USA Today and CBS are not Marxists lol...Brainwashed functional moron.

You can actually say that after 7 1/2 years of failed economic and world leadership.

And mainly 7 1/2 years of mindless GOP obstruction and 35 years of pander to the rich, screw the nonrich tax rates, dupe.

What has the GOP blocked? As you know, Democrats controlled both the House and Senate during Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama's first two years in office.
Yup, only 200+ GOP filibusters those 2 years dupe. Great control. They blocked everything. Google what GOP has blocked, dumbass. EVERYTHING. Typical dupe. If you knew anything, you'd be a Dem.
What's with the dupe shit libtard? Maybe it's time you learned a new word.
Facts are facts. Duped is the story of the New BS GOP the last 30 years. Fox, Rush, Heritage, Kochs, Examiner etc etc...a disgrace.
The tariffs would eliminate the reason companies play inversion.

No, my plan of $23.50/hr which reduces ALL taxes and employee costs to 30% of revenue.

Eliminate the minimum wage. You sound like a old sociopath conservative.

The tariffs would eliminate the reason companies play inversion.
No it wouldn't. The reason they play inversion is because you've jacked up wages so high and employer mandates, they can get the job done cheaper overseas. Applying tariffs simply gets passed on to the consumer and they keep right on doing what they've been doing. Also, other countries enact their own tariffs on our exports which kills our sales abroad and eliminates jobs here... that's exactly what happened to Hoover and what brought on the Great Depression.

And unless you commit national genocide of all conservatives and republicans, you'll never see a $23.50 minimum wage. But hey.... just for the sake of argument... why can't we have a $100/hr minimum wage? Wouldn't that be BETTER? Why don't you try to explain why that wouldn't work?

The reason companies play inversion is to walk on taxes already owed. Every company that inverted in the last 20 years saved millions in taxes owed.
You're the one who said a corporation owned by a trust is cheating, dumb ass. Why would I want to show that? I don't think anything is wrong with it.

You're going in circles. The question was how you live. You said you write off all your costs of living as corporate expenses. Which again shows what a liar you are. You can't do that and no professional lawyers, accountants and trust managers are letting you. We covered this, liar

You're the one who said a corporation owned by a trust is cheating, dumb ass.

Where did I write that?

I see, you write your crap, you don't read it, huh?

I said nothing is wrong with trusts, I just said you're not a CEO, which obviously you're not. All you've shown so far is you're a tax fraud who has your company pay your living expenses as business expenses. You're lucky you're lying or you'd be going to jail

How am I a tax fraud? Show me the law I'm breaking.

I've NEVER written a corporation owned by a trust is cheating.

I've explained it what, 10 times? You said you don't pay taxes, you charge your living on your credit and debit cards which your companies pay for. You can't do that with your personal expenses, it's tax fraud.

You also said you don't pay taxes, which again is impossible since again you have to remove money from your trust to live and if you remove money from your trust, bam, you have to pay taxes on it.

You're a terrible liar and you don't even understand corporations or trusts. Trusts can delay taxes, they can't avoid them. The rubber hits the road when you have to live. And according to you, you make $4.5 million and live on zero other than expenses you write off in your company.

Tax fraud, pure and simple. Republicans didn't OK that, no one did. You're either a liar or you're writing this from a jail cell. No tax attorney, CPA or trustee is going to sign off on your committing tax fraud. They'll end up in the next cell.

Of course you're not in jail, you made the whole thing up. You're a terrible liar. MS-NBC filled you with vague ideas without context or completeness of what CEOs do and you ran to the nearest messageboard and made up that is what you do.

No, it's not. No one does. Stop listening to leftist mouthpieces, they are lying to you

Which law am I breaking?

Read the post you responded to
Where did I write that?

I see, you write your crap, you don't read it, huh?

I said nothing is wrong with trusts, I just said you're not a CEO, which obviously you're not. All you've shown so far is you're a tax fraud who has your company pay your living expenses as business expenses. You're lucky you're lying or you'd be going to jail

How am I a tax fraud? Show me the law I'm breaking.

I've NEVER written a corporation owned by a trust is cheating.

I've explained it what, 10 times? You said you don't pay taxes, you charge your living on your credit and debit cards which your companies pay for. You can't do that with your personal expenses, it's tax fraud.

You also said you don't pay taxes, which again is impossible since again you have to remove money from your trust to live and if you remove money from your trust, bam, you have to pay taxes on it.

You're a terrible liar and you don't even understand corporations or trusts. Trusts can delay taxes, they can't avoid them. The rubber hits the road when you have to live. And according to you, you make $4.5 million and live on zero other than expenses you write off in your company.

Tax fraud, pure and simple. Republicans didn't OK that, no one did. You're either a liar or you're writing this from a jail cell. No tax attorney, CPA or trustee is going to sign off on your committing tax fraud. They'll end up in the next cell.

Of course you're not in jail, you made the whole thing up. You're a terrible liar. MS-NBC filled you with vague ideas without context or completeness of what CEOs do and you ran to the nearest messageboard and made up that is what you do.

No, it's not. No one does. Stop listening to leftist mouthpieces, they are lying to you

Which law am I breaking?

Read the post you responded to

I did. What's your point?
I see, you write your crap, you don't read it, huh?

I said nothing is wrong with trusts, I just said you're not a CEO, which obviously you're not. All you've shown so far is you're a tax fraud who has your company pay your living expenses as business expenses. You're lucky you're lying or you'd be going to jail

How am I a tax fraud? Show me the law I'm breaking.

I've NEVER written a corporation owned by a trust is cheating.

I've explained it what, 10 times? You said you don't pay taxes, you charge your living on your credit and debit cards which your companies pay for. You can't do that with your personal expenses, it's tax fraud.

You also said you don't pay taxes, which again is impossible since again you have to remove money from your trust to live and if you remove money from your trust, bam, you have to pay taxes on it.

You're a terrible liar and you don't even understand corporations or trusts. Trusts can delay taxes, they can't avoid them. The rubber hits the road when you have to live. And according to you, you make $4.5 million and live on zero other than expenses you write off in your company.

Tax fraud, pure and simple. Republicans didn't OK that, no one did. You're either a liar or you're writing this from a jail cell. No tax attorney, CPA or trustee is going to sign off on your committing tax fraud. They'll end up in the next cell.

Of course you're not in jail, you made the whole thing up. You're a terrible liar. MS-NBC filled you with vague ideas without context or completeness of what CEOs do and you ran to the nearest messageboard and made up that is what you do.

No, it's not. No one does. Stop listening to leftist mouthpieces, they are lying to you

Which law am I breaking?

Read the post you responded to

I did. What's your point?

My point was clear in the post that you quoted. You're lying that you pay your personal living expenses through your company and write them off as business expenses. Even if you tried that, your tax lawyer and accountant wouldn't do it. If they did, you'd go to jail for tax fraud. They would lose their licenses, which is why they wouldn't do it.

If you make 4 large, you pay taxes. You said you don't pay taxes. In fact, the actual one percenters earn 20% of the income and pay 40% of the taxes. You make shit up, stupid shit. You're just transparent. You are a liar, and a bad one. You just needed to run into the first real CEO who knew how shallow your lies are.

And that's just income taxes. If you were an actual CEO or in any management capacity, you'd know your company pays a boat load of other taxes too.

Nope, you're an MS-NBC trained seal repeating their lies that the people who pay most of the taxes don't pay them. Bark, bark!
How am I a tax fraud? Show me the law I'm breaking.

I've NEVER written a corporation owned by a trust is cheating.

I've explained it what, 10 times? You said you don't pay taxes, you charge your living on your credit and debit cards which your companies pay for. You can't do that with your personal expenses, it's tax fraud.

You also said you don't pay taxes, which again is impossible since again you have to remove money from your trust to live and if you remove money from your trust, bam, you have to pay taxes on it.

You're a terrible liar and you don't even understand corporations or trusts. Trusts can delay taxes, they can't avoid them. The rubber hits the road when you have to live. And according to you, you make $4.5 million and live on zero other than expenses you write off in your company.

Tax fraud, pure and simple. Republicans didn't OK that, no one did. You're either a liar or you're writing this from a jail cell. No tax attorney, CPA or trustee is going to sign off on your committing tax fraud. They'll end up in the next cell.

Of course you're not in jail, you made the whole thing up. You're a terrible liar. MS-NBC filled you with vague ideas without context or completeness of what CEOs do and you ran to the nearest messageboard and made up that is what you do.

No, it's not. No one does. Stop listening to leftist mouthpieces, they are lying to you

Which law am I breaking?

Read the post you responded to

I did. What's your point?

My point was clear in the post that you quoted. You're lying that you pay your personal living expenses through your company and write them off as business expenses. Even if you tried that, your tax lawyer and accountant wouldn't do it. If they did, you'd go to jail for tax fraud. They would lose their licenses, which is why they wouldn't do it.

If you make 4 large, you pay taxes. You said you don't pay taxes. In fact, the actual one percenters earn 20% of the income and pay 40% of the taxes. You make shit up, stupid shit. You're just transparent. You are a liar, and a bad one. You just needed to run into the first real CEO who knew how shallow your lies are.

And that's just income taxes. If you were an actual CEO or in any management capacity, you'd know your company pays a boat load of other taxes too.

Nope, you're an MS-NBC trained seal repeating their lies that the people who pay most of the taxes don't pay them. Bark, bark!

It appears you know nothing about the tax code in the US and how it favors the rich. Are you a Canadian like BriPat?

You don't understand a trust being administered by a corporation where the corporation pays the taxes? Why do you think there are so many rich unemployed in this country? Why do you think so many wealthy (Bill Gates) and corporations are incorporated in Nevada?

FYI: I've been audited twice in the last 15 years. Both times the IRS cut me a check.
It appears you know nothing about the tax code in the US and how it favors the rich. Are you a Canadian like BriPat?

You don't understand a trust being administered by a corporation where the corporation pays the taxes? Why do you think there are so many rich unemployed in this country? Why do you think so many wealthy (Bill Gates) and corporations are incorporated in Nevada?

FYI: I've been audited twice in the last 15 years. Both times the IRS cut me a check.

There are so many rich unemployed because rich people no longer need to earn incomes. They are fucking rich. They spend most of their time now spending their wealth and enjoying the finer things in life.

Bill Gates lives in Medina, Washington and his company, Microsoft, is headquartered in Redmond, Washington. But if there are corporations who like to locate in Nevada, maybe Nevada has low state tax for corporations? None of this has a thing to do with personal income tax rates.

You just sit here and spew one Marxist piece of propaganda after another while lying about being a capitalist. Obviously, you're not smart enough to pull it off. Go back and tell your masters you've failed and that you need an easier assignment, like passing out pamphlets at the airport.
I've explained it what, 10 times? You said you don't pay taxes, you charge your living on your credit and debit cards which your companies pay for. You can't do that with your personal expenses, it's tax fraud.

You also said you don't pay taxes, which again is impossible since again you have to remove money from your trust to live and if you remove money from your trust, bam, you have to pay taxes on it.

You're a terrible liar and you don't even understand corporations or trusts. Trusts can delay taxes, they can't avoid them. The rubber hits the road when you have to live. And according to you, you make $4.5 million and live on zero other than expenses you write off in your company.

Tax fraud, pure and simple. Republicans didn't OK that, no one did. You're either a liar or you're writing this from a jail cell. No tax attorney, CPA or trustee is going to sign off on your committing tax fraud. They'll end up in the next cell.

Of course you're not in jail, you made the whole thing up. You're a terrible liar. MS-NBC filled you with vague ideas without context or completeness of what CEOs do and you ran to the nearest messageboard and made up that is what you do.

No, it's not. No one does. Stop listening to leftist mouthpieces, they are lying to you

Which law am I breaking?

Read the post you responded to

I did. What's your point?

My point was clear in the post that you quoted. You're lying that you pay your personal living expenses through your company and write them off as business expenses. Even if you tried that, your tax lawyer and accountant wouldn't do it. If they did, you'd go to jail for tax fraud. They would lose their licenses, which is why they wouldn't do it.

If you make 4 large, you pay taxes. You said you don't pay taxes. In fact, the actual one percenters earn 20% of the income and pay 40% of the taxes. You make shit up, stupid shit. You're just transparent. You are a liar, and a bad one. You just needed to run into the first real CEO who knew how shallow your lies are.

And that's just income taxes. If you were an actual CEO or in any management capacity, you'd know your company pays a boat load of other taxes too.

Nope, you're an MS-NBC trained seal repeating their lies that the people who pay most of the taxes don't pay them. Bark, bark!

It appears you know nothing about the tax code in the US and how it favors the rich. Are you a Canadian like BriPat?

You don't understand a trust being administered by a corporation where the corporation pays the taxes? Why do you think there are so many rich unemployed in this country? Why do you think so many wealthy (Bill Gates) and corporations are incorporated in Nevada?

FYI: I've been audited twice in the last 15 years. Both times the IRS cut me a check.

So now you not only pay no taxes but the government gave you a check for taxes you didn't pay?

Listen you stupid bitch, I've explained this to you repeatedly. You said you pay "NO" taxes. A trust can only shelter you UNTIL YOU TAKE THE MONEY OUT. When I asked you about that, you said you put all your money on a credit card, that's how you pay no taxes.

You can not use a corporation OR a trust to not pay taxes on your money when you TAKE IT OUT AND SPEND IT.

You are a lying, MS-NBC trained, bigoted piece of shit. You have no idea what you are talking about. Stop wasting my time until you do some research and come up with a harder story to unravel than this shallow lie.

Whatever you take out of your trust, you PAY TAXES ON.

How stupid are you that you can't grasp that simple concept?
It appears you know nothing about the tax code in the US and how it favors the rich. Are you a Canadian like BriPat?

You don't understand a trust being administered by a corporation where the corporation pays the taxes? Why do you think there are so many rich unemployed in this country? Why do you think so many wealthy (Bill Gates) and corporations are incorporated in Nevada?

FYI: I've been audited twice in the last 15 years. Both times the IRS cut me a check.

There are so many rich unemployed because rich people no longer need to earn incomes. They are fucking rich. They spend most of their time now spending their wealth and enjoying the finer things in life.

Bill Gates lives in Medina, Washington and his company, Microsoft, is headquartered in Redmond, Washington. But if there are corporations who like to locate in Nevada, maybe Nevada has low state tax for corporations? None of this has a thing to do with personal income tax rates.

You just sit here and spew one Marxist piece of propaganda after another while lying about being a capitalist. Obviously, you're not smart enough to pull it off. Go back and tell your masters you've failed and that you need an easier assignment, like passing out pamphlets at the airport.

Bill Gates AND Microsoft are both Nevada corporations.

If you want to eliminate personal taxes for the rich, you create a trust and have a corporation administer.

The business of the corporation is to administer the trust, and as you know any and all expenses are tax deductible.

No personal income tax, and any monies spent on distribution are deductible.
Which law am I breaking?

Read the post you responded to

I did. What's your point?

My point was clear in the post that you quoted. You're lying that you pay your personal living expenses through your company and write them off as business expenses. Even if you tried that, your tax lawyer and accountant wouldn't do it. If they did, you'd go to jail for tax fraud. They would lose their licenses, which is why they wouldn't do it.

If you make 4 large, you pay taxes. You said you don't pay taxes. In fact, the actual one percenters earn 20% of the income and pay 40% of the taxes. You make shit up, stupid shit. You're just transparent. You are a liar, and a bad one. You just needed to run into the first real CEO who knew how shallow your lies are.

And that's just income taxes. If you were an actual CEO or in any management capacity, you'd know your company pays a boat load of other taxes too.

Nope, you're an MS-NBC trained seal repeating their lies that the people who pay most of the taxes don't pay them. Bark, bark!

It appears you know nothing about the tax code in the US and how it favors the rich. Are you a Canadian like BriPat?

You don't understand a trust being administered by a corporation where the corporation pays the taxes? Why do you think there are so many rich unemployed in this country? Why do you think so many wealthy (Bill Gates) and corporations are incorporated in Nevada?

FYI: I've been audited twice in the last 15 years. Both times the IRS cut me a check.

So now you not only pay no taxes but the government gave you a check for taxes you didn't pay?

Listen you stupid bitch, I've explained this to you repeatedly. You said you pay "NO" taxes. A trust can only shelter you UNTIL YOU TAKE THE MONEY OUT. When I asked you about that, you said you put all your money on a credit card, that's how you pay no taxes.

You can not use a corporation OR a trust to not pay taxes on your money when you TAKE IT OUT AND SPEND IT.

You are a lying, MS-NBC trained, bigoted piece of shit. You have no idea what you are talking about. Stop wasting my time until you do some research and come up with a harder story to unravel than this shallow lie.

Whatever you take out of your trust, you PAY TAXES ON.

How stupid are you that you can't grasp that simple concept?

Show me one law in Nevada that states a corporation can't administrate a trust.

Why the hell do you think Bill Gates and about 90% of US billionaires are Nevada corporations?
It appears you know nothing about the tax code in the US and how it favors the rich. Are you a Canadian like BriPat?

You don't understand a trust being administered by a corporation where the corporation pays the taxes? Why do you think there are so many rich unemployed in this country? Why do you think so many wealthy (Bill Gates) and corporations are incorporated in Nevada?

FYI: I've been audited twice in the last 15 years. Both times the IRS cut me a check.

There are so many rich unemployed because rich people no longer need to earn incomes. They are fucking rich. They spend most of their time now spending their wealth and enjoying the finer things in life.

Bill Gates lives in Medina, Washington and his company, Microsoft, is headquartered in Redmond, Washington. But if there are corporations who like to locate in Nevada, maybe Nevada has low state tax for corporations? None of this has a thing to do with personal income tax rates.

You just sit here and spew one Marxist piece of propaganda after another while lying about being a capitalist. Obviously, you're not smart enough to pull it off. Go back and tell your masters you've failed and that you need an easier assignment, like passing out pamphlets at the airport.

Bill Gates AND Microsoft are both Nevada corporations.

If you want to eliminate personal taxes for the rich, you create a trust and have a corporation administer.

The business of the corporation is to administer the trust, and as you know any and all expenses are tax deductible.

No personal income tax, and any monies spent on distribution are deductible.

No, one is an individual and one is a corporation and both are located in Washington state. I don't know why your retarded ass thinks they are Nevada corporations.

As you've been told, any monies you receive from trusts are reported on your 1040 and you pay taxes on that when you receive it. I don't know why your retarded ass thinks you don't pay tax on proceeds from trusts.

I've explained about rich people and taxes.... Most of them don't pay earned income taxes because they no longer earn incomes. They earn dividends from their investment of wealth sometimes and we tax them at a lower rate because we want to encourage them to invest their wealth rather than sit on it. But remember, rich people don't HAVE to do anything... they're rich. If you want to tax their investment of wealth, they'll stop doing that and just sit on it instead. And then, you can sit there and spin while capital investment projects go unfunded and nothing happens to grow your economy.

As you slowly choke capitalism to death, your Marxist masters will commend you for a job well done.
Read the post you responded to

I did. What's your point?

My point was clear in the post that you quoted. You're lying that you pay your personal living expenses through your company and write them off as business expenses. Even if you tried that, your tax lawyer and accountant wouldn't do it. If they did, you'd go to jail for tax fraud. They would lose their licenses, which is why they wouldn't do it.

If you make 4 large, you pay taxes. You said you don't pay taxes. In fact, the actual one percenters earn 20% of the income and pay 40% of the taxes. You make shit up, stupid shit. You're just transparent. You are a liar, and a bad one. You just needed to run into the first real CEO who knew how shallow your lies are.

And that's just income taxes. If you were an actual CEO or in any management capacity, you'd know your company pays a boat load of other taxes too.

Nope, you're an MS-NBC trained seal repeating their lies that the people who pay most of the taxes don't pay them. Bark, bark!

It appears you know nothing about the tax code in the US and how it favors the rich. Are you a Canadian like BriPat?

You don't understand a trust being administered by a corporation where the corporation pays the taxes? Why do you think there are so many rich unemployed in this country? Why do you think so many wealthy (Bill Gates) and corporations are incorporated in Nevada?

FYI: I've been audited twice in the last 15 years. Both times the IRS cut me a check.

So now you not only pay no taxes but the government gave you a check for taxes you didn't pay?

Listen you stupid bitch, I've explained this to you repeatedly. You said you pay "NO" taxes. A trust can only shelter you UNTIL YOU TAKE THE MONEY OUT. When I asked you about that, you said you put all your money on a credit card, that's how you pay no taxes.

You can not use a corporation OR a trust to not pay taxes on your money when you TAKE IT OUT AND SPEND IT.

You are a lying, MS-NBC trained, bigoted piece of shit. You have no idea what you are talking about. Stop wasting my time until you do some research and come up with a harder story to unravel than this shallow lie.

Whatever you take out of your trust, you PAY TAXES ON.

How stupid are you that you can't grasp that simple concept?

Show me one law in Nevada that states a corporation can't administrate a trust.

Why the hell do you think Bill Gates and about 90% of US billionaires are Nevada corporations?

Completely irrelevant.

Listen you stupid bitch, I've explained this to you repeatedly. You said you pay "NO" taxes. A trust can only shelter you UNTIL YOU TAKE THE MONEY OUT.

When I asked you about that, you said you put all your money on a credit card, that's how you pay no taxes.

It's irrelevant how you take the money out, stupid answer. You can use a trust to delay taxes. WHEN YOU TAKE THE MONEY OUT, YOU PAY TAXES ON IT.

Ask your CPA or your tax lawyer to explain it to you, dumb ass. Oh, I forgot, they are imaginary.
There is no problem with public assistance if it's done correctly and in a fiscally responsible way
It's not, people abuse the system and it's allowed to happen.

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