Why can't Public Assistance increase?

Most jobs absolutely suq in this GOP world of tomorrow. 70% hate their jobs and get paid crappe. Way to break the unions and replace them with nothing, Reaganist GOP...

Our min wage is pathetic. End of story. A disgrace. No end of GOP disgraces, dupe.

The minimum wage has been around for 82 years. Do you know what FDR said the day he signed it into law? He said: "Any company that cannot pay a living wage doesn't deserve to exist in America!"

That was 82 years ago... not 8 years ago... not 20 years ago... 82 years ago! So, all through the past 82 years, we've had one Democrat politician and administration after another, promising to deliver this elusive "living wage" through increasing the minimum wage. Not just one president, not just a few administrations... MANY. We've had numerous increases in the minimum wage... every time, it is promised THIS will fix things... THIS will be the ultimate answer to the problem of a living wage.

Now.... here we are today and what are you telling us? The SAME THING!

You should be able to comprehend that raising the minimum wage is never going to resolve the problem. I don't know why you can't comprehend this... 82 years of doing the exact same thing with no satisfactory results should convince just about anyone.... but for some reason, you want to keep on believing that if we just increase it ONE MORE TIME... that will somehow magically work! Well.... it won't work... just like it hasn't worked for 82 years.

I have argued before, and I will make the point again... the Minimum Wage was actually the worst thing that could've ever been done for wage disparity. It did help in the beginning, just as it temporarily seems to help whenever it is raised. But it doesn't last. Prices increase and the inflation offsets the increase in wages every time. So you end up with people making a little more but everything costs more so there is no gain.

But that's not the real problem with a Federally-mandated minimum wage. The real problem is, it baselines labor costs across the board for hourly-wage workers of all stripes. The "greedy rich capitalists" whom you hate, absolutely LOVE the MW because it allows them to calculate precisely what labor will cost them this year, next year and beyond. They do not have to negotiate with individuals based on skills and talents, they don't have to worry about supply and demand of labor... they simply baseline your rate of pay on whatever arbitrary amount the government has deemed minimal.

If there was no MW... an individual would be free to negotiate with a prospective employer based on what he/she brings to the table in terms of skill and talent. They could say... I don't think this job is doable for $7.50/hr. I will need at least $10/hr. When an employee is asked to increase production, they could say... we need to talk about my pay if you want higher production.... as it stands, the employer simply points to the MW and says... get back to work or I'll replace you with someone who will work for the MW.

So you have constructed a Marxist-Socialist model for pay and as we can see... it doesn't work. It fails to provide a living wage as promised 82 years ago... but still, you BELIEVE!

Who is the DUPE here??? :dunno:
There were times under Dems it worked, maybe again. This time, we should make the min wage keep up with inflation. Love the way you dupes are for screwing the workers...real smart...

No, like I said, it seems to work temporarily. Prices go up, jobs are eliminated, production increased and markets adjust... then it's right back to where you were.

You can't make it "keep up with inflation" because it is what is driving the inflation. What you have to do... or someone will eventually have to make you do... is to understand it's a wrongheaded idea that doesn't work. Problem is, liberal progressives are the most hardheaded people on the planet.

The 1%ers got that way by many methods. They inherited, started from the bottom and worked up (hasn't happened in about 10 years or more), cheated the system whether it be taxes or other methods, (on paper only) shifted their main corporations overseas where they pay ZERO US Taxes but collect oodles in sales in the US.

While small business needs help, the Corporations are raiding everyone in their pathway. It's like locust in a grain field.

I do say that the taxes need to be lowered on all businesses that play the game with America's best interest. But I also say that we need to not only lower the tax rate but close ALL the loopholes that corporations seem to find. Even when a bill is trying to be introduced that may do this, it's laughed right out of congress. The first step is to get rid of the congress critters that work for the Corporations instead of to whom they are supposed to working for.

You are wrong about people of wealth who are self made millionaires.

Regarding corporate taxes. Specifically, who pays those taxes?
If we can pay for your lazy freeloading ass to sit at home on your computer bashing and trashing the system that feeds you like some kind of goofy moron, then we can take care of a man who worked as hard as my dad.

This is how fucking stupid you are. You come from a background where your father worked 50 fucking years and then had to rely on welfare to survive. WTF? Minimum wage the entire time?

And you expect people to think you know what you are talking about when it comes to the economy? When you have cited as an example your welfare receiving father. Is that where you learned finance?

Fuck you.

I am 63 yo. Never had anything given to me ever. But I will put my net worth against yours any day. And I will work your ass into the ground. And I will never ask for welfare like you told your dad to do.

Are you collecting welfare also?. Runs in the family doesn't it?

Excuse me... Social Security Disability is NOT WELFARE!

If you've ever earned a paycheck (which I doubt) then you have a deduction for SSI ...My Dad paid into SSI for 50 years. The few years he lived while drawing disability benefits amount to a small fraction of the money he paid in.

So again... go fuck yourself.

It wasn't intended that way but Social Security Disability has become the next step after unemployment. SSD has grown by leaps and bounds and certainly more people than ever are not being injured on the job or elsewhere. We now have large law firms devoted to nothing but guaranteeing to get you on SSD. From there, it is a permanent handout. Easily supplemented by cash jobs.

60-Minutes did a piece on the massive fraud in SSD. They showed a huge law firm in one of the Appalachian states. They even have doctors on staff so it is sort of a one-stop shop for SSD.
Both are unfair. The rich and giant corps are totally bloated, just buying ridiculous luxuries and giving dividends to each other lol. You are a total dupe of GOP propaganda.

Your a-holes are wrecking the nonrich and the country, for 35 years now. No one has any money to create demand anymore... And USA Today and CBS are not Marxists lol...Brainwashed functional moron.

Well, no... most corporations aren't lavishing dividends on each other. That's more of your mindless jealous "class warfare" bullshit you've been programmed to accept as a truth. Conservative have not controlled the White House or either house of Congress for 30 of those 35 years you're squawking about. It has been liberals, progressives and neocons who have dismantled virtually every aspect Reagan tried to establish.

And no one claimed USA Today and CBS are Marxists. The Marxists, as I explained, do not use Marxists to promote their propaganda because they know it will be rejected.
Lavishing dividends on the rich duh....
Both are unfair. The rich and giant corps are totally bloated, just buying ridiculous luxuries and giving dividends to each other lol. You are a total dupe of GOP propaganda.

Your a-holes are wrecking the nonrich and the country, for 35 years now. No one has any money to create demand anymore... And USA Today and CBS are not Marxists lol...Brainwashed functional moron.

Well, no... most corporations aren't lavishing dividends on each other. That's more of your mindless jealous "class warfare" bullshit you've been programmed to accept as a truth. Conservative have not controlled the White House or either house of Congress for 30 of those 35 years you're squawking about. It has been liberals, progressives and neocons who have dismantled virtually every aspect Reagan tried to establish.

And no one claimed USA Today and CBS are Marxists. The Marxists, as I explained, do not use Marxists to promote their propaganda because they know it will be rejected.
Lavishing dividends on the rich duh....
You have to be disabled. And prove it.
I never said ANYTHING about sales. They have huge profits and pay no taxes. They have huge profits and pay no taxes.They have huge profits and pay no taxes.They have huge profits and pay no taxes. HELLOOO?!?!

Well no they don't and you never cited any example. You presented a Marxist propaganda piece naming a few corporations who had losses because of the recession and weren't subject to taxes as a result.
The hell I didn't duh.27 giant profitable companies paid no taxes - USA Today
USA Today
Mar 7, 2016 - There are 27 companies in the Standard & Poor's 500, including telecom firm Level 3 Communications (LVLT), airline United Continental (UAL) and automaker General Motors (GM), that reported paying no income tax expense in 2015 despite reporting pre-tax profits, according to a USA TODAY analysis of data from S&P Global ...
shifted their main corporations overseas where they pay ZERO US Taxes but collect oodles in sales in the US.

Challenge: Cite three examples of these corporations who pay zero US tax but collect sales in the US?

You have succeeded in proving the Laffer Curve. The higher the tax rate, the lower tax dollars collected. For whatever reason, Progressives simply cannot grasp. One reason is that Progressives make their estimates based on static estimates instead of dynamic estimates.

The difference is that with a static estimate you say you have 100 people who pay $1.00 in taxes and you have $100.00. They believe in increasing the tax revenues, you simply increase the tax rate. Go from $1.00 to $5.00 and they have $500.00. What actually happens is the tax rate increases to $5.00 and people do what they must to avoid the tax and only 15 people now pay the $5.00 resulting in $75.00 in taxes being collected.
shifted their main corporations overseas where they pay ZERO US Taxes but collect oodles in sales in the US.

Challenge: Cite three examples of these corporations who pay zero US tax but collect sales in the US?

You have succeeded in proving the Laffer Curve. The higher the tax rate, the lower tax dollars collected. For whatever reason, Progressives simply cannot grasp. One reason is that Progressives make their estimates based on static estimates instead of dynamic estimates.

The difference is that with a static estimate you say you have 100 people who pay $1.00 in taxes and you have $100.00. They believe in increasing the tax revenues, you simply increase the tax rate. Go from $1.00 to $5.00 and they have $500.00. What actually happens is the tax rate increases to $5.00 and people do what they must to avoid the tax and only 15 people now pay the $5.00 resulting in $75.00 in taxes being collected.
We're FAR from reaching that point with the rich. Way PAST reaching it with the non-rich...
Capitalism isn't evil. The GOP BSers and crony thieves are evil. Those figures are from the corps themselves ferchrissake...Tell me again about the 47%, our highest corporate tax rates in the world, our lazy poor, how the gay guy caused the GOP world depression, Obama's 2 years of total control and a whole imaginary GOP world of bs. Ay caramba.

Well I agree that Crony Capitalism is awful and we need to put an end to it.... I think that starts with not electing people like Hillary Clinton who are owned by the crony capitalists like George Soros. And there are some Republicans who also fall into this category, it's certainly not exclusive to Democrats.

But the figures and stats you're posting are compiled by Marxists who are pushing an agenda and selling a narrative. As for your other little politicized memes, we can address those one by one if you like, but they have nothing to do with THIS debate. It's typical debate tactics of any liberal to switch topics when you start to lose the argument.
These figures come from the IRS and the corporations themselves, Politifact, Business Insider, etc. take a break on the Marxist crap. lol

Hillary takes big money for speeches, it has no effect on her strong regulation policies, tax policy, or anything else. Pure GOP BS propaganda. George Soros is no power broker, like the Kochs, Adelson, Murdoch etc who run the GOP. Or did until Trump took over the Dupe section. All of the above ARE crony capitalists spending billions to run all the websites, orgs, institutes of the whole evil bs empire.

So now your writing that corporations AREN'T overtaxed?

I haven't argued they are overtaxed.

I have suggested that we should eliminate corporate taxation in order to create millions of new jobs and bring corporations back to America... along with hundreds of new foreign corporations who would love to locate here because of our enormous consumer base.

We should declare a 10-year tax moratorium on all repatriated wealth from abroad in order to get it back into our domestic economy. We may need to attach some caveats to that in order to ensure it doesn't just get moved into tax-free securities and municipal bonds, and actually gets used to create new jobs and expand businesses.

Eliminating corporate tax WILL NOT create jobs, it will create a further wage disparity. Besides, corporations are only paying 37% of 10% of their revenue.

1. What needs to be done is tariff the crap on products made in slave wage countries.
2. Raise minimum wage to $15.00/hr, or better, my plan of $23.50/hr which gives a HUGE boost to small business.
Most jobs absolutely suq in this GOP world of tomorrow. 70% hate their jobs and get paid crappe. Way to break the unions and replace them with nothing, Reaganist GOP...

Our min wage is pathetic. End of story. A disgrace. No end of GOP disgraces, dupe.

The minimum wage has been around for 82 years. Do you know what FDR said the day he signed it into law? He said: "Any company that cannot pay a living wage doesn't deserve to exist in America!"

That was 82 years ago... not 8 years ago... not 20 years ago... 82 years ago! So, all through the past 82 years, we've had one Democrat politician and administration after another, promising to deliver this elusive "living wage" through increasing the minimum wage. Not just one president, not just a few administrations... MANY. We've had numerous increases in the minimum wage... every time, it is promised THIS will fix things... THIS will be the ultimate answer to the problem of a living wage.

Now.... here we are today and what are you telling us? The SAME THING!

You should be able to comprehend that raising the minimum wage is never going to resolve the problem. I don't know why you can't comprehend this... 82 years of doing the exact same thing with no satisfactory results should convince just about anyone.... but for some reason, you want to keep on believing that if we just increase it ONE MORE TIME... that will somehow magically work! Well.... it won't work... just like it hasn't worked for 82 years.

I have argued before, and I will make the point again... the Minimum Wage was actually the worst thing that could've ever been done for wage disparity. It did help in the beginning, just as it temporarily seems to help whenever it is raised. But it doesn't last. Prices increase and the inflation offsets the increase in wages every time. So you end up with people making a little more but everything costs more so there is no gain.

But that's not the real problem with a Federally-mandated minimum wage. The real problem is, it baselines labor costs across the board for hourly-wage workers of all stripes. The "greedy rich capitalists" whom you hate, absolutely LOVE the MW because it allows them to calculate precisely what labor will cost them this year, next year and beyond. They do not have to negotiate with individuals based on skills and talents, they don't have to worry about supply and demand of labor... they simply baseline your rate of pay on whatever arbitrary amount the government has deemed minimal.

If there was no MW... an individual would be free to negotiate with a prospective employer based on what he/she brings to the table in terms of skill and talent. They could say... I don't think this job is doable for $7.50/hr. I will need at least $10/hr. When an employee is asked to increase production, they could say... we need to talk about my pay if you want higher production.... as it stands, the employer simply points to the MW and says... get back to work or I'll replace you with someone who will work for the MW.

So you have constructed a Marxist-Socialist model for pay and as we can see... it doesn't work. It fails to provide a living wage as promised 82 years ago... but still, you BELIEVE!

Who is the DUPE here??? :dunno:
There were times under Dems it worked, maybe again. This time, we should make the min wage keep up with inflation. Love the way you dupes are for screwing the workers...real smart...

No, like I said, it seems to work temporarily. Prices go up, jobs are eliminated, production increased and markets adjust... then it's right back to where you were.

You can't make it "keep up with inflation" because it is what is driving the inflation. What you have to do... or someone will eventually have to make you do... is to understand it's a wrongheaded idea that doesn't work. Problem is, liberal progressives are the most hardheaded people on the planet.

The 1%ers got that way by many methods. They inherited, started from the bottom and worked up (hasn't happened in about 10 years or more), cheated the system whether it be taxes or other methods, (on paper only) shifted their main corporations overseas where they pay ZERO US Taxes but collect oodles in sales in the US.

While small business needs help, the Corporations are raiding everyone in their pathway. It's like locust in a grain field.

I do say that the taxes need to be lowered on all businesses that play the game with America's best interest. But I also say that we need to not only lower the tax rate but close ALL the loopholes that corporations seem to find. Even when a bill is trying to be introduced that may do this, it's laughed right out of congress. The first step is to get rid of the congress critters that work for the Corporations instead of to whom they are supposed to working for.

You are wrong about people of wealth who are self made millionaires.

Regarding corporate taxes. Specifically, who pays those taxes?

Regarding corporate taxes. Specifically, who pays those taxes?

The corporations do.

What you need to also understand is that most rich, and almost all wealthy are corporations, and they are part of the 12% of the IRS collection pie.
27 giant profitable companies paid no taxes - USA Today
USA Today
Mar 7, 2016 - There are 27 companies in the Standard & Poor's 500, including telecom firm Level 3 Communications (LVLT), airline United Continental (UAL) and automaker General Motors (GM), that reported paying no income tax expense in 2015 despite reporting pre-tax profits, according to a USA TODAY analysis of data from S&P Global ...
20% of big companies pay zero corporate taxes - Apr. 13, 2016
Apr 13, 2016 - Nearly 20% of large U.S. corporations that reported a profit on their financial statements in 2012 ended up paying exactly nothing in U.S. ...
You visited this page on 7/20/16.
20 big profitable US companies paid no taxes - CNBC.com
Aug 13, 2014 - U.S. companies are looking for all sorts of ways to reduce their tax bill. But scores of big U.S. companies just paid no taxes or effective tax rates ...
1 in 5 big U.S. companies pay no federal income tax - CBS News
www.cbsnews.com › MoneyWatch › Markets
CBS News
Apr 13, 2016 - In 2012, some four in 10 larger corporations in the U.S. had no federal income tax after accounting for credits, according to the GAO. The 58 percent of big businesses that did pay taxes in 2012 contributed a total of $268 billion.

Well now, you can continue to sit here and copy/paste propaganda all day... all night... all the next day, indefinitely! I can't dispute there is tone and tons of Marxist propaganda out there.

I have already explained why many companies don't have taxes to pay. I've never claimed that some companies don't owe any taxes because they didn't show a profit or because offsets and credits erased taxable profits. That's the system and all corporations operate under the same exact system.

Now... It might seem unfair in your mind that corporations have a lower tax rate than individual taxpayers. But it's really not unfair. The CEOs and managers who earn incomes at the corporation pay their income taxes just like you and I, at the individual tax rates. The corporate entity doesn't pay individual earned income tax because they are corporations. We intentionally give them a special rate because we want them to grow and prosper, so as to create jobs and continue to flourish. Just like we give special tax rates to rich people who volunteer to use their wealth to invest in venture capitalism. It's not "unfair" because we all gain a tremendous benefit from this that we would not realize otherwise.
Both are unfair. The rich and giant corps are totally bloated, just buying ridiculous luxuries and giving dividends to each other lol. You are a total dupe of GOP propaganda.

Your a-holes are wrecking the nonrich and the country, for 35 years now. No one has any money to create demand anymore... And USA Today and CBS are not Marxists lol...Brainwashed functional moron.

You can actually say that after 7 1/2 years of failed economic and world leadership.

So now your writing that corporations AREN'T overtaxed?

I haven't argued they are overtaxed.

I have suggested that we should eliminate corporate taxation in order to create millions of new jobs and bring corporations back to America... along with hundreds of new foreign corporations who would love to locate here because of our enormous consumer base.

We should declare a 10-year tax moratorium on all repatriated wealth from abroad in order to get it back into our domestic economy. We may need to attach some caveats to that in order to ensure it doesn't just get moved into tax-free securities and municipal bonds, and actually gets used to create new jobs and expand businesses.

Eliminating corporate tax WILL NOT create jobs, it will create a further wage disparity. Besides, corporations are only paying 37% of 10% of their revenue.

1. What needs to be done is tariff the crap on products made in slave wage countries.
2. Raise minimum wage to $15.00/hr, or better, my plan of $23.50/hr which gives a HUGE boost to small business.
Which results in them placing tariffs on all our products sold in their countries. BRILLIANT!

And you actually believe raising the minimum wage to...$23.50/hr which puts, even more, businesses, large and small, OUT OF BUSINESS. BRILLIANT!

The proper course of action is to drop the Federal Minimum Wage entirely. If any of the individual states wish to have a minimum wage or cities for that matter, of course, that is their perogative.
Last edited:
27 giant profitable companies paid no taxes - USA Today
USA Today
Mar 7, 2016 - There are 27 companies in the Standard & Poor's 500, including telecom firm Level 3 Communications (LVLT), airline United Continental (UAL) and automaker General Motors (GM), that reported paying no income tax expense in 2015 despite reporting pre-tax profits, according to a USA TODAY analysis of data from S&P Global ...
20% of big companies pay zero corporate taxes - Apr. 13, 2016
Apr 13, 2016 - Nearly 20% of large U.S. corporations that reported a profit on their financial statements in 2012 ended up paying exactly nothing in U.S. ...
You visited this page on 7/20/16.
20 big profitable US companies paid no taxes - CNBC.com
Aug 13, 2014 - U.S. companies are looking for all sorts of ways to reduce their tax bill. But scores of big U.S. companies just paid no taxes or effective tax rates ...
1 in 5 big U.S. companies pay no federal income tax - CBS News
www.cbsnews.com › MoneyWatch › Markets
CBS News
Apr 13, 2016 - In 2012, some four in 10 larger corporations in the U.S. had no federal income tax after accounting for credits, according to the GAO. The 58 percent of big businesses that did pay taxes in 2012 contributed a total of $268 billion.

Well now, you can continue to sit here and copy/paste propaganda all day... all night... all the next day, indefinitely! I can't dispute there is tone and tons of Marxist propaganda out there.

I have already explained why many companies don't have taxes to pay. I've never claimed that some companies don't owe any taxes because they didn't show a profit or because offsets and credits erased taxable profits. That's the system and all corporations operate under the same exact system.

Now... It might seem unfair in your mind that corporations have a lower tax rate than individual taxpayers. But it's really not unfair. The CEOs and managers who earn incomes at the corporation pay their income taxes just like you and I, at the individual tax rates. The corporate entity doesn't pay individual earned income tax because they are corporations. We intentionally give them a special rate because we want them to grow and prosper, so as to create jobs and continue to flourish. Just like we give special tax rates to rich people who volunteer to use their wealth to invest in venture capitalism. It's not "unfair" because we all gain a tremendous benefit from this that we would not realize otherwise.
Both are unfair. The rich and giant corps are totally bloated, just buying ridiculous luxuries and giving dividends to each other lol. You are a total dupe of GOP propaganda.

Your a-holes are wrecking the nonrich and the country, for 35 years now. No one has any money to create demand anymore... And USA Today and CBS are not Marxists lol...Brainwashed functional moron.

You can actually say that after 7 1/2 years of failed economic and world leadership.

And mainly 7 1/2 years of mindless GOP obstruction and 35 years of pander to the rich, screw the nonrich tax rates, dupe.
So now your writing that corporations AREN'T overtaxed?

I haven't argued they are overtaxed.

I have suggested that we should eliminate corporate taxation in order to create millions of new jobs and bring corporations back to America... along with hundreds of new foreign corporations who would love to locate here because of our enormous consumer base.

We should declare a 10-year tax moratorium on all repatriated wealth from abroad in order to get it back into our domestic economy. We may need to attach some caveats to that in order to ensure it doesn't just get moved into tax-free securities and municipal bonds, and actually gets used to create new jobs and expand businesses.

Eliminating corporate tax WILL NOT create jobs, it will create a further wage disparity. Besides, corporations are only paying 37% of 10% of their revenue.

1. What needs to be done is tariff the crap on products made in slave wage countries.
2. Raise minimum wage to $15.00/hr, or better, my plan of $23.50/hr which gives a HUGE boost to small business.
Which results in them placing tariffs on all our products sold in their countries. BRILLIANT!

And you actually believe raising the minimum wage to...$23.50/hr which puts, even more, businesses, large and small, OUT OF BUSINESS. BRILLIANT!

The proper course of action is to drop the Federal Minimum Wage entirely. If any of the individual states wish to have a minimum wage or cities for that matter, of course, that is their perogative.
Australia's $19 min wage is beloved. Would take 5 years to get there I suppose, dupe. So are all the other modern countries' at least $11, NZ's $15...CHANGE THE CHANNEL, STUPID.
Capitalism isn't evil. The GOP BSers and crony thieves are evil. Those figures are from the corps themselves ferchrissake...Tell me again about the 47%, our highest corporate tax rates in the world, our lazy poor, how the gay guy caused the GOP world depression, Obama's 2 years of total control and a whole imaginary GOP world of bs. Ay caramba.

Well I agree that Crony Capitalism is awful and we need to put an end to it.... I think that starts with not electing people like Hillary Clinton who are owned by the crony capitalists like George Soros. And there are some Republicans who also fall into this category, it's certainly not exclusive to Democrats.

But the figures and stats you're posting are compiled by Marxists who are pushing an agenda and selling a narrative. As for your other little politicized memes, we can address those one by one if you like, but they have nothing to do with THIS debate. It's typical debate tactics of any liberal to switch topics when you start to lose the argument.
These figures come from the IRS and the corporations themselves, Politifact, Business Insider, etc. take a break on the Marxist crap. lol

Hillary takes big money for speeches, it has no effect on her strong regulation policies, tax policy, or anything else. Pure GOP BS propaganda. George Soros is no power broker, like the Kochs, Adelson, Murdoch etc who run the GOP. Or did until Trump took over the Dupe section. All of the above ARE crony capitalists spending billions to run all the websites, orgs, institutes of the whole evil bs empire.

Just know BS GOP propaganda. You and millions of others. Read something.
Both are unfair. The rich and giant corps are totally bloated, just buying ridiculous luxuries and giving dividends to each other lol. You are a total dupe of GOP propaganda.

Your a-holes are wrecking the nonrich and the country, for 35 years now. No one has any money to create demand anymore... And USA Today and CBS are not Marxists lol...Brainwashed functional moron.

Well, no... most corporations aren't lavishing dividends on each other. That's more of your mindless jealous "class warfare" bullshit you've been programmed to accept as a truth. Conservative have not controlled the White House or either house of Congress for 30 of those 35 years you're squawking about. It has been liberals, progressives and neocons who have dismantled virtually every aspect Reagan tried to establish.

And no one claimed USA Today and CBS are Marxists. The Marxists, as I explained, do not use Marxists to promote their propaganda because they know it will be rejected.
Lavishing dividends on the rich duh....
You have to be disabled. And prove it.
I never said ANYTHING about sales. They have huge profits and pay no taxes. They have huge profits and pay no taxes.They have huge profits and pay no taxes.They have huge profits and pay no taxes. HELLOOO?!?!

Well no they don't and you never cited any example. You presented a Marxist propaganda piece naming a few corporations who had losses because of the recession and weren't subject to taxes as a result.
The hell I didn't duh.27 giant profitable companies paid no taxes - USA Today
USA Today
Mar 7, 2016 - There are 27 companies in the Standard & Poor's 500, including telecom firm Level 3 Communications (LVLT), airline United Continental (UAL) and automaker General Motors (GM), that reported paying no income tax expense in 2015 despite reporting pre-tax profits, according to a USA TODAY analysis of data from S&P Global ...
27 giant profitable companies paid no taxes - USA Today
USA Today
Mar 7, 2016 - There are 27 companies in the Standard & Poor's 500, including telecom firm Level 3 Communications (LVLT), airline United Continental (UAL) and automaker General Motors (GM), that reported paying no income tax expense in 2015 despite reporting pre-tax profits, according to a USA TODAY analysis of data from S&P Global ...
20% of big companies pay zero corporate taxes - Apr. 13, 2016
Apr 13, 2016 - Nearly 20% of large U.S. corporations that reported a profit on their financial statements in 2012 ended up paying exactly nothing in U.S. ...
You visited this page on 7/20/16.
20 big profitable US companies paid no taxes - CNBC.com
Aug 13, 2014 - U.S. companies are looking for all sorts of ways to reduce their tax bill. But scores of big U.S. companies just paid no taxes or effective tax rates ...
1 in 5 big U.S. companies pay no federal income tax - CBS News
www.cbsnews.com › MoneyWatch › Markets
CBS News
Apr 13, 2016 - In 2012, some four in 10 larger corporations in the U.S. had no federal income tax after accounting for credits, according to the GAO. The 58 percent of big businesses that did pay taxes in 2012 contributed a total of $268 billion.

Well now, you can continue to sit here and copy/paste propaganda all day... all night... all the next day, indefinitely! I can't dispute there is tone and tons of Marxist propaganda out there.

I have already explained why many companies don't have taxes to pay. I've never claimed that some companies don't owe any taxes because they didn't show a profit or because offsets and credits erased taxable profits. That's the system and all corporations operate under the same exact system.

Now... It might seem unfair in your mind that corporations have a lower tax rate than individual taxpayers. But it's really not unfair. The CEOs and managers who earn incomes at the corporation pay their income taxes just like you and I, at the individual tax rates. The corporate entity doesn't pay individual earned income tax because they are corporations. We intentionally give them a special rate because we want them to grow and prosper, so as to create jobs and continue to flourish. Just like we give special tax rates to rich people who volunteer to use their wealth to invest in venture capitalism. It's not "unfair" because we all gain a tremendous benefit from this that we would not realize otherwise.
Both are unfair. The rich and giant corps are totally bloated, just buying ridiculous luxuries and giving dividends to each other lol. You are a total dupe of GOP propaganda.

Your a-holes are wrecking the nonrich and the country, for 35 years now. No one has any money to create demand anymore... And USA Today and CBS are not Marxists lol...Brainwashed functional moron.

You can actually say that after 7 1/2 years of failed economic and world leadership.

And mainly 7 1/2 years of mindless GOP obstruction and 35 years of pander to the rich, screw the nonrich tax rates, dupe.

What has the GOP blocked? As you know, Democrats controlled both the House and Senate during Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama's first two years in office.
Both are unfair. The rich and giant corps are totally bloated, just buying ridiculous luxuries and giving dividends to each other lol. You are a total dupe of GOP propaganda.

Your a-holes are wrecking the nonrich and the country, for 35 years now. No one has any money to create demand anymore... And USA Today and CBS are not Marxists lol...Brainwashed functional moron.

Well, no... most corporations aren't lavishing dividends on each other. That's more of your mindless jealous "class warfare" bullshit you've been programmed to accept as a truth. Conservative have not controlled the White House or either house of Congress for 30 of those 35 years you're squawking about. It has been liberals, progressives and neocons who have dismantled virtually every aspect Reagan tried to establish.

And no one claimed USA Today and CBS are Marxists. The Marxists, as I explained, do not use Marxists to promote their propaganda because they know it will be rejected.
Lavishing dividends on the rich duh....
You have to be disabled. And prove it.
I never said ANYTHING about sales. They have huge profits and pay no taxes. They have huge profits and pay no taxes.They have huge profits and pay no taxes.They have huge profits and pay no taxes. HELLOOO?!?!

Well no they don't and you never cited any example. You presented a Marxist propaganda piece naming a few corporations who had losses because of the recession and weren't subject to taxes as a result.
The hell I didn't duh.27 giant profitable companies paid no taxes - USA Today
USA Today
Mar 7, 2016 - There are 27 companies in the Standard & Poor's 500, including telecom firm Level 3 Communications (LVLT), airline United Continental (UAL) and automaker General Motors (GM), that reported paying no income tax expense in 2015 despite reporting pre-tax profits, according to a USA TODAY analysis of data from S&P Global ...
27 giant profitable companies paid no taxes - USA Today
USA Today
Mar 7, 2016 - There are 27 companies in the Standard & Poor's 500, including telecom firm Level 3 Communications (LVLT), airline United Continental (UAL) and automaker General Motors (GM), that reported paying no income tax expense in 2015 despite reporting pre-tax profits, according to a USA TODAY analysis of data from S&P Global ...
20% of big companies pay zero corporate taxes - Apr. 13, 2016
Apr 13, 2016 - Nearly 20% of large U.S. corporations that reported a profit on their financial statements in 2012 ended up paying exactly nothing in U.S. ...
You visited this page on 7/20/16.
20 big profitable US companies paid no taxes - CNBC.com
Aug 13, 2014 - U.S. companies are looking for all sorts of ways to reduce their tax bill. But scores of big U.S. companies just paid no taxes or effective tax rates ...
1 in 5 big U.S. companies pay no federal income tax - CBS News
www.cbsnews.com › MoneyWatch › Markets
CBS News
Apr 13, 2016 - In 2012, some four in 10 larger corporations in the U.S. had no federal income tax after accounting for credits, according to the GAO. The 58 percent of big businesses that did pay taxes in 2012 contributed a total of $268 billion.

Well now, you can continue to sit here and copy/paste propaganda all day... all night... all the next day, indefinitely! I can't dispute there is tone and tons of Marxist propaganda out there.

I have already explained why many companies don't have taxes to pay. I've never claimed that some companies don't owe any taxes because they didn't show a profit or because offsets and credits erased taxable profits. That's the system and all corporations operate under the same exact system.

Now... It might seem unfair in your mind that corporations have a lower tax rate than individual taxpayers. But it's really not unfair. The CEOs and managers who earn incomes at the corporation pay their income taxes just like you and I, at the individual tax rates. The corporate entity doesn't pay individual earned income tax because they are corporations. We intentionally give them a special rate because we want them to grow and prosper, so as to create jobs and continue to flourish. Just like we give special tax rates to rich people who volunteer to use their wealth to invest in venture capitalism. It's not "unfair" because we all gain a tremendous benefit from this that we would not realize otherwise.
Both are unfair. The rich and giant corps are totally bloated, just buying ridiculous luxuries and giving dividends to each other lol. You are a total dupe of GOP propaganda.

Your a-holes are wrecking the nonrich and the country, for 35 years now. No one has any money to create demand anymore... And USA Today and CBS are not Marxists lol...Brainwashed functional moron.

You can actually say that after 7 1/2 years of failed economic and world leadership.

And mainly 7 1/2 years of mindless GOP obstruction and 35 years of pander to the rich, screw the nonrich tax rates, dupe.

What has the GOP blocked? As you know, Democrats controlled both the House and Senate during Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama's first two years in office.
Yup, only 200+ GOP filibusters those 2 years dupe. Great control. They blocked everything. Google what GOP has blocked, dumbass. EVERYTHING. Typical dupe. If you knew anything, you'd be a Dem.
Eliminating corporate tax WILL NOT create jobs, it will create a further wage disparity. Besides, corporations are only paying 37% of 10% of their revenue.

1. What needs to be done is tariff the crap on products made in slave wage countries.
2. Raise minimum wage to $15.00/hr, or better, my plan of $23.50/hr which gives a HUGE boost to small business.

Nope... it would create MILLIONS of jobs. It would draw in hundreds of foreign corporations eager to capitalize on a vibrant American market. It would mitigate wage disparity by providing skilled manufacturing sector jobs as opposed to service sector low-wage jobs.

Your ideas are stupid. Tariffs are paid by the consumers. So you're talking about jacking up the prices on all kinds of consumer goods... plus, this is the same exact policy Herbert Hoover implemented prior to the Great Depression. It starts tariff wars with other nations and kills any exports we have. Raising the MW creates massive inflation and kills jobs.
So now your writing that corporations AREN'T overtaxed?

I haven't argued they are overtaxed.

I have suggested that we should eliminate corporate taxation in order to create millions of new jobs and bring corporations back to America... along with hundreds of new foreign corporations who would love to locate here because of our enormous consumer base.

We should declare a 10-year tax moratorium on all repatriated wealth from abroad in order to get it back into our domestic economy. We may need to attach some caveats to that in order to ensure it doesn't just get moved into tax-free securities and municipal bonds, and actually gets used to create new jobs and expand businesses.

Eliminating corporate tax WILL NOT create jobs, it will create a further wage disparity. Besides, corporations are only paying 37% of 10% of their revenue.

1. What needs to be done is tariff the crap on products made in slave wage countries.
2. Raise minimum wage to $15.00/hr, or better, my plan of $23.50/hr which gives a HUGE boost to small business.
Which results in them placing tariffs on all our products sold in their countries. BRILLIANT!

And you actually believe raising the minimum wage to...$23.50/hr which puts, even more, businesses, large and small, OUT OF BUSINESS. BRILLIANT!

The proper course of action is to drop the Federal Minimum Wage entirely. If any of the individual states wish to have a minimum wage or cities for that matter, of course, that is their perogative.

The tariffs would eliminate the reason companies play inversion.

No, my plan of $23.50/hr which reduces ALL taxes and employee costs to 30% of revenue.

Eliminate the minimum wage. You sound like a old sociopath conservative.
Both are unfair. The rich and giant corps are totally bloated, just buying ridiculous luxuries and giving dividends to each other lol. You are a total dupe of GOP propaganda.

Your a-holes are wrecking the nonrich and the country, for 35 years now. No one has any money to create demand anymore... And USA Today and CBS are not Marxists lol...Brainwashed functional moron.

Well, no... most corporations aren't lavishing dividends on each other. That's more of your mindless jealous "class warfare" bullshit you've been programmed to accept as a truth. Conservative have not controlled the White House or either house of Congress for 30 of those 35 years you're squawking about. It has been liberals, progressives and neocons who have dismantled virtually every aspect Reagan tried to establish.

And no one claimed USA Today and CBS are Marxists. The Marxists, as I explained, do not use Marxists to promote their propaganda because they know it will be rejected.
Lavishing dividends on the rich duh....
You have to be disabled. And prove it.
I never said ANYTHING about sales. They have huge profits and pay no taxes. They have huge profits and pay no taxes.They have huge profits and pay no taxes.They have huge profits and pay no taxes. HELLOOO?!?!

Well no they don't and you never cited any example. You presented a Marxist propaganda piece naming a few corporations who had losses because of the recession and weren't subject to taxes as a result.
The hell I didn't duh.27 giant profitable companies paid no taxes - USA Today
USA Today
Mar 7, 2016 - There are 27 companies in the Standard & Poor's 500, including telecom firm Level 3 Communications (LVLT), airline United Continental (UAL) and automaker General Motors (GM), that reported paying no income tax expense in 2015 despite reporting pre-tax profits, according to a USA TODAY analysis of data from S&P Global ...
Well now, you can continue to sit here and copy/paste propaganda all day... all night... all the next day, indefinitely! I can't dispute there is tone and tons of Marxist propaganda out there.

I have already explained why many companies don't have taxes to pay. I've never claimed that some companies don't owe any taxes because they didn't show a profit or because offsets and credits erased taxable profits. That's the system and all corporations operate under the same exact system.

Now... It might seem unfair in your mind that corporations have a lower tax rate than individual taxpayers. But it's really not unfair. The CEOs and managers who earn incomes at the corporation pay their income taxes just like you and I, at the individual tax rates. The corporate entity doesn't pay individual earned income tax because they are corporations. We intentionally give them a special rate because we want them to grow and prosper, so as to create jobs and continue to flourish. Just like we give special tax rates to rich people who volunteer to use their wealth to invest in venture capitalism. It's not "unfair" because we all gain a tremendous benefit from this that we would not realize otherwise.
Both are unfair. The rich and giant corps are totally bloated, just buying ridiculous luxuries and giving dividends to each other lol. You are a total dupe of GOP propaganda.

Your a-holes are wrecking the nonrich and the country, for 35 years now. No one has any money to create demand anymore... And USA Today and CBS are not Marxists lol...Brainwashed functional moron.

You can actually say that after 7 1/2 years of failed economic and world leadership.

And mainly 7 1/2 years of mindless GOP obstruction and 35 years of pander to the rich, screw the nonrich tax rates, dupe.

What has the GOP blocked? As you know, Democrats controlled both the House and Senate during Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama's first two years in office.
Yup, only 200+ GOP filibusters those 2 years dupe. Great control. They blocked everything. Google what GOP has blocked, dumbass. EVERYTHING. Typical dupe. If you knew anything, you'd be a Dem.
What's with the dupe shit libtard? Maybe it's time you learned a new word.
Eliminating corporate tax WILL NOT create jobs, it will create a further wage disparity. Besides, corporations are only paying 37% of 10% of their revenue.

1. What needs to be done is tariff the crap on products made in slave wage countries.
2. Raise minimum wage to $15.00/hr, or better, my plan of $23.50/hr which gives a HUGE boost to small business.

Nope... it would create MILLIONS of jobs. It would draw in hundreds of foreign corporations eager to capitalize on a vibrant American market. It would mitigate wage disparity by providing skilled manufacturing sector jobs as opposed to service sector low-wage jobs.

Your ideas are stupid. Tariffs are paid by the consumers. So you're talking about jacking up the prices on all kinds of consumer goods... plus, this is the same exact policy Herbert Hoover implemented prior to the Great Depression. It starts tariff wars with other nations and kills any exports we have. Raising the MW creates massive inflation and kills jobs.

Giving money to business will create jobs. Sure it will. You forgot about the greed factor.

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