Why can't Public Assistance increase?

If we can pay for your lazy freeloading ass to sit at home on your computer bashing and trashing the system that feeds you like some kind of goofy moron, then we can take care of a man who worked as hard as my dad.

This is how fucking stupid you are. You come from a background where your father worked 50 fucking years and then had to rely on welfare to survive. WTF? Minimum wage the entire time?

And you expect people to think you know what you are talking about when it comes to the economy? When you have cited as an example your welfare receiving father. Is that where you learned finance?

Fuck you.

I am 63 yo. Never had anything given to me ever. But I will put my net worth against yours any day. And I will work your ass into the ground. And I will never ask for welfare like you told your dad to do.

Are you collecting welfare also?. Runs in the family doesn't it?
Jeebus what a stupid arrogant a-hole. Congrats on your good luck. Enjoy hell.
I said the government and corporations have a symbiotic relationship.
And therein lies the problem. They should not have any relationship at all. And for all of the liberals pitching a fit over how businesses "buy" politicians and "buy" votes in Congress - good. It was your idiot ideology that caused government to start controlling every facet of the private sector. Businesses are just trying to survive in the game that you moron's built.
Anything that is beneficial can be misused. Small minds want to take unfair advantage of what exists because it's easier than creating something of actual value legitimately. What we need is some harsh punishment in both the public and private sectors for the douchebags who abuse the system.
What we need first is to restore Constitutional government. Everything else will pretty much take care of itself after that.
Nothing unconstitutional, dupe. What we need is a return to GOOD government. Not with the "no compromise, un-American TP GOP" -TIME. A brainwashed disgrace.

I bet you think what you support it good.

Tell me what's good about rewarding a bunch of illegals that broke the law to get here with "immigration reform"? Tell me what's good with paying someone a higher wage than their skills are worth? Tell me what's good about funding college for a kid whose own parents don't think enough about him/her to do it?
BS. GOP have obstructed everything good for 8 years.

His supporters claim HE created jobs. YOU say those jobs absolutely suck and get paid crap. Logic says the jobs for which he's given credit amount to nothing and his supporters count them only for the numbers not the quality.

The GOP couldn't have obstructed anything good for 8 years. 2 of them the Democrats had control of Congress and the other 6 didn't produce any good ideas from Obama.
Yup, 2 years of control with only 200+ GOP filibusters- You're duped AGAIN. 2 things passed. ACTUALLY, 2 months of control , all used to pass ACA.

And btw, the middle of ANOTHER corrupt world economic melt down is no time for economic reform.

You said good things were obstructed. That's impossible. Obama put forth nothing that was good because anything where one group is forced to fund for another something the other should be funding for themselves is bad. Surely you bleeding hearts can understand that the government doesn't have to be involved if you, as a group, believe something should be done. Get together and do it yourselves with your own money. I know you won't because your mindset it that by having others forced to do it your way, it somehow means you have compassion. Doesn't work that way. If you don't think what you believe should be done is a good enough investment for you to do with you own money only, it damn sure isn't a good enough investment for me.
Tax incentives to train for 3-5 million tech jobs going begging, Immigration bill with good SS ID card, infrastructure jobs bank, raise of min wage- we could have led the world out of this mess...GOP allows NOTHING.

So amnesty called by another name, someone other than the kid or his/her parents funding their education, giving people a wage they didn't earn, etc.? That will only cause a bigger mess.
Total, idiotic, brainwashed pie in the sky functional stupidity. Your party invited them in with total refusal of good ID, an infrastructure bank is a cheap way to invest in YOUR greedy idiot party's ruin of a country (all to bloat the rich and giant corps), dupe, they earn the hell out of it- or would if they were paid enough to care. This country absolutely suqs after 35 years of your stupid bs.
I said the government and corporations have a symbiotic relationship.
And therein lies the problem. They should not have any relationship at all. And for all of the liberals pitching a fit over how businesses "buy" politicians and "buy" votes in Congress - good. It was your idiot ideology that caused government to start controlling every facet of the private sector. Businesses are just trying to survive in the game that you moron's built.
Anything that is beneficial can be misused. Small minds want to take unfair advantage of what exists because it's easier than creating something of actual value legitimately. What we need is some harsh punishment in both the public and private sectors for the douchebags who abuse the system.
What we need first is to restore Constitutional government. Everything else will pretty much take care of itself after that.
Nothing unconstitutional, dupe. What we need is a return to GOOD government. Not with the "no compromise, un-American TP GOP" -TIME. A brainwashed disgrace.

I bet you think what you support it good.

Tell me what's good about rewarding a bunch of illegals that broke the law to get here with "immigration reform"? Tell me what's good with paying someone a higher wage than their skills are worth? Tell me what's good about funding college for a kid whose own parents don't think enough about him/her to do it?
According to a brainwashed functional moron like you. After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
Funding from corporate... <roll eyes> I guess when you're a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

I said the government and corporations have a symbiotic relationship. You apparently want to turn this into a chicken and egg debate.

Well Joe, I am sorry that I misunderstood your post as something pertinent to the point of the argument you were making. You spoke of your job, "receiving funding", and praised government research. Now I understand you're talking about corporate funding which is a byproduct of successful capitalism... has nothing to do with government research or any symbiotic relationship with government.

And no... it's a not a chicken and egg debate, we know clearly that people came before government. We made the government the government didn't make us. The ONLY aspect in which there is anything you can define as a symbiotic relationship is that the government is there to protect your freedom to participate in free market capitalism through free enterprise.
His supporters claim HE created jobs. YOU say those jobs absolutely suck and get paid crap. Logic says the jobs for which he's given credit amount to nothing and his supporters count them only for the numbers not the quality.

The GOP couldn't have obstructed anything good for 8 years. 2 of them the Democrats had control of Congress and the other 6 didn't produce any good ideas from Obama.
Yup, 2 years of control with only 200+ GOP filibusters- You're duped AGAIN. 2 things passed. ACTUALLY, 2 months of control , all used to pass ACA.

And btw, the middle of ANOTHER corrupt world economic melt down is no time for economic reform.

You said good things were obstructed. That's impossible. Obama put forth nothing that was good because anything where one group is forced to fund for another something the other should be funding for themselves is bad. Surely you bleeding hearts can understand that the government doesn't have to be involved if you, as a group, believe something should be done. Get together and do it yourselves with your own money. I know you won't because your mindset it that by having others forced to do it your way, it somehow means you have compassion. Doesn't work that way. If you don't think what you believe should be done is a good enough investment for you to do with you own money only, it damn sure isn't a good enough investment for me.
Tax incentives to train for 3-5 million tech jobs going begging, Immigration bill with good SS ID card, infrastructure jobs bank, raise of min wage- we could have led the world out of this mess...GOP allows NOTHING.

So amnesty called by another name, someone other than the kid or his/her parents funding their education, giving people a wage they didn't earn, etc.? That will only cause a bigger mess.
Total, idiotic, brainwashed pie in the sky functional stupidity. Your party invited them in with total refusal of good ID, an infrastructure bank is a cheap way to invest in YOUR greedy idiot party's ruin of a country (all to bloat the rich and giant corps), dupe, they earn the hell out of it- or would if they were paid enough to care. This country absolutely suqs after 35 years of your stupid bs.

No one received an invitation. I've addressed how to solve both the illegal problem and social welfare leech problem. Deport all illegals and offer those jobs to the welfare leeches. If the leeches say no, no more handouts. Two problem solves.
shifted their main corporations overseas where they pay ZERO US Taxes but collect oodles in sales in the US.

Challenge: Cite three examples of these corporations who pay zero US tax but collect sales in the US?

Okay moron... read your challenge CAREFULLY.... I asked you to show 3 corporations who 1) Paid zero US taxes AND 2) Collected sales in the US. You cited a list of propaganda links which show such nuggets as "General Electric, Boeing, Verizon and 23 other profitable Fortune 500 firms paid no federal income taxes from 2008 to 2012" BUT... what the propagandists FAIL to mention is their sales. You see, whenever your expenses are more than your profits, you show a loss and you don't pay taxes on a loss. Now, just so happens, between '08-'12, we went through a major recession and many businesses who didn't completely tank, didn't show a profit.

But propagandists rely on really stupid people who don't comprehend that "revenues collected" is not profits made. And so, you can manipulate statistics to show something seemingly outrageous or unethical. The only person being unethical is you... the propagandist.
Yup, 2 years of control with only 200+ GOP filibusters- You're duped AGAIN. 2 things passed. ACTUALLY, 2 months of control , all used to pass ACA.

And btw, the middle of ANOTHER corrupt world economic melt down is no time for economic reform.

You said good things were obstructed. That's impossible. Obama put forth nothing that was good because anything where one group is forced to fund for another something the other should be funding for themselves is bad. Surely you bleeding hearts can understand that the government doesn't have to be involved if you, as a group, believe something should be done. Get together and do it yourselves with your own money. I know you won't because your mindset it that by having others forced to do it your way, it somehow means you have compassion. Doesn't work that way. If you don't think what you believe should be done is a good enough investment for you to do with you own money only, it damn sure isn't a good enough investment for me.
Tax incentives to train for 3-5 million tech jobs going begging, Immigration bill with good SS ID card, infrastructure jobs bank, raise of min wage- we could have led the world out of this mess...GOP allows NOTHING.

So amnesty called by another name, someone other than the kid or his/her parents funding their education, giving people a wage they didn't earn, etc.? That will only cause a bigger mess.
Total, idiotic, brainwashed pie in the sky functional stupidity. Your party invited them in with total refusal of good ID, an infrastructure bank is a cheap way to invest in YOUR greedy idiot party's ruin of a country (all to bloat the rich and giant corps), dupe, they earn the hell out of it- or would if they were paid enough to care. This country absolutely suqs after 35 years of your stupid bs.

No one received an invitation. I've addressed how to solve both the illegal problem and social welfare leech problem. Deport all illegals and offer those jobs to the welfare leeches. If the leeches say no, no more handouts. Two problem solves.
Just as good as an invitation. Illegals can easily get fake SS cards and ID. In 2007 Pew found that 94% of illegal males worked, 65% pay taxes and 35% owned homes. To turn around and deport them is racist idiocy for bigot dupes in the real world. Welcome to reality. Pass the gd bill with good ID, get 100% paying taxes- HUGE for economy AND END the gd problem forever.
shifted their main corporations overseas where they pay ZERO US Taxes but collect oodles in sales in the US.

Challenge: Cite three examples of these corporations who pay zero US tax but collect sales in the US?

Okay moron... read your challenge CAREFULLY.... I asked you to show 3 corporations who 1) Paid zero US taxes AND 2) Collected sales in the US. You cited a list of propaganda links which show such nuggets as "General Electric, Boeing, Verizon and 23 other profitable Fortune 500 firms paid no federal income taxes from 2008 to 2012" BUT... what the propagandists FAIL to mention is their sales. You see, whenever your expenses are more than your profits, you show a loss and you don't pay taxes on a loss. Now, just so happens, between '08-'12, we went through a major recession and many businesses who didn't completely tank, didn't show a profit.

But propagandists rely on really stupid people who don't comprehend that "revenues collected" is not profits made. And so, you can manipulate statistics to show something seemingly outrageous or unethical. The only person being unethical is you... the propagandist.
"PROFITABLE". Also before and AFTER that period. Propagandists don't have facts, dupe. Like all you morons saying we have the highest corporate taxes in the world. LOL. Only on small business...Thanks GOP
shifted their main corporations overseas where they pay ZERO US Taxes but collect oodles in sales in the US.

Challenge: Cite three examples of these corporations who pay zero US tax but collect sales in the US?

Okay moron... read your challenge CAREFULLY.... I asked you to show 3 corporations who 1) Paid zero US taxes AND 2) Collected sales in the US. You cited a list of propaganda links which show such nuggets as "General Electric, Boeing, Verizon and 23 other profitable Fortune 500 firms paid no federal income taxes from 2008 to 2012" BUT... what the propagandists FAIL to mention is their sales. You see, whenever your expenses are more than your profits, you show a loss and you don't pay taxes on a loss. Now, just so happens, between '08-'12, we went through a major recession and many businesses who didn't completely tank, didn't show a profit.

But propagandists rely on really stupid people who don't comprehend that "revenues collected" is not profits made. And so, you can manipulate statistics to show something seemingly outrageous or unethical. The only person being unethical is you... the propagandist.
LOL, who's the moron ?

Fifteen (of Many) Reasons Why We Need Corporate Tax Reform
April 9, 2015 12:49 PM | Permalink |
Companies From Various Sectors Use Legal Tax Dodges to Avoid Taxes

Read this report in PDF.

This CTJ report illustrates how profitable Fortune 500 companies in a range of sectors of the U.S. economy have been remarkably successful in manipulating the tax system to avoid paying even a dime in tax on billions of dollars in U.S. profits. These 15 corporations’ tax situations shed light on the widespread nature of corporate tax avoidance. As a group, the 15 companies paid no federal income tax on $23 billion in profits in 2014, and they paid almost no federal income tax on $107 billion in profits over the past five years. All but two received federal tax rebates in 2014, and almost all paid exceedingly low rates over five years.

Companies Represent Diverse Economic Sectors

The companies profiled here represent a range of segments of the U.S. economy:

  • Broadcaster CBS Corporation enjoyed $1.8 billion in U.S. profits last year, and received a federal income tax rebate of $235 million.
  • Doll-maker Mattel, which has paid zero federal income taxes over the past five years, received a tax rebate of $46 million in 2014.
  • The financial services corporation Prudential avoided all federal income taxes on its $3.5 billion in U.S. profits in 2014.
  • Ryder System, which provides truck rentals and services, paid a negative 0.3 percent federal income tax rate in 2014 and over the past five years a negative 0.5 percent rate.
  • California-based utility PG&E had negative tax rates both in 2014 and over the five-year period.
All 15 companies’ effective federal income tax rates for 2014 and the five-year period between 2010 and 2014 are shown in the table below:


Fifteen (of Many) Reasons Why We Need Corporate Tax Reform | CTJReports
Same link:
Companies’ Low Taxes Stem from a Variety of Legal Tax Breaks

While recent policy discourse has focused on multinational corporations that use offshore tax havens to minimize their tax liability, the companies profiled here appear to be using a diverse array of other tax breaks to zero out their federal income taxes:

Jetblue, PG&E, PEPCO Holdings and Ryder used accelerated depreciation, a tax break that allows companies to write off the cost of their capital investments much faster than these investments wear out, to dramatically reduce their tax rates. CTJ has estimated that closing the accelerated depreciation loophole could raise more than $428 billion over the next decade.[ii] Both Congress and President Barack Obama, however, have supported expanding the scope of this tax break in recent years.

Priceline relied heavily on a single tax break — writing off the value of executive stock options for tax purposes — to zero out its tax liability not just in 2014 but in 2013, 2012 and 2011 as well. In addition, the company admits that this tax break could offset all taxes on up to $1.2 billion in profits going forward. Mattel also reports enjoying $140 million in stock option tax breaks over the past five years. Former U.S. Senator Carl Levin (D-MI) has estimated that this tax break will costs $23 billion over the next decade.[iii]

Qualcomm has enjoyed more than $290 million in research and development tax breaks over the past three years. The R&E tax credit has been criticized for rewarding companies for “research” they would have done anyway, as well as rewarding research in areas such as fast-food packaging.[iv]

General Electric uses the “active financing” tax break as one of many ways that it eliminates its U.S. income tax bill.[v] This arcane tax break allows some multinational financial institutions to avoid paying income taxes to any government on their international financing activities. The Joint Committee on Taxation estimates the current ten-year cost of this provision to be $70.2 billion.[vi]

Corporate Tax Reform Should Repeal Tax Loopholes and Restore Overall Corporate Tax Revenues to a More Reasonable Level

In recent years, the public’s attention has been drawn to the elaborate tax avoidance mechanisms used by a few huge corporations such as General Electric, Apple, Microsoft and others. But as this report indicates, the scope of corporate tax avoidance goes well beyond these few companies and spans a wide variety of economic sectors. Moreover, the tax breaks that have allowed these companies to be so successful in their tax avoidance are, by and large, perfectly legal, and often have been on the books for decades.

As Congress focuses on strategies for revamping the U.S. corporate income tax, a sensible starting point should be to critically assess the costs of each of these tax breaks and to take steps to ensure that profitable corporations pay their fair share of U.S. taxes.

The next step is just as important. The revenues raised from eliminating corporate tax subsidies should not be given right back to corporations in the form of tax-rate reductions, as corporate lobbyists and their allies inside the Washington Beltway preposterously argue. Instead, as the vast majority of Americans understand, these desperately needed revenues should be used to address our nation’s fiscal problems and to make critically needed public investments in our nation’s future.

Accelerated depreciation and the stock options loophole, and how Congress could raise revenue by repealing them, are described in Citizens for Tax Justice, “Policy Options to Raise Revenue,” March 8, 2012. Policy Options to Raise Revenue | CTJReports The “active financing exception” is described in Citizens for Tax Justice, “Don't Renew the Offshore Tax Loopholes,” August 2, 2012. Don't Renew the Offshore Tax Loopholes | CTJReports

[ii] Citizens for Tax Justice, "Addressing the Need for More Federal Revenue," July 8, 2014.http://ctj.org/pdf/policyoptions2014.pdf

[iii] Ibid.
You've got to be kidding.....

Wal-Mart Subsidy Watch - brought to you by Good Jobs First

When you're done with that link, I've give you a few thousand more.

Oh! Big businessman, that doesn't understand the difference between tax breaks and subsidies. You on the left are all the same. You think all money belongs to government, and what they allow you to keep is a gift from them to you.

If you knew I was sneaking into your house and taking $100.00 out of your money drawer every week, but then felt bad about it, so I started to only take only $70.00 a week from you, would you consider that me giving you $30.00 a week?

This is the exact same thing you are trying to say with Walmart.

When government takes less money than they used to from companies or individuals, that's not a subsidy. That's simply government taking less of your money--not giving you money.

A subsidy is monetary assistance granted by a government. Aren't tax breaks monetary assistance?
Trucking companies want new CDL holders out of farm schools so they can exploit them and pay so little that they have to live in their truck. Then, and the most disgusting fact of the industry are the company lease programs where EVERY company that has one has been charged, fined, and convicted of fraud.

You are so FOS you don't even know what you're talking about.

New drivers are hard to insure. That's because if you are going to get into an accident, it's likely to happen the first six months to a year. So companies can't pay their drivers superior wages because the insurance is so high for the first year.

After you get verifiable experience and maintain a good driving record, you are free to take any one of the thousands of jobs out there. You can work over the road, regional, even local and still make a great paycheck every week. You can even pick which part of the country you wish to work in and which parts you wish to avoid.

If new drivers are hard to insure, why do the big three; JB, Schneider, and Swift make tens of billions in profit each year hiring new drivers?
shifted their main corporations overseas where they pay ZERO US Taxes but collect oodles in sales in the US.

Challenge: Cite three examples of these corporations who pay zero US tax but collect sales in the US?

Okay moron... read your challenge CAREFULLY.... I asked you to show 3 corporations who 1) Paid zero US taxes AND 2) Collected sales in the US. You cited a list of propaganda links which show such nuggets as "General Electric, Boeing, Verizon and 23 other profitable Fortune 500 firms paid no federal income taxes from 2008 to 2012" BUT... what the propagandists FAIL to mention is their sales. You see, whenever your expenses are more than your profits, you show a loss and you don't pay taxes on a loss. Now, just so happens, between '08-'12, we went through a major recession and many businesses who didn't completely tank, didn't show a profit.

But propagandists rely on really stupid people who don't comprehend that "revenues collected" is not profits made. And so, you can manipulate statistics to show something seemingly outrageous or unethical. The only person being unethical is you... the propagandist.
"PROFITABLE". Also before and AFTER that period. Propagandists don't have facts, dupe. Like all you morons saying we have the highest corporate taxes in the world. LOL. Only on small business...Thanks GOP

Well before and after that period, if they showed a profit they paid taxes. See, if you don't show profit there is nothing to tax. We don't tax based on dollars collected. There are expenses to pay, deductions to be claimed, maybe even incentives or credits and write-offs. Those things are all calculated and a tax liability is established. In the examples listed, there was apparently no tax liability due to the recession. I don't KNOW this, I've not dug into it... could be it's a complete fabrication... but that's my guess, if the claim is as stated.

And the fact also remains that we have the highest corporate tax rates of any industrialized nation. Corporate tax has absolutely nothing to do with Small Businesses which all file (by matter of law) as individuals paying earned income tax. When we hear your rhetoric about "those who make over $250k per year" ....that's MOSTLY the Small Businesses filing as individuals, which ALL Small Businesses do.

Now... I know that you will retort with some bullshit about LLCs and such... but an LLC is a corporation, not a small business. It may be small and it may be a business, but legally it is no longer classified as a Small Business for tax purposes. EVERY Small Business files it's taxes as an individual on an individual 1040 tax return.
shifted their main corporations overseas where they pay ZERO US Taxes but collect oodles in sales in the US.

Challenge: Cite three examples of these corporations who pay zero US tax but collect sales in the US?

Okay moron... read your challenge CAREFULLY.... I asked you to show 3 corporations who 1) Paid zero US taxes AND 2) Collected sales in the US. You cited a list of propaganda links which show such nuggets as "General Electric, Boeing, Verizon and 23 other profitable Fortune 500 firms paid no federal income taxes from 2008 to 2012" BUT... what the propagandists FAIL to mention is their sales. You see, whenever your expenses are more than your profits, you show a loss and you don't pay taxes on a loss. Now, just so happens, between '08-'12, we went through a major recession and many businesses who didn't completely tank, didn't show a profit.

But propagandists rely on really stupid people who don't comprehend that "revenues collected" is not profits made. And so, you can manipulate statistics to show something seemingly outrageous or unethical. The only person being unethical is you... the propagandist.
LOL, who's the moron ?

Fifteen (of Many) Reasons Why We Need Corporate Tax Reform
April 9, 2015 12:49 PM | Permalink |
Companies From Various Sectors Use Legal Tax Dodges to Avoid Taxes

Read this report in PDF.

This CTJ report illustrates how profitable Fortune 500 companies in a range of sectors of the U.S. economy have been remarkably successful in manipulating the tax system to avoid paying even a dime in tax on billions of dollars in U.S. profits. These 15 corporations’ tax situations shed light on the widespread nature of corporate tax avoidance. As a group, the 15 companies paid no federal income tax on $23 billion in profits in 2014, and they paid almost no federal income tax on $107 billion in profits over the past five years. All but two received federal tax rebates in 2014, and almost all paid exceedingly low rates over five years.

Companies Represent Diverse Economic Sectors

The companies profiled here represent a range of segments of the U.S. economy:

  • Broadcaster CBS Corporation enjoyed $1.8 billion in U.S. profits last year, and received a federal income tax rebate of $235 million.
  • Doll-maker Mattel, which has paid zero federal income taxes over the past five years, received a tax rebate of $46 million in 2014.
  • The financial services corporation Prudential avoided all federal income taxes on its $3.5 billion in U.S. profits in 2014.
  • Ryder System, which provides truck rentals and services, paid a negative 0.3 percent federal income tax rate in 2014 and over the past five years a negative 0.5 percent rate.
  • California-based utility PG&E had negative tax rates both in 2014 and over the five-year period.
All 15 companies’ effective federal income tax rates for 2014 and the five-year period between 2010 and 2014 are shown in the table below:


Fifteen (of Many) Reasons Why We Need Corporate Tax Reform | CTJReports

This is just MORE propaganda where people have manipulated the data to support your meme. I'm sorry... that's all it is. There is TONS of it online because Marxists have nothing better to do than churn out more and more misleading and dishonest propaganda. Why? Because dumb little piss ants like YOU buy it! You're too stupid to figure out how you're being lied to and manipulated. It's easier for you to just believe this nonsense because you've been brainwashed to think capitalism is evil. Lenin had a term for you... "Useful Idiots."
An employer paying a 'market price' for their employees isn't a racketeer?

Nope, not in the least bit. It's a contract between the employer and the employee......nothing more.

A contract implies some kind of negotiation takes place. Not so. Employers, especially today, pay what everyone else pays (a racket) except for me, I'm smarter and better financed than my competition.
They are more than "a couple thousand bucks" for a class A CDL training course! I was told the full class was $10,000, and a shorter course (I have a class B, and already know most of the classroom stuff about routing & logs) was $6000.

My employer sent his son to a school to get his license. He too had a class B. My employer paid around $4,000 and his son had a class A in three weeks. So I guess it depends on where you go.

But even if it is (in your area) $6,000, thats not a lot of money compared to other trade schools, and it's easily affordable.

A CDL school DOESN'T teach you to drive a truck, they teach you to pass the CDL test.

Why would your employer (a truck company owner) send his son to a CDL school get his license? Wouldn't it be smarter and cheaper to have him take the written test for his permit and send him out with you to develop skills?
shifted their main corporations overseas where they pay ZERO US Taxes but collect oodles in sales in the US.

Challenge: Cite three examples of these corporations who pay zero US tax but collect sales in the US?

Okay moron... read your challenge CAREFULLY.... I asked you to show 3 corporations who 1) Paid zero US taxes AND 2) Collected sales in the US. You cited a list of propaganda links which show such nuggets as "General Electric, Boeing, Verizon and 23 other profitable Fortune 500 firms paid no federal income taxes from 2008 to 2012" BUT... what the propagandists FAIL to mention is their sales. You see, whenever your expenses are more than your profits, you show a loss and you don't pay taxes on a loss. Now, just so happens, between '08-'12, we went through a major recession and many businesses who didn't completely tank, didn't show a profit.

But propagandists rely on really stupid people who don't comprehend that "revenues collected" is not profits made. And so, you can manipulate statistics to show something seemingly outrageous or unethical. The only person being unethical is you... the propagandist.
"PROFITABLE". Also before and AFTER that period. Propagandists don't have facts, dupe. Like all you morons saying we have the highest corporate taxes in the world. LOL. Only on small business...Thanks GOP

Well before and after that period, if they showed a profit they paid taxes. See, if you don't show profit there is nothing to tax. We don't tax based on dollars collected. There are expenses to pay, deductions to be claimed, maybe even incentives or credits and write-offs. Those things are all calculated and a tax liability is established. In the examples listed, there was apparently no tax liability due to the recession. I don't KNOW this, I've not dug into it... could be it's a complete fabrication... but that's my guess, if the claim is as stated.

And the fact also remains that we have the highest corporate tax rates of any industrialized nation. Corporate tax has absolutely nothing to do with Small Businesses which all file (by matter of law) as individuals paying earned income tax. When we hear your rhetoric about "those who make over $250k per year" ....that's MOSTLY the Small Businesses filing as individuals, which ALL Small Businesses do.

Now... I know that you will retort with some bullshit about LLCs and such... but an LLC is a corporation, not a small business. It may be small and it may be a business, but legally it is no longer classified as a Small Business for tax purposes. EVERY Small Business files it's taxes as an individual on an individual 1040 tax return.
No, MANY giant corps make huge profits and pay NO taxes or even get more money back from the IRS. Small businesses pay much more than the effective corporate rate of 12%, a joke.
Actually, I suspect it was more that nobody builds a tractor with manual steering anymore. (The package trucks have power steering now for the same reason.)

They will build a truck anyway you want. Hell, we lease from Penske, and we can have anything we want to order right down to the color of the truck. Now if you take it off the lot, that's a different story.

I've been doing this a long time, and I know how companies try to cut the extras to save money. Years ago larger companies didn't even provide air-ride. But the medical claims from drivers (which were many of them) for back problems made it more expensive in the long run, so they all went to air-ride. I drove a truck years ago that didn't have it, and those things could shake the fillings out of your mouth. I couldn't drive over 50 mph, and it shook so bad you couldn't even select a preset radio station on your radio.

The extras did get cheaper to buy as years went on. But companies found it more advantageous to get the extras. Air conditioning is another one. Drivers fell asleep more often without AC when it was hot and muggy. This is not to mention how terrible their drivers looked when they went to a customer being all sweaty and looking like you just got out of a war zone. Many times the drivers took breaks in the company cafeteria at their stops, or somewhere that had AC just so they could cool off for a while, and that really slowed things down. Now just about everybody has AC.
Penske won't even spec a truck without AC anymore. A local outfit tried, and Penske flatly refused.

I suspect you couldn't get a manual-steering tractor today if you wanted to, from anyone at any prrice...they simply no longer have the parts!

Penske won't because of resale. UPS (for the most part) doesn't sell their trucks, they part them out.

Also, Penske (like me) doesn't buy tens of thousands of trucks per year. UPS gets whatever they want. It's known as the UPS spec.

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