Why can't Public Assistance increase?

It can be done. Help the struggling warriors in the trenches. Share the love. We'll all benefit from it.


You and I have widget companies. We are competitors. With your company, you share the love. With my company, I pay the workers what they are worth and get the best and the brightest to run the major operations in the company.

How long do you suppose it would take before I put your company out of business?
Walmart comes in using tax payer subsidies, lowers prices to eliminate competition, then once the competition is gone they start incrementally raising prices. That's NOT price fixing?

Of course you know that's a lie. But if you think it's the truth, then Walmart is breaking the law, and you should report it to your nearest liberal politician and see how far you get.
A CEO's job is to steer the course, how is that difficult?

Bwahahaha! Then why aren't you a CEO? If it's so easy and it pays such an enormous salary, it's only logical that you and other libtards would be doing it.

The President of the United States job is to "steer the course". Do you have any idea how difficult and stressful it is being President of the United States? A CEO literally has to be clairvoyant. They are expected to see around the corner of tomorrow and put their company in position to capitalize on what they "see". They have to make high pressure decision after high pressure decision. They have to anticipate and then navigate both potential and actual government interference/regulation. They have to anticipate and then navigate competition. They have to deal with human error within their organization and personnel issues. They have to deal with liberals in government destroying the economy. And they have to handle 32 hours worth of work per day.
It is laughable to see so many nit wits who think the CEO's job is so easy to do.

Remember the Flintstones? They had an episode where Fred, after complaining about how easy his boss had it, got to trade places with him for a day. After that, he was ecstatic to just be a working stiff who could clock out when the whistle blew.

WOW! A cartoon comparable to real life.
It can be done. Help the struggling warriors in the trenches. Share the love. We'll all benefit from it.


You and I have widget companies. We are competitors. With your company, you share the love. With my company, I pay the workers what they are worth and get the best and the brightest to run the major operations in the company.

How long do you suppose it would take before I put your company out of business?

That's all fear my friend. Just like when the Minimum Wage is increased, all businesses are supposed to 'fold immediately.' But it never happens. Sadly, you've fallen for the greedy white Republican dude Bullshit.
A CEO's job is to steer the course, how is that difficult?

Bwahahaha! Then why aren't you a CEO? If it's so easy and it pays such an enormous salary, it's only logical that you and other libtards would be doing it.

The President of the United States job is to "steer the course". Do you have any idea how difficult and stressful it is being President of the United States? A CEO literally has to be clairvoyant. They are expected to see around the corner of tomorrow and put their company in position to capitalize on what they "see". They have to make high pressure decision after high pressure decision. They have to anticipate and then navigate both potential and actual government interference/regulation. They have to anticipate and then navigate competition. They have to deal with human error within their organization and personnel issues. They have to deal with liberals in government destroying the economy. And they have to handle 32 hours worth of work per day.

I am a CEO of five corporations that have a combined asset/revenue of $780M, and I work 8-10 hours per week. Why? Because I placed an adequate platform, implemented a check and balance system, and hired VERY talented people to direct the day-to-day operations of each company.

I also use those big-bad regulations to my benefit.

That's all fear my friend. Just like when the Minimum Wage is increased, all businesses are supposed to 'fold immediately.' But it never happens. Sadly, you've fallen for the greedy white Republican dude Bullshit.

They'r all supposed to fold immediately? Who ever said that?
That's all fear my friend. Just like when the Minimum Wage is increased, all businesses are supposed to 'fold immediately.' But it never happens. Sadly, you've fallen for the greedy white Republican dude Bullshit.

They'r all supposed to fold immediately? Who ever said that?

Greedy white Republican dude fear mongering. Stop falling for it. It's Bullshite.
The CEO of any company doesn't actually do any of the work. S/He directs and delegates.

What do you mean doesn't actually do any of the work? You mean the CEO doesn't clean toilets? The CEO doesn't operate the lathe machine? The CEO doesn't load the trucks?

This is how it works in business: If you are hired to run a drill press for $15.00 per hour, it means that your employer can sell your work for $30.00 an hour or more. As I stated repeatedly, your work is valued by how much your employer can get anybody else to do the job.

If a CEO is making 5 million a year, it means he/she is bringing in much more for the company. That's why they hired this very valued CEO in the first place. Now if you don't want to pay that CEO 5 million a year, your competitor will, and take business away from your company; maybe even put your company under.

To be able to do that, it takes an extensive education, lots of experience, a history of success as a CEO, political ties, business ties, customer and supplier ties depending on the type of business.

The subordinates make all of the revenue. The CEO sets the direction and delegates.

And that is supposed to contradict Ray how?

Delegating to the right person in the right way doesn't add value like cleaning toilets does? It cracks me up you claim to make 4.5 large a year when you know shit about business, you just parrot leftist politician's self serving lies

Maintaining infrastructure isn't important?
The CEO of any company doesn't actually do any of the work. S/He directs and delegates.

and A-GAIN... I will ask you.... Why would a capitalist enterprise who's only objective is maximum profits... pay someone SO much of their precious profits to simply delegate work to others? :dunno:

It makes NO SENSE!

Do you not comprehend this, clown???? :dunno:

It's the same reason sports coaches make so much. It's the art of directing and delegating.

Umm... NO. Nick Saban doesn't make $5.2 million a year because he is good at delegating and directing. He makes that much because he is good at bringing National Championship trophies to Tuscaloosa.

CEOs who command a high salary are similarly good at what they do... which is to maximize profits. Delegating and directing are certainly good skills for a CEO to have but it's far from what makes them great CEOs or why they are paid so well.

Nick Saban could be awesome at delegating and directing... If he lost half his games and didn't bring home trophies for Alabama, he would lose his job. CEOs could be the best delegate/directors in the world... if they don't increase the company's profits they are fired.

But returning to my point... CEOs are paid highly by a Capitalist because they are of value to the Capitalist. To sit here and presume they don't deserve what they are paid is silly.... you're not paying them, the capitalist is. It's the value THEY consider them to have, not YOU.

So Saban does all of this without staff?

I never stated that CEO's weren't good at what they do.......that's directing and delegating.
The CEO of any company doesn't actually do any of the work. S/He directs and delegates.

What do you mean doesn't actually do any of the work? You mean the CEO doesn't clean toilets? The CEO doesn't operate the lathe machine? The CEO doesn't load the trucks?

This is how it works in business: If you are hired to run a drill press for $15.00 per hour, it means that your employer can sell your work for $30.00 an hour or more. As I stated repeatedly, your work is valued by how much your employer can get anybody else to do the job.

If a CEO is making 5 million a year, it means he/she is bringing in much more for the company. That's why they hired this very valued CEO in the first place. Now if you don't want to pay that CEO 5 million a year, your competitor will, and take business away from your company; maybe even put your company under.

To be able to do that, it takes an extensive education, lots of experience, a history of success as a CEO, political ties, business ties, customer and supplier ties depending on the type of business.

The subordinates make all of the revenue. The CEO sets the direction and delegates.

And that is supposed to contradict Ray how?

Delegating to the right person in the right way doesn't add value like cleaning toilets does? It cracks me up you claim to make 4.5 large a year when you know shit about business, you just parrot leftist politician's self serving lies

Maintaining infrastructure isn't important?

I keep telling you that I can't hear the voices in your head. If you're going to post responses to them, you have to tell me what they said
The CEO of any company doesn't actually do any of the work. S/He directs and delegates.

and A-GAIN... I will ask you.... Why would a capitalist enterprise who's only objective is maximum profits... pay someone SO much of their precious profits to simply delegate work to others? :dunno:

It makes NO SENSE!

Do you not comprehend this, clown???? :dunno:

It's the same reason sports coaches make so much. It's the art of directing and delegating.

Umm... NO. Nick Saban doesn't make $5.2 million a year because he is good at delegating and directing. He makes that much because he is good at bringing National Championship trophies to Tuscaloosa.

CEOs who command a high salary are similarly good at what they do... which is to maximize profits. Delegating and directing are certainly good skills for a CEO to have but it's far from what makes them great CEOs or why they are paid so well.

Nick Saban could be awesome at delegating and directing... If he lost half his games and didn't bring home trophies for Alabama, he would lose his job. CEOs could be the best delegate/directors in the world... if they don't increase the company's profits they are fired.

But returning to my point... CEOs are paid highly by a Capitalist because they are of value to the Capitalist. To sit here and presume they don't deserve what they are paid is silly.... you're not paying them, the capitalist is. It's the value THEY consider them to have, not YOU.

Funny how the "one percenter" who makes 4.5 large (according to him) a year doesn't grasp the importance of profit, isn't it?

Where did I write profits aren't important?
Actually, Public Assistance is increasing. It's been increasing during the last several Presidencies. So the premise of this thread is flawed. In fact, public assistance is at an all time high. I think we should be asking different questions. For one, why are so many Americans depending on Government for their survival?

Simple answer: because it beats working.

We have a record (93 million) Americans of working age not working or looking for work. Our population is about 315 million people. So if we remove the children and the very elderly out of the mix, that means over 1/3 of our population of people within working age are no longer working.

As long as people vote for Santa Clause, it won't be long until half of our adults (16 and older) are not working. Which brings us to the Republicans cart theory:

If all the village people grab the ropes and pull the giant empty cart, the cart flies down the street effortlessly. When some of the village people get tired of pulling the cart, and jump inside the cart instead, the cart moves slower and slower. When half of the village people jump into the cart, the other half can no longer pull the cart and the cart stops.

That's where we are heading with liberal leadership.
The CEO of any company doesn't actually do any of the work. S/He directs and delegates.

and A-GAIN... I will ask you.... Why would a capitalist enterprise who's only objective is maximum profits... pay someone SO much of their precious profits to simply delegate work to others? :dunno:

It makes NO SENSE!

Do you not comprehend this, clown???? :dunno:

It's the same reason sports coaches make so much. It's the art of directing and delegating.

Umm... NO. Nick Saban doesn't make $5.2 million a year because he is good at delegating and directing. He makes that much because he is good at bringing National Championship trophies to Tuscaloosa.

CEOs who command a high salary are similarly good at what they do... which is to maximize profits. Delegating and directing are certainly good skills for a CEO to have but it's far from what makes them great CEOs or why they are paid so well.

Nick Saban could be awesome at delegating and directing... If he lost half his games and didn't bring home trophies for Alabama, he would lose his job. CEOs could be the best delegate/directors in the world... if they don't increase the company's profits they are fired.

But returning to my point... CEOs are paid highly by a Capitalist because they are of value to the Capitalist. To sit here and presume they don't deserve what they are paid is silly.... you're not paying them, the capitalist is. It's the value THEY consider them to have, not YOU.

So Saban does all of this without staff?

I never stated that CEO's weren't good at what they do.......that's directing and delegating.

Actually, read the conversation. You either were arguing that they don't contribute to the value of the company or you were making a bull shit irrelevant point
The CEO of any company doesn't actually do any of the work. S/He directs and delegates.

and A-GAIN... I will ask you.... Why would a capitalist enterprise who's only objective is maximum profits... pay someone SO much of their precious profits to simply delegate work to others? :dunno:

It makes NO SENSE!

Do you not comprehend this, clown???? :dunno:

It's the same reason sports coaches make so much. It's the art of directing and delegating.

Umm... NO. Nick Saban doesn't make $5.2 million a year because he is good at delegating and directing. He makes that much because he is good at bringing National Championship trophies to Tuscaloosa.

CEOs who command a high salary are similarly good at what they do... which is to maximize profits. Delegating and directing are certainly good skills for a CEO to have but it's far from what makes them great CEOs or why they are paid so well.

Nick Saban could be awesome at delegating and directing... If he lost half his games and didn't bring home trophies for Alabama, he would lose his job. CEOs could be the best delegate/directors in the world... if they don't increase the company's profits they are fired.

But returning to my point... CEOs are paid highly by a Capitalist because they are of value to the Capitalist. To sit here and presume they don't deserve what they are paid is silly.... you're not paying them, the capitalist is. It's the value THEY consider them to have, not YOU.

Funny how the "one percenter" who makes 4.5 large (according to him) a year doesn't grasp the importance of profit, isn't it?

Where did I write profits aren't important?

When you blew off CEOs needing to direct people to make profits. Maybe you need to start reading your posts before clicking "post reply" and ask yourself, what point am I trying to make here?
The subordinates make all of the revenue. The CEO sets the direction and delegates.

Again... that is simply not true and it's one of many things you've said that leads me to think you've never run a business in your life. Everyone in a company is of value, otherwise, they wouldn't be there... the company is about making profit and there's no room for people to be paid who bring no value to the table. So everyone is of value and they are generally paid accordingly.

Revenue, on the other hand, is the money brought in by a company. Out of that, expenses have to be paid and that leaves the profit. Revenue is going to depend on a myriad of factors. It's not solely determined by the "subordinates." How much revenue could a sewing company make without sewing machines? Did the seamstress furnish the sewing machine? What about the thread and material? How about the marketing and advertising for the products? Does the seamstress work on that as well? Do they provide the insurance, maintenance, transportation costs, etc.? So... how can you possibly claim they make all the revenue? They perform a task and are paid for what they do. It's FAR from being all there is to producing revenue.

You are simply a mental midget, posing here as someone who is supposedly wealthy. What a fucking JOKE... you're not wealthy, you're probably a fraudulent disability recipient with nothing better to do every day than sit here on your computer (which someone else paid for) espousing the virtues of Marxism.

Companies are about providing a product or service to gain profit.

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