Why Can’t Republicans Move On From Obamacare Repeal?

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Trump promised he would repeal and replace Obamacare on Day 1.

This week is Day 100 and it's still standing even after failed attempts to repeal it.

The House voted to repeal it dozens of times when President Obama was in office.

Now that he's gone and one of their own is in, they are unable to do so despite having a majority in both the House and Senate.
What is bad for America should go.

We need more market forces in health care to drive costs down. Lumping the costs in a government program makes the cost go UP UP UP as we've already seen with O-care.


Don't replace.

Just repeal.
The ACA is NOT a government program, sorry sis
Republicans just can’t quit Obamacare repeal.

Even as they face an insanely busy week when a government shutdown will need to be averted and President Trump would also like to unveil a tax overhaul plan, some GOP lawmakers—perhaps at the behest of White House officials seeking to save face ahead of the 100-day mark—are talking up the possibility of a new deal to revive legislation to dismantle the Affordable Care Act.

Even as GOP congressional leaders tamp down expectations of any quick movement to resuscitate the bill, which was pulled from a House floor vote last month due to lack of support, the latest round of hype signals a longer-term problem for the GOP’s approach to governance. As long as Republicans can’t fully move on from Obamacare repeal, it stands to infect the other agenda items they seek to pass while they still have full control of Congress.

Changes to health care have to happen before tax reform because any legislation involving taxes has to be referred to the CBO for costing analysis to ensure that it doesn't add to the deficit after 10 years, in which case, it will required a 60% majority to pass. It is unlikely that Trump can get to 60% without ALL Republicans voting for the legislation, because the Democrats sure as hell won't support it. That's why Republicans refuse to give up on repeal and replace.

They've had 7 years to come up with a plan, but couldn't agree over that period of time. When push came to shove, the plan they came up with was useless, so I'm not going to hold my breath that they will come up with something acceptable to enough Republicans to get the necessary number of votes to pass it.

For years Republicans have been saying they'd do better, but in reality, they've done nothing except repeal Obamacare, over and over. Every President from Truman on forward tried to reform health care, and got nowhere. I can see Republicans spending the next two years not getting it done, and stalling Trumps entire agenda as a result.

In reality, Trump is riding Obama's economic coattails, but where Obama knew what he was doing, and how government works and how to pull the power levers, Trump is bringing all of his business talent to government. Since he has almost no talent for business or negotiating and has been faking it all of his adult life, I don't expect much from him.
Repealing without a replacement will cause a rift and negatively impact those who have it now.

Critics called Medicare socialized medicine. Yet here it is 50 years later and cherished by everyone who uses it.

I think it's an ego thing for Republicans to flex their muscles and try to make Obama look bad.
I have medicare. I certainly don't cherish it. I STILL have to pay decent doctors for medical care just like I did before I ever got medicare. The only change I see from medicare is the government still charges me for nothing.
Repealing without a replacement will cause a rift and negatively impact those who have it now.

Critics called Medicare socialized medicine. Yet here it is 50 years later and cherished by everyone who uses it.

I think it's an ego thing for Republicans to flex their muscles and try to make Obama look bad.
I have medicare. I certainly don't cherish it. I STILL have to pay decent doctors for medical care just like I did before I ever got medicare. The only change I see from medicare is the government still charges me for nothing.
Give it up, asshole, Stop paying for it if you don't want it. End of story
Repealing without a replacement will cause a rift and negatively impact those who have it now.

Critics called Medicare socialized medicine. Yet here it is 50 years later and cherished by everyone who uses it.

I think it's an ego thing for Republicans to flex their muscles and try to make Obama look bad.
I have medicare. I certainly don't cherish it. I STILL have to pay decent doctors for medical care just like I did before I ever got medicare. The only change I see from medicare is the government still charges me for nothing.
Give it up, asshole, Stop paying for it if you don't want it. End of story
I never got a choice. The government takes it right out of my check.

Medicare is the worst of the worst. Stop saying its cherished by all who use it because it's a damned lie.
Take a deep breath lefties. It's only been a hundred days and it's going to be a long, long ride.
Bammycare has to go if we are to have a successful economy.
SO? Why isn't it gone.......................
What to replace it with has been the question. There are several good plans and they argue over which.
Name one good plan, that doesn't take 24 million people off of health care
Most of those 24 million had insurance they were happy with. The bambamman had no trouble throwing them off their insurance.
Repealing without a replacement will cause a rift and negatively impact those who have it now.

Critics called Medicare socialized medicine. Yet here it is 50 years later and cherished by everyone who uses it.

I think it's an ego thing for Republicans to flex their muscles and try to make Obama look bad.
I have medicare. I certainly don't cherish it. I STILL have to pay decent doctors for medical care just like I did before I ever got medicare. The only change I see from medicare is the government still charges me for nothing.
Give it up, asshole, Stop paying for it if you don't want it. End of story
I never got a choice. The government takes it right out of my check.

Medicare is the worst of the worst. Stop saying its cherished by all who use it because it's a damned lie.

You did have a choice you could have turned down Part B and actually you still can and thus they will stop taking it out of your check. Even though Part A is free to you, you can still tell them you don't want it. Then if you want a health plan you can purchase one and maybe get a subsidy, but if you can't get a subsidy it will cost you about $1500 per month. Now how does Medicare look to you? I have to imagine you don't have a medi gap plan to take up the slack of what Medicare doesn't pay or you may have a Medicare Advantage with co pays and whine that you have to pay the co pays while they're still taking Part B premium out of my ss check.
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