Why Can't the Pro-Choice Crowd Be Honest?

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And I think you have every right to your opinion no matter how wrong it is.

There it is. The perfect phrase for this subject and any other subject. Might even use it as a sigline later on, its so good.

JB is on ignore, but quotes show he still has this fascination of rape.
Went thru it once before physically. Now I get to go thru it again verbally. Ill ask for him to cease. But I wont hold my breath.

Well, at least I am freely admitting that she has a right to an opinion as opposed to having my opinion squashed because we have a bunch of immoral people running this government.

You're opinion has not been squashed. What are you talking about?
Now let me ask this. Those who think its so wrong to abort.....WHAT IF your daughter was 13. Her grandpa raped her and she got pregnant. Would you REALLY insist that your child carry the child made from an incestuous rape because the fetus is alive and a baby and has the right to live even though your daughter screams at the very thought?

The silence is deafening.


It helps if you use the quote button on the post itself. That provides a link back to the quote and actually identifies the person who posted it in the first place. I am just trying to help, believe it or not, not everyone has even noticed that button.

You ran away from the thread that I posted one in, claiming I was going for some 'shock' thing. When I explained my position you realized your mistake and told me you'd get back to me so we could discuss it further. You never bothered getting back to me.

So you claim. However I've been posting to you in this thread so what are you whining about?

Whining? Merely pointing out how brown your shit is, Ang. Your dishonesty about the conversation we had and we going to continue. It's no 'claim', it happened. But go ahead and lie . . . you do it well.

Whatever you say, Zoombie. If I stopped posting to you in some thread you were hung up on it must have been because you had become tiresome with all your contradictions, obfuscations and dishonesty. I walk away from pointless rant fests all the time. Don't take it personal. I'm here for geniune honest debate. Your hysteria tends to disrupt those.
Now let me ask this. Those who think its so wrong to abort.....WHAT IF your daughter was 13. Her grandpa raped her and she got pregnant. Would you REALLY insist that your child carry the child made from an incestuous rape because the fetus is alive and a baby and has the right to live even though your daughter screams at the very thought?

The silence is deafening.

You know what? I don't know what I'd do and I hope to never find out. But IF I agreed for my daughter to get an abortion it would be with the full knowledge that she would be killing an innocent human being and we'd all have to live with that FACT for the rest of our lives. Best answer I can honestly give you, Grace.

Thanks for responding. Yet, you and others have not even considered or heard me when I tried to say I felt exactly the same way. I was accused of wanting back patting and "woe is me" and its not "all about you, Grace" and it was an "inconvenience" and I should have "kept my legs closed".

If you would be so kind as to go back to the very first thread of MANY on this subject this past week, you will see my first utterance of "it NOT an easy decision to make". And from there on out, I didnt make it about me at all. You and others did. And I defended myself.
Which means....its bad if I did it. But its ok if its done to your kid as long as she is aware of how it will affect her forever if she aborts it. Thats what I got out of it anyway.
There it is. The perfect phrase for this subject and any other subject. Might even use it as a sigline later on, its so good.

JB is on ignore, but quotes show he still has this fascination of rape.
Went thru it once before physically. Now I get to go thru it again verbally. Ill ask for him to cease. But I wont hold my breath.

Well, at least I am freely admitting that she has a right to an opinion as opposed to having my opinion squashed because we have a bunch of immoral people running this government.

You're opinion has not been squashed. What are you talking about?

Try reading the thread. This discussion has been going on intermittently for the last hundred posts or so between Jillian, Ravi and myself and we have done so politely. I welcome you to join us because I trust you can do so politely as well.

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Now let me ask this. Those who think its so wrong to abort.....WHAT IF your daughter was 13. Her grandpa raped her and she got pregnant. Would you REALLY insist that your child carry the child made from an incestuous rape because the fetus is alive and a baby and has the right to live even though your daughter screams at the very thought?

The silence is deafening.


It helps if you use the quote button on the post itself. That provides a link back to the quote and actually identifies the person who posted it in the first place. I am just trying to help, believe it or not, not everyone has even noticed that button.


I do use the quote. But I didnt see a reason why its so important on WHO asked. Is there some special reason that it depends on the one asking? Its just a hypothetical question. Just like most of the other questions in this thread and the others that are spinoffs of it.
Im becoming very agitated and mean with this subject and I dont like being mean. Im off to find other news stories to discuss.

At least until the next time you decide to come back and start wailing, "I was raped! I'm a victim, so everyone has to SHUT UP! Stop saying things I don't want to hear! Abortion debates are ALL ABOUT ME! Bow before my towering suffering!"

At least we'll all be able to get back to some semblance of rational discussion for a little while.

She didn't like the discussion about freedom of speech either. Threw a real charming name calling tantrum then too when she couldn't get everyone to stop talking... and left in a snit...oh excuse me...flounced away in a snit. :lol:

This seems to be a habit with her. :rolleyes:
Well, at least I am freely admitting that she has a right to an opinion as opposed to having my opinion squashed because we have a bunch of immoral people running this government.

You're opinion has not been squashed. What are you talking about?

Try reading the thread. This discussion has been going on intermittently for the last hundred posts or so between Jillian, Ravi and myself and we have done so politely. I welcome you to join us because I trust you can do so politely as well.



You have no right to invite me into your discussion!!!

Only Ravi or Jillian can do that!!!

Perhaps I missed what you are alluding to but I'm not sure I have the fortitude to go back through this whole thread. Not tonight anyhow. :redface:
Now let me ask this. Those who think its so wrong to abort.....WHAT IF your daughter was 13. Her grandpa raped her and she got pregnant. Would you REALLY insist that your child carry the child made from an incestuous rape because the fetus is alive and a baby and has the right to live even though your daughter screams at the very thought?

The silence is deafening.

Let me tell you why I will not answer this question as it is.

NY has not answered any of the questions presented to him and yet he has asked his questions in several different posts throughout this thread. As far as I know, this question came from him and I am not going to give him the satisfaction of answering his question again just to be ignored or called irrational. I typically like NY, but he's being almost as much of a jerk in this thread as JB.

Now, if I knew who asked that question, without having to search through this thread, I might actually answer it.

So you claim. However I've been posting to you in this thread so what are you whining about?

Whining? Merely pointing out how brown your shit is, Ang. Your dishonesty about the conversation we had and we going to continue. It's no 'claim', it happened. But go ahead and lie . . . you do it well.

Whatever you say, Zoombie. If I stopped posting to you in some thread you were hung up on it must have been because you had become tiresome with all your contradictions, obfuscations and dishonesty. I walk away from pointless rant fests all the time. Don't take it personal. I'm here for geniune honest debate. Your hysteria tends to disrupt those.

Dork, our conversation was to continue via pm. Your memory truly sucks.

You stopped posting in that thread because you couldn't handle the information being presented. No contradictions, obfuscation or dishonesty on my part, that's just you lying again. Well, have fun with that.

You're not here for debate you haven't debated anything. You just follow nyc around and say 'yeah, me too!'. Whatever . . . .

The silence is deafening.


It helps if you use the quote button on the post itself. That provides a link back to the quote and actually identifies the person who posted it in the first place. I am just trying to help, believe it or not, not everyone has even noticed that button.


I do use the quote. But I didnt see a reason why its so important on WHO asked. Is there some special reason that it depends on the one asking? Its just a hypothetical question. Just like most of the other questions in this thread and the others that are spinoffs of it.

See post number 1098.

Now let me ask this. Those who think its so wrong to abort.....WHAT IF your daughter was 13. Her grandpa raped her and she got pregnant. Would you REALLY insist that your child carry the child made from an incestuous rape because the fetus is alive and a baby and has the right to live even though your daughter screams at the very thought?

The silence is deafening.

Let me tell you why I will not answer this question as it is.

NY has not answered any of the questions presented to him and yet he has asked his questions in several different posts throughout this thread. As far as I know, this question came from him and I am not going to give him the satisfaction of answering his question again just to be ignored or called irrational. I typically like NY, but he's being almost as much of a jerk in this thread as JB.

Now, if I knew who asked that question, without having to search through this thread, I might actually answer it.


Well damnit, if I had known he asked it I wouldn't have answered either. He hasn't answered anything asked of him and continually pushes what he thinks a pro-lifers pov should be onto us then asks questions based on that pov, which isn't ours! I'm done reading his posts in here.
Whining? Merely pointing out how brown your shit is, Ang. Your dishonesty about the conversation we had and we going to continue. It's no 'claim', it happened. But go ahead and lie . . . you do it well.

Whatever you say, Zoombie. If I stopped posting to you in some thread you were hung up on it must have been because you had become tiresome with all your contradictions, obfuscations and dishonesty. I walk away from pointless rant fests all the time. Don't take it personal. I'm here for geniune honest debate. Your hysteria tends to disrupt those.

Dork, our conversation was to continue via pm. Your memory truly sucks.

You stopped posting in that thread because you couldn't handle the information being presented. No contradictions, obfuscation or dishonesty on my part, that's just you lying again. Well, have fun with that.

You're not here for debate you haven't debated anything. You just follow nyc around and say 'yeah, me too!'. Whatever . . . .
You really must be thinking of someone else because I don't do PM. At least not about issues already being discussed in the forum. I see no reason to leave others out of a debate.
You're opinion has not been squashed. What are you talking about?

Try reading the thread. This discussion has been going on intermittently for the last hundred posts or so between Jillian, Ravi and myself and we have done so politely. I welcome you to join us because I trust you can do so politely as well.



You have no right to invite me into your discussion!!!

Only Ravi or Jillian can do that!!!

Perhaps I missed what you are alluding to but I'm not sure I have the fortitude to go back through this whole thread. Not tonight anyhow. :redface:

I understand, I don't have a right to invite you to our discussion because I am a man... sexist!

See Post #1100

I used the quote button and thats what appears and its still doing it. So, until its figured out, I will address each person individually instead of quoting with the button. I dont know if its on my end or the boards. Maybe I should reboot and try again.
The silence is deafening.

You know what? I don't know what I'd do and I hope to never find out. But IF I agreed for my daughter to get an abortion it would be with the full knowledge that she would be killing an innocent human being and we'd all have to live with that FACT for the rest of our lives. Best answer I can honestly give you, Grace.

Thanks for responding. Yet, you and others have not even considered or heard me when I tried to say I felt exactly the same way. I was accused of wanting back patting and "woe is me" and its not "all about you, Grace" and it was an "inconvenience" and I should have "kept my legs closed".

If you would be so kind as to go back to the very first thread of MANY on this subject this past week, you will see my first utterance of "it NOT an easy decision to make". And from there on out, I didnt make it about me at all. You and others did. And I defended myself.
Which means....its bad if I did it. But its ok if its done to your kid as long as she is aware of how it will affect her forever if she aborts it. Thats what I got out of it anyway.

That's ridiculous.

Just because it was a hard decision for you, personally, does not mean that abortion should be legal. The two have have nothing to do with each other. You took advantage of the legality as many have and continue to do.

Just because people do it doesn't make it right, just as it isn't right based upon the legality of it.

It's unfortunate you were raped. but that has nothing to do with the fact that the murder of innocents is unjustifiable, when it's done knowingly and deliberately.

I would argue that most women who get abortions today, PARTICULARLY young ones, don't have full understanding of what they're doing, since they are programmed from infancy to accept and even aspire to abortion. It's symbolic of a woman's freedom! Women can't be taken seriously unless they can have abortions! They must have the *right* to kill their own children, or they're nothing!

Well that's utter nonsense, of course, but it doesn't mean that isn't what's being preached to them. And since it is, I feel for women who believe it, get their abortions, and then later come to regret it.

I've never heard of a woman "regretting" having a child.

But I've met a lot who regret getting abortions.
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