Why Can't The So-Called Pro-Life Crowd Be Honest?

Midcan wants it in the religion section so he can attack Christianity without looking like a loon.
The thing is, abortion rates continued to climb and climb for years after they were made legal. There's really no question that more women obtained abortions once they were legalized. I can't think of anyone who disputes it, even though the numbers have always been hinky and malleable, and continue to be today.

And again....what a woman chooses to do with her body is her business and unless you're her, her doctor or God you have no say over it.



Whether you believe in God is not relevant... but nice try in your prototypical leftist attack

If it were purely her body, it would purely be her DNA, phenotype, etc and not be it's own unique developing life that will go off on its own after being raised.... not like this is body modification or lopping off your own ear on a whim

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Wow. A Neg-Rep from someone who wants increased government control over our private decisions. Big deal. :eusa_whistle:

1) You do not get to make that choice about the lives of others.... for your convenience
2) It is indeed murder if you go and do it on a whim

I'm curious to know how you would classify an abortion not done on what you consider to be a "whim"

How do the intentions for the act change in any way the outcome?

If you believe that abortion results in a murder victim, how could that victim's life be any less significant simply because it was taken for different reason than some other reason?
The thing is, abortion rates continued to climb and climb for years after they were made legal. There's really no question that more women obtained abortions once they were legalized. I can't think of anyone who disputes it, even though the numbers have always been hinky and malleable, and continue to be today.

And again....what a woman chooses to do with her body is her business and unless you're her, her doctor or God you have no say over it.


Does that include blowing her body up with a suicide vest in the middle of Time Square on New Years Eve?
Hmmm... 10 years before the birth of my youngest, she would not have been considered "viable" with hardly a chance to survive... then she happens as technology advances...
Well it's a good thing you had that CHOICE and were able to bring your child in to this world. Let other people make their own choice too. Freedom of choice.
No different than saying that a person who is 90 and in a coma is not viable because they can't survive without the total care of someone else... but you take that person out, and it is also murder...
Pulling life support on someone who couldn't survive without assistance is not murder, but nice try. You actually only prove my point further with this example. Thanks.

1) You do not get to make that choice about the lives of others.... for your convenience
2) It is indeed murder if you go and do it on a whim

People don't get put on life support on a whim. When did I ever say that? Here we go with changing the context again..... :eusa_eh:
The thing is, abortion rates continued to climb and climb for years after they were made legal. There's really no question that more women obtained abortions once they were legalized. I can't think of anyone who disputes it, even though the numbers have always been hinky and malleable, and continue to be today.

And again....what a woman chooses to do with her body is her business and unless you're her, her doctor or God you have no say over it.



Not if she's using that body to kill someone.


How can she be killing someone who hasn't even been born yet?
Then I guess you're not alive, since you'd die without the bacteria in your gut. Or if you stopped taking in outside nutrients. Or if you were denied the air you need to breathe...
Then I guess you're not alive, since you'd die without the bacteria in your gut. Or if you stopped taking in outside nutrients. Or if you were denied the air you need to breathe...

LOL, nice try. But a non-viable fetus can't do any of that without a mother performing those duties on its behalf.
Then I guess you're not alive, since you'd die without the bacteria in your gut. Or if you stopped taking in outside nutrients. Or if you were denied the air you need to breathe...

Those are all things his body is individually able to do or have his mind tell him he needs to do it.

Why aren't early miscarriages in obituaries?

Why don't we have funerals for early miscarriages?

How long are we going to have an enormous pocket of society who pretends early stage pregnancies are the same as a baby when in no other situation in life besides the abortion issue do they hold to that principle?
You aren't alive before birth? :cuckoo:

You fail biology forever

Not if you're not biologically self-sustaining.

I just love how leftists keep trying to impose their own personal criteria onto the definition of life. It's so refreshing to see how devoted they are to science . . . if you define "science" as "claiming my personal whims are universal facts".

So tell me, Gregor Mendel: does this mean tapeworms aren't living organisms, because they aren't "biologically self-sustaining" outside of another organism? Do you even KNOW the meaning of the phrase "biologically self-sustaining"?

JB's right: you fail biology forever.
You aren't alive before birth? :cuckoo:

You fail biology forever

Not if you're not biologically self-sustaining.

I just love how leftists keep trying to impose their own personal criteria onto the definition of life. It's so refreshing to see how devoted they are to science . . . if you define "science" as "claiming my personal whims are universal facts".

So tell me, Gregor Mendel: does this mean tapeworms aren't living organisms, because they aren't "biologically self-sustaining" outside of another organism? Do you even KNOW the meaning of the phrase "biologically self-sustaining"?

JB's right: you fail biology forever.

LOL, look who it is. Miss. Sunny Disposition.

Since you felt the need to compare me to Hitler last time we spoke, for suggesting people should all receive healthcare, I don't think I need to bother trying to have any more conversations with you.
Then I guess you're not alive, since you'd die without the bacteria in your gut. Or if you stopped taking in outside nutrients. Or if you were denied the air you need to breathe...

Those are all things his body is individually able to do or have his mind tell him he needs to do it.

Why aren't early miscarriages in obituaries?

Why don't we have funerals for early miscarriages?

How long are we going to have an enormous pocket of society who pretends early stage pregnancies are the same as a baby when in no other situation in life besides the abortion issue do they hold to that principle?

Is arguing over when life begins really that necessary? I disagree with both you and RDD, but quite truthfully, when life begins means squat. I don't care if the fetus is a human being or a potential human being. Snuffing out its life for convenience purposes is simply wrong... wrong... wrong!

The efforts on the left to dehumanize a fetus are nothing more than excuses for snuffing out a life. They want to justify their stance. Under no circumstances do I believe this attempt is valid on their behalf. There is absolutely no justification for snuffing out a life for convenience sake!

Earlier today I posted in a thread about the CEO of Go Daddy killing an elephant. I stated he should have the balls to admit that he did it for no other reason than sport. The left should have the balls to admit that their efforts to dehumanize the fetus is nothing more than an attempt to justify the snuffing out of a life for the sake of convenience.

There was a thread on this with a case where the death of the baby was certain but a law said the woman couldn't have an abortion. So the baby was born and for 15 minutes died a slow painful death in the mother's arms. I didn't see one pro-lifer on the thread take issue with that.

So it proved to me, at least with the people on this board, that it isn't about the well-being of the baby or mother. It's solely about forcing one's religious views on another.

No proof the child was in pain, all birth is traumatic to the child. Thats an assumption used to cushion a choice to kill. That the mothers pain would have been less if the child was killed 10 days earlier than the birth is emotional poppycock.

And it's not surprising that Drock is lying about the allegedly "original" thread. The woman wanted to induce labor in order to rid herself of an uhealthy baby; the doctors wouldn't do it because it needlessly put her at more risk than if she would just let nature take it's course. The left jumped all over it and insisted the baby should have been killed and ripped from that woman's body, because it was good as dead already. Regardless of increased risk to the mother, and dismissive of the potential for survival for the baby.
Then I guess you're not alive, since you'd die without the bacteria in your gut. Or if you stopped taking in outside nutrients. Or if you were denied the air you need to breathe...

Those are all things his body is individually able to do or have his mind tell him he needs to do it.

Why aren't early miscarriages in obituaries?

Why don't we have funerals for early miscarriages?

How long are we going to have an enormous pocket of society who pretends early stage pregnancies are the same as a baby when in no other situation in life besides the abortion issue do they hold to that principle?

Amazingly enough, Mensa Boy, a fetus's body ALSO operates its own biological functions by itself. He takes nourishment and oxygen from his mother's body, but her body does NOT control and run his body for him.

I realize that this is going to be hard for you to understand, but we don't define life by "whether or not someone has a funeral when we die" or "whether or not someone announces their grief for us in the newspaper". How many obits and funerals have you seen for homeless people, retard? Does that mean the homeless aren't alive? What a drooling moron you are.

How long are we going to have an enormous pocket of society who pretends that babies aren't always babies just because they don't want them to be, although I realize that they DO tend to apply the "It's so because I wish it so" attitude to EVERY part of their lives?

What does that even fucking MEAN, "they don't hold the principle that early-stage pregnancies are the same as a baby in any situation in life except abortion"? What other situation does it even APPLY to, ass hat? Do you even understand the meaning of the words you type, or are you just flailing wildly for some insult to fling so you can pretend to a moral equivalency for your desire to kill inconvenient babies?
Then I guess you're not alive, since you'd die without the bacteria in your gut. Or if you stopped taking in outside nutrients. Or if you were denied the air you need to breathe...

Those are all things his body is individually able to do or have his mind tell him he needs to do it.

Why aren't early miscarriages in obituaries?

Why don't we have funerals for early miscarriages?

How long are we going to have an enormous pocket of society who pretends early stage pregnancies are the same as a baby when in no other situation in life besides the abortion issue do they hold to that principle?

Is arguing over when life begins really that necessary? I disagree with both you and RDD, but quite truthfully, when life begins means squat. I don't care if the fetus is a human being or a potential human being. Snuffing out its life for convenience purposes is simply wrong... wrong... wrong!

The efforts on the left to dehumanize a fetus are nothing more than excuses for snuffing out a life. They want to justify their stance. Under no circumstances do I believe this attempt is valid on their behalf. There is absolutely no justification for snuffing out a life for convenience sake!

Earlier today I posted in a thread about the CEO of Go Daddy killing an elephant. I stated he should have the balls to admit that he did it for no other reason than sport. The left should have the balls to admit that their efforts to dehumanize the fetus is nothing more than an attempt to justify the snuffing out of a life for the sake of convenience.


Defining life is what this is about though. So are you against masturbation and women having their periods? Where does life begin? Without sperm you can't fertilize an egg which can't become a fetus which can't become a baby. Soooo masturbation should be outlawed because those are all lives that will never come to be but should be given that chance. Right?
Those are all things his body is individually able to do or have his mind tell him he needs to do it.

Why aren't early miscarriages in obituaries?

Why don't we have funerals for early miscarriages?

How long are we going to have an enormous pocket of society who pretends early stage pregnancies are the same as a baby when in no other situation in life besides the abortion issue do they hold to that principle?

Is arguing over when life begins really that necessary? I disagree with both you and RDD, but quite truthfully, when life begins means squat. I don't care if the fetus is a human being or a potential human being. Snuffing out its life for convenience purposes is simply wrong... wrong... wrong!

The efforts on the left to dehumanize a fetus are nothing more than excuses for snuffing out a life. They want to justify their stance. Under no circumstances do I believe this attempt is valid on their behalf. There is absolutely no justification for snuffing out a life for convenience sake!

Earlier today I posted in a thread about the CEO of Go Daddy killing an elephant. I stated he should have the balls to admit that he did it for no other reason than sport. The left should have the balls to admit that their efforts to dehumanize the fetus is nothing more than an attempt to justify the snuffing out of a life for the sake of convenience.


Defining life is what this is about though. So are you against masturbation and women having their periods? Where does life begin? Without sperm you can't fertilize an egg which can't become a fetus which can't become a baby. Soooo masturbation should be outlawed because those are all lives that will never come to be but should be given that chance. Right?

Bullshit RDD, you are deflecting.


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