Why Can't The So-Called Pro-Life Crowd Be Honest?

Then I guess you're not alive, since you'd die without the bacteria in your gut. Or if you stopped taking in outside nutrients. Or if you were denied the air you need to breathe...

Those are all things his body is individually able to do or have his mind tell him he needs to do it.

Why aren't early miscarriages in obituaries?

Why don't we have funerals for early miscarriages?

How long are we going to have an enormous pocket of society who pretends early stage pregnancies are the same as a baby when in no other situation in life besides the abortion issue do they hold to that principle?

Is arguing over when life begins really that necessary? I disagree with both you and RDD, but quite truthfully, when life begins means squat. I don't care if the fetus is a human being or a potential human being. Snuffing out its life for convenience purposes is simply wrong... wrong... wrong!

The efforts on the left to dehumanize a fetus are nothing more than excuses for snuffing out a life. They want to justify their stance. Under no circumstances do I believe this attempt is valid on their behalf. There is absolutely no justification for snuffing out a life for convenience sake!

Earlier today I posted in a thread about the CEO of Go Daddy killing an elephant. I stated he should have the balls to admit that he did it for no other reason than sport. The left should have the balls to admit that their efforts to dehumanize the fetus is nothing more than an attempt to justify the snuffing out of a life for the sake of convenience.

While I agree with you that deciding when so called life actually begins is beside the point, I don't think pro choicers dehumanize something that is not human to begin with.

And I think that anti-choicers dehumanize women for the sake of convenience to bolster their arguments.
Is arguing over when life begins really that necessary? I disagree with both you and RDD, but quite truthfully, when life begins means squat. I don't care if the fetus is a human being or a potential human being. Snuffing out its life for convenience purposes is simply wrong... wrong... wrong!

The efforts on the left to dehumanize a fetus are nothing more than excuses for snuffing out a life. They want to justify their stance. Under no circumstances do I believe this attempt is valid on their behalf. There is absolutely no justification for snuffing out a life for convenience sake!

Earlier today I posted in a thread about the CEO of Go Daddy killing an elephant. I stated he should have the balls to admit that he did it for no other reason than sport. The left should have the balls to admit that their efforts to dehumanize the fetus is nothing more than an attempt to justify the snuffing out of a life for the sake of convenience.


Defining life is what this is about though. So are you against masturbation and women having their periods? Where does life begin? Without sperm you can't fertilize an egg which can't become a fetus which can't become a baby. Soooo masturbation should be outlawed because those are all lives that will never come to be but should be given that chance. Right?

Bullshit RDD, you are deflecting.


C'mon Immie. I am deflecting nothing. Just pointing out that determining what life is, is exactly what this is about. You can provide a better response than that. You're better than a weak response like that.
Those are all things his body is individually able to do or have his mind tell him he needs to do it.

Why aren't early miscarriages in obituaries?

Why don't we have funerals for early miscarriages?

How long are we going to have an enormous pocket of society who pretends early stage pregnancies are the same as a baby when in no other situation in life besides the abortion issue do they hold to that principle?

Is arguing over when life begins really that necessary? I disagree with both you and RDD, but quite truthfully, when life begins means squat. I don't care if the fetus is a human being or a potential human being. Snuffing out its life for convenience purposes is simply wrong... wrong... wrong!

The efforts on the left to dehumanize a fetus are nothing more than excuses for snuffing out a life. They want to justify their stance. Under no circumstances do I believe this attempt is valid on their behalf. There is absolutely no justification for snuffing out a life for convenience sake!

Earlier today I posted in a thread about the CEO of Go Daddy killing an elephant. I stated he should have the balls to admit that he did it for no other reason than sport. The left should have the balls to admit that their efforts to dehumanize the fetus is nothing more than an attempt to justify the snuffing out of a life for the sake of convenience.

While I agree with you that deciding when so called life actually begins is beside the point, I don't think pro choicers dehumanize something that is not human to begin with.

And I think that anti-choicers dehumanize women for the sake of convenience to bolster their arguments.

In this very post you dehumanize the fetus.

Not if you're not biologically self-sustaining.

I just love how leftists keep trying to impose their own personal criteria onto the definition of life. It's so refreshing to see how devoted they are to science . . . if you define "science" as "claiming my personal whims are universal facts".

So tell me, Gregor Mendel: does this mean tapeworms aren't living organisms, because they aren't "biologically self-sustaining" outside of another organism? Do you even KNOW the meaning of the phrase "biologically self-sustaining"?

JB's right: you fail biology forever.

LOL, look who it is. Miss. Sunny Disposition.

Since you felt the need to compare me to Hitler last time we spoke, for suggesting people should all receive healthcare, I don't think I need to bother trying to have any more conversations with you.

In other words, you concede the point and are now going to go pout and snivel in the corner because someone didn't pretend that you're an intelligent debater worthy of respect.

I accept your surrender. Crawl away.
Defining life is what this is about though. So are you against masturbation and women having their periods? Where does life begin? Without sperm you can't fertilize an egg which can't become a fetus which can't become a baby. Soooo masturbation should be outlawed because those are all lives that will never come to be but should be given that chance. Right?

Bullshit RDD, you are deflecting.


C'mon Immie. I am deflecting nothing. Just pointing out that determining what life is, is exactly what this is about. You can provide a better response than that. You're better than a weak response like that.

Are you on the same level as Anguille in stating that a human fetus is not human?

The abortion debate is not about when life begins or whether masturbation should be outlawed, for that matter then oral sex should be outlawed as well... except in some states it actually is.

This is about whether or not it is right to snuff out a human life (or potential life if you want to be that crass) for the sake of convenience, which according to Guttmacher is the reason for approximately 93% of all abortions.

Then I guess you're not alive, since you'd die without the bacteria in your gut. Or if you stopped taking in outside nutrients. Or if you were denied the air you need to breathe...

LOL, nice try. But a non-viable fetus can't do any of that without a mother performing those duties on its behalf.

The unborn child doesn't demonstrate homeostasis?

It doesn't pump it's own blood?

I wonder... when someone is undergoing dialysis, do they cease to be human, too?
I just love how leftists keep trying to impose their own personal criteria onto the definition of life. It's so refreshing to see how devoted they are to science . . . if you define "science" as "claiming my personal whims are universal facts".

So tell me, Gregor Mendel: does this mean tapeworms aren't living organisms, because they aren't "biologically self-sustaining" outside of another organism? Do you even KNOW the meaning of the phrase "biologically self-sustaining"?

JB's right: you fail biology forever.

LOL, look who it is. Miss. Sunny Disposition.

Since you felt the need to compare me to Hitler last time we spoke, for suggesting people should all receive healthcare, I don't think I need to bother trying to have any more conversations with you.

In other words, you concede the point and are now going to go pout and snivel in the corner because someone didn't pretend that you're an intelligent debater worthy of respect.

I accept your surrender. Crawl away.

Solid analysis. Just like I was educated at a Hitler youth school, your reads are spot on. have a great day!
Is arguing over when life begins really that necessary? I disagree with both you and RDD, but quite truthfully, when life begins means squat. I don't care if the fetus is a human being or a potential human being. Snuffing out its life for convenience purposes is simply wrong... wrong... wrong!

The efforts on the left to dehumanize a fetus are nothing more than excuses for snuffing out a life. They want to justify their stance. Under no circumstances do I believe this attempt is valid on their behalf. There is absolutely no justification for snuffing out a life for convenience sake!

Earlier today I posted in a thread about the CEO of Go Daddy killing an elephant. I stated he should have the balls to admit that he did it for no other reason than sport. The left should have the balls to admit that their efforts to dehumanize the fetus is nothing more than an attempt to justify the snuffing out of a life for the sake of convenience.


Defining life is what this is about though. So are you against masturbation and women having their periods? Where does life begin? Without sperm you can't fertilize an egg which can't become a fetus which can't become a baby. Soooo masturbation should be outlawed because those are all lives that will never come to be but should be given that chance. Right?

Bullshit RDD, you are deflecting.


It's entirely possible he's actually THAT ignorant of basic biology.
Then I guess you're not alive, since you'd die without the bacteria in your gut. Or if you stopped taking in outside nutrients. Or if you were denied the air you need to breathe...

Those are all things his body is individually able to do or have his mind tell him he needs to do it.

No, they're not. You have no control over your gut flora.
Why aren't early miscarriages in obituaries?

Why don't we have funerals for early miscarriages?

Ask the people who last their unborn why they opted to not have a funeral service. Ask anyone whose lost someone why they chose to have or not have any given service. Nobody can answer that for them.
I have to say, I am consistently amazed at how little many posters on this site know about history and biology.
Then I guess you're not alive, since you'd die without the bacteria in your gut. Or if you stopped taking in outside nutrients. Or if you were denied the air you need to breathe...

Those are all things his body is individually able to do or have his mind tell him he needs to do it.

No, they're not. You have no control over your gut flora.
Why aren't early miscarriages in obituaries?

Why don't we have funerals for early miscarriages?

Ask the people who last their unborn why they opted to not have a funeral service. Ask anyone whose lost someone why they chose to have or not have any given service. Nobody can answer that for them.

Besides which, it's a false premise. Lots of people have services for babies that are miscarried. I had the option of having one for the baby I lost at 24 weeks; the dr. in ER asked me what my plans were, if I wanted the baby's body or not.
LOL, look who it is. Miss. Sunny Disposition.

Since you felt the need to compare me to Hitler last time we spoke, for suggesting people should all receive healthcare, I don't think I need to bother trying to have any more conversations with you.

In other words, you concede the point and are now going to go pout and snivel in the corner because someone didn't pretend that you're an intelligent debater worthy of respect.

I accept your surrender. Crawl away.

Solid analysis. Just like I was educated at a Hitler youth school, your reads are spot on. have a great day!

You were? My sympathies, but doggone it, I would sure like some insight into what really went on in those times. Maybe you can share with us sometime?

j/k I understand what you are saying here.

Is arguing over when life begins really that necessary? I disagree with both you and RDD, but quite truthfully, when life begins means squat. I don't care if the fetus is a human being or a potential human being. Snuffing out its life for convenience purposes is simply wrong... wrong... wrong!

The efforts on the left to dehumanize a fetus are nothing more than excuses for snuffing out a life. They want to justify their stance. Under no circumstances do I believe this attempt is valid on their behalf. There is absolutely no justification for snuffing out a life for convenience sake!

Earlier today I posted in a thread about the CEO of Go Daddy killing an elephant. I stated he should have the balls to admit that he did it for no other reason than sport. The left should have the balls to admit that their efforts to dehumanize the fetus is nothing more than an attempt to justify the snuffing out of a life for the sake of convenience.

While I agree with you that deciding when so called life actually begins is beside the point, I don't think pro choicers dehumanize something that is not human to begin with.

And I think that anti-choicers dehumanize women for the sake of convenience to bolster their arguments.

In this very post you dehumanize the fetus.

Just as I de-fetus-ize you and me and everyone else.

Get over it.
Defining life is what this is about though.
And that is a scientific question. The answer: Human life begins when a living human is created with the fertilization of the ovum.
So are you against masturbation and women having their periods?

Germ cells are not organisms. They are not humans. They are cells from an adult's body.

Biology 101

Your tongue cells are not people, either.
Then I guess you're not alive, since you'd die without the bacteria in your gut. Or if you stopped taking in outside nutrients. Or if you were denied the air you need to breathe...

Those are all things his body is individually able to do or have his mind tell him he needs to do it.

Why aren't early miscarriages in obituaries?

Why don't we have funerals for early miscarriages?

How long are we going to have an enormous pocket of society who pretends early stage pregnancies are the same as a baby when in no other situation in life besides the abortion issue do they hold to that principle?

Is arguing over when life begins really that necessary? I disagree with both you and RDD, but quite truthfully, when life begins means squat. I don't care if the fetus is a human being or a potential human being. Snuffing out its life for convenience purposes is simply wrong... wrong... wrong!

The efforts on the left to dehumanize a fetus are nothing more than excuses for snuffing out a life. They want to justify their stance. Under no circumstances do I believe this attempt is valid on their behalf. There is absolutely no justification for snuffing out a life for convenience sake!

Earlier today I posted in a thread about the CEO of Go Daddy killing an elephant. I stated he should have the balls to admit that he did it for no other reason than sport. The left should have the balls to admit that their efforts to dehumanize the fetus is nothing more than an attempt to justify the snuffing out of a life for the sake of convenience.


I think I'm going to stop humoring people who can ONLY "debate" by using childish name-calling and grade-school insults. So I'll respond to immie and not to whoever the other ranting person is.

I thought the point of when life began was what the whole stance was about? One believes it happen starts like a few days or a week after conception, the other believes life begins when the fetus can sustain itself. Isn't that why the one side is called "pro-life"? Because they believe life begins earlier than the other side?

My view isn't about "snuffing out life", it's about giving women the choice to have an abortion or not.

I've never had anyone answer why society only views early pregnancies ending as a dying baby in terms of abortion, and no other time. I wish someone would humor me at some point and try answering them.
Those are all things his body is individually able to do or have his mind tell him he needs to do it.

No, they're not. You have no control over your gut flora.
Why aren't early miscarriages in obituaries?

Why don't we have funerals for early miscarriages?

Ask the people who last their unborn why they opted to not have a funeral service. Ask anyone whose lost someone why they chose to have or not have any given service. Nobody can answer that for them.

Besides which, it's a false premise. Lots of people have services for babies that are miscarried. I had the option of having one for the baby I lost at 24 weeks; the dr. in ER asked me what my plans were, if I wanted the baby's body or not.
And lots of people don't have funerals for miscarried fetuses. Just curious to know if you had one, if you don't mind sharing.
Is arguing over when life begins really that necessary?

There is no more room for argument or opinion on when a human life begins than their is over whether Earth is flat and the sun revolves around it. They are simple scientific questions with well-established answers.
Yet more lies...there is no scientific answer to the question when does life begin.

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