Why Can't Trans People Just Use The Bathrooms They Were Using A Few Years Ago?

I have noticed how important that sort of thing is to people like you.
Then you noticed wrong, as it’s not important at all to “people like me”. What it is, though, is an indication of what the general membership here finds agreeable/disagreeable.
I am happy for you that you can come here and get your validation.
Then your happiness is based on ignorance, much like your grasp of English.
Personally I do not come here to make friends or be part of the in crowd.
That’s what disagreeable people usually say.
But I am glad it works for you.
Again, incorrect. It doesn’t “work for me” any more than being ignorant of what gender is “works for you”.
Step up your game, this condescending douchebag act isn’t working out.
For roughly 200,000 years or more, homo sapiens--the species we call human--have been male and female. Period.

"Sex" on the birth certificate is where the doctor indicates that the baby was born with male genitalia, body parts and genes or with female genitalia, body parts and genes. Men and women develop differently. They produce different kinds of hormones, react differently to different kinds of medication, have some different dietary needs, and have different biological strengths and weaknesses.

Each can take different kinds of hormones, medications, cut off body parts they were born with or graft on body parts they weren't born with but in the end their sex is still going to be male or female. It is biologically impossible to change that.

I just looked up the word "gender" in my Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary published in 1983 and the number #1 definition was "Sex". Period. No qualification. The second definition had to be with whether certain nouns were referenced as male or female in some languages such as "la casa" or 'el gato" in Spanish.

There was absolutely no reference to any kind to anybody's feelings or emotions or behavioral characteristics or how they saw themselves. Nor are there any such references in any other dictionaries in the house that were published more than a few years ago.

Now you look up 'gender' on the internet and all the definitions refer to 'gender' as a cultural/social issue or personality trait or how people see themselves or some such because most popular search engines are controlled by leftists embracing the 'woke' agenda.

It's absolutely nuts.
How do you know that?

Have you been a fuckup for 2000 years?
I'll use the male bathroom if I wish. ;) haha. I doubt most of you guys would argue with that.
Then you noticed wrong, as it’s not important at all to “people like me”. What it is, though, is an indication of what the general membership here finds agreeable/disagreeable.

Yet you felt the need to mention it, clearly they are important to you. A bit late to deny it now.

But yes, it is an indication that you are part of the tribe and say what will make them happy.
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If scalpel tech is allowed to evolve (and why not?), both types of genital can be attached to the same tranny, eliminating the "need" for a partner.
Maybe then those will stay home and shut the hell up so that the rest of us can decorate for the upcoming De-Dollarization Season.

"A Kansas bill that would bar transgender people from using public bathrooms or changing their name or gender on their driver's license cleared the GOP-controlled legislature on Tuesday by margins suggesting backers could override Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly's expected veto. The measure deals with bathrooms, locker rooms and other facilities, and defines "sex" as "either male or female, at birth," a move LGBTQ rights advocates said would legally erase transgender people and deny recognition to nonbinary,"

This seems like a very common sense bill and yet the trannies are having a hissy fit and claiming this would erase transgender people - while that would be great if that were true, this bill will not erase transgender people. It will just stop the rest of us from having all of this woke-gay-leftist-tranny stuff shoved down our throats....and in an age of very small victories from Conservative policies, this is at least a victory the majority of the country can get on board with. So here is a simple question to the trannies and their supporters.....Why can't trannies use the bathrooms they were using a couple of years ago before Republicans decided trannies were the most dangerous group in America?

Which by my calculations, were about 4 or 5 years ago, when it was no longer fun to panic over muslims...So in other words, why can't trannies use the bathroom they used back in let's say 2014 or something..back before trannies existed...Now, I can't use a single public bathroom with out having to see trannies all over the place...in the airports, the mall, amusement parks...everywhere you look, trannies are clogging up the public bathrooms in search of children to rape....If these people would just stick to the other bathrooms they were using before, we wouldn't have these problems.

"A Kansas bill that would bar transgender people from using public bathrooms or changing their name or gender on their driver's license cleared the GOP-controlled legislature on Tuesday by margins suggesting backers could override Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly's expected veto. The measure deals with bathrooms, locker rooms and other facilities, and defines "sex" as "either male or female, at birth," a move LGBTQ rights advocates said would legally erase transgender people and deny recognition to nonbinary,"

This seems like a very common sense bill and yet the trannies are having a hissy fit and claiming this would erase transgender people - while that would be great if that were true, this bill will not erase transgender people. It will just stop the rest of us from having all of this woke-gay-leftist-tranny stuff shoved down our throats....and in an age of very small victories from Conservative policies, this is at least a victory the majority of the country can get on board with. So here is a simple question to the trannies and their supporters.....Why can't trannies use the bathrooms they were using a couple of years ago before Republicans decided trannies were the most dangerous group in America?

Which by my calculations, were about 4 or 5 years ago, when it was no longer fun to panic over muslims...So in other words, why can't trannies use the bathroom they used back in let's say 2014 or something..back before trannies existed...Now, I can't use a single public bathroom with out having to see trannies all over the place...in the airports, the mall, amusement parks...everywhere you look, trannies are clogging up the public bathrooms in search of children to rape....If these people would just stick to the other bathrooms they were using before, we wouldn't have these problems....
"Why"? Because narcissistic induced attention hounds thrive on the need for attention, & the Major Managed News Media(MMNM) is certainly making sure the trannies are getting plenty of it! Think Karda$hians/attention here!
Yet you felt the need to mention it, clearly they are important to you. A bit late to deny it now.
I mention lots of things that are unimportant to me. Your juvenile take is just an indication of your own intellectual impotence, tbh.

But yes, it is an indication that you are part of the tribe and say what will make them happy.
Wrong again. Stop embarrassing yourself, kid.
"Why"? Because narcissistic induced attention hounds thrive on the need for attention, & the Major Managed News Media(MMNM) is certainly making sure the trannies are getting plenty of it! Think Karda$hians/attention here!
This Jones for recognition is no different from opportunist black racists trying to start a new religion based on counterfeit money, Chinese fentanyl, and paid-off autopsyists.
You are the one that said it, a tad late to back away now
I'm not taking anything back, dumbass. You're just trying to make a mountain out of a molehill in a pathetically transparent attempt to divert/save face.
Gender and sex are the same thing, and you've been gaslit into contending otherwise.
Grow a spine and stop kowtowing to the leftist fag cult.

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