Why Can't Trans People Just Use The Bathrooms They Were Using A Few Years Ago?

No, Please explain.

Fuckup. Okay simple minded lower educated fuckup.

  1. 1.
    the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another.
    "students in transition from one program to another"

  2. the process by which a transgender person permanently adopts the outward or physical characteristics that match their gender identity, as opposed to those associated with the sex registered for them at birth. The process may or may not involve measures such as hormonetherapy and gender reassignment surgery.
    "she had been living as a woman for eight years at that point and had completed her transition in 2001"

  3. verb
    1. 1.
      undergo or cause to undergo a process or period of transition.
      "he transitioned into filmmaking easily"

    2. 2.
      adopt permanently the outward or physical characteristics that match one's gender identity, as opposed to those associated with the sex registered at birth.
      "once the decision was finally made to transition, she was overwhelmed with the support from her immediate family"

Fuckup. Okay simple minded lower educated fuckup.

  1. 1.
    the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another.
    "students in transition from one program to another"

  2. the process by which a transgender person permanently adopts the outward or physical characteristics that match their gender identity, as opposed to those associated with the sex registered for them at birth. The process may or may not involve measures such as hormonetherapy and gender reassignment surgery.
    "she had been living as a woman for eight years at that point and had completed her transition in 2001"

  3. verb
    1. 1.
      undergo or cause to undergo a process or period of transition.
      "he transitioned into filmmaking easily"

    2. 2.
      adopt permanently the outward or physical characteristics that match one's gender identity, as opposed to those associated with the sex registered at birth.
      "once the decision was finally made to transition, she was overwhelmed with the support from her immediate family"
This is all mental. You are going mental. Badger is asking about the physical contradiction.

Fuckup. Okay simple minded lower educated fuckup.

  1. 1.
    the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another.
    "students in transition from one program to another"

  2. the process by which a transgender person permanently adopts the outward or physical characteristics that match their gender identity, as opposed to those associated with the sex registered for them at birth. The process may or may not involve measures such as hormonetherapy and gender reassignment surgery.
    "she had been living as a woman for eight years at that point and had completed her transition in 2001"

  3. verb
    1. 1.
      undergo or cause to undergo a process or period of transition.
      "he transitioned into filmmaking easily"

    2. 2.
      adopt permanently the outward or physical characteristics that match one's gender identity, as opposed to those associated with the sex registered at birth.
      "once the decision was finally made to transition, she was overwhelmed with the support from her immediate family"
Damn did not think you fuckup need that education.

Do you need help with spelling?

"A Kansas bill that would bar transgender people from using public bathrooms or changing their name or gender on their driver's license cleared the GOP-controlled legislature on Tuesday by margins suggesting backers could override Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly's expected veto. The measure deals with bathrooms, locker rooms and other facilities, and defines "sex" as "either male or female, at birth," a move LGBTQ rights advocates said would legally erase transgender people and deny recognition to nonbinary,"

This seems like a very common sense bill and yet the trannies are having a hissy fit and claiming this would erase transgender people - while that would be great if that were true, this bill will not erase transgender people. It will just stop the rest of us from having all of this woke-gay-leftist-tranny stuff shoved down our throats....and in an age of very small victories from Conservative policies, this is at least a victory the majority of the country can get on board with. So here is a simple question to the trannies and their supporters.....Why can't trannies use the bathrooms they were using a couple of years ago before Republicans decided trannies were the most dangerous group in America?

Which by my calculations, were about 4 or 5 years ago, when it was no longer fun to panic over muslims...So in other words, why can't trannies use the bathroom they used back in let's say 2014 or something..back before trannies existed...Now, I can't use a single public bathroom with out having to see trannies all over the place...in the airports, the mall, amusement parks...everywhere you look, trannies are clogging up the public bathrooms in search of children to rape....If these people would just stick to the other bathrooms they were using before, we wouldn't have these problems....

Because democrats are using them for votes.
No it isn't. Transgendering comes with a history and there are problems with that history, both for those viewing it from the outside and for those living it in their flesh and minds.
The point is, the vast majority of normal people spend no time at all thinking about, worrying about, resenting, disliking, or anything else about transgendered people.

We are perfectly happy to live and let live until the transgenders or the 'woke' idiots or those with a sociopolitical agenda get in our faces about it or force us to have to deal with it by grooming kids, pushing highly inappropriate entertainment, books, curriculum on kids and/or others, competing in women's sports when they don't have any success as men, endanger women, especially children by demanding access to what should be their private spaces.

Good policies that have stood the test of time should not be changed to accommodate less than 1% of the population and thereby violate the well being and rights of the other 99%.
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My dogwood does not transition to a rose bush
Men don’t transition to women.
The rest is fake, aberrant wishfullness.

Do have the same perceptions of reality that you did at 18 compared to now.

Did you not grow?

Fuckup. Okay simple minded lower educated fuckup.

  1. 1.
    the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another.
    "students in transition from one program to another"

  2. the process by which a transgender person permanently adopts the outward or physical characteristics that match their gender identity, as opposed to those associated with the sex registered for them at birth. The process may or may not involve measures such as hormonetherapy and gender reassignment surgery.
    "she had been living as a woman for eight years at that point and had completed her transition in 2001"

  3. verb
    1. 1.
      undergo or cause to undergo a process or period of transition.
      "he transitioned into filmmaking easily"

    2. 2.
      adopt permanently the outward or physical characteristics that match one's gender identity, as opposed to those associated with the sex registered at birth.
      "once the decision was finally made to transition, she was overwhelmed with the support from her immediate family"

Cool story bro. Why don’t you tell the readers when your source added the transgender part.

You won’t because you’re weak.
Why are grown men that dress and act like women so desperate to use a women's bathroom? especially in schools. Laws should impose mandatory castration.

:clap: ^^^

The point is, the vast majority of normal people spend no time at all thinking about, worrying about, resenting, disliking, or anything else about transgendered people. We are perfectly happy to live and let live until the transgenders or the 'woke' idiots or those with a sociopolitical gender get in our faces about it or force us to have to deal with it.
The important point about mutilation of the original equipment is that the belief itself is a mutilation, apart from the physical mutilation. If the Nashville killer-tranny identified as a trans man, it is supreme bullshit carried to its final violent conclusion. No matter how hard it tries, it will not achieve mind over matter.

If the tranny was born female it remains a female until death or mutilation, either by opposite sex hormones or scalpel. Otherwise, it's all in their head, an illusion. To project this illusion into the socius is a different thing than projecting it in private.

The word "transgender" is an illusion, socially politicized. The illusion is only real in the head of the psychopath (theological, virtual illusion) until either physical or chemical mutilation occurs that affects its physical flesh and by default, its genome.
They can't be any other gender but male, seems a reasonable answer. The swiped card proposal in post #89 includes the birth certificate gender of the swiper. The father taking the daughter into the men's bathroom is already taken care of due to the card's matching familial DNA or State-confirmed name. Are we getting closer to any voting pathologies yet?

Birth certificates do not list gender, they list the sex of the child.

You all using those two words interchangeably plays into the hands of those pushing for this sort of thing as well as them playing in women's sports.

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