Why Can't Trans People Just Use The Bathrooms They Were Using A Few Years Ago?

You must not be old enough to have children.

If you were any sort of decent parent, you wouldn't want men in bathrooms swinging their dicks in front of your 8 year old girl.
That’s a real big If.
So where did they use the bathrooms before you folks decided that all trannies were groomers?

You know, before you lost the whole "all gay people are groomers" campaign...

And if you acknowledge that tans people have existed for awhile; where did they go to the bathroom??
Back in normal times, boys used the boy's room and girls used the girl's room. Back when people weren't all confused, drugged up, and/or mutilated.
The bathroom ban I agree with but the ID thing is bullshit. It's not the Governments business what an adult wants to call themselves,
Yes it is. Homo sapiens does not get to say "transgender" and then mask its schizoid agenda by hiding within esoterica. LG was not as threatening a tumor on the socius as LGBTQ+. B pushed into the Unknown as menage-a-trois crotch-clownism went 'nannas. Then narcissism armed itself and began to kill, rendering crotch-clownism fair game for social and legal retribution.

The schizoid esoterica LGBTQ+ attempts is the pathology that threatens the exercise of democracy in the socius. Now physical mutilation and mental aberrations can all hide inside the clothing. Boycott LGBTQ+ until it can put itself on a leash before the cops have to arrive.
Not always, and the reality of intersex people seems to be getting lost in this ignorant ranting about transgender people.
Hermaphrodites are exceptions to the rule. If someone is literally born that way ... there's not much they can do about it. But a male pretending to be a female to earn "woke" points or to get all that attention they crave or because they have a screw loose is a completely different thing. If I claim to be an eagle, am I an eagle?
Not always, and the reality of intersex people seems to be getting lost in this ignorant ranting about transgender people.
You're on the right track. Unlike the birth certificate of the Arab son who fronted as a black to get into the WH, the gender stated on the birth certificate should be honored and future ones may even consider documenting genetic anomalies.

Regardless, genetic anomalies can still be hidden by the clothing. Boycott LGBTQ+ stupidity, narcissistic arrogance, overconfidence and deceptions.
Our ancestors "knew" it?

Some posters just make up a bunch of shit as they go, but they pale in comparison to this great big pile!!
Thomas the transgender male, or Thomasine, the biological female, is reflected in the historical record of Jamestown. So yeah, our ancestors were quite familiar with transgender individuals. Native Americans called them "two spirits", and even had names for them. winkte/winkta (Lakota/Dakota), badé (Crow), mixoge(Osage), and nàdleehé (Diné). The reality is, that for many tribes, transgender people were gifts from the Gods and they had a special status within the community.

"A Kansas bill that would bar transgender people from using public bathrooms or changing their name or gender on their driver's license cleared the GOP-controlled legislature on Tuesday by margins suggesting backers could override Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly's expected veto. The measure deals with bathrooms, locker rooms and other facilities, and defines "sex" as "either male or female, at birth," a move LGBTQ rights advocates said would legally erase transgender people and deny recognition to nonbinary,"

This seems like a very common sense bill and yet the trannies are having a hissy fit and claiming this would erase transgender people - while that would be great if that were true, this bill will not erase transgender people. It will just stop the rest of us from having all of this woke-gay-leftist-tranny stuff shoved down our throats....and in an age of very small victories from Conservative policies, this is at least a victory the majority of the country can get on board with. So here is a simple question to the trannies and their supporters.....Why can't trannies use the bathrooms they were using a couple of years ago before Republicans decided trannies were the most dangerous group in America?

Which by my calculations, were about 4 or 5 years ago, when it was no longer fun to panic over muslims...So in other words, why can't trannies use the bathroom they used back in let's say 2014 or something..back before trannies existed...Now, I can't use a single public bathroom with out having to see trannies all over the place...in the airports, the mall, amusement parks...everywhere you look, trannies are clogging up the public bathrooms in search of children to rape....If these people would just stick to the other bathrooms they were using before, we wouldn't have these problems....
Trannies having a hissy fit? Oh my gosh, I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you.
No they are not.
Sex is biological, gender is not.
You play in to their hands by accepting that they are one in the same.

Not always, and the reality of intersex people seems to be getting lost in this ignorant ranting about transgender people.

It is rare enough that one does not make policy based upon it
My only question is how many public restrooms might now include fire hydrants due to those who only want to identify as dogs?

God bless you always!!!

Hermaphrodites are exceptions to the rule. If someone is literally born that way ... there's not much they can do about it. But a male pretending to be a female to earn "woke" points or to get all that attention they crave or because they have a screw loose is a completely different thing. If I claim to be an eagle, am I an eagle?
I am going to agree with you. While there is not much they can do about it, it turns out, doctors do this whole surgery think to infants in order to assign them a sex. That is wrong. And there is much debate as to just what percentage of the transgender population is intersex. Again, that seems to be left out.

But males pretending to be female in order to earn woke points, oh, I have personally seen it. And those people should be locked up. But what you don't realize is that all this kicking and screaming about the rest room is only empowering them.

I have spent my life in two careers. The first, and my one "true love", was being a meatcutter. I call the block my happy place. Knife in hand, turning out product, in the cold, clean environment, there is nothing better. But I figured out pretty quickly that was not going to earn me enough to pay the bills. Especially with half a dozen kids to feed,

So, I went into sales, and pretty quickly, sales management. And I made the big bucks. I was a rainmaker. I went into a situation where the cops were being called to break up fights between salespeople. And I turned it around. The final step, hiring a transgender female. I mean first off, why is it that all the transgender females I have been exposed to are six foot three and over three hundred pounds? But this guy, or, per his preference gal, could sell ice to Eskimos. And he was my last hire. For two years we literally kicked ass. Hit the top of the board for a national company. Everyone was making mad money. And yeah, he used the women's restroom. Called himself one of the girls, and the girls more than accepted him. I took a team that was dog eat dog and turned them into a real team where everyone supported one another, and the bottom line results more than spoke for themselves.
Why are grown men that dress and act like women so desperate to use a women's bathroom? especially in schools. Laws should impose mandatory castration.
Why can't republic men today act more like republic men did years ago instead of the wussies they are now.

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