Why Can't Trans People Just Use The Bathrooms They Were Using A Few Years Ago?

I am going to agree with you. While there is not much they can do about it, it turns out, doctors do this whole surgery think to infants in order to assign them a sex. That is wrong. And there is much debate as to just what percentage of the transgender population is intersex. Again, that seems to be left out.

But males pretending to be female in order to earn woke points, oh, I have personally seen it. And those people should be locked up. But what you don't realize is that all this kicking and screaming about the rest room is only empowering them.

I have spent my life in two careers. The first, and my one "true love", was being a meatcutter. I call the block my happy place. Knife in hand, turning out product, in the cold, clean environment, there is nothing better. But I figured out pretty quickly that was not going to earn me enough to pay the bills. Especially with half a dozen kids to feed,

So, I went into sales, and pretty quickly, sales management. And I made the big bucks. I was a rainmaker. I went into a situation where the cops were being called to break up fights between salespeople. And I turned it around. The final step, hiring a transgender female. I mean first off, why is it that all the transgender females I have been exposed to are six foot three and over three hundred pounds? But this guy, or, per his preference gal, could sell ice to Eskimos. And he was my last hire. For two years we literally kicked ass. Hit the top of the board for a national company. Everyone was making mad money. And yeah, he used the women's restroom. Called himself one of the girls, and the girls more than accepted him. I took a team that was dog eat dog and turned them into a real team where everyone supported one another, and the bottom line results more than spoke for themselves.
I have no doubt that many in the LGBTQ community are hard workers and talented in one way or the other. But your new hire could have sold ice to an Eskimo just as well as the man he is as he could as the woman he pretended to be. There's nothing to be gained by pretending to be something you aren't unless you're seeking an Academy Award.

But I appreciate the civil discourse.
If there are unisex bathrooms, how can we stop trannies from going in there and raping children?

Children use unisex bathrooms too...

In fact, unisex bathrooms are probably the most dangerous public places in the US....why are we allowing trannies to use public bathrooms at all?

Because one room unisex bathrooms are for one person at a time.

"A Kansas bill that would bar transgender people from using public bathrooms or changing their name or gender on their driver's license cleared the GOP-controlled legislature on Tuesday by margins suggesting backers could override Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly's expected veto. The measure deals with bathrooms, locker rooms and other facilities, and defines "sex" as "either male or female, at birth," a move LGBTQ rights advocates said would legally erase transgender people and deny recognition to nonbinary,"

This seems like a very common sense bill and yet the trannies are having a hissy fit and claiming this would erase transgender people - while that would be great if that were true, this bill will not erase transgender people. It will just stop the rest of us from having all of this woke-gay-leftist-tranny stuff shoved down our throats....and in an age of very small victories from Conservative policies, this is at least a victory the majority of the country can get on board with. So here is a simple question to the trannies and their supporters.....Why can't trannies use the bathrooms they were using a couple of years ago before Republicans decided trannies were the most dangerous group in America?

Which by my calculations, were about 4 or 5 years ago, when it was no longer fun to panic over muslims...So in other words, why can't trannies use the bathroom they used back in let's say 2014 or something..back before trannies existed...Now, I can't use a single public bathroom with out having to see trannies all over the place...in the airports, the mall, amusement parks...everywhere you look, trannies are clogging up the public bathrooms in search of children to rape....If these people would just stick to the other bathrooms they were using before, we wouldn't have these problems....
/——-/ More restaurants and grocery stores are moving towards single occupancy bathrooms. That eliminates the problem.
/——-/ More restaurants and grocery stores are moving towards single occupancy bathrooms. That eliminates the problem. View attachment 778374
The child and parent can be allowed into a card-only bathroom, too. This allows all valid cards to be in the same (much larger) bathroom/locker room at the same time, which also begins to eliminate the problem.

Boycotting the stupidities of crotch-clownism may in the future include being identified by the State only temporarily at a certain place and time and should not be that big a deal, especially for the sake of safety from this sexual pathology.
Men don't want trannies to be in men's bathrooms with their little boys either. There is really no place in normal society for them just like with many mentally ill people.
Scared men or secure men?

Which are you?
I know you did not mean to, but yes why can"t a biological male use the male restroom no matter what gender they may be?
They can't be any other gender but male, seems a reasonable answer. The swiped card proposal in post #89 includes the birth certificate gender of the swiper. The father taking the daughter into the men's bathroom is already taken care of due to the card's matching familial DNA or State-confirmed name. Are we getting closer to any voting pathologies yet?
They can't be any other gender but male, seems a reasonable answer. The swiped card proposal in post #89 includes the birth certificate gender of the swiper. The father taking the daughter into the men's bathroom is already taken care of due to the card's matching familial DNA or State-confirmed name. Are we getting closer to any voting pathologies yet?
Do you understand the word transition ?
Don’t need to reinvent the wheel to cater to the one in 1,500 that think wieners and vertical smiles are interchangeable parts.
It is explained in the second sentence.
No it isn't. Transgendering comes with a history and there are problems with that history, both for those viewing it from the outside and for those living it in their flesh and minds.
No it isn't. Transgendering comes with a history and there are problems with that history, both for those viewing it from the outside and for those living it in their flesh and minds.

Are gay people not real?

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