Why Can't Trans People Just Use The Bathrooms They Were Using A Few Years Ago?

Transgendering had never been a problem. Okay, normal people will never see the transgendered as normal or anything other than freakish, but it was a huge shrug. . .UNTIL. . .they got in our faces, started actively grooming the kids, forced themselves into women's sports, and otherwise interfered with our rights to a normal, safer, more private culture.

So we went from a live and let live culture to one in which a tiny percentage are trying to force everybody else to accommodate whatever they want no matter what detriment, risk, or harm that might do.

Some places offer single room unisex bathrooms and that pretty much takes care of everybody. But for large venues that need to accommodate large numbers of people, biological males need to use the men's facilities so that women are not put at higher risk or have their privacy violated. Men might be uncomfortable with a female looking guy in the restroom with them, but they are not at physical risk from him.

Ditch the grooming curriculum in schools, the drag queen shows for kids, get biological males out of women's sports, and don't expect unreasonable accommodations, and transgendering will go back to being a huge shrug again.
Is there any citation or published evidence for the claim in the first sentence?
Because they did not come from mental institutions nor do they belong in one.

Some of your ancestors were Trans, but could not do anything about it.

Some of your descendants will be born Trans. They will be able to do something about it.

You do not have to agree with it. Just leave them alone.
Oh ... they most certainly DO belong in an institution. There's something seriously wrong with them.
Transgendering had never been a problem. Okay, normal people will never see the transgendered as normal or anything other than freakish, but it was a huge shrug. . .UNTIL. . .they got in our faces, started actively grooming the kids, forced themselves into women's sports, and otherwise interfered with our rights to a normal, safer, more private culture.

So we went from a live and let live culture to one in which a tiny percentage are trying to force everybody else to accommodate whatever they want no matter what detriment, risk, or harm that might do.

Some places offer single room unisex bathrooms and that pretty much takes care of everybody. But for large venues that need to accommodate large numbers of people, biological males need to use the men's facilities so that women are not put at higher risk or have their privacy violated. Men might be uncomfortable with a female looking guy in the restroom with them, but they are not at physical risk from him.

Ditch the grooming curriculum in schools, the drag queen shows for kids, get biological males out of women's sports, and don't expect unreasonable accommodations, and transgendering will go back to being a huge shrug again.
If there are unisex bathrooms, how can we stop trannies from going in there and raping children?

Children use unisex bathrooms too...

In fact, unisex bathrooms are probably the most dangerous public places in the US....why are we allowing trannies to use public bathrooms at all?
By "doing their business" -- do you mean raping females sharing the same space?
Same business as yours or anyone else in a private or public bathroom.

Where are the news of Trans raping women in bathrooms anywhere in the world?

Calm your religious ignorance and leave them alone.
The bathroom ban I agree with but the ID thing is bullshit. It's not the Governments business what an adult wants to call themselves,
They were born in the wrong gender. They know it. Your ancestors knew it. Your descendants are going to know it as well.

Before they could not fix this issue, now they can. In the future they will continue to be able to fix this gender mistake.
Ok, you bleeding hearts feel that Tranies have to right to feel better about themselves by cutting off their junk. What do you have against the rest of us, wanting to feel better by them staying the hell out of children's bathrooms and locker rooms? It is even worse when the junk remains intact.
I don't care. In the past, delusional people like you weren't telling men dressed as women that they are actually women.
How far in the past??

There is a very obvious reason why you folks keep not being able to answer the question..

Like for example...where Rudy go tinkle in the past? And did he ask Trump to hold it for him?

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If there are unisex bathrooms, how can we stop trannies from going in there and raping children?

Children use unisex bathrooms too...

In fact, unisex bathrooms are probably the most dangerous public places in the US....why are we allowing trannies to use public bathrooms at all?
Trans people are NOT raping children.

This is a disgusting lie told about them.

Stop the ignorance which turns into fear which, turns into hatred, which turns into attacking these people without them having committed any crime.

The same works against Blacks, Jews, Asians, Homosexuals or anyone else ignorant people will buy and use to attack others just because they want to believe what they heard or read.

Stop !!! the insanity of attacking anything or anyone you do not understand.
The bathroom ban I agree with but the ID thing is bullshit. It's not the Governments business what an adult wants to call themselves,
Great idea you have there dumbo. The government can stay the hell out of this because starting today I want to call myself Jessie Jackson. I am starting a crusade and raising money so please donate. Contact info to follow upon request. Bitcoin preferred. ThunderKissMyAss.
Ok, you bleeding hearts feel that Tranies have to right to feel better about themselves by cutting off their junk. What do you have against the rest of us, wanting to feel better by them staying the hell out of children's bathrooms and locker rooms? It is even worse when the junk remains intact.
You do not understand what has happened to them so try to educate yourself so you do not make a fool of yourself in all the posts about it.

There are no news of Trans attacking children.

That is a lie perpetuated by religious extremists for religious extremists eyes and ears.
Because Trans means that they are not a man, never were.

All it means is that they are batshit crazy. And so are you, if you sincerely believe that a man can be a woman.

They were born in the wrong gender. They know it. Your ancestors knew it. Your descendants are going to know it as well.
Before they could not fix this issue, now they can. In the future they will continue to be able to fix this gender mistake.

Some of your ancestors were Trans, but could not do anything about it.

Do you understand that those who remove themselves from the gene pool, do not get to become anyone's ancestors?

That's how natural selection works, and that is how it keeps this sort of fucked-up freakishness to a minimum; in spite of the efforts of your fucked-up kind to promote this fucked-up shit.
Why are grown men that dress and act like women so desperate to use a women's bathroom? especially in schools. Laws should impose mandatory castration.

Because our society has lost its morals, standards, and values. We lower the bar for every group and sub group to the point where even at the age of 47 I am amazed at what I see happening today that would have not tolerated for a second when I was a kid.

Our society has lost so much of it's morals and values we now have men pretending to be women publicly demanding they are real women and want to use the women's bathroom. We have teachers in schools with rainbow colored hair, calling themselves fictious things telling children they are the wrong sex and educating them on how to be gay, we have pedophiles trying to normalize themselves.

In short, it's happening because our society fucking sucks and we have spinless cowards in charge.
There is something definitely wrong with your ignorance and hatred but I am not having you institutionlized [sic].

Of course, by “ignorance and hatred”, what you really mean is basic sanity and decency, and an understanding of the basic biological facts surrounding the distinction between male and female, and the importance of that distinction.

To fucked-up mental cases such as yourself, science, reason, and decency are “ignorance and hatred”.

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