Why can't we just gun down the illegals crossing out southern border?

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
I know this will make your heads explode. But think about it. They are not supposed to be crossing our border. They come in large numbers in order to (1) ensure the get over the border by overwhelming border patrol; and (2) making it harder to detect the drug mules and cartel scum. There is obviously planning and support services to get them to our border and education provided to tell them what to say and do once they illegally cross. This is pure racketeering. In a conspiracy case, each one of these "migrants" can be held responsible for the RICO charges. Moreover, the pretense for all of these rascals is asylum claims. however, over 90% of said claims are not valid because of the contiguous rule. Their claims are not properly filed in America; therefore, they will be dismissed. They should have filed their claims in the first contiguous country they get to after they leave their home country. They file the claim in THAT country, which then transmits it to the USA for consideration. They do not get to wait in America for immigration courts to adjudicate their claims. THAT IS THE LAW.

Once you open fire on these people, they will stop coming. I strongly suspect that even if 100-200 of them are slaughtered this way, there will still be a net reduction of immigration related deaths on the border. Certainly, the rapes and drug trafficking will decrease substantially and immediately. This would literally save lives by creating a net positive.

More over, let's be real here. Most of these people will add nothing to our nation. Immigration is meant to benefit us primarily, not the immigrants. I am all for legal immigration. We all are. But this illegal immigration needs to stop. Perps and visa overstayers need to be deported. Then we need to set up armed patrols along the border with the order to shoot and kill anyone seen stepping across the border. If encountered after the have crossed, then arrest them and put them in a big fenced in tent city pending deportation. If they flee, or try to break out of the tent city, then shoot them. Such action is clearly justified by our national security interest. Plus, as mentioned, they are all fucking criminals, each and every one of them. Each one of them is acting in concert to subvert our federal immigration laws and place our national security at risk.

Let them file their frivolous asylum claims. But they have to wait outside of our country for it to be processed and adjudicated. These fuckers are not fleeing war. They want to get their hands on some US Dollars and send them back to their countries. They want some benefits payments. They want to re-imagine America.

It is simple. Post signage on the border saying "We Shooto You!!! No crosso. We Shooto you!!" Then when they step across our border, blow their heads off! PROBLEM SOLVED. They stop coming. This is far more humane that the current system.
I know this will make your heads explode. But think about it. They are not supposed to be crossing our border. They come in large numbers in order to (1) ensure the get over the border by overwhelming border patrol; and (2) making it harder to detect the drug mules and cartel scum. There is obviously planning and support services to get them to our border and education provided to tell them what to say and do once they illegally cross. This is pure racketeering. In a conspiracy case, each one of these "migrants" can be held responsible for the RICO charges. Moreover, the pretense for all of these rascals is asylum claims. however, over 90% of said claims are not valid because of the contiguous rule. Their claims are not properly filed in America; therefore, they will be dismissed. They should have filed their claims in the first contiguous country they get to after they leave their home country. They file the claim in THAT country, which then transmits it to the USA for consideration. They do not get to wait in America for immigration courts to adjudicate their claims. THAT IS THE LAW.

Once you open fire on these people, they will stop coming. I strongly suspect that even if 100-200 of them are slaughtered this way, there will still be a net reduction of immigration related deaths on the border. Certainly, the rapes and drug trafficking will decrease substantially and immediately. This would literally save lives by creating a net positive.

More over, let's be real here. Most of these people will add nothing to our nation. Immigration is meant to benefit us primarily, not the immigrants. I am all for legal immigration. We all are. But this illegal immigration needs to stop. Perps and visa overstayers need to be deported. Then we need to set up armed patrols along the border with the order to shoot and kill anyone seen stepping across the border. If encountered after the have crossed, then arrest them and put them in a big fenced in tent city pending deportation. If they flee, or try to break out of the tent city, then shoot them. Such action is clearly justified by our national security interest. Plus, as mentioned, they are all fucking criminals, each and every one of them. Each one of them is acting in concert to subvert our federal immigration laws and place our national security at risk.

Let them file their frivolous asylum claims. But they have to wait outside of our country for it to be processed and adjudicated. These fuckers are not fleeing war. They want to get their hands on some US Dollars and send them back to their countries. They want some benefits payments. They want to re-imagine America.

It is simple. Post signage on the border saying "We Shooto You!!! No crosso. We Shooto you!!" Then when they step across our border, blow their heads off! PROBLEM SOLVED. They stop coming. This is far more humane that the current system.
What a childish thing to say.
Biden seems to have turned the R's tactic around to his supposed advantage by upping the ante with bringing in more. This is now supposed to become a sore on the R's ass that can only be healed by agreeing on taxpayer's money to the Ukraine.

But Biden doesn't understand that the R's don't care about the illegal migrants coming in in the thousands. They care about preventing America from getting fatally involve in a war against Russia, that could become a worldwide disaster.

On a positive note, there's no mention of the women (and children) involved.
Er... Thou Shalt Not Murder...The Fifth Amendment: "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; "

Anything else?

Now sharks with friggin lazer beams, thats a different story.
I know this will make your heads explode. But think about it. They are not supposed to be crossing our border. They come in large numbers in order to (1) ensure the get over the border by overwhelming border patrol; and (2) making it harder to detect the drug mules and cartel scum. There is obviously planning and support services to get them to our border and education provided to tell them what to say and do once they illegally cross. This is pure racketeering. In a conspiracy case, each one of these "migrants" can be held responsible for the RICO charges. Moreover, the pretense for all of these rascals is asylum claims. however, over 90% of said claims are not valid because of the contiguous rule. Their claims are not properly filed in America; therefore, they will be dismissed. They should have filed their claims in the first contiguous country they get to after they leave their home country. They file the claim in THAT country, which then transmits it to the USA for consideration. They do not get to wait in America for immigration courts to adjudicate their claims. THAT IS THE LAW.

Once you open fire on these people, they will stop coming. I strongly suspect that even if 100-200 of them are slaughtered this way, there will still be a net reduction of immigration related deaths on the border. Certainly, the rapes and drug trafficking will decrease substantially and immediately. This would literally save lives by creating a net positive.

More over, let's be real here. Most of these people will add nothing to our nation. Immigration is meant to benefit us primarily, not the immigrants. I am all for legal immigration. We all are. But this illegal immigration needs to stop. Perps and visa overstayers need to be deported. Then we need to set up armed patrols along the border with the order to shoot and kill anyone seen stepping across the border. If encountered after the have crossed, then arrest them and put them in a big fenced in tent city pending deportation. If they flee, or try to break out of the tent city, then shoot them. Such action is clearly justified by our national security interest. Plus, as mentioned, they are all fucking criminals, each and every one of them. Each one of them is acting in concert to subvert our federal immigration laws and place our national security at risk.

Let them file their frivolous asylum claims. But they have to wait outside of our country for it to be processed and adjudicated. These fuckers are not fleeing war. They want to get their hands on some US Dollars and send them back to their countries. They want some benefits payments. They want to re-imagine America.

It is simple. Post signage on the border saying "We Shooto You!!! No crosso. We Shooto you!!" Then when they step across our border, blow their heads off! PROBLEM SOLVED. They stop coming. This is far more humane that the current system.

First and foremost, they have all but been invited here. Controlling the border by our government could be easily done without gunning people down but they choose not to.

Doing such would also cause severe reprisals. On a basic human level, its just not acceptable, its only too bad that the lack of our federal government's upholding the laws and protecting its citizens has lead to this type of dialogue.
It's amazing that ONE unhinged nut case hasnt already tried to take on some sort tof vigilante justice in that respect,
and honestly... our government not doing their job is puttng us all at even more risk of this type of thing.
Er... Thou Shalt Not Murder...The Fifth Amendment: "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; "

Anything else?

Now sharks with friggin lazer beams, thats a different story.
Bull sharks can survive in fresh water, so it is feasible to stock them in the river there. I pack them in their thicker than cockroaches in the kitchen of a Mexican restaurant. I’d throw a bunch of alligators and cottonmouths in their too.
Bull sharks can survive in fresh water, so it is feasible to stock them in the river there. I pack them in their thicker than cockroaches in the kitchen of a Mexican restaurant. I’d throw a bunch of alligators and cottonmouths in their too.
Just avoid any off colour comments about women.
The Feds will never try to stop them but the shooting will likely become a reality at some point, it's just that the shooting will be in defense of homes and neighborhoods.
Enough with this stupidity. ^^^^^^^
I am offering a viable option that will be quite effective. We won’t have to whack many of them before the problem is fixed. Hell, a lot of them are going to be killing our citizens.
Bull sharks can survive in fresh water,
Its fascinating. To do so they are effectively constantly peeing. OS if you get bitten by a bull shark, remember its insulting you at the same time not only by eating you, but by peeing on you. Uncool!

I know this will make your heads explode. But think about it. They are not supposed to be crossing our border. They come in large numbers in order to (1) ensure the get over the border by overwhelming border patrol; and (2) making it harder to detect the drug mules and cartel scum. There is obviously planning and support services to get them to our border and education provided to tell them what to say and do once they illegally cross. This is pure racketeering. In a conspiracy case, each one of these "migrants" can be held responsible for the RICO charges. Moreover, the pretense for all of these rascals is asylum claims. however, over 90% of said claims are not valid because of the contiguous rule. Their claims are not properly filed in America; therefore, they will be dismissed. They should have filed their claims in the first contiguous country they get to after they leave their home country. They file the claim in THAT country, which then transmits it to the USA for consideration. They do not get to wait in America for immigration courts to adjudicate their claims. THAT IS THE LAW.

Once you open fire on these people, they will stop coming. I strongly suspect that even if 100-200 of them are slaughtered this way, there will still be a net reduction of immigration related deaths on the border. Certainly, the rapes and drug trafficking will decrease substantially and immediately. This would literally save lives by creating a net positive.

More over, let's be real here. Most of these people will add nothing to our nation. Immigration is meant to benefit us primarily, not the immigrants. I am all for legal immigration. We all are. But this illegal immigration needs to stop. Perps and visa overstayers need to be deported. Then we need to set up armed patrols along the border with the order to shoot and kill anyone seen stepping across the border. If encountered after the have crossed, then arrest them and put them in a big fenced in tent city pending deportation. If they flee, or try to break out of the tent city, then shoot them. Such action is clearly justified by our national security interest. Plus, as mentioned, they are all fucking criminals, each and every one of them. Each one of them is acting in concert to subvert our federal immigration laws and place our national security at risk.

Let them file their frivolous asylum claims. But they have to wait outside of our country for it to be processed and adjudicated. These fuckers are not fleeing war. They want to get their hands on some US Dollars and send them back to their countries. They want some benefits payments. They want to re-imagine America.

It is simple. Post signage on the border saying "We Shooto You!!! No crosso. We Shooto you!!" Then when they step across our border, blow their heads off! PROBLEM SOLVED. They stop coming. This is far more humane that the current system.
The MAGAt mind-set, folks.
Democrats seem to have no issue with protests supporting the killing of jews, so not sure what argument they could make if people starting clogging up the roads demanding the killing of illegals.

Just to be clear I'm not saying I support the killing of innocent people.
There's the Ukraine thing to deal with uncle.
Fuck Ukraine. If a state cannot survive without constant subsides from foreign states, then they deserve to fall and cease to be a state. This principle also precludes the raunchy "Palestinians" in Gazaikstan and the WB from ever having statehood. They are parasitic.
Oh know, Bodecea disagreed with me via emoti... I am going to go jump off the highest bridge I can find! 😪

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