WHY can't we question 2020 election results?

They were disgusted because democrats promoted a phony investigation the entire time. Completely opposite dynamic.
If you say so. You all kind of look the same to me. Angry partisans that couldn't listen to each other if they tried.
Lets see here. Rioting and looting and civil unrest is acceptable. Dictating mask and vaccines, the new norm. But questioning an election is worse than 9/11...because Liberals "say so". Excuse ME? Because liberals SAY so? I need a better standard other than because "Liberals SAY SO".
These are not liberals, Mary, they are anything but.

They left liberal land long ago.
I used to be a liberal. I am good with questioning stuff. It's in our nature. I have no idea who the fuck these modern "liberals" ARE. I have a bad feeling of what they have become.
The whole response to the 2020 election got off to a VERY BAD start. People weren't looking at the right places for WHY there were so many MORE votes cast and still had a tight result. All the "noise" about "releasing the Kraken" and fiddling with machines and tallies was a side show to what ACTUALLY happened.

I've done this a dozen times before on USMB -- and not gonna do it again HERE -- but all the lack of security, accuracy and timeliness of tallies was MADE LEGAL just months BEFORE the election. All the hanky-panky was LEGITIMATE by carefully planned court cases (because Covid) that ALLOWED slack in ballot handling, voter identification and random UNKNOWN 3rd parties ALLOWED to "harvest ballots" for money and INSERT activists into the vote counting. Money that came in the MILLIONS of dollars from Zuckerbird (and others) who BOUGHT ACCESS to LOCAL registrars and election processing.

The reason WHY the Dems can claim that "voter fraud" didn't exist is because people were focused on the WRONG things. Didn't HAPPEN on election night. Was NOT so much the machines or coding or backdoor internet diddling. But it's clear now that the STATES have to fix the loopholes that allowed the Dems to get "emergency orders" thru favorable courts just in time for the election and left no time for challenges and appeals to these extra-legal and ILLEGAL edicts from a bunch of activist judges.

Oh, I get it. When my team comes up with an ending play that allows it to win, that's cheating and should be thrown out.l The NFL should be notified of this rule. Detroit Lions would become the perennial Super Bowl Champs. What you said was the Dems just outplayed the Reps and lost. And nothing can be found that counters that.

Sure do wish you MAGAs would learn to play the game better. Even when you start winning you figure out a way to lose at the last moment. (See Florida and Texas). It's not that the Dems are playing such a brilliant game (they are playing a stupid game) it's that the Reps are playing an even dumber game. And we need to stop rewarding stupidity.
Democrats questioned 2016. No Republican meltdowns,nope. Because it was square on the level. People that had something to hide act like questioning THEM is major issue. Well. it wasn't up till the second THEY SAID SO. Now it IS. Biden and Hunter and China and Burisma and Ukraine...I am, LET'S SOOO look into all of that. Thanks, Biden.
Oh, I get it. When my team comes up with an ending play that allows it to win, that's cheating and should be thrown out.l The NFL should be notified of this rule. Detroit Lions would become the perennial Super Bowl Champs. What you said was the Dems just outplayed the Reps and lost. And nothing can be found that counters that.

That could be the problem here. Comparing election integrity, security and accuracy to the NFL is a bad move. This is NOT A GAME you'd play if the Repubs went to the courts 2 months before an election and SERIOUSLY CHANGED the rules set forth by the States in their legal code and Constitutions concerning elections. And then "dark money" from billionaire Repubs BOUGHT their way into registrar offices, paid for "ballot harvestors" and inserted ACTIVIST RIGHT WING organizations into ballot counting rooms on election day. I repeat -- this is NOT a drill, NOT a conspiracy theory and DEFINITELY NOT A GAME -- it could HAPPEN TO YOUR TEAM.. And frankly with attitudes like yours -- I HOPE IT DOES happen to your team.

You cannot justify $MILLIONS going into a single COUNTY registrar office just before election TO BUY ACCCESS to ballot harvesting or the counting/curing process. Neither can you justify a LEGAL DOCUMENT like a ballot having UNKNOWN RANDOM HANDS on it from "harvestors" or "curing specialists" directed from hundreds of miles away fixing "ballot errors" for SOME voters, but not for ALL voters.. That's cheating. NOT winning.

Sure do wish you MAGAs would learn to play the game better. Even when you start winning you figure out a way to lose at the last moment. (See Florida and Texas). It's not that the Dems are playing such a brilliant game (they are playing a stupid game) it's that the Reps are playing an even dumber game. And we need to stop rewarding stupidity.

Game game game. As repetitive and meaningless as your elected dope. These last minute court decisions and the nearly $500MILLION we KNOW was funneled to buy access to the election thru registrar offices CONTRADICTED existing STATE LAWS and in some cases CONSTITUTIONALLY mandated State election policy. Your team JUDGE SHOPPED to find the right activist courts to GET these last minute decisions. Since you are so shallowed and focused on "the game" -- that would be like the 49'ers BUYING the referees that they wanted in a key game. And packing the stadium control room with BOUGHT activist time clock and scoreboard operators that were lifelong 49er die hards in 49er Jerseys.

Your focus on "winning the game" is why EVERYONE IS LOSING after an election like that. The choices offered by the pitiful 2 parties are getting suckier and more drastic "every game". We're not only ALL losing because of fucking shallow attitudes like yours, but we're in danger of losing the CONFIDENCE of the people and possibly the Republic we live in.
It's factual that the Democrats questioned the legitimacy of the 2016 election.

It's factual that Democrats claimed that questioning elections is against Democracy.

It's factual that the reasoning behind their anti-Democracy questioning of the 2016 election was a hoax and paid for by the DNC

Thus, their whining about anyone questioning the 2020 election should be laughed at.
As usual "Dark Brandon" as the WHouse staff now calls him -- spews on and on about "threats to our very Democracy". Classic case of leftist projection tactics. Because what I just described is EXACTLY what they did to the 2020 election.
Since this is STILL a free and open society. So many Questions. Imagine this was your elementary school. A kid with an IQ of 70 with Tourettes syndrome despite the evidence got elected class president. Something isn't adding up here. And, to put salt in the wound, WE can't question it because WHO EVER MADE THAT HAPPEN calls it "A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY". Because it threatens THEM. That is what is going on here.

Because it makes Demwits nervous.
Bullshit equivalence.

Hillary giving a concession speech does not mean there were not challenges to the 2016 election results.

The whole response to the 2020 election got off to a VERY BAD start. People weren't looking at the right places for WHY there were so many MORE votes cast and still had a tight result. All the "noise" about "releasing the Kraken" and fiddling with machines and tallies was a side show to what ACTUALLY happened.

I've done this a dozen times before on USMB -- and not gonna do it again HERE -- but all the lack of security, accuracy and timeliness of tallies was MADE LEGAL just months BEFORE the election. All the hanky-panky was LEGITIMATE by carefully planned court cases (because Covid) that ALLOWED slack in ballot handling, voter identification and random UNKNOWN 3rd parties ALLOWED to "harvest ballots" for money and INSERT activists into the vote counting. Money that came in the MILLIONS of dollars from Zuckerbird (and others) who BOUGHT ACCESS to LOCAL registrars and election processing.

The reason WHY the Dems can claim that "voter fraud" didn't exist is because people were focused on the WRONG things. Didn't HAPPEN on election night. Was NOT so much the machines or coding or backdoor internet diddling. But it's clear now that the STATES have to fix the loopholes that allowed the Dems to get "emergency orders" thru favorable courts just in time for the election and left no time for challenges and appeals to these extra-legal and ILLEGAL edicts from a bunch of activist judges.
So, in other words, Joe Biden legally, won the election....

And you were outnumbered, by 7 million citizen's votes.

There are all kinds of things that are unfair in elections, like Republican gerrymandering, loose as a goose felon lists disenfranchising even election managers by intentional "mistakes", cutting voting hours and cutting voting locations in predominately Democratic precincts, fewer voting machines in crowded Democratic precincts, more machines in rural Republican districts per voter..... no chance to correct rejected signature absentee ballots, or a president having his post master General remove mail boxes in Democratic cities throughout the nation right before we had the biggest absentee voting to occur due to covid, or removing post office fast mail processing machines in all Democratic cities to slow down the absentee ballot returns... ...and on and on and on and on and on and on of lists of things that are unfair in elections..... Shit happens.

Are elections stolen when things of unfairness happen, under the law?

Joe Biden won, Trump lost, big time! By a landslide, 306 to 232....just as polls predicted he would win, for the entire year before the election.... Trump was never ahead of Biden in any poll.

There was NOT mass voter fraud because of absentee ballot.

Citizens, for a change, actually were able to vote, and get their vote counted.
So, in other words, Joe Biden legally, won the election....

And you were outnumbered, by 7 million citizen's votes.

There are all kinds of things that are unfair in elections, like Republican gerrymandering, loose as a goose felon lists disenfranchising even election managers by intentional "mistakes", cutting voting hours and cutting voting locations in predominately Democratic precincts, fewer voting machines in crowded Democratic precincts, more machines in rural Republican districts per voter..... no chance to correct rejected signature absentee ballots, or a president having his post master General remove mail boxes in Democratic cities throughout the nation right before we had the biggest absentee voting to occur due to covid, or removing post office fast mail processing machines in all Democratic cities to slow down the absentee ballot returns... ...and on and on and on and on and on and on of lists of things that are unfair in elections..... Shit happens.

Are elections stolen when things of unfairness happen, under the law?

Joe Biden won, Trump lost, big time! By a landslide, 306 to 232....just as polls predicted he would win, for the entire year before the election.... Trump was never ahead of Biden in any poll.

There was NOT mass voter fraud because of absentee ballot.

Citizens, for a change, actually were able to vote, and get their vote counted.

You IGNORE what I said.

Do you think LEFTIST (or RIGHTEST) billionaires should be bribing registrars offices with BILLIONS to insert political activists INTO the counting rooms to "cure ballots" for SOME citizens and NOT OTHERS? It actually US CONSTITUTION illegal under the "Equal protection" clause. SAME Clause that the Sup Ct cited in Gore v Bush election. ANSWER THAT PLEASE.

Do you think that RANDOM UNKNOWN political activists should EVERY HANDLE a ballot between the voter and the voting? Or HELP them fill out ballots? ANSWER THAT PLEASE. It's a legal document. There needs to be a chain of custody.

All the things I mentioned happened in MAJOR SWING CITIES where ALL OF THE EXCESS BIDEN VOTES CAME from. They did not target MAJOR BLUE OR RED cities with the unwelcome "ballot harvesting" PAID FOR BY Zuckerbird and others. Can account for literally MILLIONS of votes when you take into account the LAX TEMPORARY RULES ON SECURITY -- because Covid.

Ignore this at your peril -- because NEXT TIME -- I hope the Repubs do it BIGGER AND BETTER ILLEGALLY like the Dems did. Those last minute court decisions could NOT BE APPEALED. And they VIOLATED various State Laws and Constitutions as well.

You DONT COUNT VOTES that DONT HAVE A CHAIN of custody. Or are "cured" or "harvested" by PAID OUT OF STATE ACTIVISTS.
BTW Care4all - that 7 million margin is not the issue. Cali and NY are NOT SWING states where all this hanky panky occurred in a couple key counties per state. Cali and NY and IL can DO what they want -- they ARE NOW "one party states" and can destroy their election security and accuracy and timeliness all they want to pump up the National "party of cheats" pop vote total.

What MATTERS is the margin of victory in the SWING STATES where the illegal stuff happened BEFORE election day. And that comes down to LESS than 1/2 of 7 million number you want to toss around.
They don't want you to question the LAST election because they're going to try and steal the next one using the same tactics!
In that case they're going to get a red hot burning poker up their individual and collective asses.

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