WHY can't we question 2020 election results?

The 2020 election has been questioned, litigated more than 50 times, recounted, and audited more than any election in history, and every questioning of the election has come up with the same answer: Joe Biden won the election, and the 2020 was the fairest, most honest election in American history.

The ONLY people still questioning the election, are not living in the real world.

If you don't question the 2020 election YOU are not living in the real world.
It has been for a while.

After losing the popular vote in seven of the last eight presidential elections going all the way back to 1992, Republicans are laser-focused on restricting voting access. Brennan Center is tracking all the state bills aimed at restricting access to the polls. Their list includes 253 bills introduced, pre-filed or carried over this year in 43 states.”

And RWNJ's are going to make sure the fraud continues.

Please don't get me wrong. I detest the Democratic Party and have since LBJ. One thing I won't tolerate is the gaslighting and I can see you are doing a bit of that yourself.

Their list includes 253 bills introduced, pre-filed or carried over this year in 43 states 16 states along with the District of Columbia has automatic voter registration. We need more of that. But if I read your gaslighting, there must be 59 states. Here is a bit of info for you to mull over. In Colorado, we have voting boxes all over the place for ALL elections along with in person voting and automatic voter registration. When you go get your license, you get asked if you wish to register to vote. When you apply for your student ID, you have that option. When you opt for a State ID you are asked if you wish to register to vote. You have to pretty much decline your right to register to vote.

BTW, we have a County Clerk who is up on charges for election tampering screaming that the Colorado Election was rigged. Funny how that works considering most local offices were filled with Republicans. Do you honestly believe that Rump came up with the idea about just throwing out the results or having a new election? Tina Peters came up with that idea first. And she was trying to get the legally winner of the local Republican ticket to be taken off the ticket and have her put on her place.

So please don't gaslight me. I come from Gaslight Central.
Please don't get me wrong. I detest the Democratic Party and have since LBJ. One thing I won't tolerate is the gaslighting and I can see you are doing a bit of that yourself.

Their list includes 253 bills introduced, pre-filed or carried over this year in 43 states 16 states along with the District of Columbia has automatic voter registration. We need more of that. But if I read your gaslighting, there must be 59 states. Here is a bit of info for you to mull over. In Colorado, we have voting boxes all over the place for ALL elections along with in person voting and automatic voter registration. When you go get your license, you get asked if you wish to register to vote. When you apply for your student ID, you have that option. When you opt for a State ID you are asked if you wish to register to vote. You have to pretty much decline your right to register to vote.

BTW, we have a County Clerk who is up on charges for election tampering screaming that the Colorado Election was rigged. Funny how that works considering most local offices were filled with Republicans. Do you honestly believe that Rump came up with the idea about just throwing out the results or having a new election? Tina Peters came up with that idea first. And she was trying to get the legally winner of the local Republican ticket to be taken off the ticket and have her put on her place.

So please don't gaslight me. I come from Gaslight Central.
This thread is not about your fictional 'Rump' character. Grow the fuck up.
Yes he did, he caused gas prices to soar because of his 'climate change' alt-left policies. It's purely political, Joe doesn't give a shit about American Patriots. Joe is not even fully conscious at this point. He is being told what to do, where to go, what to say, and the Easter Bunny guides him. Remember this?

:laughing0301: Stupid fucking old fart......He has no idea even where he is........You guys are such fucking alt-left tools.

Joe is owned by big oil and every other big industry.
Please don't get me wrong. I detest the Democratic Party and have since LBJ. One thing I won't tolerate is the gaslighting and I can see you are doing a bit of that yourself.
Their list includes 253 bills introduced, pre-filed or carried over this year in 43 states 16 states along with the District of Columbia has automatic voter registration. We need more of that. But if I read your gaslighting, there must be 59 states.
It isn't 43 states plus 16 states.
Some of the 43 states have automatic voter registration.
Some of the16 states had voter suppression bills.

Here is a bit of info for you to mull over. In Colorado, we have voting boxes all over the place for ALL elections along with in person voting and automatic voter registration. When you go get your license, you get asked if you wish to register to vote. When you apply for your student ID, you have that option. When you opt for a State ID you are asked if you wish to register to vote. You have to pretty much decline your right to register to vote.
I know, Colorado hasn't had any issues with mail-in voting, the preferred method of voting in thestate.
BTW, we have a County Clerk who is up on charges for election tampering screaming that the Colorado Election was rigged. Funny how that works considering most local offices were filled with Republicans. Do you honestly believe that Rump came up with the idea about just throwing out the results or having a new election?
Well, Trump did want an automatic 2-year extension to his term.

May 5 2019
President Donald Trump on Sunday floated the idea of extending his constitutionally limited time in office, complaining online that two years of his first White House term were “stollen” as a result of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

“I now support reparations — Trump should have 2 yrs added to his 1st term as pay back for time stolen by this corrupt failed coup,” Jerry Falwell Jr., a conservative religious leader and Trump ally, tweeted in a message reposted by the president.

Tina Peters came up with that idea first. And she was trying to get the legally winner of the local Republican ticket to be taken off the ticket and have her put on her place.

So please don't gaslight me. I come from Gaslight Central.
I didn't as I explained,above.
The bills were in a mixture, of states not separate or complete.

It isn't 43 states plus 16 states.
Some of the 43 states have automatic voter registration.
Some of the16 states had voter suppression bills.

I know, Colorado hasn't had any issues with mail-in voting, the preferred method of voting in thestate.

Well, Trump did want an automatic 2-year extension to his term.

May 5 2019
President Donald Trump on Sunday floated the idea of extending his constitutionally limited time in office, complaining online that two years of his first White House term were “stollen” as a result of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

“I now support reparations — Trump should have 2 yrs added to his 1st term as pay back for time stolen by this corrupt failed coup,” Jerry Falwell Jr., a conservative religious leader and Trump ally, tweeted in a message reposted by the president.

I didn't as I explained,above.
The bills were in a mixture, of states not separate or complete.

Only you count the bills that are suggested that are off the scale and won't even make it into a committee. Can you imagine counting the bills that MTG has put forward? Or how about some of the bills from the "4 Sisters". No one takes those seriously. Any Congress Person or Senator can draft a bill about anything. We only should worry about those that make it into committee which is still a far cry from becoming a law.

And you are using anything said by Jerry Falwell, Jr? He's a fruitcake and has all but lost his followers.

Gaslight Central has made a ruling: Stop; trying to gaslight us.
Only you count the bills that are suggested that are off the scale and won't even make it into a committee.
That's true. but some may, it doesn't mean they aren't trying.
Can you imagine counting the bills that MTG has put forward? Or how about some of the bills from the "4 Sisters". No one takes those seriously. Any Congress Person or Senator can draft a bill about anything. We only should worry about those that make it into committee which is still a far cry from becoming a law.
You never know, look what happened to Roe v. Wade.
And you are using anything said by Jerry Falwell, Jr? He's a fruitcake and has all but lost his followers.
Yeah, but the most important one he kept................Donald Trump.
His cult will follow him into an active volcano.
Gaslight Central has made a ruling: Stop; trying to gaslight us.
NO, YOU did.
Um, the democrats questioned Trump's election in 2016. Yet, the Republicans didn't demonize those that questioned that process. But I have to wonder, if Democrats are this sensitive about it, well damn...Innocent people that have nothing to hide aren't so defensive. I have to wonder...what ARE the Democrats so defensive about? Gamblers call that a "tell". Its isn't a threat to democracy. It's a threat to democrat hegemony.

Trump isn't "questioning" the election. He's outright lying about it and claiming he won it and Biden cheated. He has now raised an army of terrorists to fight on his behalf to overturn any election he didn't win, and these people are attacking and threatening election workers, and those the accuse of helping the Democrats steal the election.

This is sedition.

Yes he did, he caused gas prices to soar because of his 'climate change' alt-left policies. It's purely political, Joe doesn't give a shit about American Patriots. Joe is not even fully conscious at this point. He is being told what to do, where to go, what to say, and the Easter Bunny guides him. Remember this?

:laughing0301: Stupid fucking old fart......He has no idea even where he is........You guys are such fucking alt-left tools.

Gas prices are soaring all over the world. Here in Canada, prices have dropped from over $8. a gallon to $5.83 a gallon, even though there have no been absolutely no changes to our climate change policies.

This is where blaming Joe Biden for the price of gas, the price of food, and high inflation, falls completely apart.

Here in Canada, inflation is the highest it's been in over 40 years. Gas prices are dropping but pre-pandemic "high" gas prices were $4.40 a gallon. Maxwell House coffee is nearly 50% more than it was 6 months ago, everybody has "For Hire" signs out.

Only in America is Joe Biden being blamed for this.
Since this is STILL a free and open society. So many Questions. Imagine this was your elementary school. A kid with an IQ of 70 with Tourettes syndrome despite the evidence got elected class president. Something isn't adding up here. And, to put salt in the wound, WE can't question it because WHO EVER MADE THAT HAPPEN calls it "A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY". Because it threatens THEM. That is what is going on here.

We can question any damn thing we want.

Last I checked this is still the United States of America.

For as long as it lasts. Probably not much longer now
Trump isn't "questioning" the election. He's outright lying about it and claiming he won it and Biden cheated. He has now raised an army of terrorists to fight on his behalf to overturn any election he didn't win, and these people are attacking and threatening election workers, and those the accuse of helping the Democrats steal the election.

This is sedition.

Gas prices are soaring all over the world. Here in Canada, prices have dropped from over $8. a gallon to $5.83 a gallon, even though there have no been absolutely no changes to our climate change policies.

This is where blaming Joe Biden for the price of gas, the price of food, and high inflation, falls completely apart.

Here in Canada, inflation is the highest it's been in over 40 years. Gas prices are dropping but pre-pandemic "high" gas prices were $4.40 a gallon. Maxwell House coffee is nearly 50% more than it was 6 months ago, everybody has "For Hire" signs out.

Only in America is Joe Biden being blamed for this.

Don't talk to us about America. Handle your euthanasia mess in Canada. And your mass stabbings. Sounds like uptopia huh? Or not.
"All that is required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing"

As long as the Right does nothing, it empowers the Marxist Left to do Anything.
Many Repub people keep saying that. Nothing is done. So, an answer is to elect men and women that are the same as they are. Repubs have a few. But the RINOS and NEO CONS are still there in numbers. There is not much time left if there is any at all.
Since this is STILL a free and open society. So many Questions. Imagine this was your elementary school. A kid with an IQ of 70 with Tourettes syndrome despite the evidence got elected class president. Something isn't adding up here. And, to put salt in the wound, WE can't question it because WHO EVER MADE THAT HAPPEN calls it "A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY". Because it threatens THEM. That is what is going on here.
So in your world, to "question" means:
  • To have the losing presidential candidate actually refuse to concede
  • To have a major American party to refuse to say that candidate lost
  • To have that party literally campaign on a lie while being laughed out of 60+ court complaints (including BY JUDGES THAT CANDIDATE APPOINTED)
  • To IGNORE multiple audits that prove them wrong (including the fabulous GQP hand-picked "Cyber Ninjas")
  • To have our nation's Capitol violently attacked in an attempt to stop the constitutional, peaceful transfer of power, for the first time in the nation's history
  • To have those rioters to attack and injure over 100 police officers trying to defend our Capitol, and
  • To have our very democracy be pushed to the brink by a party that is going to refuse to admit that they've lost elections going forward
That's "question" in your world. You're just "questioning" stuff, that's all.

Well, congratulations. Your use of "question" in that context has to be the euphemism of all time. Epic. Breathtaking. Incredible.
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Please don't get me wrong. I detest the Democratic Party and have since LBJ. One thing I won't tolerate is the gaslighting and I can see you are doing a bit of that yourself.

Their list includes 253 bills introduced, pre-filed or carried over this year in 43 states 16 states along with the District of Columbia has automatic voter registration. We need more of that. But if I read your gaslighting, there must be 59 states. Here is a bit of info for you to mull over. In Colorado, we have voting boxes all over the place for ALL elections along with in person voting and automatic voter registration. When you go get your license, you get asked if you wish to register to vote. When you apply for your student ID, you have that option. When you opt for a State ID you are asked if you wish to register to vote. You have to pretty much decline your right to register to vote.

BTW, we have a County Clerk who is up on charges for election tampering screaming that the Colorado Election was rigged. Funny how that works considering most local offices were filled with Republicans. Do you honestly believe that Rump came up with the idea about just throwing out the results or having a new election? Tina Peters came up with that idea first. And she was trying to get the legally winner of the local Republican ticket to be taken off the ticket and have her put on her place.

So please don't gaslight me. I come from Gaslight Central.

You live in Colorado which has one of the most open voting systems in the country. It is easier to vote in Colorado that anywhere else in the USA. Your state is a model for the rest of the country. So how can YOU know how difficult it is in other states to vote? Are you not paying attention????

How can you deny ALL of the court cases that have said that the closing of over 1000 polling stations in inner city neighbourhoods, or changing the address rules for voter registrations on Native American reservations, are discrimination and voter suppression????

You need to learn the definition of "gaslighting". Gaslighting is convincing the voters that "voter fraud" is a serious problem in the USA, when the preponderance of evidence is that there are very few cases of voter fraud, and almost none of the kind that would be helped by voter ID laws.
Yeah, OK, On the other hand, I don't remember Trump/republicans sinking to THIS low level and demonizing anyone that questioned the 2016 election as a threat to democracy, do you? That is what the democrats ARE doing NOW. But that is ok?
I don't remember Dems raiding the Capitol or filing 65 bogus law suits are trying to enact laws that would usurp the votes of the people
I'm doing just fine. Biden, not so much. He and the democrats support burning down cities, race riots and defund police, the huge homicide rate, Fentanyl overdoses are insane, Joe abandoned Afghanistan and Hunter's little "adventures" with Ukraine and Chinese energy firms that made the Biden family millions. SHHH, Trump! He might have done STUFF! Really?
Virtually none of that is true.

Were you this crazy when you were (supposedly) a Dem?
Um, the democrats questioned Trump's election in 2016. Yet, the Republicans didn't demonize those that questioned that process. But I have to wonder, if Democrats are this sensitive about it, well damn...Innocent people that have nothing to hide aren't so defensive. I have to wonder...what ARE the Democrats so defensive about? Gamblers call that a "tell". Its isn't a threat to democracy. It's a threat to democrat hegemony.

Donald Trump claimed the Republican nominating process was rigged ... {Cite} ... why do you think Democrats are to blame? ...

Is starting a thread questioning the election results considered questioning the election result? ... [giggle] ... Bubba didn't finish Middle School ...
It's factual that the Democrats questioned the legitimacy of the 2016 election.

It's factual that Democrats claimed that questioning elections is against Democracy.

It's factual that the reasoning behind their anti-Democracy questioning of the 2016 election was a hoax and paid for by the DNC

Thus, their whining about anyone questioning the 2020 election should be laughed at.

What you've just posted is called bullshit equivalence.

It's factual that Democrat nominee conceded the election NEXT DAY, in her speech congratulated the winner and asked Americans to give him the benefit of the doubt as a new incoming American president.

It's factual that there were no widespread conspiracy theories about voting fraud,

No "forensic audits" after recount after recount after recount,

No pushing out Attorney General because he came out and said there doesn't seem to be any serious fraud.

No fake electors.

No conspiracies to overturn the result.

No calls from the President to election admins to find them some votes.

No violent attacks in the Congress to stop the certification.

To try to equate Democrat response in 2016 to the batshit crazy psychosis that took over the Republican politics after loss in 2020 is to have no fucking clue what you are talking about.
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Don't talk to us about America. Handle your euthanasia mess in Canada. And your mass stabbings. Sounds like uptopia huh? Or not.

This is the first "mass stabbing" in our nation's history. As for the "assisted suicide mess", this is being "handled" already.

The stabbing occurred in Western Canada. There will be a public enquiry after it's over with, and it will be handled. Just like there was a public enquiry after our last mass shooting in 2020. It wrapped up not long ago, and the recommendations have already saved lives.

This is what "good governance" looks like. Public discussions of problems or issues, leading to improvements to the way things are done.
Yeah, OK, On the other hand, I don't remember Trump/republicans sinking to THIS low level and demonizing anyone that questioned the 2016 election as a threat to democracy, do you? That is what the democrats ARE doing NOW. But that is ok?
Trump tried to shore up election integrity, but the committee he hired were asking for too much personal information about voters from governors. He doesn't always hire the best people..

If I was a governor I would not have given them what they were asking for, that was too invasive.

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