WHY can't we question 2020 election results?

If you lived in another country, maybe.
But, this is the US, and we handle our elections as a constitutional federal republic.
We aren't a democracy, I'm sure you know that.
What they will never understand is that democracy is no better than mob rule. I thought they knew all about lynchings.
Nice try, no cigar. The swing states were stolen by ballot trafficiing. And illegal ballot harvesting. Zuckerbergs money paid the people who did it.

Is there an echo in here? And wherethefuck is my cigar?

Didn't I just say all that in my last 2 posts? The only difference was all that was SET IN MOTION before the election when the Dems did last minute round of court cases just BEFORE any voting began. That OPENED the security loopholes and ended ballot handling chain of custody requirements so that evil Dem Billionaires could just insert THEIR people directly into the Registrars Offices and counting rooms.

Since those cases couldn't be challenged because of the "perfect crime timing" -- ALL THOSE THINGS COULD HAPPEN --------------------------------- because Covid.
Is there an echo in here? And wherethefuck is my cigar?

Didn't I just say all that in my last 2 posts? The only difference was all that was SET IN MOTION before the election when the Dems did last minute round of court cases just BEFORE any voting began. That OPENED the security loopholes and ended ballot handling chain of custody requirements so that evil Dem Billionaires could just insert THEIR people directly into the Registrars Offices and counting rooms.

Since those cases couldn't be challenged because of the "perfect crime timing" -- ALL THOSE THINGS COULD HAPPEN --------------------------------- because Covid.
Then a stolen election is not a conspiracy theory to you?
Bullshit. You’re a dem hack. You just say you’re non-partisan.
No, I'm really not. I'm pro second amendment. I support states' rights and I understand that currency can't just be thrown at everything for a solution because it's finite and we need to be responsible. Didn't vote for Biden. Also most of my posts are critical of the left. Does that sound like any Democrat you've ever heard of?
If you lived in another country, maybe.
But, this is the US, and we handle our elections as a constitutional federal republic.
No, we only handle ONE election that way.
Which, in the last few decades hasn't reflected the will of the people.
Republicans have lost the popular vote in 7 out of the last 8 presidential elections.

We aren't a democracy, I'm sure you know that.
YES, we are.
Mayors, sheriffs, county commissioners, governors, congresspeople, senators, and high school class presidents are all elected using democracy......................most votes.........wins.
What you fucks are doing is WAYYY beyond "questioning"...and it's been going on for almost two years now
What YOU asswipes are doing has been going on for SIX years.

EIGHT MONTHS worth of riots from you fucktards

Nothing but idiotic brainless mudslinging for SIX while years.

You accuse people of rape just because you're scared to death you won't win an election any other way

And now you're complaining? You've been told for YEARS there would be pay back, and now you act surprised.

If I were you'd I'd find a deep dark hole to hide in for a while.
No, I'm really not. I'm pro second amendment. I support states' rights and I understand that currency can't just be thrown at everything for a solution because it's finite and we need to be responsible. Didn't vote for Biden. Also most of my posts are critical of the left. Does that sound like any Democrat you've ever heard of?
That’s not consistent with not being able to differentiate between objecting to a phony investigation and blindly disagreeing with those who dispute a loss in the name of pure partisanship.
That’s not consistent with not being able to differentiate between objecting to a phony investigation and blindly disagreeing with those who dispute a loss in the name of pure partisanship.

Anyway, good luck with all that.
Since this is STILL a free and open society. So many Questions. Imagine this was your elementary school. A kid with an IQ of 70 with Tourettes syndrome despite the evidence got elected class president. Something isn't adding up here. And, to put salt in the wound, WE can't question it because WHO EVER MADE THAT HAPPEN calls it "A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY". Because it threatens THEM. That is what is going on here.
The 2020 election has been the most scrutinized election in history. You can question the results all you want for all the good it'll do. Nothing is going to change. You can waste all the time you want on it and Trump can waste all the money that you give him on it. If by this time Trump truly believes that he won the election still he is obviously totally insane.
Since this is STILL a free and open society. So many Questions. Imagine this was your elementary school. A kid with an IQ of 70 with Tourettes syndrome despite the evidence got elected class president. Something isn't adding up here. And, to put salt in the wound, WE can't question it because WHO EVER MADE THAT HAPPEN calls it "A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY". Because it threatens THEM. That is what is going on here.

Imagine this was your elementary school and we had two kids who was running for class president and after the election they tallied the votes and one kid got more than the other, and even after multiple recounts the same kid still had more votes, but the other kid cried and cried and screamed that the election was rigged, and convinced all the dumbest kids that he actually won. This is the correct analogy.

The only reason why you're questioning the legitimacy of the election is because your guy lost and no other reason. If tens of millions of delusional idiots believe that lie then it is a threat to democracy. Free and fair elections are the entire basis for our democracy and many other democracies. Calling that into question and spreading these lies because your idol lost is juvenile and completely unamerican.
No, we only handle ONE election that way.
Which, in the last few decades hasn't reflected the will of the people.
Republicans have lost the popular vote in 7 out of the last 8 presidential elections.

YES, we are.
Mayors, sheriffs, county commissioners, governors, congresspeople, senators, and high school class presidents are all elected using democracy......................most votes.........wins.
:auiqs.jpg: That one election is the president of the USA.
Congress is elected by individual states. There are no Senators or House Reps of the USA.

The Electoral College is part of that election you deny.

So...just for your information, 'mob rule' still doesn't exist in our presidential elections
Lets see here. Rioting and looting and civil unrest is acceptable.
See when you believe one lie in just snowballs........

Here was the leader of the Democrats on the protests verses the violence.

“Protesting such brutality is right and necessary. It’s an utterly American response. But burning down communities and needless destruction is not. Violence that endangers lives is not.”
:auiqs.jpg: That one election is the president of the USA.
Yeah, I got that.
Congress is elected by individual states. There are no Senators or House Reps of the USA.
Congresspeople are elected by individual districts in their states.
The Electoral College is part of that election you deny.

So...just for your information, 'mob rule' still doesn't exist in our presidential elections
By that measure, every other election is?

The electoral college vote is supposed to reflect the popular vote, in each state.

Less populated, rural areas are accorded a voice equal to the more highly populated areas of our nation. Population is balanced with state equality. With the exception of Maine and Nebraska, all of the electoral votes of a state go to the winner of the state’s popular vote, regardless of the proximity of the vote. In only Maine and Nebraska, the electoral vote is allocated by congressional district.
The 2020 election has been the most scrutinized election in history. You can question the results all you want for all the good it'll do. Nothing is going to change. You can waste all the time you want on it and Trump can waste all the money that you give him on it. If by this time Trump truly believes that he won the election still he is obviously totally insane.

You fuckers can NOT prove Biden won the election.

And that's YOUR fault, not Trump's.
You fuckers can NOT prove Biden won the election.




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