Why Catastrophic Shutdown May Be Pointless

Why Catastrophic Shutdown May Be Pointless
Watch this video fast before Google/YouTube censors it. Mr Reagan explains why quarantining the healthy in the name of the Wuhan coronavirus may be pointless in light of new information regarding the prevalence of COVID-19 antibodies:

It already appeared that $trillions in economic damage were inflicted and tens of millions of jobs destroyed unnecessarily. Now it seems possible that the benefit of the Flatten the Curve authoritarian response has been negligible.

Ya think!

The fact is that the wuhan virus is no more dangerous than the common cold

That's just stupid.

Evidence suggests YOU are wrong on this.
They just tested a nearby prison 2500 inmates and 1800 tested positive!
As I have pointed before, today's protesters demanding the country going back to "normal" are "TRILLIONS DOLLARS TOO LATE" already.

The hysteria was manipulated and your legs have been pulled.
Did all the prisoners die?
If you read the article, you would find this:

No deaths have been reported among inmates there
Oh! Interesting! So having the corona virus is not necessarily a death sentence?
And then logically, sending the nation back to work is not necessarily going to result
in piles of dead bodies then, we must presume?

But of course lying leftist will not discuss this evidence.
For liberals it was a question of damaging our economy to save lives

they reacted to the fake news that millions of Ameticans would die

but now I think they like being able to stay home instead of working
Wasn't "fake news" you dolt.
The prediction of millions of deaths was fake news
Nope. It was a worst-case estimate, made by experts, based on the information they had at the time. The fact that social distancing has greatly reduced the body count does not make the initial estimate fake.

I wish you kids would learn at least a little bit of critical thinking.
so they pulled a number out of their ass to scare us, right? just fking admit it idiot, we weren't born yesterday. BTW, that makes them fking wrong. I don't care how you want to spin it.
For liberals it was a question of damaging our economy to save lives

they reacted to the fake news that millions of Ameticans would die

but now I think they like being able to stay home instead of working
Wasn't "fake news" you dolt.
The prediction of millions of deaths was fake news
they already admitted it was. otherwise they wouldn't have revised the numbers.
God damn you people are stupid.

I mean, I already knew that but every now and then one of you just really beings it home, ya know?
You damn God and He will damn you
Bring it on.
For liberals it was a question of damaging our economy to save lives

they reacted to the fake news that millions of Ameticans would die

but now I think they like being able to stay home instead of working
Wasn't "fake news" you dolt.
The prediction of millions of deaths was fake news
they already admitted it was. otherwise they wouldn't have revised the numbers.
God damn you people are stupid.

I mean, I already knew that but every now and then one of you just really beings it home, ya know?
You damn God and He will damn you
Bring it on.
Dont worry, He will
Why Catastrophic Shutdown May Be Pointless
Watch this video fast before Google/YouTube censors it. Mr Reagan explains why quarantining the healthy in the name of the Wuhan coronavirus may be pointless in light of new information regarding the prevalence of COVID-19 antibodies:

It already appeared that $trillions in economic damage were inflicted and tens of millions of jobs destroyed unnecessarily. Now it seems possible that the benefit of the Flatten the Curve authoritarian response has been negligible.

Ya think!

The fact is that the wuhan virus is no more dangerous than the common cold

It's so magical it know how to skip children 99%.
and these losers will help finish what is let of this nnation. We are moving into a police state.
Now imagine ppl who donn't or won't have access to information other than total left news becase they've been kicked from twitter or fb--etc... or the new blocked.

‘We do classify that as harmful misinformation and we take that down’
Nope. It was a worst-case estimate, made by experts, based on the information they had at the time
Just so you know, THIS is a lie

But I'm not surprised you can't tell.
Sure it is was, otherwise they would have said it was an estimate, they didn’t, fact. You lose every time because facts aren’t your friend
Wait wait wait!

Are you trying to claim you didn't understand that was an estimate?

Damn, you are stupid.
Why Catastrophic Shutdown May Be Pointless
Watch this video fast before Google/YouTube censors it. Mr Reagan explains why quarantining the healthy in the name of the Wuhan coronavirus may be pointless in light of new information regarding the prevalence of COVID-19 antibodies:

It already appeared that $trillions in economic damage were inflicted and tens of millions of jobs destroyed unnecessarily. Now it seems possible that the benefit of the Flatten the Curve authoritarian response has been negligible.

Ya think!

The fact is that the wuhan virus is no more dangerous than the common cold

If you got other health issues and are an are up thier in age a common cold could even take ya out by slamming your immune system and leaving you vulnerable....

Trump was indeed right in the beginning to ...its all bullshit ..
More than likely It was just Chinese slacking and negligence at the lab that set it lose and they just ran with it when they infected the west

My entire family had this disease we are all healthy, exercising and happy. That said the common cold has always killed the old and frail

so did my family back in January.

Great huh, watching countless idiots wear mask so that they will not catch this and will not be allowed back to work. My wife banged her head for a few days complaining of hearing loss.

Life is better for those with immunity

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