Why Children Should not "Choose their Gender"

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021

Children don't know enough to function as adults. That's part of being a child, so we don't let them choose not be educated.

Children are naive and easily manipulated. That's why we don't let them choose to have sex with adults.

Children don't understand long term consequences of decisions. That's why we don't let them alter their bodies to match their parents perception of their gender. At least in we don't in states that have not lost their ever-lovin' minds.
We don’t let Children choose their gender
But along with parents and medical professionals, we allow them to begin gender reaffirming procedures.
Generally beginning puberty blockers, psychological counciling and later hormone therapy
It almost NEVER involves genital surgery on children
I can see this thing leading to a sexual declaration 'fee', kinda like an ATM fee. Naturally, Biden will get his 10% off the top.
We don’t let Children choose their gender
But along with parents and medical professionals, we allow them to begin gender reaffirming procedures.
Generally beginning puberty blockers, psychological counciling and later hormone therapy
It almost NEVER involves genital surgery on children

It’s funny how you wrote NEVER in large caps, but you minimized “almost”.

All we need to know.

And the lawsuits moving forward are almost ALL involving surgeries on CHILDREN.

this is starting to look like violations of the Nuremberg code.
We don’t let Children choose their gender
But along with parents and medical professionals, we allow them to begin gender reaffirming procedures.
Generally beginning puberty blockers, psychological counciling and later hormone therapy
It almost NEVER involves genital surgery on children
So we "almost never" castrate children? Not physically, but we do often chemically castrate them?

That's really your argument?
It’s funny how you wrote NEVER in large caps, but you minimized “almost”.

All we need to know.

And the lawsuits moving forward are almost ALL involving surgeries on CHILDREN.

this is starting to look like violations of the Nuremberg code.

It is all part of RW hysteria over transexual reassignment in Children
Ask any Conservative and they will scream that they are chopping the penis off young children…..Doesn’t happen
I would say it never happens to minors and you may find some obscure case where a 17 year old got genital surgery.

Fact is most Transexuals do not remove their penis. Even in adults
It is all part of RW hysteria over transexual reassignment in Children
Ask any Conservative and they will scream that they are chopping the penis off young children…..Doesn’t happen
I would say it never happens to minors and you may find some obscure case where a 17 year old got genital surgery.

Fact is most Transexuals do not remove their penis. Even in adults
Which is why they are so popular with men who don't want to admit that they are gay. Stick with adults for that particular "guilty pleasure." Leave the kids out of it.
It is all part of RW hysteria over transexual reassignment in Children
Ask any Conservative and they will scream that they are chopping the penis off young children…..Doesn’t happen
I would say it never happens to minors and you may find some obscure case where a 17 year old got genital surgery.

Fact is most Transexuals do not remove their penis. Even in adults

Oh, so a syringe or a pill that castrates them is a completely acceptable alternative?

You really are a strange bird.
Oh, so a syringe or a pill that castrates them is a completely acceptable alternative?

You really are a strange bird.
Yes it is
Gender reassignment is much more successful if it started before puberty. Once puberty has occurred, you end up with Transexuals who still look like their former sex
You know, the ones Conservatives post pictures of and mock as freaks
Yes it is
Gender reassignment is much more successful if it started before puberty. Once puberty has occurred, you end up with Transexuals who still look like their former sex
You know, the ones Conservatives post pictures of and mock as freaks
So, you admit that the purpose of puberty blockers is to allow boys whose parents claim they are transgender to be more passable as adults, and thus more pleasing to trans chasers?
So, you admit that the purpose of puberty blockers is to allow boys whose parents claim they are transgender to be more passable as adults, and thus more pleasing to trans chasers?
Yes that is the way it works

The decision should be made by parents, medical professionals and the child rather than Conservatives who despise Transexuals
We don’t let Children choose their gender
But along with parents and medical professionals, we allow them to begin gender reaffirming procedures.
Generally beginning puberty blockers, psychological counciling and later hormone therapy
It almost NEVER involves genital surgery on children
Puberty blockers, hormone therapy, etc. should not be performed on children, especially by parents and medical professionals. For one, both of those adults doing such are setting themselves up for civil suits by the damaged children and potential legal charges for infringing on the rights of the adult that child will become.

Except for the basic physical traits of sex/gender (genitalia) at birth, most of the gender/sex development takes years to complete naturally, isn't complete until early to mid 20s and has enough flux factors to make puberty a mentally challenging period of turmoil.

Children definitely can benefit from counseling during the turmoil of transitioning from child to adult but nature rarely makes mistakes that would "require" gender transition.

Gender/sex selection starts in the womb and studies have shown that the genitalia formation also affects brain formation. There is such a thing as a female brain versus a male brain. If anything, medical intervention could include hormone therapy to reinforce and smooth the transition through puberty to facilitate the gender/sex that started in the womb.

Brain Sex: The Real Difference Between Men and Women​

Front Cover

Anne Moir, Ph.D., David Jessel
Random House Publishing Group, Aug 1, 1992 - Psychology - 256 pages
Why can't a woman be more like a man? What is this thing called "feminine intuition"? Why are men better at reading maps, and women at other people's characters? The answers lie in the basic biological differences between the male and female brain, which, say the aut

For those whom can't/won't buy the book or get it from their library, full text;

Brainsex : The Real Difference Between Men & Women

Also, this;
" This volume argues that the difference between men and women lies in the basic biological differences between the male and female brain, which the authors contend make it impossible for the sexes to share equal emotional or intellectual qualities. They explain how the embryonic brain is shaped as either male or female at about six weeks, when the male fetus begins producing hormones that organize its brain's neural networks into a male pattern; in their absence, the brain will be female. According to the authors, there are endless variations in degree of maleness, and mishaps can lead to a male brain in a female body and vice versa. This book includes a brain sex test that lets the reader discover just how masculine or feminine his an individual's brain is. "
Basically, Nature's default biology pattern is female, focused on reproduction for specie's survival. "male' is the alteration/mutation of female basic pattern, and hence open to more "mistakes" or failure to complete transition from female to male and this starts in the womb with formation of genitalia and a brain wired to be male. Problems usually manifest in puberty when the hypothalamus, which controls sexual orientation, fails to full change over from basic female to "mutant" male. Proper detection early on and/or enhanced male hormone treatment should overcome the glitches encountered.
Yes that is the way it works

The decision should be made by parents, medical professionals and the child rather than Conservatives who despise Transexuals
Parents should decide that their ten year old son should go on puberty blockers, so that when he is 17, he will be more passable and thus pleasing to men who like dick, but don't want to admit they are gay?
Yes that is the way it works

The decision should be made by parents, medical professionals and the child rather than Conservatives who despise Transexuals
The decision should be made by the child, once they reach adulthood, legal majority. Otherwise the parents and medical professionals are violating the child's basic Rights.

Despite a legal system that implies children are the property of their parents, proper ethical foundation of legality would be that parents are only temporary wards of a future adult. Hence the parents are limited in making major life-changing/altering decisions.
Parents should decide that their ten year old son should go on puberty blockers, so that when he is 17, he will be more passable and thus pleasing to men who like dick, but don't want to admit they are gay?

It is a decision to be made by parents, medical professionals who have worked with the child and the child’s desires.

Makes more sense than the decision being made by Republicans who have never met the child and openly hate Transexuals
The decision should be made by the child, once they reach adulthood, legal majority.

A decision that is made too late to have successful transexual medical procedures
Once that child has been through puberty, they have already assumed their sexual characteristics
Yes it is
Gender reassignment is much more successful if it started before puberty. Once puberty has occurred, you end up with Transexuals who still look like their former sex
You know, the ones Conservatives post pictures of and mock as freaks
It is only "successful" if done early on when in the womb, the most formative stage of life development.

Done after birth you are just changing one "freak" (as you put it) into a different form of a "freak".
A decision that is made too late to have successful transexual medical procedures
Once that child has been through puberty, they have already assumed their sexual characteristics
Sexual characteristics are physically set by nature at conception and in the womb, final development is done in puberty.

"Assumed" is a mental state, not a biological one. Solution would be in psychological treatment not biological plumbing alterations.

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