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Why Christianity's drive for conversion is idiotic


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Why Christianity's drive for conversion is idiotic...

1) Because trying to convert Jews who already follow the G0d of Abraham Isaac and Jacob is as to say your god is not the same G0d.

It's a clear cut admission that you follow another god.

2) people not knowing the person they approach to convert do not know their beliefs, moral fiber, devotion to faith in G0d, nor works thus assume and become the first to judge what they do not know.

In this error of their ways they seem to approach many people of higher standards, morals, adherence to commands, and stronger in faith or righteousness then those who try to convert them.

People approach others in chat rooms and discussion boards and on the street or knocking on doors trying to change people who adhere to high standards into their own lesser moral standards & lesser ethics.

They want them to stray from the law and from G-d all so thay can justify their belief in their idol and acceptance into their club or group. This is like what Paul did. Since Paul felt he couldn’t live up to the high standard he rid the law so he could be saved. That would be like playing Monopoly and changing the rules to the game half way in order to win the game or stick around the game to play longer. The problem is life is no game and changing the rules is serious business. You can’t change the guidlines set by those who already know what’s best and what the future holds.

It’s why people ask that infamous question; “why is life so cruel”.

It’s cruel because you decide to play by your own rules and not that which is shared with you to guide you to a better way of life. You must remember you are the transgressor, and by coming to the people who don’t transgress and asking them to sink to your level is clearly wrong. If you can’t keep G-d’s Law then that is your problem but don’t go searching to take a bunch a people down with you.

3) Nobody saves themselves by condemning another or assuming they are not saved.

4)“the understandings” of men are often contradictory to their decisions.

Indeed many of those who now think their understandings dictates the rectitude of a given action, will find that the understandings of the intelligent pagans of antiquity came to very different conclusions...... Good men find in practice of life, some sympathy, but these emotions are frequently unsafe and sometimes erroneous guides of their conduct. Besides, the emotions are to regulated and restrained; which of itself intimates the necessity of a regulating and restraining, that is, of a superior Power.

To say we should act according to the eternal & and necessary differences of things is to advance a proposition which NINE out of TEN people do not understand and of course can not adopt in practice; and of the few who do understand it, perhaps an equal number can not apply it, with even tolerable facility to the concerns of life.

Proof of this was in a poll study a ministry recently did which showed faithful Christians behaved no differently then the rest of society. Conclusion: one can talk the talk but it means nothing if you walk off the course...thus the only teaching should be that which brings people successfully in the path to righteousness...so if present teachings don’t achieve this then it’s time for new wine. The kind that brings the Teshuva (the return to God)

5)Thus, the injury which is done to humanity by the Christian church in “establishing it”, is negative to society.

You not only tempt some men to equivocation or hypocrisy, but exclude from the office others of sounder integrity. When they insist on the purity and sanctity of the moral law they violate the law themselves. They also end up lowering the standard in other issues like handling sin and following the commandments. Their problem is also that they end up playing judge and playing God in judge and jury, often times frowning down upon people who might have better understanding or purity than those imposing their impressions. By trying to convert people who already have G-d and his Laws they are bringing them down that Ladder instead of up it.
And as in point 1) they also admit they worship another G-d other then the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. That becomes the most blatant of problems with their wanting to establish their faith and values upon others of greater integrity, morality, and adherence to the laws and or biblical structure /guidance (Torah's ethos).
If you are a Christian, you should not be "driving for conversion".

You should care about people's souls and, be spreading the Good News of the Gospel and Jesus because it is commanded of you to do so.

It's not for the Christian's benefit.
It's not for the Church's benefit.
It's for the benefit of the "hearer" of the Word.
They always have the option to reject it.
The two evangelical religions

1. Christianity (2.2 billion people and 32% of world's population)
2. Islam (1.6 billion people and 23% of the population)

Judaism (14 million people and only 0.2% of the population)

Nuff said
It's all Biblical.... Abraham had Ishmael and Isaac. Thus, the 2 above......
If you are a Christian, you should not be "driving for conversion".

You should care about people's souls and, be spreading the Good News of the Gospel and Jesus because it is commanded of you to do so.

It's not for the Christian's benefit.
It's not for the Church's benefit.
It's for the benefit of the "hearer" of the Word.
They always have the option to reject it.

1) a Rabbi in his service to mankind is teaching from the Torah and bringing people to God (that Essence we call Shalem) through the Torah's ethos, but a cult leader is teaching techniques that bring people towards himself.
2) A Moshiach serves mankind not served by Mankind it's even explicitely stated in the Tanakh. A Moshiach brings people to Torah and is a liberator for his people. This is why all Jews are taught to inspire to be Moshiach for their people and to serve mankind.

Therefore any good news should just be the
Torah being rehashed as any good Rabbi would teach it. Any mixture of mystery religions and sorcery and pagan or forbidden beliefs and ideology is no longer the reflection of what makes us Shalem nor brings us shalom and thus no longer messianic (anointed in nature). This means any service and lifting of the created image Jesus mixing mythologies of other cultures gods and theology becomes idol worship & is No Longer Good. As in tainted like the warning in the garden not to partake of such mixture of knowledge that is part good and part evil.
Rome's created image that is made to be served in service to them, is no longer kosher as you go to him and not Shalem thus create a new god in place of and above God.
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Why Christianity's drive for conversion is idiotic...

1) Because trying to convert Jews who already follow the G0d of Abraham Isaac and Jacob is as to say your god is not the same G0d.

It's a clear cut admission that you follow another god.

2) people not knowing the person they approach to convert do not know their beliefs, moral fiber, devotion to faith in G0d, nor works thus assume and become the first to judge what they do not know.

In this error of their ways they seem to approach many people of higher standards, morals, adherence to commands, and stronger in faith or righteousness then those who try to convert them.

People approach others in chat rooms and discussion boards and on the street or knocking on doors trying to change people who adhere to high standards into their own lesser moral standards & lesser ethics.

They want them to stray from the law and from G-d all so thay can justify their belief in their idol and acceptance into their club or group. This is like what Paul did. Since Paul felt he couldn’t live up to the high standard he rid the law so he could be saved. That would be like playing Monopoly and changing the rules to the game half way in order to win the game or stick around the game to play longer. The problem is life is no game and changing the rules is serious business. You can’t change the guidlines set by those who already know what’s best and what the future holds.

It’s why people ask that infamous question; “why is life so cruel”.

It’s cruel because you decide to play by your own rules and not that which is shared with you to guide you to a better way of life. You must remember you are the transgressor, and by coming to the people who don’t transgress and asking them to sink to your level is clearly wrong. If you can’t keep G-d’s Law then that is your problem but don’t go searching to take a bunch a people down with you.

3) Nobody saves themselves by condemning another or assuming they are not saved.

4)“the understandings” of men are often contradictory to their decisions.

Indeed many of those who now think their understandings dictates the rectitude of a given action, will find that the understandings of the intelligent pagans of antiquity came to very different conclusions...... Good men find in practice of life, some sympathy, but these emotions are frequently unsafe and sometimes erroneous guides of their conduct. Besides, the emotions are to regulated and restrained; which of itself intimates the necessity of a regulating and restraining, that is, of a superior Power.

To say we should act according to the eternal & and necessary differences of things is to advance a proposition which NINE out of TEN people do not understand and of course can not adopt in practice; and of the few who do understand it, perhaps an equal number can not apply it, with even tolerable facility to the concerns of life.

Proof of this was in a poll study a ministry recently did which showed faithful Christians behaved no differently then the rest of society. Conclusion: one can talk the talk but it means nothing if you walk off the course...thus the only teaching should be that which brings people successfully in the path to righteousness...so if present teachings don’t achieve this then it’s time for new wine. The kind that brings the Teshuva (the return to God)

5)Thus, the injury which is done to humanity by the Christian church in “establishing it”, is negative to society.

You not only tempt some men to equivocation or hypocrisy, but exclude from the office others of sounder integrity. When they insist on the purity and sanctity of the moral law they violate the law themselves. They also end up lowering the standard in other issues like handling sin and following the commandments. Their problem is also that they end up playing judge and playing God in judge and jury, often times frowning down upon people who might have better understanding or purity than those imposing their impressions. By trying to convert people who already have G-d and his Laws they are bringing them down that Ladder instead of up it.
And as in point 1) they also admit they worship another G-d other then the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. That becomes the most blatant of problems with their wanting to establish their faith and values upon others of greater integrity, morality, and adherence to the laws and or biblical structure /guidance (Torah's ethos).

Totally agree there is only One God and He IS the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, an the God of Jacob.

But disagree that it's idiotic to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ when the opportunity presents itself.

However, I think perhaps we need to back it up a bit....Perhaps there is a misunderstanding what Christianity is? Perhaps this website may help. Many questions answered on here...

What is Christianity and what do Christians believe

Question: "What is Christianity and what do Christians believe?"

The core beliefs of Christianity are summarized in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. Jesus died for our sins, was buried, was resurrected, and thereby offers salvation to all who will receive Him in faith. Unique among all other faiths, Christianity is more about a relationship than religious practices. Instead of adhering to a list of “do’s and don’ts,” the goal of a Christian is to cultivate a close walk with God. That relationship is made possible because of the work of Jesus Christ and the ministry of the Holy Spirit."

We also believe that Jesus Christ has always been and that He IS the Messiah. Who Was, And Is and Is To Come. He is God come in the flesh as He promised in His Word (Old Testament and New)

This link may help the differences on Judaism and Christianity:

Question: "What is the difference between Christianity and Judaism?"
What is the difference between Christianity and Judaism

..."The all-important difference between Christianity and Judaism is the Person of Jesus Christ. Christianity teaches that Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies of a coming Messiah / Savior (Isaiah 7:14; 9:6-7; Micah 5:2). Judaism often recognizes Jesus as a good teacher, and perhaps even a prophet of God. Judaism does not believe that Jesus was the Messiah. Taking it a step further, Christianity teaches that Jesus was God in the flesh (John 1:1,14; Hebrews 1:8). Christianity teaches that God became a human being in the Person of Jesus Christ so He could lay down His life to pay the price for our sins (Romans 5:8; 2 Corinthians 5:21). Judaism strongly denies that Jesus was God or that such a sacrifice was necessary."...

There are so many Old Testament verses that show The Messiah and Who He is. These below are from this weblink which is regarding Messianic Judaism.

What is Messianic Judaism?

What is Messianic Judaism Definition Some Within Christian Orthodoxy and Some Are Not

  • The Messiah would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:1-2).
  • The Messiah would be killed for the sins of Israel (Isaiah 53:1-10).


See you proved my point it's idiotic to come into a post about the very same thing you did and worse trying to deceptively disguise it as info, insulting our intelligence.
Even further problematic doing it under a covert name, second profile...
You are not fooling anyone Jeremiah. *L*
Jeremiah disagrees with Jesus:

Aug 22, 2014
Jeremiah quoted:
the tradition is to say "God Bless you". Because when someone sneezes their heart momentarily stops beating.

Jesus and his crew thought demons came out their nose when they sneezed.
snopes.com Etymology of Bless You
The Pope is considered the highest reflection(son of) Jesus, therefore Jeremiah on July 8th 2015
called Jesus the Devil:
"Stop making excuses for that son of the devil."
Also in the same post she goes on to bash mentally disabled people when she said:
"And his crazy followers are going to question my sanity? Ha!"
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well if the messiah is compared to the rose of sharon which would be the one we are looking for why would anyone want to substitute it for skunk caabage of the new testament variety ... anyone with a sense of smell could figure out which one is good for youand which one stinks tohighheaven...
what did the not so sweet marie say ..." OH HENRY" marie i dont think that jesus is the kind of candy bar you are looking for but oh henry might be.....wink...
Prerequisite of Mosiach is to bring people to Torah, it's laws, & God, liberate , restore the Temple & not fail, not to oneself, not new texts, no rules, comit suicide & fall to the pit replacing God. =epic fail that is not news of the Torah and not good news at all.
It is pretty simple and straightforward and no second comings to achieve this goal..course christians could never count anyway it would be third coming for them and fourth coming for mormons....but i think alot of people know deep down it is a charade but they continue on because they feel they have no choice because they have to much invested.... How mant people who saw the removal of the berlin wall and the fall of communism could believe their eyes or could have dreamed it would happen...when the false religions fall it will be much greater and more painfull and like humpty dumpty(the roman empire) all the kings men and all the kings horses couldnt put humpty dumpty back together again...
No one saves themselves period. Salvation is impossible without the atonement. We would be overcome by death and sin with no way to overcome them

It is the atonement of Jesus Christ that cleans us. What heals us and fills us with power and joy. And it is because of that force for joy in our life that we share the gospel.

How do you follow someone you don't know? How do you know master you bad mouth, mock, and disobey?
That is just not true Avator ....Jesus has become your magic charm has he ...Is he magically deliscious too.... This is a bald faced lie that Jesus attones for anyone.... But if you tell a lie enough then it becomes the truth right.....This is typical behaviour of how cults operate they tell the group something and all that is needed is for them to BEL LIE EVE....Without that Be LEAF you and your group are exposed as being naked and bereft of the truth...You cannot walk around with the Naked Truth because all can see you for the lies that cover you and that is why you cling to Jesus and his coverings of Lies and deceit...
it's not just a lie, but one that allows sins to repeat & keeps people from learning how to stop this cycle they are in. It's helped fill war rooms, and jail cells.
Everytime you see a riot on TV say Jesus saved them rioters, then say what a fool was I too think that.

Hosea 14:3 , I Samuel 15:22 ,Ezekiel 33:11 , Isaiah 55:7 & Jeremiah 36:3 about the Teshuva

There are MANY means of atonement for sins. 1. Monetary (Ex 30:15) 2. Restitution (Leviticus 5:16, Numbers 5:8) 3. Incense (Numbers 16:47) 4. Loyalty and faithfulness (Proverbs 16:6)5. Jewlery (Numbers 31:50) 6. Prayer (I Kings 8 :46-53, Hosea 14:1-2, Psalm 141:2) 7. Repentance (Hosea 14:3 , I Samuel 15:22 , Isaiah 55:7 , I Kings 8 :46-53, Ezkeiel 18:21-23, 33:11,14-16, Jeremiah 36:3)

attoning for sins is not in blood
Hosea chapter 14 verses 2-3

Ezekiel condemns the doctrine that a righteous man can die for the sins of the wicked. Vicarious atonement is condemned throughout by Ezekiel.

Proper Teshuva (Isaiah) 55:7 "Let the wicked one leave his way and the sinful man his thoughts; let him return to HaShem and He will show him mercy; [return] to our God for He is abundantly forgiving." The word teshuva means return to G0d. If a person violates one of HaShem's commandments he is required to "return" to God. Teshuva consists of three basic steps:
1)Admitting one's sin(s). This step is called vidui. 2)Feeling regret that one sinned.
3)Making a commitment not to repeat the sin.
4th is to make restitutions when possible

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