Why christians leave 'Israel'?

I am asking because I do not know------has the christian population of
ISRAEL fallen? I am referring to the christian population of Israel---
with "israel" meaning all the land of Israel EXCLUDING that which
some people call "occupied territories"?
According to poll in Bethleem most christians leave Holy Lands because of zionist restrictions and occupation, it's political ethnic cleansing.

More details:
Why Are Palestinian Christians Leaving Israel? - Aaron Taylor | God's Politics Blog | Sojourners


Are you actually quoting Jim Wallis's communist-provenanced 'Sojourners'?

Then again...I've seen your posts....where else could you find this stuff....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnPc38P6WbA]Israeli Persecution of Christians in the Holy Land - 60 Minutes - YouTube[/ame]

The vid refers to
"...Palestinian Christians...."

You knew that, didn't you?
Are you actually quoting Jim Wallis's communist-provenanced 'Sojourners'?

Then again...I've seen your posts....where else could you find this stuff....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnPc38P6WbA]Israeli Persecution of Christians in the Holy Land - 60 Minutes - YouTube[/ame]

The vid refers to
"...Palestinian Christians...."

You knew that, didn't you?

That is who we are speaking about, Palestinian Christians being ethnically cleansed from Israel/Palestine.
I am asking because I do not know------has the christian population of
ISRAEL fallen? I am referring to the christian population of Israel---
with "israel" meaning all the land of Israel EXCLUDING that which
some people call "occupied territories"?

As a percentage of the population, it has declined. Christians made up 10 percent of the population in the early 1900s.
I am asking because I do not know------has the christian population of
ISRAEL fallen? I am referring to the christian population of Israel---
with "israel" meaning all the land of Israel EXCLUDING that which
some people call "occupied territories"?

As a percentage of the population, it has declined. Christians made up 10 percent of the population in the early 1900s.

Percentage of the population is a meaningless stat in terms of "LEAVING" ---
it just means other people showed up. It is very clear that you were addressing
the concept of "leaving" as a form or genocide which it IS---if
the leaving constitutes a gross decimation of a given population
because of oppression and loss of a cohesive status
For example----the LEAVING of jews Iran---
in numbers that exceed 90% of the population of the jews in Iran
is properly called a GENOCIDE since that group
no longer retained a "group" status but were scattered
-----just how many MORE muslims
were born is not an issue -----genocides are determined in terms of
ABSOLUTE NUMBERS -----and percentages of the persons of the
perticular group being subjected to the genocide. I have no idea
how many IRANIANS were zoroastrians---in the year 500 AD--
but there is no question that regardless of their "percentage"
they were subjected to a gross genocide----a few centuries
later (genocide victims include ---those killed, those expelled
or forced out by oppression and those subjected to forced
conversions---also confiscated children)

I believe that the decimation of maronites in lebanon since 1950
probably reaches the level of genocide----but I am not sure.

anyone interested in what percentage of a GROUP POPULATION
must be either destroyed or scattered or 'confiscated
to constitute a "genocide" can GOOGLE There is some sort of
UN definition

sherri---try to be a bit precise in your use of language----do you
hire someone to write your court petitions?

"Data published by Central Bureau of Statistics reveals 158,000 Christians live in Israel, make up 2% of population; 80.6% are Arabs*On Christmas Eve of 2012 the Christian population in Israel numbers 158,000 and comprises 2% of the Israeli population, according to data published by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) on Sunday.*A whopping 80.6% of Christians are of Arab ethnicity while the rest are originally from the former Soviet Union having made aliyah together with their Jewish family members under the Law of Return.*The CBS data revealed that 71% of Arab Christians reside in the northern district of the country, 13% in the Haifa district and only 9.5% in the Jerusalem area." Come And See - Christians in Israel: Strong in education
yeah SO? I know a hindu citizen of Israel---
also a spouse. There are some zoroastrian and
bahai ciizens of Israel-----sorta fugitives from islamic
"justice" Now about that "christians leaving Israel"
BS that someone posted............when are they "leaving"?
If they had not been leaving as a result of ethnic cleansing by Israel, the percentage would be 10 percent, not 2 percent. And about the present numbers, they are also a bit misleading as I expect they count Christians in East Jerusalem which Iis not part of Israel but part of Occupied Palestine. From what I have read, the percentage of Christians is if anything less in the OPT, so I dont think the percentages throughout Israel and the OPT are greater than 2 percent.
If they had not been leaving as a result of ethnic cleansing by Israel, the percentage would be 10 percent, not 2 percent. And about the present numbers, they are also a bit misleading as I expect they count Christians in East Jerusalem which Iis not part of Israel but part of Occupied Palestine. From what I have read, the percentage of Christians is if anything less in the OPT, so I dont think the percentages throughout Israel and the OPT are greater than 2 percent.

your statement ---which is that because in 1920 ---christians constituted 10%
of the population of the PALESTINE MANDATE-----that the fact that they no longer
constitute 10% of the same area of land INDICATES that they are leaving due
to "ethnic cleansing" ----is
a very sad evidence of the malfunctioning of your brain-----Paterson NJ----in 1920--
was populated by christians and jews------today there are no jews there---
and the christian population RELATIVE to the muslim population has dropped
sharply in PERCENTAGE According to you muslims comitted ethnic cleansing
against the jews and christians of paterson, new jersey. I do not think so.

did you pass high school geometry?
Pappe is OFF TOPIC----why is he DIVERTING?

He did not even say they are leaving------he addressed
demographic shifts way back in the post world war II era when
HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of people were involved in demographic
shifts all over the world
If they had not been leaving as a result of ethnic cleansing by Israel, the percentage would be 10 percent, not 2 percent. And about the present numbers, they are also a bit misleading as I expect they count Christians in East Jerusalem which Iis not part of Israel but part of Occupied Palestine. From what I have read, the percentage of Christians is if anything less in the OPT, so I dont think the percentages throughout Israel and the OPT are greater than 2 percent.

I erased this reply as it posted twice. - J.
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If they had not been leaving as a result of ethnic cleansing by Israel, the percentage would be 10 percent, not 2 percent. And about the present numbers, they are also a bit misleading as I expect they count Christians in East Jerusalem which Iis not part of Israel but part of Occupied Palestine. From what I have read, the percentage of Christians is if anything less in the OPT, so I dont think the percentages throughout Israel and the OPT are greater than 2 percent.

Ethnic cleansing? You sound more ridiculous by the minute, Sherri! By the minute! You should get a job at the UN! They too have ignore the genocide of 4 million people in S. Sudan and 7 million ethnic cleansing - living in refugee camps in sub human conditions in order to focus ALL OF THEIR ATTENTION AS IN ALL- ALL - ALL on Israel and her "Crimes against Humanity while turning a complete blind eye to every single genocide perpetrated by Islam, Sherri. The children who have been victimized are stick thin, their ribs showing through, people being starved by these racist arab muslims who were identified by the Former Slave from Sudan who gave the speech at Durbin Conference. Where are the pictures of starving children in Gaza, Sherri? Where are the pics of starving men and women, Sherri? Oh! That's right! No one is starving in Gaza. There are people in the USA going hungry, folks! But not in Gaza! I've seen the photos of the beautiful hotels going up in Gaza, luxury resort if you ask me! The photos of all of you on the beaches over there swimming and having a great time! How many Israel bloggers remember when those photos came out! It put a whole in their oppression story big enough to drive a mac truck through!!!

You know? The man you accused of being a propagandist because he exposed YOU as one! How did he expose you, Sherri? He openly told Durbin Conference UN has been deceiving the world with these false accusations against Israel while ignoring the real genocide by arab Muslims in Sudan. He knows the terrorists have propagandists out there spreading false stories about Israel and covering up the real ones in Sudan! You must have felt like the wicked witch who got hit with water in the Wizard of Oz! Oh! The Truth! I'm melting! I'm melting! .................

He plainly stated that Israel is not to blame for the suffering of people in Gaza. It is put upon them by their own people - Hamas - now that they installed Sharia Law we can only expect the horror stories to increase. Yes, it was never Israels idea for any human living by them to live in refugee camps but your propagandist buddies believed that if the people forced to stay there. Their own people KEPT THEM IN THAT SITUATION. Not the Israelis.

In fact, unlike you, Sherri, when Palestinians encounter Israeli doctors and nurses the consistent feedback is, these people treated me with the best of care, they were kind, they were wonderful, these are not bad people! Oh! How Miss Sherri Hates those reports, Folks!

This woman could not be a Christian. I see no evidence of it whatsover. She doesn't even know her bible, folks! If she had read it she would have found out Jesus is a JEW for Heavens Sakes!

Oh! The irony of it all! I have never met a christian in my life who defends terrorists day and night as Sherri does.

You need help, Lady! - Jeremiah
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