Why Civilian Disarmament in the U.S. is Just a Statist Fantasy


Nov 13, 2012
By James Wesley Rawles

I often have SurvivalBlog readers forward me alarmist e-mails, warning of "total disarmament" of the civilian populace. While there indeed may be plans or schemes to disarm Americans, I don't consider these threats credible. Let me explain why: I would conservatively estimate that there are about 316 million firearms in private hands in the United States. Of these, less than 10% are logged in any formal registry. Perhaps another 30% have Form 4473s filed with the FFL dealers where they were first purchased, but that is a fractured mishmash of records with a quite perishable life span. It is notable...

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Why Civilian Disarmament in the U.S. is Just a Statist Fantasy - SurvivalBlog.com
Even though they won't succeed, it won't stop them from trying. I think many of the proposed gun laws are just more feel good legislation that makes people believe that they are doing something to stop violence, though they won't change a thing. Laws only affect those who are conscientious about being a good citizen. Many people ignore many laws- speeding laws, texting or drinking while driving and a slew of other things that actually endanger people. The laws don't stop those who don't care, don't have common sense or are just plain trouble makers.

Consequences for actions is a better way to deter crime. Too many criminals get a slap on the wrist and often commit the same kind of crimes over and over before they face any real punishment. Even when we send people to prison, there is no reform. They come out even worse than when they went in. We don't heed warnings when people are disturbed and have a history of violence, like the Fort Hood shooter.

When it comes to crime or terrorism, our officials are reactionary, not proactive. Only the mass killings even get noticed nationally. Chicago has an alarming number of murders each year and I've yet to hear politicians sound the alarms. They do what is politically correct and choose causes that compliment their agendas.

There are no real solutions coming out of Washington. They rarely have any intelligent answers for our problems, but they are adept at making people feel like they care and I guess for some people, that's enough.

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