Why Comey was fired.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Before we are all exposed to the lunatic-fringe media accusation that Donald Trump slashed his way to the White House with a hammer in one hand and a sickle in the other, those of us still in possession of our observational faculties may want to examine why FBI director, James Comey was let go- indecisively straddling the fence.

Comey’s actions regarding Hillary Clinton were like the proverbial timid manager in a large manufacturing plant that had just caught a well-liked higher-up stealing from the till red handed. He seemed unrealistically preoccupied with the ramifications of calling to account such a powerful figure. Comey embarrassed the FBI because he was intimidated by Clinton’s standing in the Democratic Party and her overwhelming support as the successor to Barack Obama.

Telling the people the emperor has no clothes takes the kind of courage we expect from the leadership of the FBI because it requires bravery, fidelity and integrity; the kind of bravery, fidelity and integrity we see in the rank and file of the bureau that charges into dark allies after bad guys under a hail of bullets. Comey’s bizarre behavior and outlandishly ambiguous statements about Clinton’s national security violations did more damage to the reputation of the bureau than anything in recent memory because he essentially downplayed willful treason.

Clinton’s self-important and insular arrogance led her to commit espionage against her country and the very people she claims to stand for. Clinton has been in high positions in government for many years and was acutely aware of security protocol-she just ignored it. Comey’s equivocating excuses and blatantly mitigating alibis for her treachery made the bureau look like a sycophantic press agent for a moneyed celebrity caught driving and drinking.

The truly wicked in our society will never face justice once they attain high rank under this kind of FBI but Comey was playing the odds because it looked like she would win. Unfortunately for Comey the game he was playing turned out to be Russian roulette because the skewed polls were wrong. Near the end Comey seemed to see it coming with Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner but his bet was already on the table and the pit boss (public) froze the chips. Comey needs to go sell shoes somewhere so the bureau can begin the process of rebuilding its brand.
Bill has a secret meeting with Lynch then as if by magic Comey drops the whole investigation, shocker. /sarcasm
Yes, the rules are different for the substantial people, kudos for finally catching up.
Before we are all exposed to the lunatic-fringe media accusation that Donald Trump slashed his way to the White House with a hammer in one hand and a sickle in the other, those of us still in possession of our observational faculties may want to examine why FBI director, James Comey was let go- indecisively straddling the fence.

Comey’s actions regarding Hillary Clinton were like the proverbial timid manager in a large manufacturing plant that had just caught a well-liked higher-up stealing from the till red handed. He seemed unrealistically preoccupied with the ramifications of calling to account such a powerful figure. Comey embarrassed the FBI because he was intimidated by Clinton’s standing in the Democratic Party and her overwhelming support as the successor to Barack Obama.

Telling the people the emperor has no clothes takes the kind of courage we expect from the leadership of the FBI because it requires bravery, fidelity and integrity; the kind of bravery, fidelity and integrity we see in the rank and file of the bureau that charges into dark allies after bad guys under a hail of bullets. Comey’s bizarre behavior and outlandishly ambiguous statements about Clinton’s national security violations did more damage to the reputation of the bureau than anything in recent memory because he essentially downplayed willful treason.

Clinton’s self-important and insular arrogance led her to commit espionage against her country and the very people she claims to stand for. Clinton has been in high positions in government for many years and was acutely aware of security protocol-she just ignored it. Comey’s equivocating excuses and blatantly mitigating alibis for her treachery made the bureau look like a sycophantic press agent for a moneyed celebrity caught driving and drinking.

The truly wicked in our society will never face justice once they attain high rank under this kind of FBI but Comey was playing the odds because it looked like she would win. Unfortunately for Comey the game he was playing turned out to be Russian roulette because the skewed polls were wrong. Near the end Comey seemed to see it coming with Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner but his bet was already on the table and the pit boss (public) froze the chips. Comey needs to go sell shoes somewhere so the bureau can begin the process of rebuilding its brand.
Russian roulette? Damn those Russians!
Before we are all exposed to the lunatic-fringe media accusation that Donald Trump slashed his way to the White House with a hammer in one hand and a sickle in the other, those of us still in possession of our observational faculties may want to examine why FBI director, James Comey was let go- indecisively straddling the fence.

Comey’s actions regarding Hillary Clinton were like the proverbial timid manager in a large manufacturing plant that had just caught a well-liked higher-up stealing from the till red handed. He seemed unrealistically preoccupied with the ramifications of calling to account such a powerful figure. Comey embarrassed the FBI because he was intimidated by Clinton’s standing in the Democratic Party and her overwhelming support as the successor to Barack Obama.

Telling the people the emperor has no clothes takes the kind of courage we expect from the leadership of the FBI because it requires bravery, fidelity and integrity; the kind of bravery, fidelity and integrity we see in the rank and file of the bureau that charges into dark allies after bad guys under a hail of bullets. Comey’s bizarre behavior and outlandishly ambiguous statements about Clinton’s national security violations did more damage to the reputation of the bureau than anything in recent memory because he essentially downplayed willful treason.

Clinton’s self-important and insular arrogance led her to commit espionage against her country and the very people she claims to stand for. Clinton has been in high positions in government for many years and was acutely aware of security protocol-she just ignored it. Comey’s equivocating excuses and blatantly mitigating alibis for her treachery made the bureau look like a sycophantic press agent for a moneyed celebrity caught driving and drinking.

The truly wicked in our society will never face justice once they attain high rank under this kind of FBI but Comey was playing the odds because it looked like she would win. Unfortunately for Comey the game he was playing turned out to be Russian roulette because the skewed polls were wrong. Near the end Comey seemed to see it coming with Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner but his bet was already on the table and the pit boss (public) froze the chips. Comey needs to go sell shoes somewhere so the bureau can begin the process of rebuilding its brand.

What an unbelievably stupid theory. Not only does it not suggest a believable reason for trump to fire him, it's based on an assertion that Hillary committed treason where months of investigation and even Comey himself insisted there was no basis for an indictment, let alone more than "poor judgement" AND in a matter of little consequence.

Face it. YOU bought into the Russian propaganda aimed at destroying the Hillary Clinton campaign and ratcheting up the divisiveness in American politics, operation and effectiveness of government which left us with the most inept and incompetent POTUS possible. There's no doubt Russia was involved in influencing the election, and a number of Trump advisers were in contact with Russian intelligence people. The truth is starting to be apparent and damning for the administration and stopping that is why Comey was fired.
Comey was nothing more than a partisan hack, If Trump did anything wrong, it was that he did not fire Comey on day 1
Trump’s Story About Why He Fired James Comey Is Already Falling Apart
President Donald Trump and his aides claimed he fired FBI Director James Comey Tuesday because Comey mishandled the bureau’s investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server. They argued it had nothing to do with the fact that Comey was leading an investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russian interference in the 2016 election. But by Wednesdaymorning, that story — which never made much sense in the first place — was falling apart, and the White House was stumbling to defend it.

The idea that Trump fired Comey because of how he handled the Clinton email investigation was inconsistent with the president’s previous actions. Trump has long clashed with Comey over issues unrelated to the White House’s stated reason for his ouster. He fumed over Comey’s decision to confirm in March that Trump associates were under FBI investigation for possible ties to Russian government officials. He resented Comey’s refusal to back his unsubstantiated claim that former President Barack Obama spied on him. And during the campaign, he criticized Comey’s decision to recommend no criminal charges be filed against Clinton for her use of a private email server ― the opposite of the argument Rosenstein made in the letter the White House claims was the impetus for Comey’s dismissal.

If Trump truly believed Comey had treated Clinton unfairly, it would have made sense for him to fire the FBI director on his first day in office.
Trump got a letter from the new guy in AG office saying Comey had to go. Trump is the boss. People get fired every day. The incompetent boob is out. Winner.......depending on replacement. Promote from within.......if any are clean.
As I said months ago, Comey's former actions that caused concern seemed like the actions of a man blackmailed or threatened by the Clintons or the mobster influenced progressives. With all the talk about Flynn being compromised, nobody has dared considered the warning signs that Comey was at risk and most likely compromised by the left which holds his wife's career as bait, which would explain his behavior and actions.
Where's Sally Yates warning people of that conflict of interest and threat of compromise?
Why fire Comey? Well, if he made a deal with Flynn, maybe the new director will tell Flynn that he will not honor that deal. The timing of the firing seems like it has very much to do with the investigation of the Russian influence on the election.
That and the fact that most high ranking political appointees should have stepped down gracefully when asked to but apparently Comey called Trump's bluff and refused to resign. In a high stakes poker game of international intelligence it seems that Comey was a freaking stooge.
It's ultra hillarious that people should be surprised that A President elected because he's not affraid to fire failed employees, something desperately needed in Washington. Then top that with him having had a show based on that very
shtick, and even asked his teamates and peers just like the show, "should we fire
him, why should he be fired?"
Drain the swamp and git dose critters out!
Once again Trump stupidly does the right thing at the wrong time. He should have fired Comey on the first day seeing as he gave Clinton a pass and used a bogus excuse about intent. Waiting like he did he gave the conspiracy nuts in the media more to go crazy about . more wasted time

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The thing is Trump is acting like he is guilty... Innocent People usually want a fair trial as it totally exonerates them.

Trump has interfered with this investigations a few times in such away would get done for a normal person.

Why would an innocent person do that. Comey might have made a few bad calls but he gets fired when he is investigating Trump... Innocent men don't do this, they want their name fully restored. The Russian Investigation is now tainted and Trump will never be considered completely innocent...
Was Comey fired because:

1. He restarted a bogus email investigation on Hillary right before the election
2. He was expanding the Trump/Russia investigation

Let America decide
Was Comey fired because:

1. He restarted a bogus email investigation on Hillary right before the election
2. He was expanding the Trump/Russia investigation

Let America decide

How about refusing to investigate Obama or other targeted investigations of Trumps enemies...

Trump wants a Federal Police agency who will investigate his perceived enemies...

Putin gets his FSS and Trump wants the FBI the same way...
Bill has a secret meeting with Lynch then as if by magic Comey drops the whole investigation, shocker. /sarcasm
i think one of the reasons Trump fired Comey was to continue making Democrats look like crying two year old children in grocery stores. {like the ones that have a crying fit when mommy wont by them apple jacks/fruit loops} wahhhhhh!! Wahhhhh!! I want my froot loops!! :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:

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