Why Conservatives Must Go Into Education

Right, Democrats are smarter on average and Republicans are more successful on average. You keep thinking that. The fact that you believe that based on this fact is very telling.

Republicans aren't more successful on average...

Most of them are poor working class whites who vote against their own economic interests because the rich get them upset about gay marriage or abortion...

"An individual’s likelihood of being a Democrat decreases with every additional dollar he or she earns. Democrats have a huge advantage (63 percent) with voters earning less than $15,000 per year. This advantage carries forward for individuals earning up to $50,000 per year, and then turns in the Republicans’ favor — with just 36 percent of individuals earning more than $200,000 per year supporting Democrats.

Interestingly, the median household income in the United States is $49,777 — right near the point where the Democratic advantage disappears and the Republicans take over.

About half of Democrats express satisfaction with their personal financial situation, compared with 61 percent of Republicans and 52 percent of Independents."


...just to add to this, keep in mind that higher wage earners typically live in urban, liberal areas, thus affecting these numbers quite a bit. This pay gap is much larger in rural America between Republicans and Democrats. As JoeB knows, I live in a red, Southern state and I am fortunate enough to make good money and live in an affluent area. Everyone in my neighborhood is either retired or well above the national salary average, college educated, many with advanced degrees, and I would bet that it is at least 80% Republican, likely more. This is not uncommon in areas like mine outside of urban areas.
LOL!! Tell me I need to post the CA example of a state run by democrats. They are too gross to post this early, you get my odorous and needled drift.

I'd rather live in CA than an inbred red state shithole like West Virginia

You would live in a shack in CA based on your salary. Good luck with that.

Here’s the thing though: the reason why the left is more likely to get degrees of higher education is because, on average, we are smarter. We have the critical thinking skills necessary for such a thing.

LOL! The Left may be good at winning at video games in their mother's basement but they are idiotic when it comes to History, Economics, Climate Science, Ethics, Biology and the Constitution.Engineering.

I have an advanced degree in a real subject; Engineering. A stupid Moon Bat with a degree in Black Studies is functionally illiterate.
When conservatives occasionally decide to care about education it's usually an attempt to turn schools into churches and military recruitment factories. They do not hate indoctrination, they want it more than anything.
LOL!! Tell me I need to post the CA example of a state run by democrats. They are too gross to post this early, you get my odorous and needled drift.

I'd rather live in CA than an inbred red state shithole like West Virginia

You would pick CA over WV.
WV doesn't have poop and needles all over, yet you call WV a "shithole"?????
Says a lot for your "critical thinking".
WV doesn't have "tent cities" like these either

Right, Democrats are smarter on average and Republicans are more successful on average. You keep thinking that. The fact that you believe that based on this fact is very telling.

Republicans aren't more successful on average...

Most of them are poor working class whites who vote against their own economic interests because the rich get them upset about gay marriage or abortion...
Vote for their economic interest and Republicans are comprised of the pick-up truck farmer, factory worker, and construction worker as well as the businessman living at the country club. All believe in hard work ethic, the Constitution of the United States, and service to our country. Democrats hate our country, want to destroy the entire moral fabric of that culture, and want to keep minorities on welfare.
...just to add to this, keep in mind that higher wage earners typically live in urban, liberal areas, thus affecting these numbers quite a bit. This pay gap is much larger in rural America between Republicans and Democrats. As JoeB knows, I live in a red, Southern state and I am fortunate enough to make good money and live in an affluent area.

We know, Cleetus. You have the Deluxe Double Wide Trailer. (He'll probably post a picture of someone else's house and claim it's his.)

You would pick CA over WV. WV doesn't have poop and needles all over, yet you call WV a "shithole". Says a lot for your "critical thinking".
WV doesn't have "tent cities" like these either

No, they have a bunch of toothless morons who are still waiting for the coal mines to reopen.
Our education system has become an indoctrination center for socialism. The actions of this idiot are a disgrace to our nation. Minnesota is the state that produced Illhan Omar as a Congresswoman and she supports global terrorism and the murder of Americans. I can only hope that her bald head is because she has cancer and is dying. I have no more humanity in my heart for Democrats that want to destroy the United States of America. Impeachment clown carnival only intensifies my feelings.
Minnesota 'Teacher of the Year' kneels during anthem at college football championship: 'A very respectful protest
Here’s the thing though: the reason why the left is more likely to get degrees of higher education is because, on average, we are smarter. We have the critical thinking skills necessary for such a thing.

Interesting. So why do universities now offer remedial classes as a default, and industry CEOs complain that they can't hire the dumb stools being graduated because they can't do a goddam thing?

The surprising reason college grads can’t get a job
When conservatives occasionally decide to care about education it's usually an attempt to turn schools into churches and military recruitment factories. They do not hate indoctrination, they want it more than anything.
Conservatives 100% do care about children and do not believe in cutting off their penis when they are 8 years old because God made a mistake when a boy was born a “boy” and not a “girl.”
Right, Democrats are smarter on average and Republicans are more successful on average. You keep thinking that. The fact that you believe that based on this fact is very telling.

Republicans aren't more successful on average...

Most of them are poor working class whites who vote against their own economic interests because the rich get them upset about gay marriage or abortion...
Republicans do not believe in infanticide and like traditional marriage. Why does that trigger socialist?
You would live in a shack in CA based on your salary. Good luck with that.

As opposed to the Double Wide Trailer you live in, Cleetus?

I don't really care what you believe. I sincerely hope the rest of your liberal buddies stay in the infested blue states and in urban ant hills. We have an influx of people like you coming down, buying nice homes with the money they made from their crappy home in their home state, blowing their horns every few seconds and worst of all, voting for the same losers that were the impetus for them leaving their blue state in the first place. They just aren't very smart.
You would live in a shack in CA based on your salary. Good luck with that.

As opposed to the Double Wide Trailer you live in, Cleetus?

I don't really care what you believe. I sincerely hope the rest of your liberal buddies stay in the infested blue states and in urban ant hills. We have an influx of people like you coming down, buying nice homes with the money they made from their crappy home in their home state, blowing their horns every few seconds and worst of all, voting for the same losers that were the impetus for them leaving their blue state in the first place. They just aren't very smart.
Texas and Colorado being polluted by blue state migrants.
When conservatives occasionally decide to care about education it's usually an attempt to turn schools into churches and military recruitment factories. They do not hate indoctrination, they want it more than anything.
Conservatives 100% do care about children and do not believe in cutting off their penis when they are 8 years old because God made a mistake when a boy was born a “boy” and not a “girl.”
Conservatives refuse to teach their kids about sex and then wonder why their crap states are full of date-rape and unplanned pregnancy.
When conservatives occasionally decide to care about education it's usually an attempt to turn schools into churches and military recruitment factories. They do not hate indoctrination, they want it more than anything.
Conservatives 100% do care about children and do not believe in cutting off their penis when they are 8 years old because God made a mistake when a boy was born a “boy” and not a “girl.”
Conservatives refuse to teach their kids about sex and then wonder why their crap states are full of date-rape and unplanned pregnancy.
Date rape and unplanned pregnancy rampant in black communities and they vote Democrat.
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Why Conservatives Must Go Into Education

Eh, don't you mean 'get rid of education'......


Our education system has become an indoctrination center for socialism. The actions of this idiot are a disgrace to our nation. Minnesota is the state that produced Illhan Omar as a Congresswoman and she supports global terrorism and the murder of Americans. I can only hope that her bald head is because she has cancer and is dying. I have no more humanity in my heart for Democrats that want to destroy the United States of America. Impeachment clown carnival only intensifies my feelings.
Minnesota 'Teacher of the Year' kneels during anthem at college football championship: 'A very respectful protest
Why? That would result in indoctrination by cons. How about no indoctrination of any kind?

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