Why Conservatives Must Go Into Education

Education has been corrupted with taxpayer money. Politicians increase taxes then use the money to bribe public employee unions for their votes. The fox guarding the henhouse. Politicians are supposed to represent taxpayers in negotiations with public employee unions, instead they are in bed with them.
bla,bla,bla bullshit most my teachers and proffs were conservative. I had my own mind and wrote my own papers amny times in conflict with the teachers views. It is no different for any one going to school. There were a mixture of political views at elementary through high school and a greater mixtrure on college campuses. You wanna find liberals on campus it is more likely to be found in the students. You can find trhem in proffesors if you take take those types of classes but we are talking art and dance here. Schools did not get fucked up by conservatives or liberals they got fucked up by common core math, teaching mathmatics out of order and by greed of text book companies not caring if the prints were correct. Another issue with schools is that for some of the most technical teaching positions, they can make so much more working for private industry than teaching it is hard to find teachers to fioll the possition. I was fortunate enough in high school to have a chemistry and a a physics teacher that felt they needed to give back to the system and taught for ten years but they wnet into private practice and chased the almighty dollar after that. That all being said yes go get into education if you want to relay information. Dont go talking politics in a math course, those students are there to do math. This applie to all the other subject other than polisci or history. Do not go into it for summers off or fifty yard line seats. I sure did like those good seats at buckeye games when my father taught there though. If ya go into teaching and land at a college make those fuckers update thier courses, they still make you do fortran for engineering many new languages that are more likely to be uses when you get into the field.

I'm right, you're wrong. I summarized.
LoL you are hillarious!
Tearing down the wall is not "open borders"? That's critical thinking on display. OK, try these articles then.
No it isn't and no, I'm not going to trawl through endless links trying to make your bullshit argument for you. Excerpt the passages where Democratic candidates call for open borders. You can't, your claim is bullshit.

Actually Snoopy said that too!
Tearing down the wall is not "open borders"? That's critical thinking on display. OK, try these articles then.
No it isn't and no, I'm not going to trawl through endless links trying to make your bullshit argument for you. Excerpt the passages where Democratic candidates call for open borders. You can't, your claim is bullshit.

lazy coxucker, stay ignorant then if you're too fucking lazy to read a few articles that disprove your point.
I'd rather live in CA than an inbred red state shithole like West Virginia

I'm sure someone can find a cardboard box under a bridge somewhere in Than Fwanthithco, that will suit you very well. If you're up to some home improvement, perhaps you can even find some scraps of plywood or particle board with which to upgrade it.
Vote for their economic interest and Republicans are comprised of the pick-up truck farmer, factory worker, and construction worker as well as the businessman living at the country club. All believe in hard work ethic, the Constitution of the United States, and service to our country. Democrats hate our country, want to destroy the entire moral fabric of that culture, and want to keep minorities on welfare.

Based on his postings elsewhere on this forum, JoeB131 seems to think that holding an honest job means being exploited to make some wealthy asshole even wealthier. Much more noble to just live as an unproductive parasite, collecting welfare that came out of taxes paid by all those others who allow themselves to be exploited to make some wealthy asshole even wealthier.
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I’ve lived in Cali...it’s a terrible place to raise a family. Take a red state any day.

It's probably become much worse since you left.

My wife and I have not had any children. I have mixed feeling about that, but one positive is that I am glad not to have to attempt to raise children up to be wise, honorable adults, in the morally-vacuous sewer that California has become.
Our education system has become an indoctrination center for socialism. The actions of this idiot are a disgrace to our nation. Minnesota is the state that produced Illhan Omar as a Congresswoman and she supports global terrorism and the murder of Americans. I can only hope that her bald head is because she has cancer and is dying. I have no more humanity in my heart for Democrats that want to destroy the United States of America. Impeachment clown carnival only intensifies my feelings.
Minnesota 'Teacher of the Year' kneels during anthem at college football championship: 'A very respectful protest
Do you have a proof she supports terrorism Mr BIGOT? NO....so STFU.
Our education system has become an indoctrination center for socialism. The actions of this idiot are a disgrace to our nation. Minnesota is the state that produced Illhan Omar as a Congresswoman and she supports global terrorism and the murder of Americans. I can only hope that her bald head is because she has cancer and is dying. I have no more humanity in my heart for Democrats that want to destroy the United States of America. Impeachment clown carnival only intensifies my feelings.
Minnesota 'Teacher of the Year' kneels during anthem at college football championship: 'A very respectful protest
Here’s the thing though: the reason why the left is more likely to get degrees of higher education is because, on average, we are smarter. We have the critical thinking skills necessary for such a thing.

You're definitely below the average, while finding satisfaction in belonging to the group you have high opinion about. To put it nicely, you are one of the smartest among retards.
Our education system has become an indoctrination center for socialism. The actions of this idiot are a disgrace to our nation. Minnesota is the state that produced Illhan Omar as a Congresswoman and she supports global terrorism and the murder of Americans. I can only hope that her bald head is because she has cancer and is dying. I have no more humanity in my heart for Democrats that want to destroy the United States of America. Impeachment clown carnival only intensifies my feelings.
Minnesota 'Teacher of the Year' kneels during anthem at college football championship: 'A very respectful protest
Here’s the thing though: the reason why the left is more likely to get degrees of higher education is because, on average, we are smarter. We have the critical thinking skills necessary for such a thing.
Yeah, sure you are! What's the old saying? Those who can, do...those who can't, teach!
I'm always amused by left's continual need to assure themselves that they must be right because they're smarter than everyone else! Then they proceed to screw up everything they control. In Massachusetts we had to regularly elect Republican Governors even though it's about as liberal a State as there is in the US! Why? Because they were needed to fix everything that the liberals FUBARED!
Our education system has become an indoctrination center for socialism. The actions of this idiot are a disgrace to our nation. Minnesota is the state that produced Illhan Omar as a Congresswoman and she supports global terrorism and the murder of Americans. I can only hope that her bald head is because she has cancer and is dying. I have no more humanity in my heart for Democrats that want to destroy the United States of America. Impeachment clown carnival only intensifies my feelings.
Minnesota 'Teacher of the Year' kneels during anthem at college football championship: 'A very respectful protest

Let's start with basic biology.
Our education system has become an indoctrination center for socialism. The actions of this idiot are a disgrace to our nation. Minnesota is the state that produced Illhan Omar as a Congresswoman and she supports global terrorism and the murder of Americans. I can only hope that her bald head is because she has cancer and is dying. I have no more humanity in my heart for Democrats that want to destroy the United States of America. Impeachment clown carnival only intensifies my feelings.
Minnesota 'Teacher of the Year' kneels during anthem at college football championship: 'A very respectful protest
Here’s the thing though: the reason why the left is more likely to get degrees of higher education is because, on average, we are smarter. We have the critical thinking skills necessary for such a thing.

The fact that you believe such dumb stuff Billy puts lie to the "facts" you attempt to present here
Education is very localized. That this "Teacher of the Year" comes from Minnesota is no surprise. MN for some reason is a liberal bastion. Now had she come from Louisiana or South Dakota we would all be shocked.

It's a conservative mis-belief that all teachers everywhere are liberal and out to destroy your children. But it can't be busted I guess.
Our education system has become an indoctrination center for socialism. The actions of this idiot are a disgrace to our nation. Minnesota is the state that produced Illhan Omar as a Congresswoman and she supports global terrorism and the murder of Americans. I can only hope that her bald head is because she has cancer and is dying. I have no more humanity in my heart for Democrats that want to destroy the United States of America. Impeachment clown carnival only intensifies my feelings.
Minnesota 'Teacher of the Year' kneels during anthem at college football championship: 'A very respectful protest
Here’s the thing though: the reason why the left is more likely to get degrees of higher education is because, on average, we are smarter. We have the critical thinking skills necessary for such a thing.
No. You idiots have the uncanny ability to be led by any socialist turd that's put in front of you. Absolutely no critical thinking on your part. If professor Dinglefuck says it's true, you write it down as gospel.
Our education system has become an indoctrination center for socialism. The actions of this idiot are a disgrace to our nation. Minnesota is the state that produced Illhan Omar as a Congresswoman and she supports global terrorism and the murder of Americans. I can only hope that her bald head is because she has cancer and is dying. I have no more humanity in my heart for Democrats that want to destroy the United States of America. Impeachment clown carnival only intensifies my feelings.
Minnesota 'Teacher of the Year' kneels during anthem at college football championship: 'A very respectful protest
Here’s the thing though: the reason why the left is more likely to get degrees of higher education is because, on average, we are smarter. We have the critical thinking skills necessary for such a thing.
Education is very localized. That this "Teacher of the Year" comes from Minnesota is no surprise. MN for some reason is a liberal bastion. Now had she come from Louisiana or South Dakota we would all be shocked.

It's a conservative mis-belief that all teachers everywhere are liberal and out to destroy your children. But it can't be busted I guess.
75% of teachers professors are socialist. Look at the AFT and NEA.
Vote for their economic interest and Republicans are comprised of the pick-up truck farmer, factory worker, and construction worker as well as the businessman living at the country club. All believe in hard work ethic, the Constitution of the United States, and service to our country. Democrats hate our country, want to destroy the entire moral fabric of that culture, and want to keep minorities on welfare.

Based on his postings elsewhere on this forum, JoeB131 seems to think that holding an honest job means being exploited to make some wealthy asshole even wealthier. Much more noble to just live as an unproductive parasite, collecting welfare that came out of taxes paid by all those others who allow themselves to be exploited to make some wealthy asshole even wealthier.
Joe B is an idiot living in the comfort of his suburban home and too stupid to realize his vote for Democrats is a threat to that existence.
Time for the whiners to quit their jobs, give up their pay, and teach. Show the nation how it's done. Show us how to make kids bow down to your awesomeness.

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