Why Conservatives Must Go Into Education

I don't really care what you believe. I sincerely hope the rest of your liberal buddies stay in the infested blue states and in urban ant hills. We have an influx of people like you coming down, buying nice homes with the money they made from their crappy home in their home state, blowing their horns every few seconds and worst of all, voting for the same losers that were the impetus for them leaving their blue state in the first place. They just aren't very smart.

You work on the assumption that people move down to Jesusland because you got it figured out, and not because the weather is nicer or their companies are making them move.

Then they realize that your inbred, stupid politics are kind of fucked up...

So pretty soon, Texas and Florida will be blue states... because no one really wants the inbred, bible thumpers running their lives.
Teaching abstinence has nothing to do with being naive and easily fooled. Abstinence simply means don't participate, typically before marriage. It doesn't mean these kids don't understand how sex works, in fact, quite the opposite. They understand the potential consequences of such acts and choose to avoid the possibility of those negative outcomes until they are married, or at the very least, with a very steady partner. Seems responsible(not to mention biblical) to me as opposed to the do whatever feels good teachings of the left.

Yes, people should wait until they get married to have sex, and then find out that they don't enjoy sleeping with each other. Just like Jesus intended.
I'm sure someone can find a cardboard box under a bridge somewhere in Than Fwanthithco, that will suit you very well. If you're up to some home improvement, perhaps you can even find some scraps of plywood or particle board with which to upgrade it.

Oh, Mormon Bob, are you imitating a lisp there, because you, like most homophobes, are pretty much a latent gay man?

Bud, I'm trying to help you out before the Congregation finds out you've been caught with a pile of crystal meth and a male hooker. You know, like Haggard was.

It's probably become much worse since you left.

My wife and I have not had any children. I have mixed feeling about that, but one positive is that I am glad not to have to attempt to raise children up to be wise, honorable adults, in the morally-vacuous sewer that California has become.

Again, maybe if you didn't belong to a cult, you wouldn't get hung up about it.
Education is very localized. That this "Teacher of the Year" comes from Minnesota is no surprise. MN for some reason is a liberal bastion. Now had she come from Louisiana or South Dakota we would all be shocked.

It's a conservative mis-belief that all teachers everywhere are liberal and out to destroy your children. But it can't be busted I guess.

I think in red states, most high school teachers are actually conservative. Most except the English teachers. The college professors are communist through and through however.
Based on his postings elsewhere on this forum, JoeB131 seems to think that holding an honest job means being exploited to make some wealthy asshole even wealthier. Much more noble to just live as an unproductive parasite, collecting welfare that came out of taxes paid by all those others who allow themselves to be exploited to make some wealthy asshole even wealthier.

Wow, Bob, they don't teach you reasoning skills in your cult, do you?

Do you really think the One Percent is doing 43% of the honest work? Yet they control 43% of the wealth.

Meanwhile, do you think that the 40% at the bottom of the economic scale is all on welfare? Of course not. Most of them have jobs. Even those undocumented aliens you think are "stealing" work from you. Yet they control less than 1% of the wealth.


The ironic thing is I'm about as horrified at the prospect of Bernie Sanders becoming President as you are. But man, when you look at a chart like this, you understand why he resonates with people.
I just saw that the geniuses in New York are letting criminals go free to cause mayhem. Between the needles and crime, you democrats have it all figured out.
Our education system has become an indoctrination center for socialism. The actions of this idiot are a disgrace to our nation. Minnesota is the state that produced Illhan Omar as a Congresswoman and she supports global terrorism and the murder of Americans. I can only hope that her bald head is because she has cancer and is dying. I have no more humanity in my heart for Democrats that want to destroy the United States of America. Impeachment clown carnival only intensifies my feelings.
Minnesota 'Teacher of the Year' kneels during anthem at college football championship: 'A very respectful protest

An oxymoron if there ever was one.

Most conservatives are purveyors of fake news, conspiracy theories, and lies; most conservatives are advocates of ignorance and misinformation, enemies of facts and the truth – this thread premise is further proof of that.
I think you misspelled “mother's basement”.

My mom passed away in 1983. It's why I'm an atheist now. Everyone prayed for her to get better, she died anyway...

So I concluded there was no God.

Funny thing is, the only reason why you have a good life working in the trades (you've shown us pictures of your truck, so I assume you are an electrician) is because the trades are unionized and drive wages up.
So which one of you is going to quit your lucrative job, earn a pittance salary, and teach....show us how it's done.
Educators are needed. 'Conservatives' should absolutely go into education. Others than 'conservatives should also go into education. But, only with sincerity, clarity, compassion and generosity.
Funny thing is, the only reason why you have a good life working in the trades (you've shown us pictures of your truck, so I assume you are an electrician) is because the trades are unionized and drive wages up.

What success I have in my trade comes from my work ethic. I care about doing my job as well as I can, and as efficiently as I can. I care about giving my employer the best possible value for my wages, representing my employer as favorably as I possibly can to the client, and seeing to it that the client gets from me the very best work that I am able to do. Most of my coworkers in my company are similar, to various degrees, and the few who are not don't usually last very long. Most of the attitude I've ever read in your own postings about employment come pretty close to the attitude I've noticed among my few transitory colleagues who don't often last very long.

And no, I am not working under a union,and no union is doing anything to help me.
What success I have in my trade comes from my work ethic. I care about doing my job as well as I can, and as efficiently as I can. I care about giving my employer the best possible value for my wages, representing my employer as favorably as I possibly can to the client, and seeing to it that the client gets from me the very best work that I am able to do. Most of my coworkers in my company are similar, to various degrees, and the few who are not don't usually last very long. Most of the attitude I've ever read in your own postings about employment come pretty close to the attitude I've noticed among my few transitory colleagues who don't often last very long.

Um, yeah, I can't be responsible for your lack of reading skills.

Me "Wow, here's where I point out that not only did an employer screw me, but he PROBABLY BROKE SOME LAWS!!!"
Brainwashed Mormon "You just have a shitty work attitude!"

I'm sure I could compare my resume to yours and come out looking better.

But reality- the only reason why you get paid well is because unions guys keep costs in your field up... but it explains why you live in mortal fear of immigrants. They'd work harder and better than you would.
Our education system has become an indoctrination center for socialism. The actions of this idiot are a disgrace to our nation. Minnesota is the state that produced Illhan Omar as a Congresswoman and she supports global terrorism and the murder of Americans. I can only hope that her bald head is because she has cancer and is dying. I have no more humanity in my heart for Democrats that want to destroy the United States of America. Impeachment clown carnival only intensifies my feelings.
Minnesota 'Teacher of the Year' kneels during anthem at college football championship: 'A very respectful protest
I am willing to wager that there are more Republican controlled school boards than Democrat.

You assfucks need to find a new education boogieman to attack. Start with Devos.
Most of the attitude I've ever read in your own postings about employment come pretty close to the attitude I've noticed among my few transitory colleagues who don't often last very long.
Me "Wow, here's where I point out that not only did an employer screw me, but he PROBABLY BROKE SOME LAWS!!!"
Brainwashed Mormon "You just have a shitty work attitude!"


And Catholics screwed you.

And Mormons screwed you.

And conservatives screwed you.

And Christians screwed you.

And white people screwed you.

And women screwed you.

And even God screwed you.

And so on and so on and so on.

As you keep complaining endlessly.

I guess everyone is just out to screw you, personally.

As long as I've been in this forum, I've been hearing that from you. You seem to mean for me to believe that all of your problems, that have turned you into such a twisted, bitter, hateful, angry, soulless, empty shell of a so-called “man”, are because of all these others that screwed you, and not because of bad choices that you, yourself, persist in making. You seem to mean for me to believe you're any different from others that I've had the misfortune of having to associate with, to work with, in real life, who express almost exactly the same attitudes that you do.

And like I said, its pretty much the same attitude that I've heard from my few transitory colleagues who don't often last very long. And often about the same employers that I've worked under with them, with whom I never had any such problems.

And it's not just a shitty work attitude; it's the same shitty attitude about nearly everything that poisons almost every post from you on almost every topic.

And Catholics screwed you.

And Mormons screwed you.

And conservatives screwed you.

And Christians screwed you.

And white people screwed you.

And women screwed you.

And even God screwed you.

And so on and so on and so on.

As you keep complaining endlessly.

I don't believe there's a God, my encounters with your cult were when I was in the service. Not even sure where you got some misogynistic rant in there, because frankly, I'd rather work for a woman than a dude. Best boss I ever had was a gay woman.

I'm sorry that my patient attempts to explain my world-view is "complaining" to you, but I understand belonging to a sick cult started by perverts, you really aren't inclined to understand or question things.

Moving right along.

As long as I've been in this forum, I've been hearing that from you. You seem to mean for me to believe that all of your problems, that have turned you into such a twisted, bitter, hateful, angry, soulless, empty shell of a so-called “man”, are because of all these others that screwed you, and not because of bad choices that you, yourself, persist in making. You seem to mean for me to believe you're any different from others that I've had the misfortune of having to associate with, to work with, in real life, who express almost exactly the same attitudes that you do.

Most of my co-workers love me... so that's just wrong. If I wasn't worried about you cyber-stalking me, I'd direct you to my LinkedIn Page, where people do nothing but praise my work ethic and accomplishments. I could direct you to my Google Page for my personal business, where I have nothing but 5 star reviews from people happy with my work.

But yes, at one job, I got injured and my boss broke several laws screwing me over... so that makes me a totally bad person.

And like I said, its pretty much the same attitude that I've heard from my few transitory colleagues who don't often last very long. And often about the same employers that I've worked under with them, with whom I never had any such problems.

Well, yes, you are an obedient little cultist.. but again, you live in absolute terror some illegal will take your low-skill job.. so there's that. The fact you consider undocumented immigrants as a mortal threat tells a lot about you.

And it's not just a shitty work attitude; it's the same shitty attitude about nearly everything that poisons almost every post from you on almost every topic.

Then why are you the one who comes off like an angry guy who is off his meds?

And Catholics screwed you.

And Mormons screwed you.

And conservatives screwed you.

And Christians screwed you.

And white people screwed you.

And women screwed you.

And even God screwed you.

And so on and so on and so on.

As you keep complaining endlessly.

I don't believe there's a God, my encounters with your cult were when I was in the service. Not even sure where you got some misogynistic rant in there, because frankly, I'd rather work for a woman than a dude. Best boss I ever had was a gay woman.

I'm sorry that my patient attempts to explain my world-view is "complaining" to you, but I understand belonging to a sick cult started by perverts, you really aren't inclined to understand or question things.

Moving right along.

As long as I've been in this forum, I've been hearing that from you. You seem to mean for me to believe that all of your problems, that have turned you into such a twisted, bitter, hateful, angry, soulless, empty shell of a so-called “man”, are because of all these others that screwed you, and not because of bad choices that you, yourself, persist in making. You seem to mean for me to believe you're any different from others that I've had the misfortune of having to associate with, to work with, in real life, who express almost exactly the same attitudes that you do.

Most of my co-workers love me... so that's just wrong. If I wasn't worried about you cyber-stalking me, I'd direct you to my LinkedIn Page, where people do nothing but praise my work ethic and accomplishments. I could direct you to my Google Page for my personal business, where I have nothing but 5 star reviews from people happy with my work.

But yes, at one job, I got injured and my boss broke several laws screwing me over... so that makes me a totally bad person.

And like I said, its pretty much the same attitude that I've heard from my few transitory colleagues who don't often last very long. And often about the same employers that I've worked under with them, with whom I never had any such problems.

Well, yes, you are an obedient little cultist.. but again, you live in absolute terror some illegal will take your low-skill job.. so there's that. The fact you consider undocumented immigrants as a mortal threat tells a lot about you.

And it's not just a shitty work attitude; it's the same shitty attitude about nearly everything that poisons almost every post from you on almost every topic.

Then why are you the one who comes off like an angry guy who is off his meds?

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