Why Court Challenges to Arizona SB1070 will fail


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Why Court Challenges to Arizona SB1070 will fail
Do you know why court challenges to Arizona's SB1070 are doomed? That's right, ACLU and others will lose. The AZ laws have been carefully written to defeat challenges. Find out why.

•Arizona Senate Bill 1070: what is it really?
The national controversy about the new Arizona law, SB 1070, which modifies the immigration enforcements of Arizona law, is all over the place. Do you know what it really says and what are the complaints about?

http://hubpages.com/hub/Racial-Profilin ... B-1070-Law
Hi Lady:

I see none of the Open Border Lobby idiots around here are pandering to Illegal Aliens on your Topic. :0)

Why Court Challenges to Arizona SB1070 will fail
Do you know why court challenges to Arizona's SB1070 are doomed? That's right, ACLU and others will lose. The AZ laws have been carefully written to defeat challenges....

Challenges to the new Arizona Immigration Law will all fail, because the original bill was drafted in concert with Federal Immigration Law (1986). Any Federal Judge must render a judgment by comparing the new State Law with current Federal Law and the two agree that being in the USA Illegally is 'Illegal.' Hiring Illegal Aliens is "Illegal" everywhere in the USA right now, but the Feds refuse to enforce the Rule Of Law. BTW, Americans have a Constitutional Right to have our laws ENFORCED and the U.S. Federal Govt is open to all kinds of lawsuits even as we speak!

Harboring Illegal Aliens is ILLEGAL right now everywhere in the USA. Aiding and Abetting Illegal Aliens is ILLEGAL right now! Creating false documentation for Illegal Aliens is ILLEGAL right now in every State of the Union, if new State Laws are created OR NOT. Arizona is right and Los Angeles is wrong. Period.


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They will fail because the US Constitution is being upheld with this law. The implementation of this law is what will be closely watched.

We need leaders ready to use the US Constitution to guide this nation again!!

Republicans AND Democrats have failed miserably at securing our borders and making our education competitive Internationally or Nationally! They forget who works for whom. Voting for either party is a wasted vote! Democrat=Republican! When voting for the lesser of two evils, may we NEVER forget that it is STILL EVIL!

There is hope. There is a candidate gaining momentum, not a politician, with great ideas and cares! Securing our border is very important. Democrats, Republicans YOU'RE FIRED!!!

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