Why democratic mayors across the country....fail so miserably with the inner cities

Black illegitiment rate in 1959 was 19%. Big government brought it to 79% by 1980. A Joke..........

Progressivism is where the incapable and the incompetent intersect.:coffee:
I saw first hand why the inner cities in this country fail so miserably when we elect democrats as mayors. Our mayor, god bless his soul is beside himself with so much violence happening in our city and then I think of all the effort he's put in and I understand why...that effort equals ZERO!!

Our cities comprise mostly of black folk, mostly working class, but a vast majority are poor and now over flowing with illegals and African immigrants. The only time they get attention, is during election season. The only time we get the spot light is to show the violence. Most of the mayors time is spent in the eastern parts of the city, the suburbs, places that host his people, his kind, his race...whites. When the mayors are black, which is our case, its even worse, his race is still white.....he comes around for a photo opt. when a new project is being displayed, by the white folks as a point of gesture, other than that, we never see or hear from the guy.

interesting given that crime has gone down tremendously.

and the biggest failures, economically, educationally and socially are in rightwingnut red states. or do you want to talk about detroit where the REPUBLICAN governor put his "city managers" in charge of the city and poisoned it's populace.

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