Why Democrats will keep the House

The wackos from reactionary-ville are a hoot to read here. No anti-Democrat swelling is noticable in the polls. Obama still polls better than the GOP on policy issues. The Dems will localize the races and demonize the Pubs, quite successfully I might add.

Senate Dem majority of six, House Dem majority of 23. There will be no more shift than one or two seats in either chamber. Bookmark this page for future reference.

Ahem...... Just wanted to revisit this.


You have a date for it? You are not being transparent, are you? And do you want to reconsider your predictions from October 2008?

I am quite comfortable with you, son. :lol:
Ahem...... Just wanted to revisit this.


You have a date for it? You are not being transparent, are you? And do you want to reconsider your predictions from October 2008?

I am quite comfortable with you, son. :lol:
what, my predictions were exceeded
i only wanted a 1 seat majority in the house and to make gains in the senate
it turned out WAY better than i expected

not so for you

the only down side for me was that Reid didnt lose
but Alan Grayson got his ASS KICKED
that alone made my election
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You have a date for it? You are not being transparent, are you? And do you want to reconsider your predictions from October 2008?

I am quite comfortable with you, son. :lol:
what, my predictions were exceeded
i only wanted a 1 seat majority in the house and to make gains in the senate
it turned out WAY better than i expected

not so for you

the only down side for me was that Reid didnt lose
but Alan Grayson got his ASS KICKED
that alone made my election

Roger this...I'm glad to see this creep GONE...now he Blames Obama and his party...

Alan Grayson (D), FL [Orlando]...got his ass handed to him. [Thank GOD] Remember this creep on Healthcare?


In regard to Former VP Dick Cheney...


It appears his constituients didn't think well of him either for voting for ObamaCare.

Now (According to the Hill) Is blaming the Democrats' "Appeasement Policies...for thier (and HIS) loss.


Grayson Blames Losses on Democrats’ ‘Appeasement’ Policy
<The Hill


Rep. Alan Grayson blasted party leaders and President Barack Obama on Thursday for pursuing a “policy of appeasement” over the past two years that he said led to House Democrats getting trounced in Tuesday’s midterm elections.

Tell you what Mr. Grayson? I gave two examples above in video in your own words as to why you and the Statists lost.

I guess it's time for YOU to STFU...eh?

Good Luck Dumbass.

You have a date for it? You are not being transparent, are you? And do you want to reconsider your predictions from October 2008?

I am quite comfortable with you, son. :lol:
what, my predictions were exceeded
i only wanted a 1 seat majority in the house and to make gains in the senate
it turned out WAY better than i expected

not so for you

the only down side for me was that Reid didnt lose
but Alan Grayson got his ASS KICKED
that alone made my election

You called 2008 wrong, I got it right. I called the House wrongly in the early summer, changed it in the late summer, and did OK in Nov, and came very close to my Senate projection. I could care less about Grayson. And you care a whole lot about Reid. I am very comfortable with you.
T, you are now 2-1406-5. Only Rabbi and CrusaderFrank and namvet have worse records.
You have a date for it? You are not being transparent, are you? And do you want to reconsider your predictions from October 2008?

I am quite comfortable with you, son. :lol:
what, my predictions were exceeded
i only wanted a 1 seat majority in the house and to make gains in the senate
it turned out WAY better than i expected

not so for you

the only down side for me was that Reid didnt lose
but Alan Grayson got his ASS KICKED
that alone made my election

You called 2008 wrong, I got it right. I called the House wrongly in the early summer, changed it in the late summer, and did OK in Nov, and came very close to my Senate projection. I could care less about Grayson. And you care a whole lot about Reid. I am very comfortable with you.
where did i call 2008 wrong
put up or shut up
You have a date for it? You are not being transparent, are you? And do you want to reconsider your predictions from October 2008?

I am quite comfortable with you, son. :lol:
what, my predictions were exceeded
i only wanted a 1 seat majority in the house and to make gains in the senate
it turned out WAY better than i expected

not so for you

the only down side for me was that Reid didnt lose
but Alan Grayson got his ASS KICKED
that alone made my election

You called 2008 wrong, I got it right. I called the House wrongly in the early summer, changed it in the late summer, and did OK in Nov, and came very close to my Senate projection. I could care less about Grayson. And you care a whole lot about Reid. I am very comfortable with you.

:blahblah:Comfy? What are you starting Fakey? A Sock Puppet Theatre? Looking for Actors? Allies? :lol:
Why? You did not post transparently and you know it. Run along, sonny. :lol:
All and all, there was no landslide for republicans in the House, unless you call 21 seats a slide. Considering the 8 years of republican rule, that really was a slide, wasn't it? LOL!! The Republicans would like to take credit for the T-Party numbers to swell their win, but we know that doesn't hold water at all. T-Party members ran against the GOP members in the primaries, and some were still not supported by the GOP. The T-Party top cheerleader Palin made it clear as well, the GOP members should get ready for the T-Party philosophy or forget 2012, that was the ultimatium.

So this explains the actual Republican wins, minus the T-Party members who won more seats than they did.

Tea Party Winners in the Senate (5):

Rand Paul, Kentucky
Marco Rubio, Florida
Ron Johnson, Wisconsin
Mike Lee, Utah
Pat Toomey, Pennsylvania

Tea Party Winners in the House of Representatives (33 possibly more due to undecided races):

Sandy Adams, FL-24
Justin Amash, MI-03
Rep. Michele Bachmann, MN-06
Dan Benishek, MI-01
Rick Crawford, AR-01
Rep. Marsha Blackburn, TN
Robert Dold, IL-10
Renee Ellmers, NC-02
Tom Graves, GA-09
Tim Griffin, AR-02
Michael Grimm, NY-13
Paul Gosar, AZ-01
Rep. Joe Wilson, SC
Vicky Hartzler, MO-04
Nan Hayworth, NY-19
Randy Hultgren, IL-14
Adam Kinzinger, IL-11
Raul Labrador, ID-01
Jeff Landry, LA-03
Rep. Tom McClintock, CA
Kristi Noem, SD
Rep. Mike Pence, IN
Rep. Tom Price, GS
Jon Runyan, NJ-3
David Schweikert, AZ-5
Robert Schilling, IL-17
Tim Scott, SC-1
Steve Southerland, FL-02
Marlin Stutzman, IN-03
Scott Tipton, CO
Todd Young, IN-09
Tim Walberg, MI-07
Allen West, FL-22

Tea Party Winners in Governor Races (2):

Nikki Haley, South Carolina
Paul LePage, Maine

Tea Party Winners!!!!! | Tea Party Activists

239 Republican & T-Party wins
033 T-Party wins
206 Republicans vs. 185 Republicans

021 Republican seats won.

Electoral-vote.com: Election news

Blame, Minimize, Deny, Obfuscate-Statist Playbook. Guess which category for you sport? :lol:

You forgot to list yourself LOSER...........LMAO!! And that is a Fact.
All and all, there was no landslide for republicans in the House, unless you call 21 seats a slide. Considering the 8 years of republican rule, that really was a slide, wasn't it? LOL!! The Republicans would like to take credit for the T-Party numbers to swell their win, but we know that doesn't hold water at all. T-Party members ran against the GOP members in the primaries, and some were still not supported by the GOP. The T-Party top cheerleader Palin made it clear as well, the GOP members should get ready for the T-Party philosophy or forget 2012, that was the ultimatium.

So this explains the actual Republican wins, minus the T-Party members who won more seats than they did.

Tea Party Winners in the Senate (5):

Rand Paul, Kentucky
Marco Rubio, Florida
Ron Johnson, Wisconsin
Mike Lee, Utah
Pat Toomey, Pennsylvania

Tea Party Winners in the House of Representatives (33 possibly more due to undecided races):

Sandy Adams, FL-24
Justin Amash, MI-03
Rep. Michele Bachmann, MN-06
Dan Benishek, MI-01
Rick Crawford, AR-01
Rep. Marsha Blackburn, TN
Robert Dold, IL-10
Renee Ellmers, NC-02
Tom Graves, GA-09
Tim Griffin, AR-02
Michael Grimm, NY-13
Paul Gosar, AZ-01
Rep. Joe Wilson, SC
Vicky Hartzler, MO-04
Nan Hayworth, NY-19
Randy Hultgren, IL-14
Adam Kinzinger, IL-11
Raul Labrador, ID-01
Jeff Landry, LA-03
Rep. Tom McClintock, CA
Kristi Noem, SD
Rep. Mike Pence, IN
Rep. Tom Price, GS
Jon Runyan, NJ-3
David Schweikert, AZ-5
Robert Schilling, IL-17
Tim Scott, SC-1
Steve Southerland, FL-02
Marlin Stutzman, IN-03
Scott Tipton, CO
Todd Young, IN-09
Tim Walberg, MI-07
Allen West, FL-22

Tea Party Winners in Governor Races (2):

Nikki Haley, South Carolina
Paul LePage, Maine

Tea Party Winners!!!!! | Tea Party Activists

239 Republican & T-Party wins
033 T-Party wins
206 Republicans vs. 185 Republicans

021 Republican seats won.

Electoral-vote.com: Election news

Blame, Minimize, Deny, Obfuscate-Statist Playbook. Guess which category for you sport? :lol:

You forgot to list yourself LOSER...........LMAO!! And that is a Fact.

Translation: "...Shit! T got me again...":lol:
All and all, there was no landslide for republicans in the House, unless you call 21 seats a slide. Considering the 8 years of republican rule, that really was a slide, wasn't it? LOL!! The Republicans would like to take credit for the T-Party numbers to swell their win, but we know that doesn't hold water at all. T-Party members ran against the GOP members in the primaries, and some were still not supported by the GOP. The T-Party top cheerleader Palin made it clear as well, the GOP members should get ready for the T-Party philosophy or forget 2012, that was the ultimatium.

So this explains the actual Republican wins, minus the T-Party members who won more seats than they did.

Tea Party Winners in the Senate (5):

Rand Paul, Kentucky
Marco Rubio, Florida
Ron Johnson, Wisconsin
Mike Lee, Utah
Pat Toomey, Pennsylvania

Tea Party Winners in the House of Representatives (33 possibly more due to undecided races):

Sandy Adams, FL-24
Justin Amash, MI-03
Rep. Michele Bachmann, MN-06
Dan Benishek, MI-01
Rick Crawford, AR-01
Rep. Marsha Blackburn, TN
Robert Dold, IL-10
Renee Ellmers, NC-02
Tom Graves, GA-09
Tim Griffin, AR-02
Michael Grimm, NY-13
Paul Gosar, AZ-01
Rep. Joe Wilson, SC
Vicky Hartzler, MO-04
Nan Hayworth, NY-19
Randy Hultgren, IL-14
Adam Kinzinger, IL-11
Raul Labrador, ID-01
Jeff Landry, LA-03
Rep. Tom McClintock, CA
Kristi Noem, SD
Rep. Mike Pence, IN
Rep. Tom Price, GS
Jon Runyan, NJ-3
David Schweikert, AZ-5
Robert Schilling, IL-17
Tim Scott, SC-1
Steve Southerland, FL-02
Marlin Stutzman, IN-03
Scott Tipton, CO
Todd Young, IN-09
Tim Walberg, MI-07
Allen West, FL-22

Tea Party Winners in Governor Races (2):

Nikki Haley, South Carolina
Paul LePage, Maine

Tea Party Winners!!!!! | Tea Party Activists

239 Republican & T-Party wins
033 T-Party wins
206 Republicans vs. 185 Republicans

021 Republican seats won.

Electoral-vote.com: Election news

All and all, there was no landslide for republicans in the House, unless you call 21 seats a slide.

Not wishing to bust in on your dream fest but how many seats did you say Republicans took in the house? 21 seats?:lol: You have been on a drunk since the election you can't count or you are stupid. I hope it's one of the first two and not the last one.

Not since 1938 has the party made such monumental inroads. With 218 seats needed for a majority, Republicans so far have officially won 233, while Democrats have won 174.

Republicans Win House Majority, Make Senate Gains in Wave Election - FoxNews.com
Then the GOP House has a 16 seat majority right now. The issue was the economy, not Obama or health care or any of the Tea Party nonsense, bigrebnc. This country is not going back to the 1950s, sorry to disappoint you.
Then the GOP House has a 16 seat majority right now. The issue was the economy, not Obama or health care or any of the Tea Party nonsense, bigrebnc. This country is not going back to the 1950s, sorry to disappoint you.
Not since 1938 has the party made such monumental inroads. With 218 seats needed for a majority, Republicans so far have officially won 233, while Democrats have won 174.
Oh and it wasn't just the econoimy it was the obama pelosi ried agenda that was forced down Americas throat. It was the arrogance, the belittling. The lock door thew lies that killed the Democrats this time. and if you want to salvage the senate and the white house I suggest the democrats start openning up those locked door meetings.
Then the GOP House has a 16 seat majority right now. The issue was the economy, not Obama or health care or any of the Tea Party nonsense, bigrebnc. This country is not going back to the 1950s, sorry to disappoint you.
Not since 1938 has the party made such monumental inroads. With 218 seats needed for a majority, Republicans so far have officially won 233, while Democrats have won 174.
Oh and it wasn't just the econoimy it was the obama pelosi ried agenda that was forced down Americas throat. It was the arrogance, the belittling. The lock door thew lies that killed the Democrats this time. and if you want to salvage the senate and the white house I suggest the democrats start openning up those locked door meetings.

Fake is best left alone in his dillusions.:cuckoo:

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