Why Democrats win even if they lose in Alabama

It's pretty hard to argue with this logic. If Moore wins it basically sends a message to the entire country that while Democrats are cleaning house with resignations of politicians caught up in sexual allegations, Republicans are embracing a creep like Roy Moore despite multiple accusations of promiscuous behavior with teenage girls as an adult man. Of course, the Democrats are going to make this a campaign issue.

Why Democrats win even if they lose in Alabama
it's not enough for the Dems to bridge their credibility gap
It's pretty hard to argue with this logic. If Moore wins it basically sends a message to the entire country that while Democrats are cleaning house with resignations of politicians caught up in sexual allegations, Republicans are embracing a creep like Roy Moore despite multiple accusations of promiscuous behavior with teenage girls as an adult man. Of course, the Democrats are going to make this a campaign issue.

Why Democrats win even if they lose in Alabama

There is no proof against Moore. Conyers and Franken admitted their fell deeds.

Do you really think considering the current political - not to say economic - situation that the Democrats will change any minds just because they'll play the Church Lady?

Herman Cain had multiple accusations too. How quickly they disappeared when he dropped out rather than expose his family to media's proctological fingers. That was the Democrats' intent here, and it thus far has failed.
Only you think so.

Shrug. We'll see tomorrow night, eh?
You mean Tuesday night. You have no idea what the intent is by the Dems or the GOP. I full expect Moore to win Tuesday night. I fully expect the Senate to remove him.

Yes, I do mean Tuesday night. I'm retired/self-employed, I don't watch television and am living the Life of Riley. I often don't know what day it is, because I don't have to.
Good for you. I have been the same for some years, and beats having to 'go work for living at the discretion of others'.
It's pretty hard to argue with this logic. If Moore wins it basically sends a message to the entire country that while Democrats are cleaning house with resignations of politicians caught up in sexual allegations, Republicans are embracing a creep like Roy Moore despite multiple accusations of promiscuous behavior with teenage girls as an adult man. Of course, the Democrats are going to make this a campaign issue.

Why Democrats win even if they lose in Alabama
it's not enough for the Dems to bridge their credibility gap
It's not the Dems saddled with Trump and Moore.
The Democrats still do not have the moral high ground because NJ Democrat Senator Bob Menendez still refuses to resign amid allegations of his involvement with underage prostitutes in the Dominican Republic.
It's pretty hard to argue with this logic. If Moore wins it basically sends a message to the entire country that while Democrats are cleaning house with resignations of politicians caught up in sexual allegations, Republicans are embracing a creep like Roy Moore despite multiple accusations of promiscuous behavior with teenage girls as an adult man. Of course, the Democrats are going to make this a campaign issue.

Why Democrats win even if they lose in Alabama
Senator Moore's supporters knows who are the real pedophiles.


The Democrats still do not have the moral high ground because NJ Democrat Senator Bob Menendez still refuses to resign amid allegations of his involvement with underage prostitutes in the Dominican Republic.
You are not making any sense.

And Aletheia4u is making once again a long-discredited lie.
They initially didn't say peep about Franken for about a week, and his limp wristed apology gave the impression he was pushed out the door, his demise the result of someone else. He didn't even say sorry once.
If Moore is guilty of being a creep he should face justice and be held accountable, the timing of the accusations ensures that there will be a great deal of suspicion about the motivation, rightfully or wrongfully, and thus most voters will ignore it. The now admitted additional notes to the Yearbook all but ensures that there will be many who don't trust the allegations at all. So he will cause the GOP some optic problems and provide an opening for the opposition, but unless all of the names of those who used govt money for payoffs is released and all the names are GOP, I don't think it will make much of a difference. It will just be a war of attrition, tat for tat.

As it were, I don't think any of this matters, the elections in 2018 and 2020 will all be about Trump and only him. Considering what America has experienced for so many years, as long as he keeps his campaign promises I am predicting he will not lose.
Democrats supported and defended Bill Clinton the rapist so they can't point the fingers at anyone.

This is true, but being a pervert and abuser, as bad as it is, is a far cry from a creep. Though indeed, that particular part of their history is always in the can ready to be used if necessary. In particular if any of those who stood behind him are still within the party.
It's pretty hard to argue with this logic. If Moore wins it basically sends a message to the entire country that while Democrats are cleaning house with resignations of politicians caught up in sexual allegations, Republicans are embracing a creep like Roy Moore despite multiple accusations of promiscuous behavior with teenage girls as an adult man. Of course, the Democrats are going to make this a campaign issue.

Why Democrats win even if they lose in Alabama

Is that the main platform Democrats will be running on in 2018 and 2020? That they have the high moral ground, and Republicans are "creeps"?

Simply running around the countryside calling other people names is not a winning strategy. You should have already known that after Hillary's failed campaign.Truthfully, your average voter doesn't really care about this issue, other than the fake sentiment drummed up by the media. If the Democrat's main game plan is to put on an air of "moral superiority" without providing any real solutions to America's problems, they're going to be greatly disappointed.
"our average voter doesn't really care about this issue" is the most uninformed comment of the day.
All this is predicated on people not seeing through the democratic charade. Of course it follows the old saw that people that voted for trump have no idea what is good for them. I think democrats will try to make you think they hold the high moral ground but history already proves that to be a lie. Just remember, if we went back forty years on anyone’s life we would find that every person has done something that disqualifies them from being elected. With trump, events will overtake this faux narrative and it will be another steaming pile of shit on the political landscape.

And from another standpoint, as much as I despise Franken, I do not think he should have resigned, if indeed he did. He did say that since being a senator he has not sullied the reputation of the senate. If he believes this to be true he should gather up his balls and said he does not believe he should be judged by the senate for shenanigans he committed before becoming a senator. Even the lady who was asleep as Al pretended to be grabbing did not think he should resign. Al didn’t resign because he believed he did something wrong, he resigned because he was told to. This lack of conviction whenever it comes to benefitting the party is not lost on voters. He should have stood up like a man and fought for what he believed to be true. That is what trump does and is one of the reasons he is so respected by his supporters. Franken= Wuss.
It's pretty hard to argue with this logic. If Moore wins it basically sends a message to the entire country that while Democrats are cleaning house with resignations of politicians caught up in sexual allegations, Republicans are embracing a creep like Roy Moore despite multiple accusations of promiscuous behavior with teenage girls as an adult man. Of course, the Democrats are going to make this a campaign issue.

Why Democrats win even if they lose in Alabama

Is that the main platform Democrats will be running on in 2018 and 2020? That they have the high moral ground, and Republicans are "creeps"?

Simply running around the countryside calling other people names is not a winning strategy. You should have already known that after Hillary's failed campaign.Truthfully, your average voter doesn't really care about this issue, other than the fake sentiment drummed up by the media. If the Democrat's main game plan is to put on an air of "moral superiority" without providing any real solutions to America's problems, they're going to be greatly disappointed.
This is the main issue right here.

The Democrats have been doing nothing but calling Republicans names since 2002. Since 2004, they have had no vision for America; only hate for Republicans. Since 2004 they have had no positive ideas to help America. All they know is to attack, attack, attack. The American people are growing tired of the name calling.

So far, look at what it has managed to get them, yet they fail to learn, time after time, after time.

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