Why Democrats win even if they lose in Alabama

There is no proof against Moore.

There doesn't need to be.

Herman Cain had multiple accusations too.

And he had to drop out of the race.

For his family's sake. Again, there was no proof.

Herman Cain was and is an honorable man. But to see himself and his family dragged through the mud on the way to another one of the Democratic Party's "high-tech lynching", was more than he wanted to endure. He couldn't fight their allegations because he was one of the old-school "nice Republicans", playning by the traditional Republican's rules. The Democrats would have just branded him as being "uppity", had he had the stones to use the same tactics Trump used.
It's pretty hard to argue with this logic. If Moore wins it basically sends a message to the entire country that while Democrats are cleaning house with resignations of politicians caught up in sexual allegations, Republicans are embracing a creep like Roy Moore despite multiple accusations of promiscuous behavior with teenage girls as an adult man. Of course, the Democrats are going to make this a campaign issue.

Why Democrats win even if they lose in Alabama
Apples and oranges
It's pretty hard to argue with this logic. If Moore wins it basically sends a message to the entire country that while Democrats are cleaning house with resignations of politicians caught up in sexual allegations, Republicans are embracing a creep like Roy Moore despite multiple accusations of promiscuous behavior with teenage girls as an adult man. Of course, the Democrats are going to make this a campaign issue.

Why Democrats win even if they lose in Alabama

That would be to uninformed people....since bob menendez has been accused of raping children, still faces another trial for felonies, and because there is a republican governor in New Jersey, the democrats won't demand he resign his seat. franken and conyers were from two, safe, democrat states and will be replaced by democrats.....

And no, we aren't embracing moore, we have been left with a bad choice.....either vote moore or let a democrat who believes in late term abortion take the Senate seat.....killing babies is not something we would like to support. If there was more time, if there was a chance to vote for someone else, moore would not be the candidate, but there is only moore and the idiot democrat......and the allegations against moore keep getting shaky....
Cain did the honorable thing, but the accusations and his wilting before them showed that they were true.

He got out, good.

Moore won't get out, bad. And if Moore wins, yes, the GOP embraces everything that goes with him.
After Republicans succeeded in putting a misogynist in the WH they’re now trying to put another misogynist in the Senate.

What misogynist? Trump loves women...the haters are all democrats, the ones who actually raped women and let them die.....ted kennedy and bill clinton chief among them, then you have bob menendez, Senator from New Jersey who was raping children in the Dominican Republic....and the democrats won't say boo about him because New Jersey has a Republican governor for a few more weeks.......
It's pretty hard to argue with this logic. If Moore wins it basically sends a message to the entire country that while Democrats are cleaning house with resignations of politicians caught up in sexual allegations, Republicans are embracing a creep like Roy Moore despite multiple accusations of promiscuous behavior with teenage girls as an adult man. Of course, the Democrats are going to make this a campaign issue.

Why Democrats win even if they lose in Alabama
Apples and oranges

The OP's logic is skewed. Just because Democrats are falling on their own swords and flinging themselves off cliffs, doesn't mean that we're going to follow them. That would be retarded.
Democrats are trying to get rid of their perverts
Republicans want Moore

No...democrats are getting rid of two perverts in safe, democrat seats......bob menendez, with credible allegations of child rape, isn't being forced out because they have a republican governor....so spare us the new big lie....
Yes. And the fact that Trump/Moore supporters (because they're pretty much the same thing) don't realize it is pretty damn funny.

Moore winning is the best thing that could happen to dems.
It's pretty hard to argue with this logic. If Moore wins it basically sends a message to the entire country that while Democrats are cleaning house with resignations of politicians caught up in sexual allegations, Republicans are embracing a creep like Roy Moore despite multiple accusations of promiscuous behavior with teenage girls as an adult man. Of course, the Democrats are going to make this a campaign issue.

Why Democrats win even if they lose in Alabama
Apples and oranges

The OP's logic is skewed. Just because Democrats are falling on their own swords and flinging themselves off cliffs, doesn't mean that we're going to follow them. That would be retarded.

They aren't falling on their swords...to do that they would have to surrender the seats of franken and conyers to Republicans...they aren't doing that, they aren't sacrificing anything.
Cain did the honorable thing, but the accusations and his wilting before them showed that they were true.

No, it showed he felt that keeping the ravenous Democrat media away from his family was more important to him than pursuing the presidency.

Walking away from a bully does not mean you lost the fight.
Billy, Cain was loser and a sexual predator: there is no question about it.

The lady of the house made an ultimatum, and Cain was smart to follow it.
After Republicans succeeded in putting a misogynist in the WH they’re now trying to put another misogynist in the Senate.

What misogynist? Trump loves women...the haters are all democrats, the ones who actually raped women and let them die.....ted kennedy and bill clinton chief among them, then you have bob menendez, Senator from New Jersey who was raping children in the Dominican Republic....and the democrats won't say boo about him because New Jersey has a Republican governor for a few more weeks.......

A true misogynist would embrace a culture like Islam, and allow as many Muslims into this country as they could. or Mexicans, for that matter: Mexicans have an extremely patriarchal society where men are the rulers of the household. They even assign a specific gender to their words, which is sexist.

A true misogynist would also make women feel as if they were the eternal "victim" for the purpose of political gain.

Donald Trump is no hater of women.
It's pretty hard to argue with this logic. If Moore wins it basically sends a message to the entire country that while Democrats are cleaning house with resignations of politicians caught up in sexual allegations, Republicans are embracing a creep like Roy Moore despite multiple accusations of promiscuous behavior with teenage girls as an adult man. Of course, the Democrats are going to make this a campaign issue.

Why Democrats win even if they lose in Alabama

Anyone sane views the whole thing as simple as it actually is.
The allegations made against the Dems had merit and or were accompanied by photographic evidence while the decades old allegations made against Moore are without merit and or have been proven to be lies fabricated by the same corrupt people that rig their own elections.
Yup, Billy and JGalt are mad that Cain bowed down before Mrs. Cain's demand to leave the race.
It's pretty hard to argue with this logic. If Moore wins it basically sends a message to the entire country that while Democrats are cleaning house with resignations of politicians caught up in sexual allegations, Republicans are embracing a creep like Roy Moore despite multiple accusations of promiscuous behavior with teenage girls as an adult man. Of course, the Democrats are going to make this a campaign issue.

Why Democrats win even if they lose in Alabama
Apples and oranges

The OP's logic is skewed. Just because Democrats are falling on their own swords and flinging themselves off cliffs, doesn't mean that we're going to follow them. That would be retarded.

They aren't falling on their swords...to do that they would have to surrender the seats of franken and conyers to Republicans...they aren't doing that, they aren't sacrificing anything.

The appearance is what counts. I agree that they're not really giving up anything, just putting on a grand kabuki theater.

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