Why Dem's In Panic For 2014?; Blacks And "The Dumb-Informed" Don't Vote.

Feb 1, 2013

So our leader has no plans to govern for at least another 2 or so years? Still needs to campaign for the mid-terms? Why? is he worried that the House will remain red?
It hasn't been mentioned yet on cable/radio news, but remember in 2010 how they brought up the issue that "Well, Obama isn't on the ballot"?, well, there you go. Obama isn't on any ballots in 2014, therefore, Blacks, Latino's, Ill-informed, Dumb-informed, Low-information, the stupid voters, and those who are too busy with their "Obama-Phones", Free TV, Free Internet, Food Stamps, etc, will not take the time to vote, if anything, they wont even know we were having a mid-term in November 2014.
But "THE WELL-INFORMED" Will Vote and they will come out in the masses!!! In 2014, Obama-Care will collapse and the 60 or so million people who voted for Romney will come out again, if not even more than in 2012.
He's governing fine.

The US isn't a corporation..in that the "CEO" can't fire insubordinate employees.

That's up to the people.

And it's a distinct possibility that in 2014..they will be getting their walking papers.

Typical Liberal Voter: Mid Terms? Wad's Dat? Eye ain't know nottin' bowt no mid-ass-term, all eye no iz dat I got my Obama-Phone, my big-ass TV screen, my welfare-check, my rent is paid, dats all I need. !!
2014 is looking like it may be the final piece of evidence Republicans need to realize that taking the hard line stance on every single one of their talking points may not be the best idea.
Typical Liberal Voter: Mid Terms? Wad's Dat? Eye ain't know nottin' bowt no mid-ass-term, all eye no iz dat I got my Obama-Phone, my big-ass TV screen, my welfare-check, my rent is paid, dats all I need. !!

Nah I had a great 2006 midterm. The Presidential elections were more fun though.
thank god a lot of dems can't read. and keep in mind, it was the "Stupid Vote" of a few million that gave Obama the win last year. If they are still that dumb, they wont even know when Election Day is come November. they will be too busy playing games on their PC and Weeee!
Typical Liberal Voter: Mid Terms? Wad's Dat? Eye ain't know nottin' bowt no mid-ass-term, all eye no iz dat I got my Obama-Phone, my big-ass TV screen, my welfare-check, my rent is paid, dats all I need. !!

I simply cannot understand why, with such attitudes as yours on the Right, why minorities don't FLOCK to the Republicans.....
thank god a lot of dems can't read. and keep in mind, it was the "Stupid Vote" of a few million that gave Obama the win last year. If they are still that dumb, they wont even know when Election Day is come November. they will be too busy playing games on their PC and Weeee!


So our leader has no plans to govern for at least another 2 or so years? Still needs to campaign for the mid-terms? Why? is he worried that the House will remain red?
It hasn't been mentioned yet on cable/radio news, but remember in 2010 how they brought up the issue that "Well, Obama isn't on the ballot"?, well, there you go. Obama isn't on any ballots in 2014, therefore, Blacks, Latino's, Ill-informed, Dumb-informed, Low-information, the stupid voters, and those who are too busy with their "Obama-Phones", Free TV, Free Internet, Food Stamps, etc, will not take the time to vote, if anything, they wont even know we were having a mid-term in November 2014.
But "THE WELL-INFORMED" Will Vote and they will come out in the masses!!! In 2014, Obama-Care will collapse and the 60 or so million people who voted for Romney will come out again, if not even more than in 2012.

You are correct. Barry plans to continue his inaction of the last 5 years of doing nothing and calling that "leading".

He plans to sit on his skinny ass and wait for the midterms, all the while blaming the republicans for the lack of action. In my opinion, this is his plan to get the idiot Pelosi back as Speaker.

He will continue his "Stalinesque" attack on the right, calling for increased taxes on us all and sit idly by and do as he has so effectively done for the majority of his wasted term(s) in office - nothing.

And why wouldn't he? He has the media spoon feeding the idiots that worship at the feet of "comrade Obama". Hell, Barry is not stupid. He reminds me of a pimp in Detroit. Barry needs to be careful, however. He is close to FORCING the media into having to actually DO their jobs. He, every now and again, ventures onto very thin ice (I.e., Drone strikes on Americans) and at some point, he will reach a tipping point.

I'm a black man and I vote. I don't trust this bi-racial clown as far as I might be able to throw him. Never have and never will. I truly believe that it is his intention to destroy this country and everything she stands for. That's my opinion and it will not change.

The communists on the Left don't like it? I couldn't care less.
2014 is looking like it may be the final piece of evidence Republicans need to realize that taking the hard line stance on every single one of their talking points may not be the best idea.

you mean as opposed to the "soft line stance" of the Dems....?
average and intelligent Americans use the term "The Stupid Vote" or "The Stupid Voters" when referring to those who vote for many current democrats being all they see in them is a free monthly check. There are enough of them to keep the house red, also keep in mind, Most of America is RED! the dumbest of the dumb live in deep blue states anyway. I cant wait for the next Democrat Panic attack in 2014 when they see the polls pretty much the same as they were in the summer of 2010.
Well, given the fact that most of the red states are the welfare states, I don't see the GOP getting any gains in 2014, and a very large chance that they will lose bigtime.

As for the rest of your drivel, how accurate were your predictions last year? 6Nov12 taught you fools nothing at all.
Typical Liberal Voter: Mid Terms? Wad's Dat? Eye ain't know nottin' bowt no mid-ass-term, all eye no iz dat I got my Obama-Phone, my big-ass TV screen, my welfare-check, my rent is paid, dats all I need. !!

^Gotta love it.

you knock off the per-cent of the black vote, the conservative wins, lets say no blacks voted in 2012, Romney would of won. It looks to be a same scenario in 2014. You have to wonder why Obama is more concerned about campaigning for 2014 than working in the oval office. He's is worried about minorities not showing up in 2014.
2014 is not 2010

Republicans have beat the Obamacare drum to death. Now they have to explain sequester and their monthly stoppages of government

They have an approval rate in the teens

Not looking good for the Teapublicans

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