Why did Bush ignore 9/11 warnings?

Typical smoke and mirrors distraction ploy by liberal scum.

The nation wasn't on high alert on 11 Sep 01 since terrorists had never attacked the US on that date before and never flew planes into buildings period before that date.

But on 11 Sep 12, there was plenty of intelligence about an attack in Libya and precedence of the date 11 Sep being important to terrorists.

Of course, typical liberal scum can't understand these facts and concepts. Lucky for us, they will burn in hell someday for being scum.
Typical smoke and mirrors distraction ploy by liberal scum.

The nation wasn't on high alert on 11 Sep 01 since terrorists had never attacked the US on that date before and never flew planes into buildings period before that date.

But on 11 Sep 12, there was plenty of intelligence about an attack in Libya and precedence of the date 11 Sep being important to terrorists.

Of course, typical liberal scum can't understand these facts and concepts. Lucky for us, they will burn in hell someday for being scum.

There were plenty of warnings before 9/11/01 that were ignored by the Bush administration. You're just trying to rewrite history and equate 3,000+ deaths with 4. That's REALLY being a scumbag. Typical for you, but scummy nonetheless.
Bin Laden should have been terminated long before Bush came into power......

But being Democrats they chose harsh criticism and appeasement instead of taking the appropriate action...........And left the real work up to the next administration, like they always do.........
Shithead....Clinton's people prevented the FBI and CIA sharing intel on the terrorists that were traveling to Afghanistan and Pakistan in between taking flying lessons in the US.

As for rumors of terrorist attacks, idiots like you outside the loop have no clue there are constant "terrorist threats" that don't pan out. If we operated on every threat out there, then airports, trains, malls, etc would be shut down left and right on random dates.

There was no warning terrorists are going to fly commerical airplanes into buildings on 11 Sep 01, you stupid fucking moron.

Get back to licking your asshole and shut the fuck up about things clearly over your head.

Typical smoke and mirrors distraction ploy by liberal scum.

The nation wasn't on high alert on 11 Sep 01 since terrorists had never attacked the US on that date before and never flew planes into buildings period before that date.

But on 11 Sep 12, there was plenty of intelligence about an attack in Libya and precedence of the date 11 Sep being important to terrorists.

Of course, typical liberal scum can't understand these facts and concepts. Lucky for us, they will burn in hell someday for being scum.

There were plenty of warnings before 9/11/01 that were ignored by the Bush administration. You're just trying to rewrite history and equate 3,000+ deaths with 4. That's REALLY being a scumbag. Typical for you, but scummy nonetheless.
Typical smoke and mirrors distraction ploy by liberal scum.

The nation wasn't on high alert on 11 Sep 01 since terrorists had never attacked the US on that date before and never flew planes into buildings period before that date.

But on 11 Sep 12, there was plenty of intelligence about an attack in Libya and precedence of the date 11 Sep being important to terrorists.

Of course, typical liberal scum can't understand these facts and concepts. Lucky for us, they will burn in hell someday for being scum.

There were plenty of warnings before 9/11/01 that were ignored by the Bush administration. You're just trying to rewrite history and equate 3,000+ deaths with 4. That's REALLY being a scumbag. Typical for you, but scummy nonetheless.

Those warning were also ignored by the Clinton administration. Hell. He passed that info onto Bush and fell on his knees thanking God that AQ waited 8 months after he left office to attack.He certainly didn't shut the country down on those vague warnings just like Bush didn't.

Perhaps we should hang them both from the nearest tree. I'm sure that would please you.

Benghazi is Barrys blunder. He and his State Department had requests for additional security which they ignored. They also flat out lied through their teeth about that video and a spontaneous demonstration. Barry also let nothing interfere with his Vegas trip while those men fought and died waiting for help.

You can cut it any way you want but the meat still stinks. That fuck can't blame this on anything but his incompetent, uncaring ass and his State Departments blunders.

Those four men are dead because those assholes were more concerned with getting that fuck reelected than saving the lives of those four men.
Bin Laden should have been terminated long before Bush came into power......

But being Democrats they chose harsh criticism and appeasement instead of taking the appropriate action...........And left the real work up to the next administration, like they always do.........

He might have been dealt with, but the Republicans were more interested in a blow job than making sure the country was safe. Every time Clinton did something who was screaming "wag the dog"?!?! You're just revising history. IT STINKS. You know the Republicans "screwed the pooch" and now you're trying to shift the blame. Sorry, you're not doing it about 9/11 and you're not going to do it about Benghazi.
You lying sack of shit.

The CIA people that worked the UBL Task Force said Bill Clinton was either too busy with his bullshit or too scared to pull the trigger on UBL when they gave Clinton intel on where UBL was hiding.

Clinton didn't want to have "women and children" in UBL's camp dying and the BBC running a story on it, so he let UBL live and eventually cause 9-11 on Bush's watch.

Bin Laden should have been terminated long before Bush came into power......

But being Democrats they chose harsh criticism and appeasement instead of taking the appropriate action...........And left the real work up to the next administration, like they always do.........

He might have been dealt with, but the Republicans were more interested in a blow job than making sure the country was safe. Every time Clinton did something who was screaming "wag the dog"?!?! You're just revising history. IT STINKS. You know the Republicans "screwed the pooch" and now you're trying to shift the blame. Sorry, you're not doing it about 9/11 and you're not going to do it about Benghazi.
He might have been dealt with, but the Republicans were more interested in a blow job than making sure the country was safe.

Ummmmmmmm NO, that was the scumbag named Bill Clinton...........
Bin Laden should have been terminated long before Bush came into power......

But being Democrats they chose harsh criticism and appeasement instead of taking the appropriate action...........And left the real work up to the next administration, like they always do.........

Bullshit. Bin Laden was evasive, they had trouble pinning him down, and almost took out innocent guys a few times.

By the way, was it not a Democrat who got him? After the Republican administration left it for them. You are really full of shit.
You lying sack of shit.

The CIA people that worked the UBL Task Force said Bill Clinton was either too busy with his bullshit or too scared to pull the trigger on UBL when they gave Clinton intel on where UBL was hiding.

Clinton didn't want to have "women and children" in UBL's camp dying and the BBC running a story on it, so he let UBL live and eventually cause 9-11 on Bush's watch.

Bin Laden should have been terminated long before Bush came into power......

But being Democrats they chose harsh criticism and appeasement instead of taking the appropriate action...........And left the real work up to the next administration, like they always do.........

He might have been dealt with, but the Republicans were more interested in a blow job than making sure the country was safe. Every time Clinton did something who was screaming "wag the dog"?!?! You're just revising history. IT STINKS. You know the Republicans "screwed the pooch" and now you're trying to shift the blame. Sorry, you're not doing it about 9/11 and you're not going to do it about Benghazi.

So you're saying you and the Republicans weren't talking about "blowing up a few camels and an aspirin factory"? I won't provide a cite at the moment because, as usual, you haven't provided one for your fairy tale!!! Anyone can say what "might have happened". I been reporting what DID happen. Every time Clinton did something, the Republicans didn't applaud, they attacked. Bin Laden was probably laughing in this hideaway, as y'all helped him out for years.
You lying sack of shit.

The CIA people that worked the UBL Task Force said Bill Clinton was either too busy with his bullshit or too scared to pull the trigger on UBL when they gave Clinton intel on where UBL was hiding.

Clinton didn't want to have "women and children" in UBL's camp dying and the BBC running a story on it, so he let UBL live and eventually cause 9-11 on Bush's watch.

Bin Laden should have been terminated long before Bush came into power......

But being Democrats they chose harsh criticism and appeasement instead of taking the appropriate action...........And left the real work up to the next administration, like they always do.........

He might have been dealt with, but the Republicans were more interested in a blow job than making sure the country was safe. Every time Clinton did something who was screaming "wag the dog"?!?! You're just revising history. IT STINKS. You know the Republicans "screwed the pooch" and now you're trying to shift the blame. Sorry, you're not doing it about 9/11 and you're not going to do it about Benghazi.

Fearful of killing civilians CAUSED deaths in Afghanistan and here is the proof as this occurred during the courageous actions of A Congressional Medal of Honor winner:

And the last Congressional Medal of Honor winner??? Dakota Meyer rightfully won the Medal of Honor .. no question..
.........but the traitor Obama that put around his neck ,CAUSED the deaths of the Marines!

How can Obama do that when HE KNOWS his orders got the Marines killed!
Here is why.. Obama's NEW rules of engagements did the following:

U.S. commanders, citing new rules to avoid civilian casualties, rejected repeated calls to unleash artillery rounds at attackers dug into the slopes and tree lines — despite being told repeatedly that they weren't near the village."
'We're pinned down:' 4 U.S. Marines die in Afghan ambush | McClatchy

and then we have Benghazi!!!

Halbert even admits the only plausible explanation:
Obama knew it was too big a risk to admit to a major terrorist attack killing 4 Americans, he refused to protect.
He wouldn’t allow this info publicized shortly before the election.

Obama Should Be Impeached Over Benghazi | RedState
You lying sack of shit.

The CIA people that worked the UBL Task Force said Bill Clinton was either too busy with his bullshit or too scared to pull the trigger on UBL when they gave Clinton intel on where UBL was hiding.

Clinton didn't want to have "women and children" in UBL's camp dying and the BBC running a story on it, so he let UBL live and eventually cause 9-11 on Bush's watch.

Bin Laden should have been terminated long before Bush came into power......

But being Democrats they chose harsh criticism and appeasement instead of taking the appropriate action...........And left the real work up to the next administration, like they always do.........

He might have been dealt with, but the Republicans were more interested in a blow job than making sure the country was safe. Every time Clinton did something who was screaming "wag the dog"?!?! You're just revising history. IT STINKS. You know the Republicans "screwed the pooch" and now you're trying to shift the blame. Sorry, you're not doing it about 9/11 and you're not going to do it about Benghazi.

Clinton was not going to pull the trigger unless they were sure it was him. The first two times that they told Clinton that they had him in their sights it was someone else both times. They then had him in their sights and were 100 per cent sure, but missed him. You have no idea what you are talking about b
Well Clinton got the same warning that Bush got and he got it way before He left office. He passed it on to Bush.

Clinton never shut the country down or did anything about those vague warnings. Neither did Bush. They were both in the same boat.

They did nothing because what the hell did anyone expect either of them to do?? Shut the whole country down while they tried to figure out where and when this vague warning about an attack was going to hit??

The parties to blame for 9-11 were the dirtbags who flew those planes into the TT. AQ was behind it and thats where the blame is.
Shithead...the CIA went to Bill Clinton at least 5 times telling him to drop bombs on a camp in Afghanistan t o kill UBL.....he did nothing.

He attacked camps in Afghanistan on other dates, but he failed to take action when the CIA told him to attack UBL's camp because they said the CIA could not gurantee women and children wouldn't be dead too.

You scumbags protected terrorist families over Americans that died on 11 Sep 01.

You lying sack of shit.

The CIA people that worked the UBL Task Force said Bill Clinton was either too busy with his bullshit or too scared to pull the trigger on UBL when they gave Clinton intel on where UBL was hiding.

Clinton didn't want to have "women and children" in UBL's camp dying and the BBC running a story on it, so he let UBL live and eventually cause 9-11 on Bush's watch.

He might have been dealt with, but the Republicans were more interested in a blow job than making sure the country was safe. Every time Clinton did something who was screaming "wag the dog"?!?! You're just revising history. IT STINKS. You know the Republicans "screwed the pooch" and now you're trying to shift the blame. Sorry, you're not doing it about 9/11 and you're not going to do it about Benghazi.

So you're saying you and the Republicans weren't talking about "blowing up a few camels and an aspirin factory"? I won't provide a cite at the moment because, as usual, you haven't provided one for your fairy tale!!! Anyone can say what "might have happened". I been reporting what DID happen. Every time Clinton did something, the Republicans didn't applaud, they attacked. Bin Laden was probably laughing in this hideaway, as y'all helped him out for years.
Well, given 11 Sep 01 happened in his first term before he even got his feet wet, it would've been hard for him to start bombing Afghanistan given Democraps claim he stole the election and they were blocking his Cabinet picks.

A new boss taking over a company doesn't do something crazy like that when he is first trying to get control of his company from the previous boss and the scumbag unions undermining him.

Well Clinton got the same warning that Bush got and he got it way before He left office. He passed it on to Bush.

Clinton never shut the country down or did anything about those vague warnings. Neither did Bush. They were both in the same boat.

They did nothing because what the hell did anyone expect either of them to do?? Shut the whole country down while they tried to figure out where and when this vague warning about an attack was going to hit??

The parties to blame for 9-11 were the dirtbags who flew those planes into the TT. AQ was behind it and thats where the blame is.
Bin Laden should have been terminated long before Bush came into power......

But being Democrats they chose harsh criticism and appeasement instead of taking the appropriate action...........And left the real work up to the next administration, like they always do.........

He might have been dealt with, but the Republicans were more interested in a blow job than making sure the country was safe. Every time Clinton did something who was screaming "wag the dog"?!?! You're just revising history. IT STINKS. You know the Republicans "screwed the pooch" and now you're trying to shift the blame. Sorry, you're not doing it about 9/11 and you're not going to do it about Benghazi.

Yeah, unfortunately for America, when Republicans are out of power, their overriding concern is derailing the Democrat in office in a coming election, or driving him from power if he's reelected. They certainly aren't going to take their responsibility at governance seriously.

Kinda like the last few years when Obama's been dealing with the after effects of the financial meltdown. Any jobs bill come out of the Republican House after the 2010 election? Nope! And now that Obama's been reelected, conservatives are trying to turn Benghazi into an impeachable offense so we can spend more time not dealing with America's problems.

But something tell me that's still better than what would have happened if Romney and the Super PACs had managed to successfully complete their leveraged buy out of the Federal Gov't if for no other reason than because average voters might just have found themselves downsized in the process.
Ah yes.................The UAW lived, bin laden died............Adolescently meaningful in some retarded way....
Clinton kept us safe. 9/11 happened on Bush's watch.

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