Why did Bush lie about Saddam being connected to 9/11?

Bush 41 tricked Saddam into invading Kuwait. Link

Bush 43 tricked America into invading Iraq. Link

How exactly did he trick the war hawk Hillary? She should have had insider information? And how about all the other senior Democrats that supported the war? Is GWB really that much smarter then they?
What committee do you think Hillary was on in 2002 that provided her with "insider information?"
George W. Bush is ranked No. 34 out of 44 presidents. Holy shit, that's pretty bad. Obama is ranked No. 14 out of 44. Holy shit, that's pretty good.

Historical rankings of Presidents of the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
liberal wikipedia, doesn't count.

Obama's ranking will only get better once he leaves office. Looking back at history, we will see a GOP with a 7% rating. A party that shutdown the government to punish the US because of the GOP's hatred for the first black president. A party that caused enormous damage to the US. A party that plotted and planned to bring him down even before he was sworn in the first time and failed. A party that's 90% white and full of hatred for every minority.

Honest Republicans know this for a fact. Many even admit it.

And in spite of that dirty, racist party, he still managed to bring health care to millions of Americans. He manage to overturn many of the GOP's policies of hate. Their hate against woman, gays, blacks, Hispanics and others.

When the grandchildren of the current Republican Party looks back, they will spit on such a dirty party that brought so much hatred and division to this country.
I really don't mind being called a liar by someone who is too dumb to know such a basic fact.

[ame=[MEDIA=youtube]YPJCPcYCupY[/MEDIA] LIES - Bush Cheney Rumsfeld - THE ULTIMATE CLIP (Edited) - YouTube[/ame]

I watched the entire video and nowhere in that video did you show that Bush lied about Saddam an 9/11. In fact your video shows that Bush said Saddam was not involved in 9/11. Did you even watch the video before posting it?

Bush had trouble putting together two coherent sentences about anything so he left the explanation of the linkage between 911 and the Saddam to his minions but he did try. "The reason I keep insisting that there was a relationship between Iraq and Saddam and al Qaeda: because there was a relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda," Bush said after a Cabinet meeting. As evidence, he cited Iraqi intelligence officers' meeting with bin Laden in Sudan. "There's numerous contacts between the two," Bush said.

The historical record pretty clearly demonstrates the distortions the administration employed to make the case that Saddam Hussein had WMDs. Inspectors who said they didn't exist were ignored, false stories about aluminum tubes and yellowcake from Africa were peddled assertively, Iraqi defectors that were known liars were used as anonymous sources alleging Saddam’s WMD development, etc.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The United States secretly shipped out of Iraq more than 500 tons of low-grade uranium dating back to the Saddam Hussein era, the Pentagon said Monday.


The U.S. military spent $70 million ensuring the safe transportation of 550 metric tons of the uranium from Iraq to Canada, said Pentagon spokesman Brian Whitman.

The shipment, which until recently was kept secret, involved a U.S. truck convoy, 37 cargo flights out of Baghdad to a transitional location, and then a transoceanic voyage on board a U.S.-government-owned ship designed to carry troops to a war zone, he said.

The "yellowcake" uranium transfer was requested by the Iraqi government at the encouragement of the U.S. government, Whitman said.

500 tons of uranium shipped from Iraq Pentagon says - CNN.com

This old story has been thoroughly debunked. Do you know the history on that yellowcake?

Q: Was it recently revealed that the U.S. found uranium in Iraq after the invasion in 2003?

A: No. Uranium recently shipped from Iraq to Canada was left over from Saddam Hussein’s defunct nuclear weapons program and had been in sealed containers, under guard, since the end of the first Gulf War in 1991. Claims that this material is "vindication" for President Bush’s WMD claims in 2003 are completely false.

Uranium in Iraq

Hey stupid, nuclear weapons aren't the only WMD you know.

Iraq had quite the stockpile of chemical weapons. In fact Saddam used them, on his own people - SEVERAL times.

Duh, you mean the chemical weapons that Reagan gave him?
George W. Bush is ranked No. 34 out of 44 presidents. Holy shit, that's pretty bad. Obama is ranked No. 14 out of 44. Holy shit, that's pretty good.

Historical rankings of Presidents of the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
liberal wikipedia, doesn't count.

Obama's ranking will only get better once he leaves office. Looking back at history, we will see a GOP with a 7% rating. A party that shutdown the government to punish the US because of the GOP's hatred for the first black president. A party that caused enormous damage to the US. A party that plotted and planned to bring him down even before he was sworn in the first time and failed. A party that's 90% white and full of hatred for every minority.

Honest Republicans know this for a fact. Many even admit it.

And in spite of that dirty, racist party, he still managed to bring health care to millions of Americans. He manage to overturn many of the GOP's policies of hate. Their hate against woman, gays, blacks, Hispanics and others.

When the grandchildren of the current Republican Party looks back, they will spit on such a dirty party that brought so much hatred and division to this country.

Stop derailing for your buddy Liekhota who has yet to answer for his lie in the thread title.
rw'ers are STILL standing behind that war of choice that cost this great nation so dearly? :eusa_eh: :eusa_doh: It was based on ginned-up lies. Every school child knows this.
So, why then has there been no charges against Bush for war crimes? Go ahead.

What is your theory?

Is it because the UN loves the Bush family?

Well, I am waiting.

Please do not give me the rightwinger thing. Where he claims the reason is the world did not want to prolong the scandal.

Yes, he said the reason obama did not push an investigation was because he did not want to drag the country any further. So, that means according to a moron like rightwinger obama simply let him get away with genocide and mass murder and high war crimes.

LOL at liberals.
WOW Saddam is dead and Bush is gone the wing nuts are doing all they can do to keep fuckupobama out of the picture.
Can't defend him so they got to still talk about bush.
Once again shitting bull keeps giving reason why obama supporters are the dumbest people that have ever walked the face of the earth.
I really don't mind being called a liar by someone who is too dumb to know such a basic fact.

[ame=[MEDIA=youtube]YPJCPcYCupY[/MEDIA] LIES - Bush Cheney Rumsfeld - THE ULTIMATE CLIP (Edited) - YouTube[/ame]

I watched the entire video and nowhere in that video did you show that Bush lied about Saddam an 9/11. In fact your video shows that Bush said Saddam was not involved in 9/11. Did you even watch the video before posting it?

Bush had trouble putting together two coherent sentences about anything so he left the explanation of the linkage between 911 and the Saddam to his minions but he did try. "The reason I keep insisting that there was a relationship between Iraq and Saddam and al Qaeda: because there was a relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda," Bush said after a Cabinet meeting. As evidence, he cited Iraqi intelligence officers' meeting with bin Laden in Sudan. "There's numerous contacts between the two," Bush said.

The historical record pretty clearly demonstrates the distortions the administration employed to make the case that Saddam Hussein had WMDs. Inspectors who said they didn't exist were ignored, false stories about aluminum tubes and yellowcake from Africa were peddled assertively, Iraqi defectors that were known liars were used as anonymous sources alleging Saddam’s WMD development, etc.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The United States secretly shipped out of Iraq more than 500 tons of low-grade uranium dating back to the Saddam Hussein era, the Pentagon said Monday.


The U.S. military spent $70 million ensuring the safe transportation of 550 metric tons of the uranium from Iraq to Canada, said Pentagon spokesman Brian Whitman.

The shipment, which until recently was kept secret, involved a U.S. truck convoy, 37 cargo flights out of Baghdad to a transitional location, and then a transoceanic voyage on board a U.S.-government-owned ship designed to carry troops to a war zone, he said.

The "yellowcake" uranium transfer was requested by the Iraqi government at the encouragement of the U.S. government, Whitman said.

500 tons of uranium shipped from Iraq Pentagon says - CNN.com

This old story has been thoroughly debunked. Do you know the history on that yellowcake?

Q: Was it recently revealed that the U.S. found uranium in Iraq after the invasion in 2003?

A: No. Uranium recently shipped from Iraq to Canada was left over from Saddam Hussein’s defunct nuclear weapons program and had been in sealed containers, under guard, since the end of the first Gulf War in 1991. Claims that this material is "vindication" for President Bush’s WMD claims in 2003 are completely false.

Uranium in Iraq

Hey stupid, nuclear weapons aren't the only WMD you know.

Iraq had quite the stockpile of chemical weapons. In fact Saddam used them, on his own people - SEVERAL times.
Not in 2003, when we invaded, he didn't.
y. This pretty well shoots down the claim the Sad
I consider this to be Bush's biggest lie about Iraq and Saddam.

Rightwingers like to distract from the event that Bush tried to link Saddam to - 9/11. Even the dumbest of rightwingers should now be convinced that Saddam HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11. However, if any of them still think so - please provide credible proof.

I heard and saw Bush live on TV when he first tried to make this link. If there are any doubters - just Google "bush links saddam to 9/11"...

These days I tend to give Bush the benefit of doubt and think maybe he didn't knowingly tell a lie. I lean towards the other popular conclusion, the cadre of neocons he surrounded himself with, probably thru the the influence of Cheney, whispered the lie into his ear so often and so convincingly that he came to believe it. And without much common sense of his own to guide him it was just one more nail in the coffin for those hundred fifty thousand +/- dead bodies (they are still piling up) that resulted from his tragic shortcomings. I know it's no consolation for the havoc that continues to roil the world but it may in the grand scheme of history diminish the evil to a small degree that is attributed to him personally.

Is there even a remote chance that they believed it? Remember the troops and their gas mask and anti-chemical warfare equipment? Remember the Kurds being gassed by Saddam? Remember Hillary saying almost exactly the same words as Bush? I think we all believed Saddam had WMD and he did.
They believed what they wanted to believe. Probably at one time they really did think Saddam was in league with Al Qaeda and was massing WMD's. Beliefs turned into suggestions, then accusation, a search for evidence, and before long there was no way to back out the lie that developed so they continued with the deception which cost hundreds of thousands of lives and a figure that may exceed 6 trillion dollars
So, why then has there been no charges against Bush for war crimes? Go ahead.

What is your theory?

Is it because the UN loves the Bush family?

Well, I am waiting.

Please do not give me the rightwinger thing. Where he claims the reason is the world did not want to prolong the scandal.

Yes, he said the reason obama did not push an investigation was because he did not want to drag the country any further. So, that means according to a moron like rightwinger obama simply let him get away with genocide and mass murder and high war crimes.

LOL at liberals.
The United States are not members of the ICC (International Criminal Court) which has stated that Bush and Co. would be brought up on war crimes and as for the UN the "United States threatened to use its Security Council veto to block renewal of the mandates of several United Nations peacekeeping operations, unless the Security Council agreed to permanently exempt U.S. nationals from the Court's jurisdiction."
So wouldn't you if you were in Saddam's shoes CERTIFY that WMDs were destroyed...if it meant children not starving?
Saddam Hussein even offered one on one duel with George Bush after WH spokesman Ariel Fletcher put out a statement that "one bullet could end the need for war", not to mention he kept asking for dialog with Bush - I prefer to believe those who want to talk and are denied the ability to talk by the establishment media - then you can label them baby killers, lobster eaters or whatever else you want, it all becomes as irrelevant as your newest president's birth credentials or his peace prize medals
I watched the entire video and nowhere in that video did you show that Bush lied about Saddam an 9/11. In fact your video shows that Bush said Saddam was not involved in 9/11. Did you even watch the video before posting it?

Bush had trouble putting together two coherent sentences about anything so he left the explanation of the linkage between 911 and the Saddam to his minions but he did try. "The reason I keep insisting that there was a relationship between Iraq and Saddam and al Qaeda: because there was a relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda," Bush said after a Cabinet meeting. As evidence, he cited Iraqi intelligence officers' meeting with bin Laden in Sudan. "There's numerous contacts between the two," Bush said.

The historical record pretty clearly demonstrates the distortions the administration employed to make the case that Saddam Hussein had WMDs. Inspectors who said they didn't exist were ignored, false stories about aluminum tubes and yellowcake from Africa were peddled assertively, Iraqi defectors that were known liars were used as anonymous sources alleging Saddam’s WMD development, etc.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The United States secretly shipped out of Iraq more than 500 tons of low-grade uranium dating back to the Saddam Hussein era, the Pentagon said Monday.


The U.S. military spent $70 million ensuring the safe transportation of 550 metric tons of the uranium from Iraq to Canada, said Pentagon spokesman Brian Whitman.

The shipment, which until recently was kept secret, involved a U.S. truck convoy, 37 cargo flights out of Baghdad to a transitional location, and then a transoceanic voyage on board a U.S.-government-owned ship designed to carry troops to a war zone, he said.

The "yellowcake" uranium transfer was requested by the Iraqi government at the encouragement of the U.S. government, Whitman said.

500 tons of uranium shipped from Iraq Pentagon says - CNN.com

This old story has been thoroughly debunked. Do you know the history on that yellowcake?

Q: Was it recently revealed that the U.S. found uranium in Iraq after the invasion in 2003?

A: No. Uranium recently shipped from Iraq to Canada was left over from Saddam Hussein’s defunct nuclear weapons program and had been in sealed containers, under guard, since the end of the first Gulf War in 1991. Claims that this material is "vindication" for President Bush’s WMD claims in 2003 are completely false.

Uranium in Iraq

Hey stupid, nuclear weapons aren't the only WMD you know.

Iraq had quite the stockpile of chemical weapons. In fact Saddam used them, on his own people - SEVERAL times.
Not in 2003, when we invaded, he didn't.

Of course he did, and what you think that he forgot how to make them?

Saddam was an asshole who had to go. Personally I don't know why we invaded rather than just killing his ass, but it is what it is. He was butchering his own people and threatening the stability of the entire region and don't forget , defying UN resolutions.

Now, let's get back to the title of this thread. Has Liekhota as yet admitted that his thread is a lie?

got your ass handed to you in the other thread so you start a new thread in the hopes people won't see your ass kicking


btw.....YOU started the thread, it is up to YOU to provide links. you did not, because you are a liar.

I really don't mind being called a liar by someone who is too dumb to know such a basic fact.

[ame=[MEDIA=youtube]YPJCPcYCupY[/MEDIA] LIES - Bush Cheney Rumsfeld - THE ULTIMATE CLIP (Edited) - YouTube[/ame]

I watched the entire video and nowhere in that video did you show that Bush lied about Saddam an 9/11. In fact your video shows that Bush said Saddam was not involved in 9/11. Did you even watch the video before posting it?

Bush had trouble putting together two coherent sentences about anything so he left the explanation of the linkage between 911 and the Saddam to his minions but he did try. "The reason I keep insisting that there was a relationship between Iraq and Saddam and al Qaeda: because there was a relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda," Bush said after a Cabinet meeting. As evidence, he cited Iraqi intelligence officers' meeting with bin Laden in Sudan. "There's numerous contacts between the two," Bush said.

The historical record pretty clearly demonstrates the distortions the administration employed to make the case that Saddam Hussein had WMDs. Inspectors who said they didn't exist were ignored, false stories about aluminum tubes and yellowcake from Africa were peddled assertively, Iraqi defectors that were known liars were used as anonymous sources alleging Saddam’s WMD development, etc.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The United States secretly shipped out of Iraq more than 500 tons of low-grade uranium dating back to the Saddam Hussein era, the Pentagon said Monday.


The U.S. military spent $70 million ensuring the safe transportation of 550 metric tons of the uranium from Iraq to Canada, said Pentagon spokesman Brian Whitman.

The shipment, which until recently was kept secret, involved a U.S. truck convoy, 37 cargo flights out of Baghdad to a transitional location, and then a transoceanic voyage on board a U.S.-government-owned ship designed to carry troops to a war zone, he said.

The "yellowcake" uranium transfer was requested by the Iraqi government at the encouragement of the U.S. government, Whitman said.

500 tons of uranium shipped from Iraq Pentagon says - CNN.com

It was not enriched and could not be used without first going through a complicated enrichment process. It was of no threat to US, but because of the unstable nature of Iraq, the United States and the Iraqi government decided it should be moved out of that country. This pretty well shoots down the claim that Saddam was trying to buy yellow cake uranium from Africa.

here is what YOU posted "Inspectors who said they didn't exist were ignored, false stories about aluminum tubes and yellowcake from Africa were peddled assertively,"

500 tons of yellowcake....doesn't seem to fit what you posted. Of course Uranium needs enriched.

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