Why did Bush lie about Saddam being connected to 9/11?

Did President Bush Link Saddam Hussein to 9/11?

Bush, in his speeches, did not say directly that Hussein was culpable in the Sept. 11 attacks. But he frequently juxtaposed Iraq and al Qaeda in ways that hinted at a link. In a March speech about Iraq’s “weapons of terror,” Bush said: “If the world fails to confront the threat posed by the Iraqi regime, refusing to use force, even as a last resort, free nations would assume immense and unacceptable risks. The attacks of September the 11th, 2001, showed what the enemies of America did with four airplanes. We will not wait to see what terrorists or terrorist states could do with weapons of mass destruction.”

Then, in declaring the end of major combat in Iraq on May 1, Bush linked Iraq and the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks: “The battle of Iraq is one victory in a war on terror that began on September the 11, 2001 — and still goes on. That terrible morning, 19 evil men — the shock troops of a hateful ideology — gave America and the civilized world a glimpse of their ambitions.”

Moments later, Bush added: “The liberation of Iraq is a crucial advance in the campaign against terror. We’ve removed an ally of al Qaeda, and cut off a source of terrorist funding. And this much is certain: No terrorist network will gain weapons of mass destruction from the Iraqi regime, because the regime is no more. In these 19 months that changed the world, our actions have been focused and deliberate and proportionate to the offense. We have not forgotten the victims of September the 11th — the last phone calls, the cold murder of children, the searches in the rubble. With those attacks, the terrorists and their supporters declared war on the United States. And war is what they got.”

More: Did President Bush Link Saddam Hussein to 9/11?

Yes, Bush clearly linked Saddam Hussein to 9/11 - and then later claimed he didn't.

LOL.....your own article says you're a liar

Did President Bush Link Saddam Hussein to 9/11?

Bush, in his speeches, did not say directly that Hussein was culpable in the Sept. 11 attacks. But he frequently juxtaposed Iraq and al Qaeda in ways that hinted at a link. In a March speech about Iraq’s “weapons of terror,” Bush said: “If the world fails to confront the threat posed by the Iraqi regime, refusing to use force, even as a last resort, free nations would assume immense and unacceptable risks. The attacks of September the 11th, 2001, showed what the enemies of America did with four airplanes. We will not wait to see what terrorists or terrorist states could do with weapons of mass destruction.”

Then, in declaring the end of major combat in Iraq on May 1, Bush linked Iraq and the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks: “The battle of Iraq is one victory in a war on terror that began on September the 11, 2001 — and still goes on. That terrible morning, 19 evil men — the shock troops of a hateful ideology — gave America and the civilized world a glimpse of their ambitions.”

Moments later, Bush added: “The liberation of Iraq is a crucial advance in the campaign against terror. We’ve removed an ally of al Qaeda, and cut off a source of terrorist funding. And this much is certain: No terrorist network will gain weapons of mass destruction from the Iraqi regime, because the regime is no more. In these 19 months that changed the world, our actions have been focused and deliberate and proportionate to the offense. We have not forgotten the victims of September the 11th — the last phone calls, the cold murder of children, the searches in the rubble. With those attacks, the terrorists and their supporters declared war on the United States. And war is what they got.”

More: Did President Bush Link Saddam Hussein to 9/11?

Yes, Bush clearly linked Saddam Hussein to 9/11 - and then later claimed he didn't.

LOL.....your own article says you're a liar


That makes LieKhota's link a FACT. :rofl:
Did President Bush Link Saddam Hussein to 9/11?

Bush, in his speeches, did not say directly that Hussein was culpable in the Sept. 11 attacks. But he frequently juxtaposed Iraq and al Qaeda in ways that hinted at a link. In a March speech about Iraq’s “weapons of terror,” Bush said: “If the world fails to confront the threat posed by the Iraqi regime, refusing to use force, even as a last resort, free nations would assume immense and unacceptable risks. The attacks of September the 11th, 2001, showed what the enemies of America did with four airplanes. We will not wait to see what terrorists or terrorist states could do with weapons of mass destruction.”

Then, in declaring the end of major combat in Iraq on May 1, Bush linked Iraq and the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks: “The battle of Iraq is one victory in a war on terror that began on September the 11, 2001 — and still goes on. That terrible morning, 19 evil men — the shock troops of a hateful ideology — gave America and the civilized world a glimpse of their ambitions.”

Moments later, Bush added: “The liberation of Iraq is a crucial advance in the campaign against terror. We’ve removed an ally of al Qaeda, and cut off a source of terrorist funding. And this much is certain: No terrorist network will gain weapons of mass destruction from the Iraqi regime, because the regime is no more. In these 19 months that changed the world, our actions have been focused and deliberate and proportionate to the offense. We have not forgotten the victims of September the 11th — the last phone calls, the cold murder of children, the searches in the rubble. With those attacks, the terrorists and their supporters declared war on the United States. And war is what they got.”

More: Did President Bush Link Saddam Hussein to 9/11?

Yes, Bush clearly linked Saddam Hussein to 9/11 - and then later claimed he didn't.

LOL.....your own article says you're a liar


That makes LieKhota's link a FACT. :rofl:

Lakhota speak with forked tongue
Liekhota's new avatar

Here is a collection of statement on the justification for war stated by GWB (complete list at site). Please note that there may be a few that link Saddam to anyone else but I didn't see it. I also do not see a link stated directly to 9/11. The link I provided above is a partisan link, they even said he did not directly make the link. Even if he did, which he did not, Hillary should have known better. It is long past the time to end the revisionist history of the lying left.

Excerpts from President Bush s Speeches on Justifications for a War Against Iraq

Justifications for a War Against Iraq
20 January 2001:
Inaugural Address
"We will confront weapons of mass destruction, so that a new century is spared new horrors."Containment--No Changes Specified
16 February 2001:
Press Conference with Vicente Fox
"Saddam Hussein has got to understand that we expect him to conform to the agreement that he signed after Desert Storm. We will enforce the no-fly zone, both south and north. Our intention is to make sure that the world is as peaceful as possible. And we're going to watch very carefully as to whether or not he develops weapons of mass destruction, and if we catch him doing so we'll take the appropriate action."Containment--No Changes Specified
22 February 2001:
Press Conference
"...the primary goal is to make it clear to Saddam that we expect him to be a peaceful neighbor in the region and we expect him not to develop weapons of mass destruction. And if we find him doing so, there will be a consequence."[TD]Containment with Improved Sanctions
I consider this to be Bush's biggest lie about Iraq and Saddam.

Rightwingers like to distract from the event that Bush tried to link Saddam to - 9/11. Even the dumbest of rightwingers should now be convinced that Saddam HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11. However, if any of them still think so - please provide credible proof.

I heard and saw Bush live on TV when he first tried to make this link. If there are any doubters - just Google "bush links saddam to 9/11"...
for the 100 trillionth time

He didn't lie

he was wrong

but all you leftist morons can't learn this very veryveryveryveryvery simple fact
Bush, in his speeches, did not say directly that Hussein was culpable in the Sept. 11 attacks.
The truth

But he frequently juxtaposed Iraq and al Qaeda in ways that hinted at a link.
Inference and supposition.

Wrong, not according to American law. If you "aid and protect" a criminal with the knowledge that the criminal is going to commit a crime, you are an accessory to the crime. You do not have to have specific knowledge of a specific crime. It is enough that you knew the criminal's plans to commit a crime and you gave him support that would or did enable him or assist him in committing the crime. Al Qaeda announced it's intent to attack America, hence, commit a crime. If Saddam gave them aid and protected them before 9/11, Saddam would be an accessory to 9/11. Likewise, if aid and protection was given after 9/11, Saddam became an accessory after the fact and would be equally guilty of aiding and protecting an entity that had declared war on America, and allied with that entity. When Bush declared in his State of the Union Address that Saddam was giving aid and protection to al Qaeda he was announcing that Saddam was legally an accessory to 9/11.
Did President Bush Link Saddam Hussein to 9/11?

Bush, in his speeches, did not say directly that Hussein was culpable in the Sept. 11 attacks. But he frequently juxtaposed Iraq and al Qaeda in ways that hinted at a link. In a March speech about Iraq’s “weapons of terror,” Bush said: “If the world fails to confront the threat posed by the Iraqi regime, refusing to use force, even as a last resort, free nations would assume immense and unacceptable risks. The attacks of September the 11th, 2001, showed what the enemies of America did with four airplanes. We will not wait to see what terrorists or terrorist states could do with weapons of mass destruction.”

Then, in declaring the end of major combat in Iraq on May 1, Bush linked Iraq and the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks: “The battle of Iraq is one victory in a war on terror that began on September the 11, 2001 — and still goes on. That terrible morning, 19 evil men — the shock troops of a hateful ideology — gave America and the civilized world a glimpse of their ambitions.”

Moments later, Bush added: “The liberation of Iraq is a crucial advance in the campaign against terror. We’ve removed an ally of al Qaeda, and cut off a source of terrorist funding. And this much is certain: No terrorist network will gain weapons of mass destruction from the Iraqi regime, because the regime is no more. In these 19 months that changed the world, our actions have been focused and deliberate and proportionate to the offense. We have not forgotten the victims of September the 11th — the last phone calls, the cold murder of children, the searches in the rubble. With those attacks, the terrorists and their supporters declared war on the United States. And war is what they got.”

More: Did President Bush Link Saddam Hussein to 9/11?

Yes, Bush clearly linked Saddam Hussein to 9/11 - and then later claimed he didn't.
The war against terrorism started on 9/11, The war against Saddam was another battle of the war against terrorism. That does not mean Saddam was responsible for 9/11.
Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda Are Not Allies

As the Bush administration works to strengthen support for a war against Iraq, it is sowing a dangerous confusion about the relationship between Al Qaeda and the regime of Saddam Hussein. Arguing, as the president did last week, that the two are ''equally as bad, equally as evil and equally as destructive'' -- and that ''you can't distinguish between Al Qaeda and Saddam when you talk about the war on terror'' -- reinforces widely held misunderstandings about the extraordinary danger of the new religious terrorism.

Much More: Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda Are Not Allies - The New York Times
yeah so, equally as bad. Equally as bad as Hamas, Hezbollah, the Somali pirates, N. Korea. Does that mean they are all allied against us? No. It means they are all equally an evil that we need to eradicate.
I consider this to be Bush's biggest lie about Iraq and Saddam.

Rightwingers like to distract from the event that Bush tried to link Saddam to - 9/11. Even the dumbest of rightwingers should now be convinced that Saddam HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11. However, if any of them still think so - please provide credible proof.

I heard and saw Bush live on TV when he first tried to make this link. If there are any doubters - just Google "bush links saddam to 9/11"...

These days I tend to give Bush the benefit of doubt and think maybe he didn't knowingly tell a lie. I lean towards the other popular conclusion, the cadre of neocons he surrounded himself with, probably thru the the influence of Cheney, whispered the lie into his ear so often and so convincingly that he came to believe it. And without much common sense of his own to guide him it was just one more nail in the coffin for those hundred fifty thousand +/- dead bodies (they are still piling up) that resulted from his tragic shortcomings. I know it's no consolation for the havoc that continues to roil the world but it may in the grand scheme of history diminish the evil to a small degree that is attributed to him personally.
I consider this to be Bush's biggest lie about Iraq and Saddam.

Rightwingers like to distract from the event that Bush tried to link Saddam to - 9/11. Even the dumbest of rightwingers should now be convinced that Saddam HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11. However, if any of them still think so - please provide credible proof.

I heard and saw Bush live on TV when he first tried to make this link. If there are any doubters - just Google "bush links saddam to 9/11"...
for the 100 trillionth time

He didn't lie

he was wrong

but all you leftist morons can't learn this very veryveryveryveryvery simple fact

Duh, he did lie.
I consider this to be Bush's biggest lie about Iraq and Saddam.

Rightwingers like to distract from the event that Bush tried to link Saddam to - 9/11. Even the dumbest of rightwingers should now be convinced that Saddam HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11. However, if any of them still think so - please provide credible proof.

I heard and saw Bush live on TV when he first tried to make this link. If there are any doubters - just Google "bush links saddam to 9/11"...
for the 100 trillionth time

He didn't lie

he was wrong

but all you leftist morons can't learn this very veryveryveryveryvery simple fact

Duh, he did lie.

Sure he did Liekhota, this is going to be another of your ______ lied threads that goes 28 pages without you proving anyone lied, isn't it?

Hey, do you think I could create a thread called "Lakhota is a liar" and it would go 28 pages without ANYONE proving that you told a lie?
I consider this to be Bush's biggest lie about Iraq and Saddam.

Rightwingers like to distract from the event that Bush tried to link Saddam to - 9/11. Even the dumbest of rightwingers should now be convinced that Saddam HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11. However, if any of them still think so - please provide credible proof.

I heard and saw Bush live on TV when he first tried to make this link. If there are any doubters - just Google "bush links saddam to 9/11"...

These days I tend to give Bush the benefit of doubt and think maybe he didn't knowingly tell a lie. I lean towards the other popular conclusion, the cadre of neocons he surrounded himself with, probably thru the the influence of Cheney, whispered the lie into his ear so often and so convincingly that he came to believe it. And without much common sense of his own to guide him it was just one more nail in the coffin for those hundred fifty thousand +/- dead bodies (they are still piling up) that resulted from his tragic shortcomings. I know it's no consolation for the havoc that continues to roil the world but it may in the grand scheme of history diminish the evil to a small degree that is attributed to him personally.

Irrespective of the reason we went in, Saadam was a dickhead who deserved to be taken out of power.
I consider this to be Bush's biggest lie about Iraq and Saddam.

Rightwingers like to distract from the event that Bush tried to link Saddam to - 9/11. Even the dumbest of rightwingers should now be convinced that Saddam HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11. However, if any of them still think so - please provide credible proof.

I heard and saw Bush live on TV when he first tried to make this link. If there are any doubters - just Google "bush links saddam to 9/11"...
He never did any such thing, in fact he stated as far as we knew there was no link. He did however note that Saddam Hussein had paid terrorists and continued to try and convince terror groups to work for him.
Of course left wing historians despise GWB, despise means hate and that is what the left wing does best.

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