Why did Chief Justice John Roberts not vote Obama care unconstitutional?


VIP Member
Jul 16, 2013
Perhaps it's because Obama has Roberts on tape with transsexual hookers.

Just thought I'd throw that out there. Why else would he "rewrite" the law by declaring the penalties a tax when they were sold to America as not being a tax when the law was passed. I do wonder if Obama has some kind of incriminating information about Roberts -- other than transsexual hookers.
Perhaps it's because Obama has Roberts on tape with transsexual hookers.

Just thought I'd throw that out there. Why else would he "rewrite" the law by declaring the penalties a tax when they were sold to America as not being a tax when the law was passed. I do wonder if Obama has some kind of incriminating information about Roberts -- other than transsexual hookers.

because he or his family might end up dead like so many evidentiary witnesses to the crimes of 911.

loughners primary target was the judge and the distraction the senator
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He could plausibly interpret it as a tax. Senate rules not withstanding, that is what it is looking like now. 1%-2% of adjusted gross income. Make checks payable to the Internal Revenue Service.

He could plausibly interpret it as a tax. Senate rules not withstanding, that is what it is looking like now. 1%-2% of adjusted gross income. Make checks payable to the Internal Revenue Service.

yeh starting out just like income tax that later went over 92% at times. Its the foot in the door. Now its kool later when you are old and cant work and cant pay they will put a lien on your house and bye bye.

Wait till you see how the services are doled out. works in other coutries but it will fail miserably here since our system is not equipped to handle it.

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