Why did Christians build Churches over existing Pagan temples?

I study and research this stuff....so I know more than you.
When it comes to religion you know squat compared to me.
Look, I get it with your paranoia, but sometimes you step beyond your boundaries.

Really? Do tell? Then "school" me about the history of the jesuit order and Ignatius of Loyola.....

Every yeshiva student knows the purpose of the RCC was to sack the world's gold.

Agreed and not just the gold but any other of the earth's treasures.
Can you imagine if the RCC was forced to pay reparations?

They could pay off the world's debt....easily.
the vatican was built upon pagan religious site and used pagan imagery , what was the purpose of this
The Vatican is partly built over a temple of Cybele. The Mithraic meetings were held in underground chambers

why so many pagan statues at the vatican?


Because there is nothing "Christian" about the catholic church. It is a cult and their jesuits influence policy in every nation that hasn't kicked them out. Barrypuppet was jesuit trained, Biden was jesuit trained, every CIA director has been jesuit trained, the heads of the FBI and NSA, the majority of them have been educated in jesuit colleges. Skull and Bones is a Ivy league jesuit secret society

Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, Allen W. Dulles, John McCone, William Raborn, Richard M. Helms, James R. Schlesinger, Stansfield Turner, William H. Webster, Robert M. Gates, R. James Woolsey, John M. Deutch, George J. Tenet?


Yep....you got it.......

no ties to jesuits, catholicism, yale or skull and bones.

so where is the connection with them?

Nothing on Hillenkoetter thst ties him to ties him to the Jesuits or Knights of Malta but Allen W. Dulles was a Knights of Malta and his uncle Avery Dulles was a jesuit priest. John A. McCone (Devout Roman Catholic), member of the Knights of Malta, and later became administrator at the Jesuit Loyola University. William Raborn served a very short time like a year and a half because he didn't "fit in". Richard Helms was advised by James Angleton, Knight of Malta and Helms was under the tutelage of Alan Dulles, a jesuit and knight of malta. Colby and GHBush were knights of malta with Bush also being a skull and bones member. James R. Schlesinger had no jesuit ties but did have a seat on the CFR which is ran by jesuits
Stansfield Turner was a Rhodes scholar and Oxford college is heavily influenced by the jesuits and even has a hall dedicated to jesuits. William Casey, knight of malta and schooled at jesuit St.John's college. William Webster had a seat on the CFR. Robert Gates was educated at jesuit George town university. Woolsey went to Oxford. Duetch is a member of the jesuit ran Trilateral Commission. George Tenet, knights of malta and trained at jesuit university of Georgetown. Porter Goss belonged to a Yal;e secret society that was the equivalent of Skull and Bones called "Book and Snake". Leon Panetta schooled at jesuit Santa Clara, John Brennan, jesuit trained at Fordham.

à la david icke

of course

or jesus-is-savior.com
Last edited:
Because there is nothing "Christian" about the catholic church. It is a cult and their jesuits influence policy in every nation that hasn't kicked them out. Barrypuppet was jesuit trained, Biden was jesuit trained, every CIA director has been jesuit trained, the heads of the FBI and NSA, the majority of them have been educated in jesuit colleges. Skull and Bones is a Ivy league jesuit secret society

Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, Allen W. Dulles, John McCone, William Raborn, Richard M. Helms, James R. Schlesinger, Stansfield Turner, William H. Webster, Robert M. Gates, R. James Woolsey, John M. Deutch, George J. Tenet?


Yep....you got it.......

no ties to jesuits, catholicism, yale or skull and bones.

so where is the connection with them?

Nothing on Hillenkoetter thst ties him to ties him to the Jesuits or Knights of Malta but Allen W. Dulles was a Knights of Malta and his uncle Avery Dulles was a jesuit priest. John A. McCone (Devout Roman Catholic), member of the Knights of Malta, and later became administrator at the Jesuit Loyola University. William Raborn served a very short time like a year and a half because he didn't "fit in". Richard Helms was advised by James Angleton, Knight of Malta and Helms was under the tutelage of Alan Dulles, a jesuit and knight of malta. Colby and GHBush were knights of malta with Bush also being a skull and bones member. James R. Schlesinger had no jesuit ties but did have a seat on the CFR which is ran by jesuits
Stansfield Turner was a Rhodes scholar and Oxford college is heavily influenced by the jesuits and even has a hall dedicated to jesuits. William Casey, knight of malta and schooled at jesuit St.John's college. William Webster had a seat on the CFR. Robert Gates was educated at jesuit George town university. Woolsey went to Oxford. Duetch is a member of the jesuit ran Trilateral Commission. George Tenet, knights of malta and trained at jesuit university of Georgetown. Porter Goss belonged to a Yal;e secret society that was the equivalent of Skull and Bones called "Book and Snake". Leon Panetta schooled at jesuit Santa Clara, John Brennan, jesuit trained at Fordham.

à la david icke

of course

Nope......it's easy to look up the bios on influential people.
the vatican was built upon pagan religious site and used pagan imagery , what was the purpose of this
The Vatican is partly built over a temple of Cybele. The Mithraic meetings were held in underground chambers

why so many pagan statues at the vatican?


Because there is nothing "Christian" about the catholic church. It is a cult and their jesuits influence policy in every nation that hasn't kicked them out. Barrypuppet was jesuit trained, Biden was jesuit trained, every CIA director has been jesuit trained, the heads of the FBI and NSA, the majority of them have been educated in jesuit colleges. Skull and Bones is a Ivy league jesuit secret society

Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, Allen W. Dulles, John McCone, William Raborn, Richard M. Helms, James R. Schlesinger, Stansfield Turner, William H. Webster, Robert M. Gates, R. James Woolsey, John M. Deutch, George J. Tenet?


Yep....you got it.......

no ties to jesuits, catholicism, yale or skull and bones.

so where is the connection with them?

Nothing on Hillenkoetter thst ties him to ties him to the Jesuits or Knights of Malta but Allen W. Dulles was a Knights of Malta and his uncle Avery Dulles was a jesuit priest. John A. McCone (Devout Roman Catholic), member of the Knights of Malta, and later became administrator at the Jesuit Loyola University. William Raborn served a very short time like a year and a half because he didn't "fit in". Richard Helms was advised by James Angleton, Knight of Malta and Helms was under the tutelage of Alan Dulles, a jesuit and knight of malta. Colby and GHBush were knights of malta with Bush also being a skull and bones member. James R. Schlesinger had no jesuit ties but did have a seat on the CFR which is ran by jesuits
Stansfield Turner was a Rhodes scholar and Oxford college is heavily influenced by the jesuits and even has a hall dedicated to jesuits. William Casey, knight of malta and schooled at jesuit St.John's college. William Webster had a seat on the CFR. Robert Gates was educated at jesuit George town university. Woolsey went to Oxford. Duetch is a member of the jesuit ran Trilateral Commission. George Tenet, knights of malta and trained at jesuit university of Georgetown. Porter Goss belonged to a Yal;e secret society that was the equivalent of Skull and Bones called "Book and Snake". Leon Panetta schooled at jesuit Santa Clara, John Brennan, jesuit trained at Fordham.

nutshell, matrix, storm front.............

Yea, some real winners
Because there is nothing "Christian" about the catholic church. It is a cult and their jesuits influence policy in every nation that hasn't kicked them out. Barrypuppet was jesuit trained, Biden was jesuit trained, every CIA director has been jesuit trained, the heads of the FBI and NSA, the majority of them have been educated in jesuit colleges. Skull and Bones is a Ivy league jesuit secret society

Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, Allen W. Dulles, John McCone, William Raborn, Richard M. Helms, James R. Schlesinger, Stansfield Turner, William H. Webster, Robert M. Gates, R. James Woolsey, John M. Deutch, George J. Tenet?


Yep....you got it.......

no ties to jesuits, catholicism, yale or skull and bones.

so where is the connection with them?

Nothing on Hillenkoetter thst ties him to ties him to the Jesuits or Knights of Malta but Allen W. Dulles was a Knights of Malta and his uncle Avery Dulles was a jesuit priest. John A. McCone (Devout Roman Catholic), member of the Knights of Malta, and later became administrator at the Jesuit Loyola University. William Raborn served a very short time like a year and a half because he didn't "fit in". Richard Helms was advised by James Angleton, Knight of Malta and Helms was under the tutelage of Alan Dulles, a jesuit and knight of malta. Colby and GHBush were knights of malta with Bush also being a skull and bones member. James R. Schlesinger had no jesuit ties but did have a seat on the CFR which is ran by jesuits
Stansfield Turner was a Rhodes scholar and Oxford college is heavily influenced by the jesuits and even has a hall dedicated to jesuits. William Casey, knight of malta and schooled at jesuit St.John's college. William Webster had a seat on the CFR. Robert Gates was educated at jesuit George town university. Woolsey went to Oxford. Duetch is a member of the jesuit ran Trilateral Commission. George Tenet, knights of malta and trained at jesuit university of Georgetown. Porter Goss belonged to a Yal;e secret society that was the equivalent of Skull and Bones called "Book and Snake". Leon Panetta schooled at jesuit Santa Clara, John Brennan, jesuit trained at Fordham.

nutshell, matrix, storm front.............

Yea, some real winners
C'mon, Dale is not nearly THAT bad.
Because there is nothing "Christian" about the catholic church. It is a cult and their jesuits influence policy in every nation that hasn't kicked them out. Barrypuppet was jesuit trained, Biden was jesuit trained, every CIA director has been jesuit trained, the heads of the FBI and NSA, the majority of them have been educated in jesuit colleges. Skull and Bones is a Ivy league jesuit secret society

Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, Allen W. Dulles, John McCone, William Raborn, Richard M. Helms, James R. Schlesinger, Stansfield Turner, William H. Webster, Robert M. Gates, R. James Woolsey, John M. Deutch, George J. Tenet?


Yep....you got it.......

no ties to jesuits, catholicism, yale or skull and bones.

so where is the connection with them?

Nothing on Hillenkoetter thst ties him to ties him to the Jesuits or Knights of Malta but Allen W. Dulles was a Knights of Malta and his uncle Avery Dulles was a jesuit priest. John A. McCone (Devout Roman Catholic), member of the Knights of Malta, and later became administrator at the Jesuit Loyola University. William Raborn served a very short time like a year and a half because he didn't "fit in". Richard Helms was advised by James Angleton, Knight of Malta and Helms was under the tutelage of Alan Dulles, a jesuit and knight of malta. Colby and GHBush were knights of malta with Bush also being a skull and bones member. James R. Schlesinger had no jesuit ties but did have a seat on the CFR which is ran by jesuits
Stansfield Turner was a Rhodes scholar and Oxford college is heavily influenced by the jesuits and even has a hall dedicated to jesuits. William Casey, knight of malta and schooled at jesuit St.John's college. William Webster had a seat on the CFR. Robert Gates was educated at jesuit George town university. Woolsey went to Oxford. Duetch is a member of the jesuit ran Trilateral Commission. George Tenet, knights of malta and trained at jesuit university of Georgetown. Porter Goss belonged to a Yal;e secret society that was the equivalent of Skull and Bones called "Book and Snake". Leon Panetta schooled at jesuit Santa Clara, John Brennan, jesuit trained at Fordham.

nutshell, matrix, storm front.............

Yea, some real winners

You haven't been down the rabbit hole like I have nor have you spent the amount of time doing the reading and research that I have. My knowledge has been hard earned and even though my knowledge is well received by those that are also awake, it doesn't seem to sway those that are still stuck in the matrix. I was once stuck myself and I had to find my own way on my own.
morningstar, vatican assassins, reptilian dimension, grand design, event chronicle, unhived mind, ziad pub, lunatic out, prison planet, exposing satainism, planet truth, illuminati news, ................

you pick some real madcap company to believe
morningstar, vatican assassins, reptilian dimension, grand design, event chronicle, unhived mind, ziad pub, lunatic out, prison planet, exposing satainism, planet truth, illuminati news, ................

you pick some real madcap company to believe

I am sure that you are trying to make some kind of point but my research started with those like Eustace Mullins, Dr John Coleman, Antony Sutton, William Guy Carr, Gary Allen, Jim Marrs, etc, etc......
morningstar, vatican assassins, reptilian dimension, grand design, event chronicle, unhived mind, ziad pub, lunatic out, prison planet, exposing satainism, planet truth, illuminati news, ................

you pick some real madcap company to believe

I am sure that you are trying to make some kind of point but my research started with those like Eustace Mullins, Dr John Coleman, Antony Sutton, William Guy Carr, Gary Allen, Jim Marrs, etc, etc......

Conspiracy hall of fame
morningstar, vatican assassins, reptilian dimension, grand design, event chronicle, unhived mind, ziad pub, lunatic out, prison planet, exposing satainism, planet truth, illuminati news, ................

you pick some real madcap company to believe

I am sure that you are trying to make some kind of point but my research started with those like Eustace Mullins, Dr John Coleman, Antony Sutton, William Guy Carr, Gary Allen, Jim Marrs, etc, etc......

Conspiracy hall of fame

Yeah, because we all know that there is no such thing as "conspiracies"....nope, they don't exist. (snicker)

Eustace Mullins detailed research of the foreign owned Federal Reserve so disturbed the establishment that the FBI had a 600 page dossier on him...what the fuck? Does that pass your sniff test? Dr John Coleman worked for MI5 and MI6. He had access to records that most are not privy to. He spent twenty years of researching before he wrote his book "Committee of 300". Antony Sutton worked as a researcher for the Hoover Institute for five years until he did a speech on his research as to how the west was actually funding and supporting the USSR with technology that was being passed on to the Viet Cong that was being used against American troops. William Guy Carr was a Canadian Naval officer that exposed the illuminati /communist influence that had infiltrated positions of power in the west. Gary Allen was a journalist that exposed the influence of a global elite that were working to take down the middle class and the things he exposed back in the early 70's are happening just like he said they would. Jim Marrs is a respected journalist that is the last of a dying breed when it comes to investigative reporting. Feel free to buy the bullshit fed to you by the lamestream media......eat it like manna from heaven if it makes you sleep better.
the vatican was built upon pagan religious site and used pagan imagery , what was the purpose of this
The Vatican is partly built over a temple of Cybele. The Mithraic meetings were held in underground chambers

why so many pagan statues at the vatican?


Why do Muslims destroy ancient religious sites? And they are doing it NOW. Why are you so fixated on ancient Christian bullshit when there are religious nutters doing crap right in front of you today? What is your mental defect that you are fixated on one, but ignore all others?

Martin wanted to get married. Paying for purgatory was a bit much, but the Church of England once removed, took back everything the RCC had, save the Pope, the King was the Pope.
That came much later.

And a very few extreme Muslims destroy art and architecture and "holy" sites.

The Spanish Christians almost completely eradicated Aztec and Inca holy sites.
Martin wanted to get married. Paying for purgatory was a bit much, but the Church of England once removed, took back everything the RCC had, save the Pope, the King was the Pope.
That came much later.

And a very few extreme Muslims destroy art and architecture and "holy" sites.

The Spanish Christians almost completely eradicated Aztec and Inca holy sites.

Yes HUNDREDS of years ago. Amazingly enough, they seem to have evolved, unlike you and guano.
Martin wanted to get married. Paying for purgatory was a bit much, but the Church of England once removed, took back everything the RCC had, save the Pope, the King was the Pope.
That came much later.

And a very few extreme Muslims destroy art and architecture and "holy" sites.

The Spanish Christians almost completely eradicated Aztec and Inca holy sites.

Yes HUNDREDS of years ago. Amazingly enough, they seem to have evolved, unlike you and guano.
Only a very few jihadists are doing what you are pretending all of Islam is doing. And centuries ago does not excuse the act then or now. You do need to grow up and act your academic level.
the vatican was built upon pagan religious site and used pagan imagery , what was the purpose of this
The Vatican is partly built over a temple of Cybele. The Mithraic meetings were held in underground chambers

why so many pagan statues at the vatican?


Why does it bother you? Did you invest any money in building any Church anywhere at all?
Martin wanted to get married. Paying for purgatory was a bit much, but the Church of England once removed, took back everything the RCC had, save the Pope, the King was the Pope.
That came much later.

And a very few extreme Muslims destroy art and architecture and "holy" sites.

The Spanish Christians almost completely eradicated Aztec and Inca holy sites.

Yes HUNDREDS of years ago. Amazingly enough, they seem to have evolved, unlike you and guano.
Only a very few jihadists are doing what you are pretending all of Islam is doing. And centuries ago does not excuse the act then or now. You do need to grow up and act your academic level.

Yes, but the jihadis of today, all couple of hundred thousand of them, have access to explosives that were unheard of back when Christians were doing the shit that they were. Thus, your modern day jihadi can do more damage, faster, than at any time before. If you insist on being clueless, do it someplace else.
Martin wanted to get married. Paying for purgatory was a bit much, but the Church of England once removed, took back everything the RCC had, save the Pope, the King was the Pope.
That came much later.

And a very few extreme Muslims destroy art and architecture and "holy" sites.

The Spanish Christians almost completely eradicated Aztec and Inca holy sites.

Yes HUNDREDS of years ago. Amazingly enough, they seem to have evolved, unlike you and guano.
Only a very few jihadists are doing what you are pretending all of Islam is doing. And centuries ago does not excuse the act then or now. You do need to grow up and act your academic level.

Yes, but the jihadis of today, all couple of hundred thousand of them, have access to explosives that were unheard of back when Christians were doing the shit that they were. Thus, your modern day jihadi can do more damage, faster, than at any time before. If you insist on being clueless, do it someplace else.
Yes, they can. Your refusal to give full context to the fact until your cornered is noted by the board. We, the West, do not have a mandate to wipe out jihadism in the ME through the use of western armies. That will not work. The "good" Muslims will succeed or fall on their own merits.
the vatican was built upon pagan religious site and used pagan imagery , what was the purpose of this
The Vatican is partly built over a temple of Cybele. The Mithraic meetings were held in underground chambers

why so many pagan statues at the vatican?


Why do Muslims destroy ancient religious sites? And they are doing it NOW. Why are you so fixated on ancient Christian bullshit when there are religious nutters doing crap right in front of you today? What is your mental defect that you are fixated on one, but ignore all others?


wiping out any trace of what came before Mohammed.
Islam might have, according to muslims, begun with Abraham and Adam but history began with Mohammed. Everything before is, by fanatics, destroyed so as not to tempt mankind.
In doing so they saved lots of time fulfilling the idol making verses in Isaiah 44.
They saved money reusing the items left behind the old Mithraic temples.
The Mithraic cross with the sickly man on it predates Christianity. The Roman Church even used old Mithraic temples with the altar and cross and used them as Bascilicas. If you want to know what Mithraic crosses looked like, Pope John Paul used to carry the replica.

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