Why Did Democrats Lose Virginia, Lock, Stock, & Barrel?

Why Did Democrats Lose Virginia, Lock, Stock, & Barrel?

  • Because, so far, Biden and the progressives have failed to pass their agenda

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Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
Biden says it is because his agenda has not passed. The right says Democrats actually lost because of the agenda they were trying push, even though they're not there yet. What say you?
As a Virginian, I can tell you I had zero interest in electing McAuliffe again. He was a beltway ideologue who never much had any interest in any part of the state that wasn't a pretty blue. As a Virginian who lives in a blue area surrounded by an ocean of red, I can say the democratic minimum wage issue is hitting businesses like restaurants hard so I had no interest in their final $15/hr step that still has to be reapproved so I had no interest in having the democrats in charge of anything. All Youngkin need to be was not Terry McAuliffe and not a democrat for me to vote for him.
None of the above. It was about messaging fear via CRT to white suburban voters over a period of weeks leading up to the election...and the Democrats having no message response to counter it. Result?...pretty typical of an off year election. The President's party usually takes losses. But it was close. :)
McAuliffe was not a great candidate

Republicans humped the nonsensical CRT issue to get out their base...and their base came out

Dems haven't been able to get their agenda through Congress so THEIR base is not excited

This was an off off year election

Delta feels like Biden has not addressed the virus well enough

Afghanistan was ugly

Anything else?
1. Shortage of goods with the current cargo traffic jam

2. Critical Race Theory even though it isn't taught in the state

3. COVID vaccinations

4. High gasoline prices

All these things will work themselves out and be gone by next year.
Biden says it is because his agenda has not passed. The right says Democrats actually lost because of the agenda they were trying push, even though they're not there yet. What say you?
Likely because Terry McAwful is a contemptible, tone deaf, fucking snob.....A disingenuous demoncrass who passed himself off as an alleged "moderate" could have won.
Biden says it is because his agenda has not passed. The right says Democrats actually lost because of the agenda they were trying push, even though they're not there yet. What say you?
None of the above. McAliffe wanted to and did run a national party ideologue campaign in a state local election. That was one mistake. State Governor elections are local. He wanted to run against Trump as a ready-made villain, wasting more energy talking down trump than combatting what Youngkin was campaigning about. He failed to make Virginians think it was about Trump, as his opponent did not bring Trump into the state, keeping him out, just to thwart McAliffe. He made a huge blunder in public, telling Virginia parents to stay out of their children's education. Everybody knows, it is like touching the third rail, to tell parents to leave education to professionals, for indoctrination of their young.
For a novice, Youngkin ran a disciplined campaign staying on message, relating to the people of Virginia better. Youngkin carried no political baggage.
McAuliffe was not a great candidate

Republicans humped the nonsensical CRT issue to get out their base...and their base came out

Dems haven't been able to get their agenda through Congress so THEIR base is not excited

This was an off off year election

Delta feels like Biden has not addressed the virus well enough

Afghanistan was ugly

Anything else?
Has anyone mentioned tone deaf yet? :laugh2:
Overall, Democrats shot themselves in the foot by farting around on the infrastructure bills and not getting it done before the election.

Republicans exploited fear about non existent Critical Race Theory and masks in schools
They also blamed inflation, supply shortages and gas prices on Democrats
The stumping by that covey of loathsome shit beasts was more than the voters could stand. The kenyan lawn jockey... really? That lying mother fucker is so 2008. Everyone that dog-eating muzzie faggot endorses LOSES. Plugs? You want that bed-shitting stuttering fuck "speaking" for you? Stacy Abrams? Are you going after the morbidly obese shut-ins? Randi Weingarten??? Why not just dig up Hitler's body and put it on the podium. Cumala?? Come on man!

Tone deaf. They have no idea what's going to hit them.
Well the Dems are in the WH and hold Congress so of course they get the blame. If it were the Reps. They would get the blame.

Oh and they shot themselves in the foot by backing Bidung. He's a walking, talking disaster and if you think voters aren't watching then you are dumber than dirt.

Obviously putin hacked the election.

As we speak Democrats are searching the internet for memes they can claim came from Russia.
I think it goes beyond the CRT issues in the state.
With nationwide media focus on the state, I think a lot of Virginia conservatives viewed their states election as a way to send a message to Biden and Dimocrats nationwide.
They like the rest of us have had a putrid taste of what Dimocrats want to do with our country, i.e., illegal immigration, borders, Covid shutdowns, CRT, inflation, gas prices, etc.
How long has it been since the opposition party didn't win the Virginia governorship after a new President was elected the prior year. Even after Mc-Dumbstick made his gaffe on education it was still close compared to the last few election cycles. Furthermore, the NJ Governorship didn't flip. which it usually does too. Both races were very close, proving that we are as equally divided as ever! Now on to 2022.
None of the above. McAliffe wanted to and did run a national party ideologue campaign in a state local election. That was one mistake. State Governor elections are local. He wanted to run against Trump as a ready-made villain, wasting more energy talking down trump than combatting what Youngkin was campaigning about. He failed to make Virginians think it was about Trump, as his opponent did not bring Trump into the state, keeping him out, just to thwart McAliffe. He made a huge blunder in public, telling Virginia parents to stay out of their children's education. Everybody knows, it is like touching the third rail, to tell parents to leave education to professionals, for indoctrination of their young.
For a novice, Youngkin ran a disciplined campaign staying on message, relating to the people of Virginia better. Youngkin carried no political baggage.
True, whenever Democrats tell the truth about their intentions, it's a huge blunder.
None of the above. McAliffe wanted to and did run a national party ideologue campaign in a state local election. That was one mistake. State Governor elections are local. He wanted to run against Trump as a ready-made villain, wasting more energy talking down trump than combatting what Youngkin was campaigning about. He failed to make Virginians think it was about Trump, as his opponent did not bring Trump into the state, keeping him out, just to thwart McAliffe. He made a huge blunder in public, telling Virginia parents to stay out of their children's education. Everybody knows, it is like touching the third rail, to tell parents to leave education to professionals, for indoctrination of their young.
For a novice, Youngkin ran a disciplined campaign staying on message, relating to the people of Virginia better. Youngkin carried no political baggage.
That sounds like a good description of what happened.


Carville blames 'stupid wokeness' for Democratic losses​

Democratic political strategist James Carville blamed his party's recent losses and weak performance in state elections on "stupid wokeness" on Wednesday.

"PBS NewsHour" host Judy Woodruff asked Carville what went wrong for the Democratic Party in the Virginia gubernatorial race in which Republican Glenn Youngkin beat former Gov. Terry McAuliffe.

"What went wrong is just stupid wokeness. Don't just look at Virginia and New Jersey. Look at Long Island, look at Buffalo, look at Minneapolis, even look at Seattle, Wash. I mean, this 'defund the police' lunacy, this take Abraham Lincoln's name off of schools. I mean that - people see that," Carville said.



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Carville should be in charge of Messaging. Stop the 'Defund' movement, and quit saying you're a fucking 'Socialist' .
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