Why Did Democrats Lose Virginia, Lock, Stock, & Barrel?

Why Did Democrats Lose Virginia, Lock, Stock, & Barrel?

  • Because, so far, Biden and the progressives have failed to pass their agenda

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Is that why FDR got elected to four terms?
We are not talking about ancient history here. I applaud and recognize FDR for his greatness. But, it has nothing to do with the last several decades. People vote in gridlock because both parties are extreme and voters don't want either one of them getting their way. When Democrats just took over all branches of government, voters had had enough and Virginia was the result.
It all makes sense to me. Don’t know what else I can do. If you don’t understand something you can ask and I’ll explain.
Of course it all makes sense to you. I think I'll wait a few more hours to ask you. In the meantime, please get some rest.
We're talking about the whole ball of wax, not just the governor's race. Republicans won every election in a state that was getting bluer and bluer.

Times could be "a changin" in VA. But then again, it could just be the "tetter of the totter." Back n forth, as the two party system was designed.

Example: When Trump won in 2016, and got the majority in the House and Senate, if you were a die hard republican, you'd have visions of the GOP having the control from now on. And some extremist might even think it was the end of the democratic party.
This is the same scenario and beliefs of the democrat voters in 2020.

It didn't last long, did it? Why? Because it's not supposed to. it's not designed (by the R & D's) to last long. Because if it's only them two in the game, and they're both playing the same game, then it's just a game they play on the lot of us. To keep us focused on the enemies, without realizing the very party we may support is just one side of the enemies. The "good cop, bad cop" BS that they've been playing on us for over 170 years now.

Did the die hard republican voters hold Trump accountable when he banned bump stocks, funded Planned Parenthood, didn't "lock her up," didn't even investigate Hillary, or make Mexico pay for the wall?
Nope. They didn't bat an eye. Why? Because he was the leader of their team.
Did the democrats hold Biden accountable for keeping the Mexicans kids in cages? Nope. Has he done anything to hold big pharma, like Purdue, accountable for the ongoing opioid epidemic we still have?
Nope. What the D voters are doing is the same thing the R voters did when Trump was failing to do anything actually conservative. You know, like balancing the budget that he promised he was going to do, in 4 years.

Point is, it takes two wings to fly. The left and the right are pointing their feathers at the other wing, instead of the head of the "GOT DAYUM" bird.

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