Why Did Democrats Need A 'DisInformation' Board When They Had & Still Have Left Wing Fake News & Big Tech?

CNN, MSNBC, ABC, Twitter, Google, Facebook - all of these and more have acted as propaganda / disinformation (lies) pushers, gatekeepers (refusing to cover negative stories), & Censors for Democrats, especially for Hunter & Joe Biden) for years now.

Although despite their reputations and integrity have taken hits after being exposed for being tools for Democrats / leftist extremists, they still exist and try to carry on in the same capacity.

So, with all of this already existing, why did Democrats believe they needed their own internal 'Ministry of Lies & Propaganda' run by a pro?

They want to expand their control so that all right wing media will be censored, edited, banned, or shut down if they don't report the government fed news.

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