Why did God create evil?

Yes, I'm giving everyone a crack at explaining why god made evil. So far though, no one has been able to explain it properly.
A failure to listen and heed is not a failure to explain.

Christians, Jews, and many other people of faith see evil very differently from how you insist on seeing it. I had a math student once who insisted on seeing 2+2=22. Naturally, his work got marked wrong. Next, he was so intent on having his own way on 2+2, that he began mixing himself up on other fairly simple math concepts. While he did this longer than I would have liked, it wasn't too long before it occurred to him if he wanted to understand math and arrive home with a good grade, he needed to learn and speak "math" using math laws and formulas.

By now, you should know how Christians, Jews, people of other faiths, and ancient Greeks understand evil. If you still want to make evil into a "22" you will not only be left behind, you will misunderstand other basic faith concepts as well.

We have given you our concept of evil. Many times. Many different ways. Let's move on to: What is your concept of evil? Please use words that even we can understand. ;)
So you're saying that you don't know why god made evil. Got it. Time for YOU to move on and let me see if there's someone here who knows why god made evil. You clearly don't.
Hmmm. So you think of yourself as fair.
Yes, I'm giving everyone a crack at explaining why god made evil. So far though, no one has been able to explain it properly.
The answer is in the OP.

God did not create evil. Existence is good.
If god didn't create evil, who did?
That’s been answered extensively by pretty much everyone. It’s time for you to move on.
All you said was that you didn't know, not why god made evil. And a lot of mumbo-jumbo about evil being extant and that we're in a universe not completely created by god. Which makes no sense.
No. You are confusing threads. Probably on purpose.

I said no one really knows why God allows it to exist. Not no one really knows why he created it. Do you see the difference?

Of course I went on to give several good ideas why it is allowed to exist. But since you weren’t interested in a serious discussion you dismissed them.
Yes, I'm giving everyone a crack at explaining why god made evil. So far though, no one has been able to explain it properly.
A failure to listen and heed is not a failure to explain.

Christians, Jews, and many other people of faith see evil very differently from how you insist on seeing it. I had a math student once who insisted on seeing 2+2=22. Naturally, his work got marked wrong. Next, he was so intent on having his own way on 2+2, that he began mixing himself up on other fairly simple math concepts. While he did this longer than I would have liked, it wasn't too long before it occurred to him if he wanted to understand math and arrive home with a good grade, he needed to learn and speak "math" using math laws and formulas.

By now, you should know how Christians, Jews, people of other faiths, and ancient Greeks understand evil. If you still want to make evil into a "22" you will not only be left behind, you will misunderstand other basic faith concepts as well.

We have given you our concept of evil. Many times. Many different ways. Let's move on to: What is your concept of evil? Please use words that even we can understand. ;)
So you're saying that you don't know why god made evil. Got it. Time for YOU to move on and let me see if there's someone here who knows why god made evil. You clearly don't.
No. That’s not what any of us are saying. We’ve been very clear on what We are saying.
If god didn't create evil, who did?
Maybe you have short-term memory loss. Are you a drug user? Anyway, I’ll answer your question again. Nobody “created” evil. Evil is not a thing, in and of itself. Evil is the absence of good, or when people do something in direct opposition of good.

Who is in direct opposition to good? Rebellious PEOPLE, as well as negative spiritual entities (but that’s a whole other topic.)

Now that I’ve answered your question repeatedly, have a modicum of respect to answer my question. Would you have preferred a world with no freedom whatsoever, would you have preferred to be a puppet on a string, with no ability to make choices, good or bad? Because that is the only way you would have a world without evil… A world with no free will, no freedom.
You're getting upset about answering me again and I'm not even talking to you, this mini thread is with ding and Meri, so don't get upset that you have no answer, just butt the fuck out! Pretty simple, no?

You posted to me in post #411, I just replied to a different post. For you to say I have no answer makes you a big fat liar, ALL of us have been answering you repeatedly, you simply refuse to listen or have a sincere discussion. You’re the one getting upset because I’ve called you out on your childish persistence in asking the same questions over and over and over, which is what you been doing for the entire thread.

But I hope you prove me wrong. I genuinely hope that you will finally grasp what we’ve been saying and move forward in this discussion, even if it’s with ding and not me.
You never actually answered the question : why did god make evil? You danced around it and then claimed that you've answered when you haven't. So please try again, if you can.
Sure I did. God didn’t make evil. Everything God made is good. God created existence. You don’t believe existence is good?
So cancer created itself? Deformed babies only have themselves to blame? The Black Plague happened spontaneously behind god's back? (Must have been on a sunday when He was resting).
Maybe you have short-term memory loss. Are you a drug user? Anyway, I’ll answer your question again. Nobody “created” evil. Evil is not a thing, in and of itself. Evil is the absence of good, or when people do something in direct opposition of good.

Who is in direct opposition to good? Rebellious PEOPLE, as well as negative spiritual entities (but that’s a whole other topic.)

Now that I’ve answered your question repeatedly, have a modicum of respect to answer my question. Would you have preferred a world with no freedom whatsoever, would you have preferred to be a puppet on a string, with no ability to make choices, good or bad? Because that is the only way you would have a world without evil… A world with no free will, no freedom.
You're getting upset about answering me again and I'm not even talking to you, this mini thread is with ding and Meri, so don't get upset that you have no answer, just butt the fuck out! Pretty simple, no?

You posted to me in post #411, I just replied to a different post. For you to say I have no answer makes you a big fat liar, ALL of us have been answering you repeatedly, you simply refuse to listen or have a sincere discussion. You’re the one getting upset because I’ve called you out on your childish persistence in asking the same questions over and over and over, which is what you been doing for the entire thread.

But I hope you prove me wrong. I genuinely hope that you will finally grasp what we’ve been saying and move forward in this discussion, even if it’s with ding and not me.
You never actually answered the question : why did god make evil? You danced around it and then claimed that you've answered when you haven't. So please try again, if you can.
Sure I did. God didn’t make evil. Everything God made is good. God created existence. You don’t believe existence is good?
So cancer created itself? Deformed babies only have themselves to blame? The Black Plague happened spontaneously behind god's back? (Must have been on a sunday when He was resting).
Is that is that what you consider evil, Taz? Cancer, disease and birth defects?
Yes, I'm giving everyone a crack at explaining why god made evil. So far though, no one has been able to explain it properly.
The answer is in the OP.

God did not create evil. Existence is good.
If god didn't create evil, who did?
That’s been answered extensively by pretty much everyone. It’s time for you to move on.
All you said was that you didn't know, not why god made evil. And a lot of mumbo-jumbo about evil being extant and that we're in a universe not completely created by god. Which makes no sense.
No. You are confusing threads. Probably on purpose.

I said no one really knows why God allows it to exist. Not no one really knows why he created it. Do you see the difference?

Of course I went on to give several good ideas why it is allowed to exist. But since you weren’t interested in a serious discussion you dismissed them.
Ok, so you don't know why god allows it to exist. So if He didn't make it exist, who did? Did it pop out of nowhere on it's own, meaning, can things make themselves?
Yes, I'm giving everyone a crack at explaining why god made evil. So far though, no one has been able to explain it properly.
A failure to listen and heed is not a failure to explain.

Christians, Jews, and many other people of faith see evil very differently from how you insist on seeing it. I had a math student once who insisted on seeing 2+2=22. Naturally, his work got marked wrong. Next, he was so intent on having his own way on 2+2, that he began mixing himself up on other fairly simple math concepts. While he did this longer than I would have liked, it wasn't too long before it occurred to him if he wanted to understand math and arrive home with a good grade, he needed to learn and speak "math" using math laws and formulas.

By now, you should know how Christians, Jews, people of other faiths, and ancient Greeks understand evil. If you still want to make evil into a "22" you will not only be left behind, you will misunderstand other basic faith concepts as well.

We have given you our concept of evil. Many times. Many different ways. Let's move on to: What is your concept of evil? Please use words that even we can understand. ;)
So you're saying that you don't know why god made evil. Got it. Time for YOU to move on and let me see if there's someone here who knows why god made evil. You clearly don't.
No. That’s not what any of us are saying. We’ve been very clear on what We are saying.
I understand what you've all been saying, pretty much the same thing from everyone, it's just that your answer don't tell me how evil came into being. I get it that you all don't know, and that's ok, neither do I, that's why i'm asking. Let's all ask together.:biggrin:
You're getting upset about answering me again and I'm not even talking to you, this mini thread is with ding and Meri, so don't get upset that you have no answer, just butt the fuck out! Pretty simple, no?

You posted to me in post #411, I just replied to a different post. For you to say I have no answer makes you a big fat liar, ALL of us have been answering you repeatedly, you simply refuse to listen or have a sincere discussion. You’re the one getting upset because I’ve called you out on your childish persistence in asking the same questions over and over and over, which is what you been doing for the entire thread.

But I hope you prove me wrong. I genuinely hope that you will finally grasp what we’ve been saying and move forward in this discussion, even if it’s with ding and not me.
You never actually answered the question : why did god make evil? You danced around it and then claimed that you've answered when you haven't. So please try again, if you can.
Sure I did. God didn’t make evil. Everything God made is good. God created existence. You don’t believe existence is good?
So cancer created itself? Deformed babies only have themselves to blame? The Black Plague happened spontaneously behind god's back? (Must have been on a sunday when He was resting).
Is that is that what you consider evil, Taz? Cancer, disease and birth defects?
Why, do you consider those things part of the good stuff god created? I don't. Anyone who creates shit like that on purpose is pretty evil.
The answer is in the OP.

God did not create evil. Existence is good.
If god didn't create evil, who did?
That’s been answered extensively by pretty much everyone. It’s time for you to move on.
All you said was that you didn't know, not why god made evil. And a lot of mumbo-jumbo about evil being extant and that we're in a universe not completely created by god. Which makes no sense.
No. You are confusing threads. Probably on purpose.

I said no one really knows why God allows it to exist. Not no one really knows why he created it. Do you see the difference?

Of course I went on to give several good ideas why it is allowed to exist. But since you weren’t interested in a serious discussion you dismissed them.
Ok, so you don't know why god allows it to exist. So if He didn't make it exist, who did? Did it pop out of nowhere on it's own, meaning, can things make themselves?
No one does because no one has complete information except God.

But I gave you quite a few examples of reasons that make sense.

The bottom line is that from tragedies good does arise. It’s the law of compensation.

No one made evil exist because evil is not extant. You can’t even keep straight what you think is evil. You might as well just be saying things you think are bad.

But the reality is that good things do come out of bad things. That’s how we learn what truth is.

You see, Taz, error can’t stand eventually it fails. And when it does we learn things for the better of man and ourselves.
If god didn't create evil, who did?
That’s been answered extensively by pretty much everyone. It’s time for you to move on.
All you said was that you didn't know, not why god made evil. And a lot of mumbo-jumbo about evil being extant and that we're in a universe not completely created by god. Which makes no sense.
No. You are confusing threads. Probably on purpose.

I said no one really knows why God allows it to exist. Not no one really knows why he created it. Do you see the difference?

Of course I went on to give several good ideas why it is allowed to exist. But since you weren’t interested in a serious discussion you dismissed them.
Ok, so you don't know why god allows it to exist. So if He didn't make it exist, who did? Did it pop out of nowhere on it's own, meaning, can things make themselves?
No one does because no one has complete information except God.

But I gave you quite a few examples of reasons that make sense.

The bottom line is that from tragedies good does arise. It’s the law of compensation.

No one made evil exist because evil is not extant. You can’t even keep straight what you think is evil. You might as well just be saying things you think are bad.

But the reality is that good things do come out of bad things. That’s how we learn what truth is.

You see, Taz, error can’t stand eventually it fails. And when it does we learn things for the better of man and ourselves.
Ok, so you admit that you don't know. You can stop answering me now, I'll ask elsewhere.
That’s been answered extensively by pretty much everyone. It’s time for you to move on.
All you said was that you didn't know, not why god made evil. And a lot of mumbo-jumbo about evil being extant and that we're in a universe not completely created by god. Which makes no sense.
No. You are confusing threads. Probably on purpose.

I said no one really knows why God allows it to exist. Not no one really knows why he created it. Do you see the difference?

Of course I went on to give several good ideas why it is allowed to exist. But since you weren’t interested in a serious discussion you dismissed them.
Ok, so you don't know why god allows it to exist. So if He didn't make it exist, who did? Did it pop out of nowhere on it's own, meaning, can things make themselves?
No one does because no one has complete information except God.

But I gave you quite a few examples of reasons that make sense.

The bottom line is that from tragedies good does arise. It’s the law of compensation.

No one made evil exist because evil is not extant. You can’t even keep straight what you think is evil. You might as well just be saying things you think are bad.

But the reality is that good things do come out of bad things. That’s how we learn what truth is.

You see, Taz, error can’t stand eventually it fails. And when it does we learn things for the better of man and ourselves.
Ok, so you admit that you don't know. You can stop answering me now, I'll ask elsewhere.
You are trolling.
All you said was that you didn't know, not why god made evil. And a lot of mumbo-jumbo about evil being extant and that we're in a universe not completely created by god. Which makes no sense.
No. You are confusing threads. Probably on purpose.

I said no one really knows why God allows it to exist. Not no one really knows why he created it. Do you see the difference?

Of course I went on to give several good ideas why it is allowed to exist. But since you weren’t interested in a serious discussion you dismissed them.
Ok, so you don't know why god allows it to exist. So if He didn't make it exist, who did? Did it pop out of nowhere on it's own, meaning, can things make themselves?
No one does because no one has complete information except God.

But I gave you quite a few examples of reasons that make sense.

The bottom line is that from tragedies good does arise. It’s the law of compensation.

No one made evil exist because evil is not extant. You can’t even keep straight what you think is evil. You might as well just be saying things you think are bad.

But the reality is that good things do come out of bad things. That’s how we learn what truth is.

You see, Taz, error can’t stand eventually it fails. And when it does we learn things for the better of man and ourselves.
Ok, so you admit that you don't know. You can stop answering me now, I'll ask elsewhere.
You are trolling.
When all else fails, decide that Im a troll. You have no honor.
You posted to me in post #411, I just replied to a different post. For you to say I have no answer makes you a big fat liar, ALL of us have been answering you repeatedly, you simply refuse to listen or have a sincere discussion. You’re the one getting upset because I’ve called you out on your childish persistence in asking the same questions over and over and over, which is what you been doing for the entire thread.

But I hope you prove me wrong. I genuinely hope that you will finally grasp what we’ve been saying and move forward in this discussion, even if it’s with ding and not me.
You never actually answered the question : why did god make evil? You danced around it and then claimed that you've answered when you haven't. So please try again, if you can.
Sure I did. God didn’t make evil. Everything God made is good. God created existence. You don’t believe existence is good?
So cancer created itself? Deformed babies only have themselves to blame? The Black Plague happened spontaneously behind god's back? (Must have been on a sunday when He was resting).
Is that is that what you consider evil, Taz? Cancer, disease and birth defects?
Why, do you consider those things part of the good stuff god created? I don't. Anyone who creates shit like that on purpose is pretty evil.
I look at the whole picture. I don’t dwell on the negative like you do. You are throwing the baby out with the dirty bath water.

I prefer to drain the dirty bath water. But to do that we must experience it first to know and learn from it.

I believe you have unrealistic expectations. In fact it is your unrealistic expectations which proves that existence is good and not evil.
No. You are confusing threads. Probably on purpose.

I said no one really knows why God allows it to exist. Not no one really knows why he created it. Do you see the difference?

Of course I went on to give several good ideas why it is allowed to exist. But since you weren’t interested in a serious discussion you dismissed them.
Ok, so you don't know why god allows it to exist. So if He didn't make it exist, who did? Did it pop out of nowhere on it's own, meaning, can things make themselves?
No one does because no one has complete information except God.

But I gave you quite a few examples of reasons that make sense.

The bottom line is that from tragedies good does arise. It’s the law of compensation.

No one made evil exist because evil is not extant. You can’t even keep straight what you think is evil. You might as well just be saying things you think are bad.

But the reality is that good things do come out of bad things. That’s how we learn what truth is.

You see, Taz, error can’t stand eventually it fails. And when it does we learn things for the better of man and ourselves.
Ok, so you admit that you don't know. You can stop answering me now, I'll ask elsewhere.
You are trolling.
When all else fails, decide that Im a troll. You have no honor.
I can live with you believing that. It’s not so bad.
You never actually answered the question : why did god make evil? You danced around it and then claimed that you've answered when you haven't. So please try again, if you can.
Sure I did. God didn’t make evil. Everything God made is good. God created existence. You don’t believe existence is good?
So cancer created itself? Deformed babies only have themselves to blame? The Black Plague happened spontaneously behind god's back? (Must have been on a sunday when He was resting).
Is that is that what you consider evil, Taz? Cancer, disease and birth defects?
Why, do you consider those things part of the good stuff god created? I don't. Anyone who creates shit like that on purpose is pretty evil.
I look at the whole picture. I don’t dwell on the negative like you do. You are throwing the baby out with the dirty bath water.

I prefer to drain the dirty bath water. But to do that we must experience it first to know and learn from it.

I believe you have unrealistic expectations. In fact it is your unrealistic expectations which proves that existence is good and not evil.
Existence has good and evil in it. Why did god create deformed babies who live a short life in constant pain? Saying that because good can come out of that is completely absurd. Not good for the actual person, that's for sure. If you're gleaming something good off of that for yourself and others, well, that's pretty sick too.
Time for YOU to move on and let me see if there's someone here who knows why god made evil. You clearly don't.
Shrug. As you wish.

Reading through the rest of the posts it is clear you don't know what evil is. Evil is not a deformity, a natural disaster, etc. I just dare you to come into one of my special ed classes and tell those children their make-up is evil. Their handicaps are hard, they are truly difficult to live with, but they are not evil. Shame on you for daring to refer to any part of these kids as evil.

A more intelligent question for you to ask me might be, "Why did God allow you to become deformed in the womb?" But to tell me that deformity was evil is the most horrible thing I have heard in a very long time. Shame on you. It will be very easy for me to move on. I would wish you a nice day, but I am not feeling all that loving at the moment. So, have a day.
Time for YOU to move on and let me see if there's someone here who knows why god made evil. You clearly don't.
Shrug. As you wish.

Reading through the rest of the posts it is clear you don't know what evil is. Evil is not a deformity, a natural disaster, etc. I just dare you to come into one of my special ed classes and tell those children their make-up is evil. Their handicaps are hard, they are truly difficult to live with, but they are not evil. Shame on you for daring to refer to any part of these kids as evil.

A more intelligent question for you to ask me might be, "Why did God allow you to become deformed in the womb?" But to tell me that deformity was evil is the most horrible thing I have heard in a very long time. Shame on you. It will be very easy for me to move on. I would wish you a nice day, but I am not feeling all that loving at the moment. So, have a day.
Evil comes in a lot of forms. Ask the kids in special ed if they wouldn't want to be a top performer in a regular class, maybe get on the Dean's list, maybe make it onto the football team. It's evil to give children handicaps. Just as Hitler was evil, but in a different way. My question remains, why did god make a world with so much evil? Just because you can't answer it, and that's ok neither can I, doesn't make the question invalid.
Evil comes in a lot of forms. Ask the kids in special ed if they wouldn't want to be a top performer in a regular class, maybe get on the Dean's list, maybe make it onto the football team. It's evil to give children handicaps. Just as Hitler was evil, but in a different way. My question remains, why did god make a world with so much evil? Just because you can't answer it, and that's ok neither can I, doesn't make the question invalid.
You are confusing hardship and evil. There are distinct differences between the two. Having dealt with hardship and having watched others deal with hardship as well, I can say that some truly have a talent for turning hardship into something very, very good. Great goodness can come out of hardship. However, no surprise, sometimes so can evil. Still, it is easy to identify which is the hardship and what is the evil.
Evil comes in a lot of forms. Ask the kids in special ed if they wouldn't want to be a top performer in a regular class, maybe get on the Dean's list, maybe make it onto the football team. It's evil to give children handicaps. Just as Hitler was evil, but in a different way. My question remains, why did god make a world with so much evil? Just because you can't answer it, and that's ok neither can I, doesn't make the question invalid.
You are confusing hardship and evil. There are distinct differences between the two. Having dealt with hardship and having watched others deal with hardship as well, I can say that some truly have a talent for turning hardship into something very, very good. Great goodness can come out of hardship. However, no surprise, sometimes so can evil. Still, it is easy to identify which is the hardship and what is the evil.
But why would god create evil in the first place? Or let it flourish, even? And if i was to go around deforming babies on purpose, would you not think of me as evil? I always come back to my unanswered questions.
But why would god create evil in the first place?

the original Religion of Antiquity - the Triumph of Good vs Evil as prescribed by the Almighty is not declarative of either's origin rather as the requirement to free one's spirit through their judgement for Admission to the Everlasting ... therefore in the metaphysical only one is allowed to exist. they are both subject to destruction the distinction is for the individual to determine themselves.

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