Why did God create evil?

You never actually answered the question : why did god make evil? You danced around it and then claimed that you've answered when you haven't. So please try again, if you can.

I answered you countless times. God did not create evil. Evil is not a thing, in and of itself. Evil is the absence of good, or when people directly oppose good.

Now am I going to have to say that another thousand times for you? Or are you going to reply once again with: “But why did God create evil?”

Lololol. I am actually laughing here. If you are trying to test our patience, go for it. I’m a very patient person. But I also will point out your foolishness, such as you asking the same question over and over and over, and acting as if we didn’t answer it.
You never actually answered the question : why did god make evil? You danced around it and then claimed that you've answered when you haven't. So please try again, if you can.

I answered you countless times. God did not create evil. Evil is not a thing, in and of itself. Evil is the absence of good, or when people directly oppose good.

Now am I going to have to say that another thousand times for you? Or are you going to reply once again with: “But why did God create evil?”

Lololol. I am actually laughing here. If you are trying to test our patience, go for it. I’m a very patient person. But I also will point out your foolishness, such as you asking the same question over and over and over, and acting as if we didn’t answer it.
I won't ask you again because clearly you don't know. Thanks for playing.
Evil is the absence of good

how does that not make them equal and distinct by even your own skewed explanation ... their mutual illusionary existence.

It doesn’t make them equal because it isn’t something that exists in and of itself. In other words, you can’t have evil without a true good.
It doesn’t make them equal because it isn’t something that exists in and of itself. In other words, you can’t have evil without a true good.

because it isn’t something that exists in and of itself ...

are you referring to evil - your reasoning is illogical as it is just as possible to become evil as good and is the fallacy of your christian religion to not resolve the difference in freeing your spirit and that of humanity to be granted final judgement.
Evil is the absence of good

how does that not make them equal and distinct by even your own skewed explanation ... their mutual illusionary existence.

It doesn’t make them equal because it isn’t something that exists in and of itself. In other words, you can’t have evil without a true good.
It doesn’t make them equal because it isn’t something that exists in and of itself. In other words, you can’t have evil without a true good.

because it isn’t something that exists in and of itself ...

are you referring to evil - your reasoning is illogical as it is just as possible to become evil as good and is the fallacy of your christian religion to not resolve the difference in freeing your spirit and that of humanity to be granted final judgement.

That wasn’t my claim. I never claimed that it isn’t just as possible to be evil as it is to be good in this world. I’m saying that the concept of evil itself (overall) can’t exist without a true, objective good. In other words, it needs something to be measured against. Do you understand that?

If you can’t understand that, then you’re the one with a very poor grasp of basic logic.
You never actually answered the question : why did god make evil? You danced around it and then claimed that you've answered when you haven't. So please try again, if you can.

I answered you countless times. God did not create evil. Evil is not a thing, in and of itself. Evil is the absence of good, or when people directly oppose good.

Now am I going to have to say that another thousand times for you? Or are you going to reply once again with: “But why did God create evil?”

Lololol. I am actually laughing here. If you are trying to test our patience, go for it. I’m a very patient person. But I also will point out your foolishness, such as you asking the same question over and over and over, and acting as if we didn’t answer it.
I won't ask you again because clearly you don't know. Thanks for playing.

This stuff is not rocket science. We do know. Your inability to comprehend, or your stubborn refusal to accept is on you, not any of us. As I said before, your question is akin to “when did you stop beating your wife?” When a question is based on a false premise, and you’re told that repeatedly, only a fool continues to ask the same question over and over, which shows that you simply don’t want to let go of your false premise, and you’re trying to force everyone to conform to it. And then you pat yourself on the back, as if you have some profound question that no one answer. Get real, dude.
You never actually answered the question : why did god make evil? You danced around it and then claimed that you've answered when you haven't. So please try again, if you can.

I answered you countless times. God did not create evil. Evil is not a thing, in and of itself. Evil is the absence of good, or when people directly oppose good.

Now am I going to have to say that another thousand times for you? Or are you going to reply once again with: “But why did God create evil?”

Lololol. I am actually laughing here. If you are trying to test our patience, go for it. I’m a very patient person. But I also will point out your foolishness, such as you asking the same question over and over and over, and acting as if we didn’t answer it.
I won't ask you again because clearly you don't know. Thanks for playing.

This stuff is not rocket science. We do know. Your inability to comprehend, or your stubborn refusal to accept is on you, not any of us. As I said before, your question is akin to “when did you stop beating your wife?” When a question is based on a false premise, and you’re told that repeatedly, only a fool continues to ask the same question over and over, which shows that you simply don’t want to let go of your false premise, and you’re trying to force everyone to conform to it. And then you pat yourself on the back, as if you have some profound question that no one answer. Get real, dude.
For something to exist, someone has to make it, things don’t make themselves. Now you know.
For something to exist, someone has to make it, things don’t make themselves. Now you know.

The part you keep ignoring is that evil isn’t a thing...it is not extant, as ding put it. So again, your question is based on a false premise.

Since you won’t listen to us, here’s a video for you to watch, it’s short and to the point:

Now, if you reply for the 10,000th time with, “but why did God create evil?” it will be abundantly clear that you’re trolling. The correct and honest question to ask would be, “Why does God allow evil (the rebellion against good) to occur?
For something to exist, someone has to make it, things don’t make themselves. Now you know.

The part you keep ignoring is that evil isn’t a thing...it is not extant, as ding put it. So again, your question is based on a false premise.

Since you won’t listen to us, here’s a video for you to watch, it’s short and to the point:

Now, if you reply for the 10,000th time with, “but why did God create evil?” it will be abundantly clear that you’re trolling. The correct and honest question to ask would be, “Why does God allow evil (the rebellion against good) to occur?

The fact is that god created everything in the universe, including evil. You just can’t handle the truth.
The fact is that god created everything in the universe, including evil. You just can’t handle the truth.

not necessarily so anymore than a single entity necessarily created the universe ... what would be certain is they conquered both good and evil to become a free spirit in the Everlasting from whence metaphysical life on Earth originated.
For something to exist, someone has to make it, things don’t make themselves. Now you know.

The part you keep ignoring is that evil isn’t a thing...it is not extant, as ding put it. So again, your question is based on a false premise.

Since you won’t listen to us, here’s a video for you to watch, it’s short and to the point:

Now, if you reply for the 10,000th time with, “but why did God create evil?” it will be abundantly clear that you’re trolling. The correct and honest question to ask would be, “Why does God allow evil (the rebellion against good) to occur?

The fact is that god created everything in the universe, including evil. You just can’t handle the truth.

First of all, it’s God with a G. Second of all, you trying to talk about God is akin to a blind person trying to describe a rainbow. You are incapable, because you are completely spiritually blind. You have no eyes to see or ears to hear. You’ve proven that repeatedly throughout this thread and on other threads.

And your replies are predictable. You’re going to reply with a foolishly arrogant and laughable statement, acting as if no one has the answer to your question, claiming victory, as if none of us have ever heard that question a million times. FYI, we have. And it’s actually one of the easier questions to answer, but you are incapable of understanding. In fact, Ephesians 4:18 describes you to a tee.
For something to exist, someone has to make it, things don’t make themselves. Now you know.

The part you keep ignoring is that evil isn’t a thing...it is not extant, as ding put it. So again, your question is based on a false premise.

Since you won’t listen to us, here’s a video for you to watch, it’s short and to the point:

Now, if you reply for the 10,000th time with, “but why did God create evil?” it will be abundantly clear that you’re trolling. The correct and honest question to ask would be, “Why does God allow evil (the rebellion against good) to occur?

The fact is that god created everything in the universe, including evil. You just can’t handle the truth.

First of all, it’s God with a G. Second of all, you trying to talk about God is akin to a blind person trying to describe a rainbow. You are incapable, because you are completely spiritually blind. You have no eyes to see or ears to hear. You’ve proven that repeatedly throughout this thread and on other threads.

And your replies are predictable. You’re going to reply with a foolishly arrogant and laughable statement, acting as if no one has the answer to your question, claiming victory, as if none of us have ever heard that question a million times. FYI, we have. And it’s actually one of the easier questions to answer, but you are incapable of understanding. In fact, Ephesians 4:18 describes you to a tee.

I’m not claiming victory as no one has answered my question properly. You all think that god didn’t make everything in the universe, which is absurd. God made the absence of light to be evil, and had to have made evil for that to happen. I want to know why god made so much evil? There’s no victory until someone can logically answer the question. You haven’t. It’s totally not logical what you say.
For something to exist, someone has to make it, things don’t make themselves. Now you know.

The part you keep ignoring is that evil isn’t a thing...it is not extant, as ding put it. So again, your question is based on a false premise.

Since you won’t listen to us, here’s a video for you to watch, it’s short and to the point:

Now, if you reply for the 10,000th time with, “but why did God create evil?” it will be abundantly clear that you’re trolling. The correct and honest question to ask would be, “Why does God allow evil (the rebellion against good) to occur?

The fact is that god created everything in the universe, including evil. You just can’t handle the truth.

First of all, it’s God with a G. Second of all, you trying to talk about God is akin to a blind person trying to describe a rainbow. You are incapable, because you are completely spiritually blind. You have no eyes to see or ears to hear. You’ve proven that repeatedly throughout this thread and on other threads.

And your replies are predictable. You’re going to reply with a foolishly arrogant and laughable statement, acting as if no one has the answer to your question, claiming victory, as if none of us have ever heard that question a million times. FYI, we have. And it’s actually one of the easier questions to answer, but you are incapable of understanding. In fact, Ephesians 4:18 describes you to a tee.

I’m not claiming victory as no one has answered my question properly. You all think that god didn’t make everything in the universe, which is absurd. God made the absence of light to be evil, and had to have made evil for that to happen. I want to know why god made so much evil? There’s no victory until someone can logically answer the question. You haven’t. It’s totally not logical what you say.

He didn’t. But I can understand why someone who only see the bad in life would see it that way.
For something to exist, someone has to make it, things don’t make themselves. Now you know.

The part you keep ignoring is that evil isn’t a thing...it is not extant, as ding put it. So again, your question is based on a false premise.

Since you won’t listen to us, here’s a video for you to watch, it’s short and to the point:

Now, if you reply for the 10,000th time with, “but why did God create evil?” it will be abundantly clear that you’re trolling. The correct and honest question to ask would be, “Why does God allow evil (the rebellion against good) to occur?

The fact is that god created everything in the universe, including evil. You just can’t handle the truth.

First of all, it’s God with a G. Second of all, you trying to talk about God is akin to a blind person trying to describe a rainbow. You are incapable, because you are completely spiritually blind. You have no eyes to see or ears to hear. You’ve proven that repeatedly throughout this thread and on other threads.

And your replies are predictable. You’re going to reply with a foolishly arrogant and laughable statement, acting as if no one has the answer to your question, claiming victory, as if none of us have ever heard that question a million times. FYI, we have. And it’s actually one of the easier questions to answer, but you are incapable of understanding. In fact, Ephesians 4:18 describes you to a tee.

I’m not claiming victory as no one has answered my question properly. You all think that god didn’t make everything in the universe, which is absurd. God made the absence of light to be evil, and had to have made evil for that to happen. I want to know why god made so much evil? There’s no victory until someone can logically answer the question. You haven’t. It’s totally not logical what you say.

He didn’t. But I can understand why someone who only see the bad in life would see it that way.

You need to see me that way because otherwise, I might make sense to you. I don't only see bad, just asking why god made so much of it?
The part you keep ignoring is that evil isn’t a thing...it is not extant, as ding put it. So again, your question is based on a false premise.

Since you won’t listen to us, here’s a video for you to watch, it’s short and to the point:

Now, if you reply for the 10,000th time with, “but why did God create evil?” it will be abundantly clear that you’re trolling. The correct and honest question to ask would be, “Why does God allow evil (the rebellion against good) to occur?

The fact is that god created everything in the universe, including evil. You just can’t handle the truth.

First of all, it’s God with a G. Second of all, you trying to talk about God is akin to a blind person trying to describe a rainbow. You are incapable, because you are completely spiritually blind. You have no eyes to see or ears to hear. You’ve proven that repeatedly throughout this thread and on other threads.

And your replies are predictable. You’re going to reply with a foolishly arrogant and laughable statement, acting as if no one has the answer to your question, claiming victory, as if none of us have ever heard that question a million times. FYI, we have. And it’s actually one of the easier questions to answer, but you are incapable of understanding. In fact, Ephesians 4:18 describes you to a tee.

I’m not claiming victory as no one has answered my question properly. You all think that god didn’t make everything in the universe, which is absurd. God made the absence of light to be evil, and had to have made evil for that to happen. I want to know why god made so much evil? There’s no victory until someone can logically answer the question. You haven’t. It’s totally not logical what you say.

He didn’t. But I can understand why someone who only see the bad in life would see it that way.

You need to see me that way because otherwise, I might make sense to you. I don't only see bad, just asking why god made so much of it?

Did you self identify?
The fact is that god created everything in the universe, including evil. You just can’t handle the truth.

First of all, it’s God with a G. Second of all, you trying to talk about God is akin to a blind person trying to describe a rainbow. You are incapable, because you are completely spiritually blind. You have no eyes to see or ears to hear. You’ve proven that repeatedly throughout this thread and on other threads.

And your replies are predictable. You’re going to reply with a foolishly arrogant and laughable statement, acting as if no one has the answer to your question, claiming victory, as if none of us have ever heard that question a million times. FYI, we have. And it’s actually one of the easier questions to answer, but you are incapable of understanding. In fact, Ephesians 4:18 describes you to a tee.
I’m not claiming victory as no one has answered my question properly. You all think that god didn’t make everything in the universe, which is absurd. God made the absence of light to be evil, and had to have made evil for that to happen. I want to know why god made so much evil? There’s no victory until someone can logically answer the question. You haven’t. It’s totally not logical what you say.
He didn’t. But I can understand why someone who only see the bad in life would see it that way.
You need to see me that way because otherwise, I might make sense to you. I don't only see bad, just asking why god made so much of it?
Did you self identify?
What does that mean? Well, other than you still don't know why there's so much evil in the world.
First of all, it’s God with a G. Second of all, you trying to talk about God is akin to a blind person trying to describe a rainbow. You are incapable, because you are completely spiritually blind. You have no eyes to see or ears to hear. You’ve proven that repeatedly throughout this thread and on other threads.

And your replies are predictable. You’re going to reply with a foolishly arrogant and laughable statement, acting as if no one has the answer to your question, claiming victory, as if none of us have ever heard that question a million times. FYI, we have. And it’s actually one of the easier questions to answer, but you are incapable of understanding. In fact, Ephesians 4:18 describes you to a tee.
I’m not claiming victory as no one has answered my question properly. You all think that god didn’t make everything in the universe, which is absurd. God made the absence of light to be evil, and had to have made evil for that to happen. I want to know why god made so much evil? There’s no victory until someone can logically answer the question. You haven’t. It’s totally not logical what you say.
He didn’t. But I can understand why someone who only see the bad in life would see it that way.
You need to see me that way because otherwise, I might make sense to you. I don't only see bad, just asking why god made so much of it?
Did you self identify?
What does that mean? Well, other than you still don't know why there's so much evil in the world.
It means you see yourself that way.
I’m not claiming victory as no one has answered my question properly. You all think that god didn’t make everything in the universe, which is absurd. God made the absence of light to be evil, and had to have made evil for that to happen. I want to know why god made so much evil? There’s no victory until someone can logically answer the question. You haven’t. It’s totally not logical what you say.
He didn’t. But I can understand why someone who only see the bad in life would see it that way.
You need to see me that way because otherwise, I might make sense to you. I don't only see bad, just asking why god made so much of it?
Did you self identify?
What does that mean? Well, other than you still don't know why there's so much evil in the world.
It means you see yourself that way.
No, you see me that way and think I do too. :biggrin:

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